"Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last, and when I am dying how happy I'll be, if the lamp of my life has burned out for Thee.." - C.T. Studd, missionary to China, Africa, and India
"Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of HIS saints." Psalm 116:15 (October 17, 1968 - September 28, 2010) Dear Praying Friends and Family, Your kind words and prayers have meant so much to me this week. I know GOD has heard your prayers to minister HIS peace and comfort to the Greene family. Thank ya'll so very much for ministering to me in the loss of my friend Tony Greene who died earlier this week unexpectedly. I've had a lot of memories going through my head about Tony this week. Many of them i have had the honor and privilege to share with some of you as i dragged you to see the Greenes with me through the years:). Thank you for sharing them with me, their testimonies that have so encouraged my weary heart, and their music that always magnified our LORD JESUS. I don't know exactly where to began except at the beginning when i met Tony's brother Tim in Dallas where we shared the same doctor. I had never heard of the Greene's before, but when Tim sent me a couple of their CD's, i woke up listening to a song "I Don't Have to Know The Reason," one night, that went to the depths of my soul....and from there a relationship was budding that continues to this day and will through all eternity. Hannah Beth and i, and my friend Darlene and her daughter Natalie, went to see the Greenes over on the other side of Guntersville, Al at Rocky Branch Holiness Church for the very first time bout seven years ago. I remember Tim walking in the church and giving me a hug, but i didn't hardly even notice Tony that night. The second time i saw them, i noticed Tony limping a little, but still didn't talk to him...Tim was with them, and i was getting to know Tim, and Tony's wife Taranda. That night, our friends the Wahl's met us over at Skyline, Al to see the Greenes. Little did i know that Tim would not be able to continue to travel with the Greene's because of his mold sickness. Except for a rare couple of other times Tim tried to sing with the Greenes, it would be the last time i would see and rarely hear from Tim except through Tony and Taranda when they came and sang in our area....and sing they did. That first year i met them, i was blessed to go and hear the Greene's 8 times! My family said they were going to think i was stalking them, but Tony and Taranda never treated me that way at all. As i gradually got to know Tony...i was intimidated by him at first, why i don't know, but i was. Gradually, i grew to love him very much. No matter how busy he was, he always made time to tell me how Tim and Amy were doing...his words were like water feeding my thirsty soul. Little did i realize that during the blessing of getting to go hear the Greene's that first year so often that GOD was giving me a "Texas" size love and desire to pray for Tim and his family, as Tony would cry during the concerts sharing his burden for his brother. Tony Greene loved his brother and was not ashamed to cry and share his heart about his condition. Tim was really struggling at times and wasn't able to return calls too well, and his wife was struggling also. As i began going to their concerts, my heart was so ministered to through the Greenes. Their songs were so very encouraging to me in my own struggles. Those first few years of knowing the Greenes, Tony was so diligent to take up love offerings for Tim to help him and Amy out with their huge medical expenses. He would ask for prayer for Tim. Tony loved his brother and missed him being on the road with him, and continued to care for his family when Tim could no longer travel with the Greenes. Somewhere along the line, Tony's own health problems began coming to the forefront...earlier this week i found this video on FB of Tony's testimony to share with you Tony's story with his health problems http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPXBnJOSx48 The amazing thing about GOD through Tony is whatever the LORD allowed in Tony's life, and Taranda's and the Greene family...Tony had a way of turning it into a testimony of GOD's faithfulness. Tony learned well from his Daddy who taught his children to live by faith...that GOd would supply all their needs in CHRIST JESUS. And that's what the Greene's did- they went all over singing and telling of GOD's faithfulness in their lives in the midst of their trials, and the Greenes had many trials. On top of their health concerns, and financial concerns for huge medical bills, the doctors told Tony and Taranda they would never be able to have children. The LORD blessed them with Belle, 6 and Josie who is 2. Most weeks, The Greenes would leave out on their big bus at midnight on Weds evening to drive through the night to reach their destination in plenty of time to sing for Thursday night. Tony Greene grew up singing for JESUS and he continued singing for JESUS til right before he died after 32 years on the road, spending most weekends, Thursday through Sunday in a bus traveling to various places singing and sharing GOD's praises. It didn't matter how small or how large, the Greenes sang their hearts out. Tony was at the National Quartet Convention a week before he died singing the praises of his faithful LORD. I had the opportunity to go to that, but didn't...i sure wish i had of now. As you can hear from Tony's testimony, these past several years have been very challenging physically for Tony. I have seen Tony many nights when he was barely able to walk and get up on the podium to sing. Those would be the nights the LORD was the strongest through Tony's weakened body and would grip my heart and the congregation the most. The LORD JESUS promises to be strong in our weakneses, and i learned from Tony and Tim Greene to be transparent about my weaknesses that the power of CHRIST would rest upon me. The power of the LORD was so very strong through Tony Greene as he would weep and have you crying one moment, and laughing hysterically a few minutes later at one of his crazy stories. I could hear Tony tell a joke 50 times and it would be just as funny hearing Tony telling it the first time. Tony had way of snorting when he laughed that you just couldn't help but laugh at Tony for snorting when he told the joke. I'm laughing as i write this just thinking about him laughing at himself and snorting. My family definitely accuses me of picking up Tony's "snort," when i get to laughing sometimes and let out a snort or two. Okay, i confess i probably did pick up my snort from Tony. This video below isn't Tony snorting, but it's just a funny video of him laughing that was on Tim's daughter's FB last night. Tim and his wife, Amy are sitting beside Tony in the video. http://www.youtube.com/ There were a lot of things i learned from Tony Greene besides "snorting:) 1) Tony taught me steadfastness in the midst of adversity...Tony Greene "wore out, he didn't rust out for JESUS." When i heard that Tony had gone to be with JESUS, one of the first things i told Hannah Beth, who was my Greenes buddy as i drug her all over to concerts with me, was Tony Greene burned out for JESUS...he didn't rust out. He lived more in his short 41 years and did more for the LORD JESUS than most people in 20 lifetimes. Up until last year or so, Tony had never missed a concert in 30 years....that was amazing steadfastness. