Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Learning to Love My Neighbor
"You have heard that it has been said, "You must love your neighbor and hate those who hate you." But I tell you, love those who hate you. (*Respect and give thanks for those who say bad things to you. Do good to those who hate you.) Pray for those who do bad things to you and who make it hard for you. Then you may be the sons of your FATHER Who is in heaven. His sun shines on bad people and good people. He send rain on those who are right with GOD and with those who are not right with GOD."Matthew 5:43-45 , New Life Version
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Your gracious and kind encouragement about last week's email, "The Garden Behind the Wall," means so much to me, yes it does...thank you for taking time to share with me that it was a blessing to you. HB and I will be traveling up to North Carolina for the Greene's (www.thegreene' Jubilee in Marion, North Carolina, this Thursday...LORD willing. Sure would appreciate you praying for us...and for our guys we are leaving behind. Please also pray for the Greene family as it will be a great but tiring weekend for this dear family who has had their share of suffering. Thank you so much for remembering them.
A couple of weeks ago, I took Dixie and Midnight, my dogs, out for our normal morning walk. I put the leashes on them (having learned from another painful experience a few years ago when the Animal Control was called on me for walking them behind a new neighbor's house without a leash) and we took off on our walk through the neighborhood, headed to the woods. Midnight had to "poop" just as we got going... when the neighborhood wasn't developed she just went on the vacant lots. Now that the neighborhood is developed I make her stay in the street. Now she thinks she has to poop in the street and won't do it in the yard before we go...that's some training on my part. Well, you would think I would listen to my conscience that said, " You really ought to pick up that poop," and my daughter said she told me, but I rationalized that cars would run over it and it would get gone." I know, Anne Marie, ya'll taught us respect for others in GKGW ( and I'm sorry I am such a slow learner, lazy, or obstinate or all of the above. I rationalized on more than one occasion about Midnight's poop, in fact, one too many. As we were walking in the field, back on the North Forty, all of the sudden my tranquil walk was interrupted by a phone call. It was my son telling me that one of our neighbors had called the "Chief of Police" on me for not scooping up Midnight's poop, and when I got back, I'd better get it out of the street. The Chief of Police had called Animal Control, and he called the I said, this isn't the first time, I've gotten the whistle blown on me before, but it is the most recent. As I continued my walk, I knew that I was guilty as charged, but I was also irritated that one of my neighbor's would call the police instead of telling me. I was guilty, no doubt about it, and once again, GOD had allowed me to get caught. When we got home, I wasted no time going to get the pooper scooper and getting Midnight's poop out of the street...less than 30 yards from our house. I also went to the house where she pooped in front of and no one was home. I was going to apologize to them for not showing respect for their property. Midnight had pooped previously on the edge of their property so I thought I might as well confess my sins and cover all the bases. I later went back when they were home and took some fresh tomatoes from my garden as an "appeasement" offering. When I talked to the man and apologized, he didn't seem to be the one who called the police, but I offered him the tomatoes anyway and he seemed really glad to have them. I still don't know which neighbor called the police on me, I can only wonder, but I can guarantee you when we go for a walk now, I carry a bag and gloves with me, and we get the poop scooped up. I really don't want to spend time in jail, and worse, I hate being a bad witness for the LORD JESUS CHRIST to my neighbors by not showing respect.
I want to be honest here. Though I did want to make things right with my neighbor, whoever called the police on me, I did struggle with them not responding the way I wish they had of...I was saying in my mind, "They should have come to me first." Well, this seems to where I am walking right now, in many areas, and where GOD is teaching me that even if others don't respond to me the way I think they should, I am to respond to them with grace, GOD's grace and HIS forgiveness. This isn't my natural tendency, in fact, I'll share another example that happened this past Monday night in my neighborhood to show you my "natural" tendency.
There is a new neighbor down the street who I have tried to be friendly too as I passed by walking the dogs, and he wasn't too friendly to be honest. I just thought he might be shy. When he first moved in a few months ago, I walked the dogs behind his house in the ditch like I have done for years, and one day it dawned on me, I need to ask him about walking through his ditch. I had asked the other neighbors but had failed to ask him. He was working outside, and I walked up to him with the dogs on the leash:), and asked him permission. He said he'd rather me not because sometimes he's home and leaves the blinds open in the back. So, even though we have to walk in the hot sun on the street, instead of the shade, and he is often not home, I have not walked through his ditch again. I have walked up the side of his neighbor's yard a few times on their property with their permission. I had been thinking, I'm going to take this guy some brownies, and maybe it will soften up his heart and I can walk the dogs through his ditch motives weren't exactly pure, but I was hoping maybe I'd make some "brownie points," with him. While making supper, I quickly made some brownies and took him some after we finished eating. At first Hannah Beth was going to walk down to the neighbor's house with me and man, do I wish she had of...I just think things would have gone better. I walked up to his door and not through the yard, but around by the driveway and rang the doorbell. No one answered, so I walked to the side door and rang it again. It appeared he wasn't home, so I took the brownies back home, and got the dogs to go for our evening walk...we missed the morning one. When we walked by his house, there he was outside working. This should have tipped me off...but when I returned from walking the dogs, I put them up, and went back to his house with the brownies, after I washed my hands:). He was in his garage working and came to the door. I told him I wanted to give him some brownies and welcome him to the neighborhood (okay, that wasn't totally the truth), and he wouldn't take them. Instead, he had some rather abrupt and unkind words for me that I totally wasn't expecting ...and I'll leave it at that. So, I returned home with the brownies, fighting back the tears as I walked down the street, and a question,"LORD, what are you trying to teach me?" As far as my natural tendency, I went home and told my husband what happened and asked him if he would go "punch his lights out for me":). He didn't, thankfully, but if it wasn't for the LORD JESUS living in me, and my husband ...I would want to retaliate, and return evil for evil, but,well, I still did, but the LORD does live in me and has called me to a higher standard of love, unconditional love. The hard part about all of this is I am guilty of wrong doing in both of these instances. It would be a whole lot easier to swallow if I were blameless. But GOD in HIS graciousness, has let me walk with feet of clay, and not only have I seen my sin, it's been out there for my neighbors to see and that is the painful part. It's humbling when others know you claim to be a CHRISTian but you stumble and fall...over and over it seems. I think of that bumper sticker, "CHRISTians aren't perfect, just forgiven."
I know the LORD is teaching me humility, respect for others, and HE's teaching me others things too like, though I may not like the way people say things sometimes there is something for me to learn from what they are saying...especially when I am at fault. The Psalmist says in 141:5, “Let the righteous (and sometimes it's those who don't know CHRIST who strike us) strike me; It shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; It shall be as excellent oil; Let my head not refuse it.” Well, I guarantee you my natural tendency is to always first refuse the rebuke and want to defend myself, but after the LORD settles me down, HE starts teaching me, even through words that sting my heart. And then there's that matter of forgiveness....people don't always handle things the way we would like for them too, including me. I have already shared with you what my natural tendency retaliate and hold a grudge, letting bitterness take root in my heart...Hebrews 12:15 says,"See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up and causes you trouble, or many of you will become defiled." Through the blood of HIS SON JESUS, HE has cleansed me from my sin, and made me a new creature....I didn't say I don't sin anymore, I do, over and over. As HIS child, I have a different nature, and I want to please my FATHER. HE has put in me a desire to turn the other cheek when I am wronged...maybe not initially, but the longer I walk with HIM, the more HE HIS love is having HIS way in me, instead of what I "naturally" would want to do and that is to return evil for evil, instead of doing good to those who nail me to the wall (that's my paraphrase).
I have one more little story to share with you that my dogs have truly been an example to me in that helps me to see this picture of forgiveness and not getting bitter when others lash out at me. In the ditch where we used to walk, there is a dog that is really mean, not to me, but to my dogs. Maybe it's not mean, maybe it just is bored and doesn't like being tied up all day, or maybe she is mean because my dogs are in her territory (wow, that's when people get upset too, when we get in their territory and don't show the respect we should). It is tied up to a rope and thankfully often gets tangled up under the trampoline it lays under to keep it from running out towards us. When it's not tangled up, that dog will run down the hill, with her teeth showing and act like she wants to eat Dixie and Midnight up. You know what my dogs do...they just keep walking and don't even act like they notice this dog...and this dog has torn into Midnight before when I was trying to get the mean dog untangled from the trampoline. Dixie and Midnight don't stop and growl at her, or do anything, they just go about their business and don't let the other dog's unkind response get them upset. Now granted, they're not returning good for evil, they're just ignoring the dog, but they are an example to me of when other's "poop" on you sometimes, keep on walking... walking "in the Spirit, not carrying out the desires of the flesh," Gal. them with CHRIST's love, not returning evil for evil, but doing them good and praying for them. And then there's always that matter of examining my own heart to see what am I doing that may be causing them to respond that way...that is what hurts:).
A few weeks ago in "My Utmost for HIS Highest," Oswald Chambers addressed the issue of being treated unjustly in a way that was such a soothing balm to my heart. The verse he used was Jeremiah 1:8 that says, "I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD." Oswald Chambers wrote, "That is all GOD promises HIS children. Wherever GOD sends us, HE will guard our lives...The Sermon on the Mount indicates that when we are on JESUS CHRIST's errands, there is no time to stand up for ourselves. JESUS says, in effect, Do not be bothered with whether you are being justly dealt with or not. To look for justice is a sign of deflection from devotion to HIM. Never look for justice in this world, but never cease to give it. If we look for justice, we will begin to grouse (complain) and to indulge in the discontent of self-pity-Why should I be treated like this? If we are devoted to JESUS CHRIST we have nothing to do with what we meet, whether it is just or unjust. JESUS says-Go steadily on with what I have told you and I will guard your life. If you try to guard it yourself, you remove yourself from MY deliverance." I cannot tell you what these words meant to my heart, several weeks ago when I read them, and now as I read them again...I wish I could say that I have not stumbled and tried to stand up for myself when others have spoken rather strongly to me- I have tried to defend myself. I am thankful for my loving FATHER's patience with me, as HE trusts me with my feet of clay to go on errand's for HIM knowing that I am going to fall time after time, but HE promises that HIS "grace is sufficient and HIS power is made perfect in my weakness" and somehow HE does that over and over..." even when I ignore my conscience and leave poop in the street, even when I don't respect others as I should, even when I walk through my neighbor's yard without permission.
I was really down last after my episode with my neighbor getting so upset with me, wondering if GOD could use me for HIS glory when I keep messing up over and over. In fact after our family devotion, where we read the verse "1 Peter 1:6-7, "In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of JESUS CHRIST". I shared my "wonderings" with my dear family who knows all about these "messes"and honestly, they do all they can to warn me to keep me from getting into these predicaments...and I still fail. Can GOD use our trials when we seemingly bring them on ourselves? Can HE use me in my neighbor's lives and others when I keep stumbling and they see my "messes"? GOD graciously reminded me this morning of Peter and how he denied the LORD three times. The LORD forgave Peter and used him greatly to build the church after he failed CHRIST so miserably...
As I write this, GOD brings to my heart, that I am HIS child, and if I were perfect I wouldn't need a SAVIOR or a Shepherd, the one who left HIS perfect home in heaven, and came to die on a cross for my sins and yours. HIS death took away my sins, and when CHRIST looks at me, I am sinless in my position before HIM, for all eternity, my sins have been scattered as "far as the east is from the west." HE has called me to be HIS child and I have trusted HIM as my LORD and SAVIOR, repented of my sins...but I still sin and I will until the day I die. The process of our loving FATHER maturing us, and disciplining us to be like CHRIST is called sanctification. My children aren't perfect (though I expect more from them than I do myself at times), and GOD knows that we aren't perfect...we are going to mess up and sin until the day we die and so are others. We are HIS children and HE spends a lifetime making us to be like CHRIST. HE loves me, unconditionally and uses me, not in spite of my weaknesses, but because of them, and HE disciplines me as a loving parent, to help me to become like CHRIST. "No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, for those who have been trained by it, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace." Hebrews 12:11. If my loving heavenly FATHER had to wait on me to be "perfect" before HE used me or loved me, well, HE would never use me or you, and never love us. We aren't perfect...we are sinners saved by grace...HIS grace, and not by our works..."For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves it is the gift of GOD, that no man should boast." Ephesians 4:13, and HE loves you and me, warts and all.
When I look at my own heart and how much I stumble and sin and mess up over and over, and how much JESUS has forgiven me, and others have forgiven me, it helps me to be patient who don't always respond the way I wish they would to my "messes." I am so thankful for my neighbor's across the street who showed me grace and forgiveness when Midnight put her paw through their screen door last week, and she was on the leash...I was just inside the door and she was outside. Yes, all these "messes" have all really happened to me within a few days time.
My favorite bluegrass gospel group, the Issacs,( sing a song called "Unlike Me, Just Like HIM," by Larry Petree that reminds me, it's not like me to forgive when others hurt me, but it is "Just like HIM," our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I am so thankful for CHRIST's forgiveness and grace that others, including you who are reading this, show me. Our Forgiving FATHER, loved us so much that "while we were yet sinners CHRIST died for us"... Romans 5:8 He teaches us to love each other and forgive one another with the love and the forgiveness HE has lavished upon us...and HE does so lavish HIS love upon us. I have a picture that I'm sure many of you do of JESUS holding a little lamb in HIS arms and HIS other lambs are gathered round about HIM. I love to look at that picture and think about how JESUS gathers me in HIS arms and tenderly loves me and cares for me...especially when I mess up, over and over, and when I feel so unworthy of HIS love or anyone else's. Thankfully, HIS love for us is not based on our performance, but HIS perfect love for us. "You are loved with an everlasting love,"Jeremiah 31:3, and "underneath are the everlasting arms." Because of HIS great love for us, JESUS requires us to love and forgive others. In Matthew 6:14, in the Sermon on the Mount, JESUS teaches, "For if you forgive people their trespasses-that is, their reckless and wilful sins, leaving them, letting them go and giving up resentment-your heavenly FATHER will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their trespasses-their reckless and wilful sins, leaving them, letting them go and giving up resentment-neither will your heavenly FATHER forgive you your trespasses." Amplified version. Wow...that is pretty plain spoken, and that is a good test of whether or not I am truly HIS child-am I becoming "Just Like HIM" and "Loving My Neighbor"? I can't love and forgive in my own strength, it's unlike me, until I realize how very much the LORD loves me and forgives me. Then I can forgive with HIS strength, HIS love, and with HIS grace..."It's unlike me, but it's just like HIM."
With all HIS love,
"Unlike Me, Just Like Him" by Larry Petree
How can I forgive someone who has hurt me?
How can I love someone who is my enemy
Can I just overlook it and let the healing begin
It's unlike me, but it's just like HIM.
From the cross HE said, "Forgive them for they know not what they do,"
When HE said, "It is finished," He made that possible for you,
Calvary's where the hatred ends and forgiveness begins,
It's unlike me, but it's just like HIM
How can I forgive the past and just start all over
How can I forget my scars and pour in the myrhh
It isn't really like me to make my enemy my friend
It's unlike me, but it's just like HIM
I couldn't find a video of the Isaacs singing, "Unlike Me, Just Like Him" but did find Larry Petree, the writer of it singing it ...
I did find The Issaacs singing "HE understands My Tears," ... the LORD brought this beautiful song to my mind as I thought of the recent events of my life:).
In the picture, Midnight, Dixie and I walk by this "potty" often in an adjoining neighborhood. I have been thinking, if I can just "potty" train Midnight, maybe we'll stay out of trouble. Naaaah, that's not going to happen... Midnight learning to use the potty or me staying out of trouble...what would I have to write about if we didn't "mess" up?
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Garden Behind the Wall
"But be patient, my brothers as you wait for the LORD... Look at the farmer quietly awaiting the precious harvest of his land. See how he has to possess his soul in patience till the early and late rains have fallen." James 5:7 Phillips translation
Dear Friends,
The thoughts I am sharing with you this week began over a year ago in my heart and have been "cultivating" there ever since. I don't think this will be the only part to this story since it's been brewing awhile in my heart, but I will see where the LORD leads me to go from here.
A few years ago, our backyard neighbors allowed us to use a small portion of their back lot to become our garden. They had fenced in their yard, and left the easement portion unfenced in case the city had to come through and do some work. I asked them if they minded if I used this portion of their yard, behind their wooden fence, to make a garden for our family and they were very gracious to let me. I knew at any time the city could come in a destroy it, but that didn't deter me from my vision of making this little plot of hard dirt something that would bring forth "fruit" to feed our family. It just so happened along about this same time, the LORD was teaching me a lot about organic gardening...through necessity. I had become highly sensitive to artificial fertilizers and my health had been broken by pesticides, so this was a "new" path for me. I had lots of great resources the LORD brought into my life during this time to teach me, including Howard Garrett, The Dirt Doctor, (, Gardenville (, Acres USA (, and the Texas Organic Vegetable Gardening ( book by Howard Garret and Malcolm Beck. I really didn't know much about organic gardening at all...but my Dad and Mom have had a large garden all of our lives, and I knew that it was a lot of work to have a garden...I just didn't know how much. My Dad brought his tiller up and he and John Mac tilled the soil, and I tried just about every kind of natural fertilizer I had read about to begin trying to build up the nutrients in this hard piece of red clay. As I read these different resources and learned about different fertilizers and weed killers, and bug control, I would try them on my little garden. Some things worked, and some things didn't work too hot. I remember spraying my green beans one year with "Shaklee dish soap" to kill the bugs and it killed my beans deader than a doornail. I guess the dish soap was too strong for my tender plants. Citrus oil will do the same thing...I tried some on my squash plants and apple tree this year, and it sure did burn the leaves. I learned about composting during this time, and my husband bought me a really nice composter than you could turn and it would make compost faster. I'm sure he has regretted that decision many times over, as the family hasn't been too crazy about me keeping scraps around the kitchen to take out to the compost bin. So, we learned about composting and every early spring I would get the "compost" out and spread it on my garden so we could till it under and mix it with the soil. I gathered leaves in the fall, and spread them on my garden to rot and build up the soil. I learned to put my ashes from our charcoal grill out in my garden...I used natural charcoal and I read in my Texas Organic Vegetable Gardening Book that fireplace ashes are an excellent ingredient for the compost pile and soil amendment if not overused. We bought fishmeal from our friends the Wahl's,(, and spread it on the garden and flower beds, and man did we stink up the place...every cat for miles around wanted to visit our house, and the dogs loved that nasty stuff. I spread cornmeal on my garden every chance I got, and ordered kelp and seaweed fertilizer to help the plants grow. I learned to use Molasses and even sugar to feed the little microorganisms in the soil, and to use leftover drinks, fruit juice or anything sweet like that to pour into the soil and make those little buggies flourish. We didn't have easy access to cow manure or horse manure or chicken poop, but I did buy some bags of cow manure and used...I'm sure it was nowhere near as good as going to the barn and scooping it up... we had plenty of that growing up. We also used some natural fertilizer called Sustane made from Turkey Manure. These are just some of the soil amendments and nutrients that I remember learning about and using in my little garden to help build up the soil and make it healthy so the plants would flourish. I usually planted a few tomato plants, some corn, squash, green beans, peppers, watermelon, radishes, okra and I can't remember what else. Believe me, it was trial and error, and I often learned more from my mistakes, as I do now:), than I did my successes. One thing I learned was to not pick my corn while Dixe, my golden retriever was with me. My first year I was so excited about my first harvest and couldn't wait to pick those golden ears of corn. As I was picking it and putting it in dishpan, unbeknownst to me, Dixie was confiscating it and taking it into her pen and eating it. By the time I finished, I had hardly any corn in my dishpan that Dixie hadn't stolen and chewed up! I learned after that to keep her in the fence while I was picking corn. I remember one summer something unusually large was growing in the garden and it was the largest radish I have ever was huge! I pulled it up after several days and showed it to our agricultural extension agent who lived behind us and he said he'd never seen anything like it.
It was a nice little garden, and not only was GOD teaching me, but during this time HE gave me the opportunity to write a column for our local newspaper and I was able to educate our whole city and county about organic gardening with the lessons I was learning in my little garden. Each year, I lovingly and tenderly tried to add more nutrients to the soil, so the plants would be strong and healthy and the "fruit" would be more nutritious for my family.
Then one day our neighbors came and told me that they were going to extend their fence back to the back of their property and would be taking in my little garden that I had worked so hard over the years to build up the soil. I was saddened at the loss and the hard work that I had put into building up the soil and now it was all for nothing it seemed....but GOD had another plan, and the next spring my dear Daddy helped me make another garden. It was a lot smaller than my other garden but big enough that I still could plant some tomatoes, squash, lettuce and a few other things...just not at the same time. I had to start all over building up my soil, and it is nowhere near what the soil was in my other garden, but it will eventually get there.
One day, I was out working in my new little garden, "Daddy's Garden," I noticed a sunflower coming up over my neighbor's wooden fence. The fence is several feet high so you can't seen what's behind it, but when that sunflower popped up, I had to go over and investigate what else was behind that wall. I climbed up on the fence and looked over and what did I see but a full garden planted in my little garden spot! I was so thrilled...even though it wasn't mine (I was only a steward of this spot for a season), I was so happy that all my hard labor had not gone to waste and my neighbor's were now being blessed with the hard work that I had done to build the soil up! The sunflowers were growing tall and peeking over the fence as if to say,"Come and see the "Garden Behind the Wall."
It's amazing as I have often thought of that "Garden Behind the Wall" since that time. I have thought so many times, that things that we have given up hope about, GOD is faithfully growing the "Garden Behind the Wall." I have friends who have raised their children to love CHRIST and they invested so much into their young lives, loving them tenderly, teaching them about CHRIST,taking them to church, being involved in Bible Drill, having family devotions, praying for them...doing all they knew to do to make the soil of their hearts fertile to receive CHRIST and walk with Him and yet their kids are not there fact, it seems like nothing is going on "Behind the Wall." When I saw these sunflowers springing up over the fence, and saw the lovely garden growing behind the wall, I was once again reminded of the lessons of faith in the lives of believers. GOD so often allows a "wall" to go up so that we can't see what HE is doing in the "Garden Behind the Wall" until the sunflowers grow tall enough to peep over the wall. The garden is there all along, and it has been often cultivated and tilled for years by the prayers and hard labor of HIS faithful servant's whether it be a loving parent who has diligently tilled the soil of their child's heart, or investing in family members and friends that we very much care their relationship with CHRIST. Yet, there doesn't seem to be anything going on "Behind the Wall," and our hearts grow weary. The wall is where faith comes in...trusting GOD to hear and answer our prayers, to keep the promises of HIS WORD, to do all that we can...and trust HIM for what we can't, to grow "the Garden Behind the Wall." "The Wall" may be a situation that we find ourselves in such a health problems, or financial struggles, marital problems, whatever your situation may be... CHRIST asks us to trust HIM as HE is growing the "Garden Behind the Wall."
My dear friend Wanda Adams shared a quote with me this week that has really made me think about the difference persevering prayer makes while we wait sometimes, years, and sometimes it may be in heaven to see what GOD is growing in the "Garden Behind the Wall." Peter Kreeft, author and professor of philosophy at Boston College writes, "I strongly suspect that if we saw all the difference even the tiniest of our prayers make, and all the people those little prayers were destined to affect, and all the consequences of those prayers down through the centuries, we would be so paralyzed with awe at the power of prayer that we would be unable to get up off our knees for the rest of our lives." Over and over we are encouraged in GOD's Word to pray and not give up, even though we can't "see" the results of our prayers. In Luke 18:1 JESUS said, "that men always ought to pray and not loose heart." James 5:16 tells us, "The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus answered them, "Have faith in GOD. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, "Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he say will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." "Without faith it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM." Heb. 11:6, "Is anything too hard for the LORD?" Gen. 18:14, and "With GOD all things are possible." Matt.19:26.
Our friend's the Greene's sing a beautiful song called, "When GOD Has Another Plan," that sure does encourage my heart. When our world is turned upside down...and the "walls" go up and it doesn't seem like there is any hope, "GOD Has Another Plan." It's a song about Joseph and the dreams he had and how he was sold into slavery by his brothers and eventually put in prison for many years after he was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife. These plans certainly weren't Joseph's plans, but GOD knew what HE was doing as he was preparing Joseph to be second in command of Egypt and save his chosen people during a time of great famine. Joseph's father, certainly had no way of knowing what GOD was doing "Behind the Wall," and what joy was brought to his heart when GOD allowed him to be reunited with his son. GOD has plans for us, plans that are far beyond what we can ask or imagine, and HE asks us to trust HIM as HE grows "The Garden Behind the Wall." At just the right time, the sunflowers will peep over the wall, and our faith will turn to sight, and we will praise HIM for the wonderful way HE has chosen to work that we could not imagine..."What I do thou knowest not now, but thou shalt know hereafter." John 13:7
With all HIS love,
"When GOD Has Another Plan"
by Amy Keffer Shellem and Daryl Williams
Forsaken by his brothers, Didn't fit the scene
Being made a slave, Was not what Joseph dreamed
The coat of many colors was stained, with blood and lies
But from this divine appointment, a ruler would arise.
When GOD has another plan, walk on and just say yes
When GOD has another plan Be assured that HE knows best.
When all your dreams are shattered rest in HIS sufficient grace
We don't have to understand when GOD has another plan
Alone and brokenhearted, Questions fill your mind
Changes can be hard, That comes by GOD's design
But if you could see tomorrow, with a view from heaven's throne
Every unexpected struggle has led you closer home.
Thank you so much for your prayers for us as we traveled to Louisville this past week, and for Hannah Beth as she traveled to California...GOD has been so gracious and answered them and we appreciate you praying for us so very much!
Please remember our dear friend and former pastor Aaron Johnson and his wife Denise in your prayers. Br. Aaron had the remaining portion of his colon removed last week after battling cancer 5 years ago, and is recovering from his surgery in a hospital in Florida.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Hunting JESUS"
Dennis and my sis Jill,in back, my brother Ralph and Hannah Beth in front on a recently paddling trip to the Elk River.
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Psalm 46:10a
"Be still, and know that I am God."
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
You all are such a dear blessing to my heart, and I want to thank you again for praying me through these two rounds of antibiotics this past month to kill parasites in my body. Due to me being unable to detox the antibiotics well, (GOD created me with some abnormal "detox" genes), taking the antibiotics has been a challenge. But thanks to GOD hearing and answering your prayers for me and HIM giving my dear doctor wisdom to help me, I have made it through! Now, if you'll pray the medicine did it's job, I sure would be grateful...
We traveled up to Nashville Tuesday to put Hannah Beth and Mishel's mom (our dear friends from CA) on a plane to CA. They will be out there for 10 days, and HB is helping our friend Ashlie with her two little boys, 2 years and 8 months, while their Daddy serves our country in Iraq...please remember Hannah Beth in your prayers and us:)...we miss her very much. It's bad when you watch "Hannah Montana," and "John and Kate plus 8" and Hannah Beth is not even here...yeah, we miss her.
In a few hours, Johnny and I will be heading up to Louisville to the National Leadership Conference for Growing Families International ( with Gary and Anne Marie Ezzo and families from 24 states. We are so thankful for this opportunity to see the Ezzo's again-it's been several years since we've had the opportunity to see them, and to be encouraged in our walk with CHRIST, and meet new friends, and whatever the LORD has for us up there. We are also so excited about seeing our dear cousins that live there...Bruce and Sherry and their families. Please remember know my traveling challenges, and for what the LORD has for us there. John Mac will be here holding down the fort, please remember him too...that he won't enjoy us being gone too much:)
This week, I have a real treat for new brother in law to be, Dennis Marceau (welcome to our family, Dennis), has written down some thoughts about spending time with JESUS that he gave me permission to share with you. Dennis' wife of 29 years passed away with cancer and during this time of struggle the LORD drew Dennis closer to Himself than ever. Dennis, an avid outdoorsman writes from his heart, quiet lessons learned in the school of suffering about spending time with JESUS. Ladies, for those of you who don't like the outdoors I apologize. It was brought to my attention this week that some of my friends don't like the woods, and cabins, and ticks, and all that outdoorsy stuff and I hope you'll bear with me...maybe you can share this one with your husbands and sons:). I pray that your heart will be encouraged as mine was to spend time preparing our hearts to be with CHRIST as you read "Hunting JESUS." Thank you so much Dennis for sharing your life with ours, and encouraging us to prepare our hearts as we spend time with our dear LORD and SAVIOR JESUS.
I love you, and thank you so much, dear friends and family for all of your prayers and encouragement to my heart. You are such a blessing and joy to my heart...yes, you are!
With all HIS love,
Hunting Jesus
by Dennis Marceau
On a recent morning I went to my normal place to pray and be with the Lord. I sat down and talked to Him as I would a friend. My mind was full and my woes were plenty. I completely unloaded on Him. I sat quietly for a minute and started to get up to go to work. I had one thing that the Lord “unloaded” on me. BE STILL and know that I am GOD.
Time passed quickly and I knew that I had to get going or I would be late for work. I got completely quiet, and I continued this way all day long. This is not my normal procedure. Later that evening I went to church two hours early and sat in the parking lot for an hour. I finally understood what God was trying to tell me. “Son,” He said, “when you are hunting for deer as you do every year you get prepared, don’t you?” I thought, Yeah, I go scouting ahead of time to pick out the perfect place to catch that deer. I put on camouflage, my boots and hat, and spray down with a scent that smells like the woods. I also get my rifle. I am ready and can sit still for hours listening for the rustle of the leaves (deer footsteps) which is crucial when hunting on the ground.
God wants me to do the same when I am hunting for Him. I quickly recognized that I spend more time getting ready to confront deer in the woods than my Savior Jesus. I wasn’t prepared to hear Him talk to my heart. I was not still long enough to shake the world out of my system. I also know from hunting that it takes a while for me to get in tune with the woods around me, usually a good 30 to 40 minutes of being completely still and getting my mind clear and focused on the surrounding sounds and smells. Then it happens, I am part of my surroundings. I can tell the difference in a squirrel playing in the leaves and an armadillo pulling straw back to eat bugs. Then, I hear that illustrious sound we hunters all wait for, the steps of a deer. That is what I have not done with the Lord. No wonder I can’t hear Him.
After being convicted of what I had been doing wrong, I wanted to get it straightened out. After the worship service, I thought about it some more. Sitting in the parking lot as the cars drove away and people scurried to their homes for the night, I wondered, Lord, what about me picking a spot. I think for different people it would be different. I have a wonderful place the Lord has given me. I have a little pole barn type building that has my smoker and gas grill underneath it and the morning sun comes in to warm me on chilly days. I started going to this spot when my wife was struggling with cancer. It was close enough so I could be at her side in a minute, but far enough away where I could reload for a hard minute or hours to come. I had the wonderful smell around me of smoked meat and for me, that’s a little bit of heaven in itself. I have spent many hours there during the days and nights of the past year and a half being with the only friend that I could call at anytime I needed, my friend, Jesus.
After being satisfied that my spot was good because the Lord helped me pick it out, I started thinking about the camouflage. What would I do to dress right for this hunt? I contemplated this question and thought about what pattern to wear. Would it be Mossy Oak or Real Tree? What would be the right pattern? I want to be a part of the Lord’s forest. I don't want to be camouflaged and just blend in with the world. I had a time with this. The Lord wants us to come to Him just as we are. He does not want us to camouflage ourselves when we are before Him. He wants us to open up completely to Him.We don’t need to hide ourselves or cover up the real us.
He wants us to talk to Him as a friend and He wants us to have an intimate conversation and personal relationship with Him. He wants the naked us no matter how torn, how shredded, or how bruised we are. He wants us to bring all of our weaknesses to Him. He wants us to humble and surrender ourselves before Him, the Ultimate Power in the universe. He made it. God says bring all that is wrong emotionally and physically and spiritually to Him, and leave it with Him.When we are finished, we don't need to go back and get it but we will need a weapon. Leave the Browning 300 Magnum on the gun rack. All we need to take is the Word of God, the Holy Bible. It comes already zeroed in and has the cross hairs on Satan. We will never have to pick up any ammo. The Word of God comes with a lifetime supply. We just need to pick it up and fire one shot at a time. We don't even have to pick out special bullets. Just pick a verse at a time. Before you know it, you will be firing on semi-automatic then automatic, and worshiping Him in spirit and in truth.
Good hunting and God bless!
Friday, July 11, 2008
From Physics to Box Turtles
"LORD, it is nothing for YOU to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O LORD our GOD, for we rest on YOU..."!! Chronicles 14:11
Dear Friends,
My heart is full this morning as I began to write and reflect on GOD's outpouring of blessings in my life and family just in recent days. Those blessings include you so very much. You who receive this email are "GOD's love way of showing HIS love to me and my family" as my dear friend Betty Eudy taught me a long time ago. GOD sure has been pouring forth HIS love out on us a whole, whole bunch, "exceeding abundantly beyond all that I ask or think."(To be able to think, ahhh...another one of GOD's dear blessings to me...HE is teaching me to cherish that blessing, nurture it, and use it for HIS honor and glory). Thank you once again so very much for all the dear prayers and expressions of love you have shown me and my family this week as I have been on some medicine that made me really sick a month ago. It's been so much better this time, I've had some rough patches, (along with my family-when Momma isn't happy no one is happy:), but GOD has been so gracious to allow me not to suffer so this time around. In fact, I've been awake most of the week, not sleeping it away as I did last time. I even cooked a full meal Wednesday night, joined a dear friend for lunch yesterday, thanks so much for your sweet fellowship, Gena, and went grocery shopping - to GOD be the glory! Now that's really neat when you get excited about being able to cook and go grocery shopping:)'s common pleasures:).
Along the line of thinking... what a blessing it is to be able to think, to focus on GOD's blessings. It's getting that time again to be thinking about preparing for Hannah Beth's school work this year. She will be in the 11th grade-WOW! GOD has blessed us with the wonderful privilege and calling of homeschooling both of our children and I will be honest, there have certainly been times along the way, that this seemed to be an impossible task. GOD in HIS sovereignty and HIS provision, has enabled us, through so many of your help and encouragement to continue on this journey that we've been on now for many years-John Mac graduated last year. As I reflect on an email I shared with you recently, I can see how GOD did call this weak Mom and Dad to do an impossible task, and then HE allowed it to be difficult and then done! I don't think you ever really finish "homeschooling" when you learn to see all of life as "GOD's classroom", but the graduation day sure does feel good when you look back and see how truly "Great is Thy Faithfulness-" GOD's faithfulness to do what we cannot do.
Many years ago, when we began this journey, the LORD brought a book into my life called A Charlotte Mason Companion Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Homeschooling by Karen Andreola. I'm not sure which one of you recommended it, probably Ashlie Clay, you've recommended so many good homeschooling resources to me over the years, but this book truly helped me to learn to relax and "stop and smell the roses" with my children as we traveled this journey together in homeschooling. Instead of "cracking the whip" everyday,(which I did that too:), it suggested doing fun things together like reading books together (and what a treasured memory that is to this mom who wasn't able to get out and go like a lot of other Mom's I knew-my kids put together a ton of puzzles while I read to them, and we have such treasured "memorials" of those framed puzzles adorning our walls of those special times of reading together), going on nature walks together (when Mom felt like it), having a day with structure, yet flexible, and honestly letting the kid's learn to teach themselves instead of relying on Mom to teach them. Mom so often was not feeling well or doing morning work that had to be done, or after the 7th grade, Mom didn't understand the Math (yes, I took college Algebra, I just forgot a lot:). Every time through the years that I get "uptight" about homeschooling, the LORD takes me back to that purple book and it's principles that have so served to help me "stop and smell the roses" and enjoy this journey that our great GOD has led our family on, as HE has led in each of our individual lives.
I was reminded of a quote earlier this week from William Butler Keats that says, "Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire." That quote, along with the verse I have claimed since I saw it on my dear friend and mentor Susan Pugh's bulletin board so many years ago..."And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD" Isaiah 54:13, have anchored our homeschooling through the years. GOD has been so faithful to teach my children, as they will so aptly share with you, that Mom didn't do a whole lot of teaching the higher Math and Sciences, or Language for that matter...and GOD has so blessed my children through being able to learn from the wonderful resources that are out there these days to help homeschooling Mom's who like me, can't do it all...and maybe just hang on for dear life sometimes:).
Earlier this week, our family went out to Applebee's together as part of our "family night" together, a practice the Ezzo's ( encouraged us to incorporate so many years ago. My son was in a very talkative mood, very talkative, and we heard a ton of math and physics conversation from him. I say heard, because the rest of us weren't able to interject very much input- he was talking in a language that we didn't understand very well. I had physics in high school, but don't remember very much at all about it. As we sat and listened to John Mac, I realized wow, I am amazed at what GOD has put in his heart and mind to learn. It sure didn't come from his Ma and Pa, as my kids will so aptly share with you. GOD has wired him to be able to understand Math and Physics in a way that I will never comprehend. For all of my emphasis on the Bible and History in their homeschooling, subjects I enjoyed, I didn't teach John Mac one iota of physics. He would stretch himself out on the floor upstairs and read his "Apologia" physics book and never asked me any questions. The same way with Chemistry... John Mac struggled some in his high school Math, and we juggled curriculum's a bit as homeschool Mom's do. We were so very honored that GOD prospered John Mac and he was named the Most Outstanding Math and Physics student at his junior college this year...truly GREAT has been GOD's faithfulness...especially when you consider my level of thinking:). The whole trip home from Applebee's was how amazed my kids are when they hear about other Mom's teaching their kids Math and English, and they know they were "thrown to the wolves" and had to teach themselves.
My idea of homeschooling is more along these lines...have a good time of reading and studying the WORD together in the morning, after our individual time with the LORD, sing a hymn together, as Elisabeth Elliot taught me so many years ago. It's a great way of teaching CHRISTian doctrine to our children and us without them even realizing it, and praying together...then off to do your book work while Mom gets her morning work done. Then come together and read history , or a book, real books, while they work on educational puzzles ( then the afternoon is free to rest in their rooms, and pursue their own interests.
That's the way it used to be...before John Mac started college and working, and Hannah Beth started driving...yeah, things have changed, homeschool has changed, and Mom is going back to her days when time used to go slower... like the Box Turtle the LORD brought to our home last week, by way of Dixie, our Golden Retriever. She brought it home from the woods recently...that dog does love Box Turtles, (Laying My "Turtles" at HIS Feet, Aug. 2007), and as usual, I made her leave it outside the fence so she wouldn't eat it. The turtle didn't go very far, taking up residency under our unused propane gas tank outside. After a few days, and it was still there ( the dogs always happily visited it when they were out of the fence), I thought the poor thing must have died of fright from Dixie taking it around in her mouth, or of heat. So, me being the compassionate person I am, took the turtle and put it in the dog's fence. I thought it was dead, they might as well enjoy it now. Come to find out, the turtle wasn't dead...I went out there later, and that turtle was very much alive, eating away at a dead bird Midnight had confiscated and brought into the backyard. I thought, wow, that turtle made it through and hasn't been eaten yet, by the dogs, must be a special turtle. For the next few days, I left it in the fence,(much against the kid's protest) thinking if Dixie hasn't killed it by now she isn't going to...that turtle was the friendliest turtle I have ever seen. It would walk across the back yard to the puddle beside the water hose and cool itself until Dixie would discover it and pick it up and bring it back to her side. She didn't want to let that turtle out of her sight. It wasn't long before that turtle would pop it's head out, and started easing back across the yard to the puddle. Dixie wouldn't stand for it, and would go and get "her turtle" and bring it back to her side. Finally, last Saturday night, Hannah Beth and I were enjoying a rare treat these days of jumping on the trampoline together, and we heard a "crunching" sound. Dixie had gotten "her turtle," turned it up on it's side, and was "snacking" on the turtle's shell, or trying too...I decided this was enough, and fear for the turtle's life drove me to take Dixie's "friend" away and put it outside the fence once again. I thought I'd return it to the woods the next time I went.
The next time I walked the dogs, Dixie, came bounding out of the fence and made a beeline for the compost pile. There was "her turtle" nestled up in the corner of the bottom of the compost bin, finding refuge from the heat, and the dogs. Hannah Beth and I did take time to look up Turtles as any good homeschooling family would do:), and learned it was an Eastern Box Turtle, I think, one of the most "common" turtles around our appropriate for GOD to bring us a "common" turtle:). Their diet consists of meat, ( I doubt the hotdogs I fed it), veggies, and turtle pellets...where do you find those in the wild? I carried that turtle a feast out to the compost bin of carrots, apples, oranges, cucumbers, macaroni, and... hotdogs. Later, I couldn't help but think of the verse, "If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children (turtle in this case), how much more will your heavenly FATHER give good gifts to those who ask HIM?" Matthew 7:11 Here I was lavishing a turtle with a much more does my heavenly FATHER love me whom HE created, and planned for me, and sent HIS Son to die for me? That brought a lot of comfort to my very much GOD loves me. I didn't love this turtle...but I did care for it. Hannah Beth did too, as she thought the turtle might be thirsty so we brought it some water out on a paper plate. John Mac cared for the turtle too, and very much didn't want me to leave it in the dog's fence, the previous few days, fearing for it's life, with good reason...That turtle came out of it's shell in the corner of the compost bin and showed it's gratitude by eating some of the orange, peel and all, while we sat there and watched it. It didn't eat much of anything else, the dogs were glad to oblige with that the next time they were let out of their pen, woofing down the hot dogs and macaroni, as fast as they could. The turtle in the meantime moved on...sometime during the night, it packed it's "shell" and eased on down the road somewhere, hopefully somewhere safe from the danger of dogs that like to "snack" on turtles. Now to me...this is homeschooling at it's finest:). I share this with you so that you will marvel at GOD's goodness and favor, when you see anything worthy of praise in our family and through my children's lives...HE is the one who does it all, "From Physics to Box Turtles." I am just watching in awe at what HE continues to do in our family through all the twists and turns HE takes our family....just as HE does in your life and your family.
In Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening devotion for July 9th, I was reminded once again of GOD's goodness and favor in our lives when he shared this devotion from Psalm 103:2 that says, "Forget not all HIS benefits." Charles Spurgeon makes the observation that "it is a delightful and profitable occupation to mark the hand of GOD in the lives of ancient saints and to observe HIS goodness in delivering them, HIS mercy in pardoning them, and HIS faithfulness in keeping HIS covenant with them. But would it not be even more interesting and profitable for us to notice the hand of GOD in our own lives? Should we not look on our own history as being at least as full of GOD, as full of HIS goodness and of HIS truth, as much a proof of HIS faithfulness and veracity, as the lives of any of the saints who have gone before? ...Have you no deliverances? Have you passed through no rivers, supported by the divine presence? Have you walked through fires unharmed? ...Have you had no choice favors? The GOD who gave Solomon the desire of his, has HE never listened to you and answered your requests? The GOD of lavish bounty of whom David sang, "Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things" (Psalm 103:5), has HE never satiated you with fatness?....Surely the goodness of GOD has been the same to us at to the saints of old. Let us, then weave, HIS mercies into a song. Let us take the pure gold of thankfulness and the jewels of praise and make them another crown for the head of JESUS. Let our souls give forth music as sweet and exhilarating as came from David's harp while we praise the LORD whose mercy endures forever."
Dear friends and family, if you never get anything else out of these emails, it is my heart's desire that you, along with me, would be inspired to remember GOD's goodness, His favor, His deliverances, HIS faithfulness in each our lives and thank HIM and praise JESUS who deserves so much of our praise, and share HIS goodness in our life with those around us. I am so inspired when I hear about what GOD is doing in your life. It gives me courage in my journey, strengthens my faith, and causes me to rejoice in HIS goodness..."I will extol the LORD at all times; HIS praise will always be on my lips. My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt HIS name together." Psalm 34:1-3.
For the Fourth of July, my dear friend and prayer warrior, Sherry Moss, sent me a video email of Anne Murray singing "How Great Thou Art." I was amazed at the timing of this..."How Great Thou Art," is not the usual song you think of for the 4th, nowadays...but as I shared in last week's email, John Adams, one of our Founding Fathers said our nations independence should be celebrated as a "Day of Deliverance." If you go back and study the Revolutionary War, you will truly see how GOD did deliver America in our weakness from a powerful British Army that far outnumbered the untrained colonists and by all human standards should have crushed the American rag tag army. "How Great Thou Art," is amazingly appropriate to be sung on the Fourth of July, and everyday of our lives as we "Forget not all HIS benefits." The amazing thing to me was just a few days before Sherry sent me this song, I had taken a late evening walk and the sky was just brilliant with the starts bursting forth many millions or billions or light years away (I need to ask my kids:). The thoughts that came to my mind that night were the words to "How Great Thou Art," as I felt the wonder and awe of GOD's marvelous creation. Sherry, thank you for sharing this with song with me, and blessing my life so much with your walk with CHRIST, your prayers, and your dear friendship. I pray it will be such a blessing to you too, as you take time to ponder "How Great Thou Art," and remember all the wonderful blessings GOD has poured forth to your dear life and are so dear to HIM and you are so dear to me. Thank you so much for honoring me time and time again by reading these emails...I truly am honored.
To hear Anne Murray sing "How Great Thou Art," click on
With all HIS love,
"The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."-Henry Miller
Friday, July 4, 2008
The Price of Freedom
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice." Romans 12:1
Dear Friends,
Happy 4th of July to you and your dear family! I want to thank you for your prayers for me these past few weeks and my family and ask you to please continue...I start my antibiotic again tomorrow and sure would appreciate you remembering us diligently the next seven days. I am definitely feeling better in some ways, but the antibiotic certainly took it's toll on me last time. I sure appreciate your prayers for me. I want to praise the LORD for HIS goodness always, and HIS protection. This past Sunday as Hannah Beth, along with our dear friends the Radcliffe's and others from our church were attending an airshow, a microburst of wind came up. Hannah Beth and her friends took shelter under the wings of a small airplane, while the guys stood in front of the girls to protect them from the wind and rain. I am so proud of you guys for protecting the girls...good job guys, for laying down your lives for the girls. Twelve people were injured, and one young man who was 5 years old was taken home to be with the LORD. He and his folks are customers of ours at our restaurant and they are members of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Please remember this dear family in your prayers.
In less than two weeks, Hannah Beth will be heading to California to help our friend's, the Baker's, with their 8 month old and two year old sons. Their Daddy, John, had to leave shortly after his youngest son was born to serve in Iraq with the U.S. Marines. How grateful we are to the Baker's for the sacrifices they have made these past several months, so that we can continue to enjoy our freedom's here in the United States of America. We have several young men from our church serving in the military and how grateful we are for Hudson who is serving in Iraq, for Nathan Haynes, and Alan and Chad Christian. All of these young men have left their homes and families at various times to go and train intensely and put themselves in harm's way to defend our freedoms. As we celebrate our nation's birthday tomorrow with family and friends, I wanted to remind myself, and my kids of the sacrifices that others have paid for our freedoms, and that our forefather's meant for this day to be commemorated as a Day of Deliverance by GOD ALMIGHTY.
John Adams in America's GOD and Country wrote the following words, July 3rd, 1776, a day after the wording of the Declaration of Independence had been approved in the Continental Congress. With prophetic insight, declaring the importance of that day he wrote:
" I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to GOD ALMIGHTY. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever.
You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; that posterity will triumph in that day's transactions, even though we [may regret] it, which I trust in GOD we shall not."
He wrote these words to his dear wife Abigail, knowing that there would be a tremendous cost to the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the colonists and he was right. Quoting America's GOD and Country it states: " The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence paid a tremendous price for our freedoms: 5 were arrested by the British as traitors, 12 had their homes looted and burned by the enemy, 17 lost their fortunes, 2 lost sons in the continental Army and 9 fought and died during the Revolutionary War."
There was a tremendous price that was paid for the freedoms that we are so privileged to enjoy, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights,that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Freedom always cost a tremendous price, whether it's from the King of England, from a tyrannical dictator in Iraq, or from sin which has everlasting consequences.
A few years ago, the kids and I read a book about a man named John G. Paton who obeyed the call of CHRIST to go and preach in the New Hebrides islands to those savages so that they might be freed from their sins. These 30 mountainous islands were inhabited by "heathens of the worst sort-violent, man-eating savages." Paton arrived in 1858, where twenty years earlier, the first missionaries to the island, John Williams and James Harris were clubbed to death as soon as they got off the ship. Paton's own trials as a missionary were incredible. But through the most severest of hardship he responded as a true CHRISTian. Quoting Doug Phillips, he said that John Paton dealt with "superstition, with savagery, and with heart wrenching sorrow, ever-persevering with a Job-like trust in the sovereign will of GOD. With valor he faced circumstances difficult for modern American CHRISTians to comprehend. Not only did he lose his wife and son within months of his arrival, but he actually had to guard their graves for days to prevent the natives from exhuming their bodies and eating them." Missionary Patriarch -The True Story of John G. Paton
John G. Paton wrote in his autobiography:
"The ever-merciful LORD sustained me to lay the precious dust of my beloved ones in the same quiet grave, dug for them close by at the end of the house; in all of which last offices my own hands, despite breaking heart, had to take the principal share! I built the grave round and round with coral blacks, and covered the top with beautiful white coral, broken small as gravel; and that spot became my sacred and much-frequented shrine during all the following months and years when I labored on for the salvation of these savage Islanders amidst difficulties, dangers, and deaths. Whensoever Tanna turns to the LORD and is won for CHRIST, men in after-days will find the memory of that spot still green-where with ceaseless prayers and tears I claimed that land for GOD in which I had "buried my dead" with faith and hope. But for JESUS, and the fellowship HE vouchsafed me there, I must have gone mad and died beside that lonely grave."
As I reflect on these words from John G. Paton, I am reminded of a quote I read in Springs in the Valley" a few weeks ago that said," Are you not willing to endure scars in order to liberate souls?" I am so convicted as I think of the "softness" of my own efforts to reach out to others, and ask myself what scars have I endured that souls have been liberated for CHRIST? These signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that there would be a price to pay for their declared independence from England. John G. Paton knew their would be a price to pay if GOD was to use him to liberate the souls of men, women and children in the New Hebrides Islands...and he did with the soil watered by the blood of his wife and son.
In the June 29th reading of Streams in the Desert I was reminded once again of the price I must be willing to pay that souls may come to know CHRIST: "The reason so many fail in this experience of divine healing is because they expect to have it all without a struggle, and when the conflict comes and the battle wages long, they become discouraged and surrender. Then these words which were fuel to heart, "GOD has nothing worth having that is easy. There are no cheap goods in the heavenly market. Our redemption cost all that GOD had to give and everything worth having is expensive. Hard places are the very school of faith and character and if we are to rise over mere human strength and prove the power of life divine in these mortal bodies, it must be through a process of conflict that may well be called the "birth travail of a new life."
Any woman who has had a baby knows why labor is called is hard and difficult and painful, but yet this is the path that GOD uses to bring new life into the world. When you and I share CHRIST with those who don't know HIM should we expect any less than a difficult "birth travail" in order to bring new life into the world?
GOD is allowing me to walk in a difficult place as I reach out to someone for CHRIST. Even before I read these words I had likened this process to being in labor, and trying to birth a new baby. These words that I read earlier in the week, and today as I read about John G. Paton, have encouraged me not to give up and grow weary, but remember that GOD has nothing worth having that is easy...especially the souls of men, women, and children that HE purchased with the precious blood of HIS only SON. Our redemption, our freedom from our sins and the punishment of hell, cost all that GOD had to give. "Everything worth having is expensive", including the souls of those HE has called me to be a vessel of HIS love.
What price am I willing to pay that others might be liberated from their sin?...Our LORD JESUS CHRIST paid the ultimate price on Calvary for our freedom from sins when HE laid down HIS life willingly for you and me. HE calls you and me to follow "in HIS steps" and to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice that others might be led to a saving knowledge of our dear Lamb of GOD. Sometimes that may be a literal dying in our bodies, such as our servicemen, and missionaries down through the ages have sacrificed, but often, it is a daily dying to ourselves in our own wishes, desires, and interests that the life of CHRIST might be manifest in us. 1 Peter 2:21-24 says: "To this you were called, because CHRIST suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in HIS steps. HE committed no sin, and no deceit was found in HIS mouth. When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, he made no threats. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed."
How thankful I am for our LORD JESUS CHRIST who paid the price on the cross of CALVARY to liberate us from our sins, make us heirs of GOD, and bless us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies(Ephesians 1:3) How thankful I am for men like John G. Paton who was willing to leave his family and comfortable life, and everything familiar to him to be obedient to the call of GOD even at great personal cost, that others might be liberated from their sins. I shared with you a few weeks ago a definition of love that I learned as a young CHRISTian: Love is an act of the will that builds up another person, even at great personal cost even when there is no response in return. That is the kind of love that CHRIST loves us with...unconditional, at great personal cost to HIMSELF, even when we were yet sinners, HE died for us. "Greater love hath no one than this that HE lay down HIS life for HIS friends." John 15:13. There is no way we can love like CHRIST, with no response in return, without HIM giving pouring HIS love through us as we abide in HIM. How thankful I am to our Founding Fathers and others who fought for our Independence from England. GOD gave them the courage to sacrifice their lives, and their fortunes that we might be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today, the freedom to worship GOD, the right to bear arms, the right to own property... How thankful I am for those young men and women who are willing to endure scars like John and Ashleigh Baker who have been apart for several months in order to liberate souls and defend our freedoms. LORD JESUS, how I ask you for the courage to help me to be willing to endure scars that others might come to know you as their LORD and SAVIOR and be set free from the bondage of their sin.
Below is a song that Ray Boltz wrote about Senator Jeremiah Denton after he was held prisoner in a prison camp during the Vietnam War. I used this back in August but felt led to share it again. At the time he was captured, Jeremiah Denton was already married with several young children at home. When he was finally released after seven and a half years and put on a plane full of other POW's bound for freedom, the plane stopped at Clark Field in the Philippines. Emaciated, and unsteady in his gait from the years of torture, he uttered these words when he stepped off the plane: " We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our commander-in-chief and to our nation for this day…God Bless America."
President Ronald Reagan later said this about him at his State of the Union Address January 26, 1982:
"We don't have to turn to our history books for heroes. They are all around us. One who sits among you here tonight epitomized that heroism at the end of the longest imprisonment ever inflicted on men of our armed forces. Who can ever forget that night when we waited for television to bring us the scene of that first plane landing at Clark field in the Philippines-bringing our POW's home. The plane door opened and Jeremiah Denton came slowly down the ramp. He caught sight of our flag, saluted, and said, "God bless America, " then thanked us for bringing him home."
An Honor To Serve
He was just a young man
When he first heard the call
Come and join in the battle
Come and give us your all
And he rose up to follow
Leaving all else behind
And he joined in this song
When he reached the front lines
It's an honor to serve
To join in the fight
To lift up my voice
And to lay down my life
Giving glory to God
Seeking none in return
It's an honor an honor to serve
Now the day he was captured
They locked him in chains
And though weeks turned to years
Still his faith stayed the same
As his body was broken
His dark hair turned gray
But each night in his cell
He would stand up and say
Now one day the war finally came to an end
And he spoke with his heart as he stood with his men
"We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances.
We are profoundly grateful to our commander-in-chief and to our nation for this day…God Bless America"
As they lifted the flag at the front of the crowd
I watched him stand up and bring his hand to his brow
Oh Lord help me remember what true honor means
And no matter the cost to stand up and sing
Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST, how I thank YOU for freeing me from my sins, by laying down YOUR life for me on the cross of Calvary. You were beaten beyond recognition, it says in Isaiah, spit upon, mocked, Your flesh was torn to pieces by pieces of sharp metal in the whip. My JESUS, it is an honor to serve you under difficult circumstances, for You left YOUR home in glory and suffered and died for me. When I am discouraged in my fight to liberate souls for you, help me to stand up and sing, "It's an honor to serve, to join in the fight, to lift up my voice, to lay down my life, giving glory to GOD seeking none in return, it's an honor and honor to serve." When I loose my focus that I am in a war, draw me back to YOU and help me to serve YOU with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength.
With all HIS love,
"Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of CHRIST JESUS. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. " 2 Timothy 2:3-4
To hear "An Honor to Serve" and watch an inspiring video about those who have paid the price for our freedom click on:
Dear Friends,
Happy 4th of July to you and your dear family! I want to thank you for your prayers for me these past few weeks and my family and ask you to please continue...I start my antibiotic again tomorrow and sure would appreciate you remembering us diligently the next seven days. I am definitely feeling better in some ways, but the antibiotic certainly took it's toll on me last time. I sure appreciate your prayers for me. I want to praise the LORD for HIS goodness always, and HIS protection. This past Sunday as Hannah Beth, along with our dear friends the Radcliffe's and others from our church were attending an airshow, a microburst of wind came up. Hannah Beth and her friends took shelter under the wings of a small airplane, while the guys stood in front of the girls to protect them from the wind and rain. I am so proud of you guys for protecting the girls...good job guys, for laying down your lives for the girls. Twelve people were injured, and one young man who was 5 years old was taken home to be with the LORD. He and his folks are customers of ours at our restaurant and they are members of Bethlehem Baptist Church. Please remember this dear family in your prayers.
In less than two weeks, Hannah Beth will be heading to California to help our friend's, the Baker's, with their 8 month old and two year old sons. Their Daddy, John, had to leave shortly after his youngest son was born to serve in Iraq with the U.S. Marines. How grateful we are to the Baker's for the sacrifices they have made these past several months, so that we can continue to enjoy our freedom's here in the United States of America. We have several young men from our church serving in the military and how grateful we are for Hudson who is serving in Iraq, for Nathan Haynes, and Alan and Chad Christian. All of these young men have left their homes and families at various times to go and train intensely and put themselves in harm's way to defend our freedoms. As we celebrate our nation's birthday tomorrow with family and friends, I wanted to remind myself, and my kids of the sacrifices that others have paid for our freedoms, and that our forefather's meant for this day to be commemorated as a Day of Deliverance by GOD ALMIGHTY.
John Adams in America's GOD and Country wrote the following words, July 3rd, 1776, a day after the wording of the Declaration of Independence had been approved in the Continental Congress. With prophetic insight, declaring the importance of that day he wrote:
" I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to GOD ALMIGHTY. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever.
You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; that posterity will triumph in that day's transactions, even though we [may regret] it, which I trust in GOD we shall not."
He wrote these words to his dear wife Abigail, knowing that there would be a tremendous cost to the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the colonists and he was right. Quoting America's GOD and Country it states: " The 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence paid a tremendous price for our freedoms: 5 were arrested by the British as traitors, 12 had their homes looted and burned by the enemy, 17 lost their fortunes, 2 lost sons in the continental Army and 9 fought and died during the Revolutionary War."
There was a tremendous price that was paid for the freedoms that we are so privileged to enjoy, "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights,that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." Freedom always cost a tremendous price, whether it's from the King of England, from a tyrannical dictator in Iraq, or from sin which has everlasting consequences.
A few years ago, the kids and I read a book about a man named John G. Paton who obeyed the call of CHRIST to go and preach in the New Hebrides islands to those savages so that they might be freed from their sins. These 30 mountainous islands were inhabited by "heathens of the worst sort-violent, man-eating savages." Paton arrived in 1858, where twenty years earlier, the first missionaries to the island, John Williams and James Harris were clubbed to death as soon as they got off the ship. Paton's own trials as a missionary were incredible. But through the most severest of hardship he responded as a true CHRISTian. Quoting Doug Phillips, he said that John Paton dealt with "superstition, with savagery, and with heart wrenching sorrow, ever-persevering with a Job-like trust in the sovereign will of GOD. With valor he faced circumstances difficult for modern American CHRISTians to comprehend. Not only did he lose his wife and son within months of his arrival, but he actually had to guard their graves for days to prevent the natives from exhuming their bodies and eating them." Missionary Patriarch -The True Story of John G. Paton
John G. Paton wrote in his autobiography:
"The ever-merciful LORD sustained me to lay the precious dust of my beloved ones in the same quiet grave, dug for them close by at the end of the house; in all of which last offices my own hands, despite breaking heart, had to take the principal share! I built the grave round and round with coral blacks, and covered the top with beautiful white coral, broken small as gravel; and that spot became my sacred and much-frequented shrine during all the following months and years when I labored on for the salvation of these savage Islanders amidst difficulties, dangers, and deaths. Whensoever Tanna turns to the LORD and is won for CHRIST, men in after-days will find the memory of that spot still green-where with ceaseless prayers and tears I claimed that land for GOD in which I had "buried my dead" with faith and hope. But for JESUS, and the fellowship HE vouchsafed me there, I must have gone mad and died beside that lonely grave."
As I reflect on these words from John G. Paton, I am reminded of a quote I read in Springs in the Valley" a few weeks ago that said," Are you not willing to endure scars in order to liberate souls?" I am so convicted as I think of the "softness" of my own efforts to reach out to others, and ask myself what scars have I endured that souls have been liberated for CHRIST? These signers of the Declaration of Independence knew that there would be a price to pay for their declared independence from England. John G. Paton knew their would be a price to pay if GOD was to use him to liberate the souls of men, women and children in the New Hebrides Islands...and he did with the soil watered by the blood of his wife and son.
In the June 29th reading of Streams in the Desert I was reminded once again of the price I must be willing to pay that souls may come to know CHRIST: "The reason so many fail in this experience of divine healing is because they expect to have it all without a struggle, and when the conflict comes and the battle wages long, they become discouraged and surrender. Then these words which were fuel to heart, "GOD has nothing worth having that is easy. There are no cheap goods in the heavenly market. Our redemption cost all that GOD had to give and everything worth having is expensive. Hard places are the very school of faith and character and if we are to rise over mere human strength and prove the power of life divine in these mortal bodies, it must be through a process of conflict that may well be called the "birth travail of a new life."
Any woman who has had a baby knows why labor is called is hard and difficult and painful, but yet this is the path that GOD uses to bring new life into the world. When you and I share CHRIST with those who don't know HIM should we expect any less than a difficult "birth travail" in order to bring new life into the world?
GOD is allowing me to walk in a difficult place as I reach out to someone for CHRIST. Even before I read these words I had likened this process to being in labor, and trying to birth a new baby. These words that I read earlier in the week, and today as I read about John G. Paton, have encouraged me not to give up and grow weary, but remember that GOD has nothing worth having that is easy...especially the souls of men, women, and children that HE purchased with the precious blood of HIS only SON. Our redemption, our freedom from our sins and the punishment of hell, cost all that GOD had to give. "Everything worth having is expensive", including the souls of those HE has called me to be a vessel of HIS love.
What price am I willing to pay that others might be liberated from their sin?...Our LORD JESUS CHRIST paid the ultimate price on Calvary for our freedom from sins when HE laid down HIS life willingly for you and me. HE calls you and me to follow "in HIS steps" and to lay down our lives as a living sacrifice that others might be led to a saving knowledge of our dear Lamb of GOD. Sometimes that may be a literal dying in our bodies, such as our servicemen, and missionaries down through the ages have sacrificed, but often, it is a daily dying to ourselves in our own wishes, desires, and interests that the life of CHRIST might be manifest in us. 1 Peter 2:21-24 says: "To this you were called, because CHRIST suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in HIS steps. HE committed no sin, and no deceit was found in HIS mouth. When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, he made no threats. He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed."
How thankful I am for our LORD JESUS CHRIST who paid the price on the cross of CALVARY to liberate us from our sins, make us heirs of GOD, and bless us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies(Ephesians 1:3) How thankful I am for men like John G. Paton who was willing to leave his family and comfortable life, and everything familiar to him to be obedient to the call of GOD even at great personal cost, that others might be liberated from their sins. I shared with you a few weeks ago a definition of love that I learned as a young CHRISTian: Love is an act of the will that builds up another person, even at great personal cost even when there is no response in return. That is the kind of love that CHRIST loves us with...unconditional, at great personal cost to HIMSELF, even when we were yet sinners, HE died for us. "Greater love hath no one than this that HE lay down HIS life for HIS friends." John 15:13. There is no way we can love like CHRIST, with no response in return, without HIM giving pouring HIS love through us as we abide in HIM. How thankful I am to our Founding Fathers and others who fought for our Independence from England. GOD gave them the courage to sacrifice their lives, and their fortunes that we might be able to enjoy the freedoms we have today, the freedom to worship GOD, the right to bear arms, the right to own property... How thankful I am for those young men and women who are willing to endure scars like John and Ashleigh Baker who have been apart for several months in order to liberate souls and defend our freedoms. LORD JESUS, how I ask you for the courage to help me to be willing to endure scars that others might come to know you as their LORD and SAVIOR and be set free from the bondage of their sin.
Below is a song that Ray Boltz wrote about Senator Jeremiah Denton after he was held prisoner in a prison camp during the Vietnam War. I used this back in August but felt led to share it again. At the time he was captured, Jeremiah Denton was already married with several young children at home. When he was finally released after seven and a half years and put on a plane full of other POW's bound for freedom, the plane stopped at Clark Field in the Philippines. Emaciated, and unsteady in his gait from the years of torture, he uttered these words when he stepped off the plane: " We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances. We are profoundly grateful to our commander-in-chief and to our nation for this day…God Bless America."
President Ronald Reagan later said this about him at his State of the Union Address January 26, 1982:
"We don't have to turn to our history books for heroes. They are all around us. One who sits among you here tonight epitomized that heroism at the end of the longest imprisonment ever inflicted on men of our armed forces. Who can ever forget that night when we waited for television to bring us the scene of that first plane landing at Clark field in the Philippines-bringing our POW's home. The plane door opened and Jeremiah Denton came slowly down the ramp. He caught sight of our flag, saluted, and said, "God bless America, " then thanked us for bringing him home."
An Honor To Serve
He was just a young man
When he first heard the call
Come and join in the battle
Come and give us your all
And he rose up to follow
Leaving all else behind
And he joined in this song
When he reached the front lines
It's an honor to serve
To join in the fight
To lift up my voice
And to lay down my life
Giving glory to God
Seeking none in return
It's an honor an honor to serve
Now the day he was captured
They locked him in chains
And though weeks turned to years
Still his faith stayed the same
As his body was broken
His dark hair turned gray
But each night in his cell
He would stand up and say
Now one day the war finally came to an end
And he spoke with his heart as he stood with his men
"We are honored to have had the opportunity to serve our country under difficult circumstances.
We are profoundly grateful to our commander-in-chief and to our nation for this day…God Bless America"
As they lifted the flag at the front of the crowd
I watched him stand up and bring his hand to his brow
Oh Lord help me remember what true honor means
And no matter the cost to stand up and sing
Dear LORD JESUS CHRIST, how I thank YOU for freeing me from my sins, by laying down YOUR life for me on the cross of Calvary. You were beaten beyond recognition, it says in Isaiah, spit upon, mocked, Your flesh was torn to pieces by pieces of sharp metal in the whip. My JESUS, it is an honor to serve you under difficult circumstances, for You left YOUR home in glory and suffered and died for me. When I am discouraged in my fight to liberate souls for you, help me to stand up and sing, "It's an honor to serve, to join in the fight, to lift up my voice, to lay down my life, giving glory to GOD seeking none in return, it's an honor and honor to serve." When I loose my focus that I am in a war, draw me back to YOU and help me to serve YOU with all of my heart, soul, mind and strength.
With all HIS love,
"Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of CHRIST JESUS. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier. " 2 Timothy 2:3-4
To hear "An Honor to Serve" and watch an inspiring video about those who have paid the price for our freedom click on:
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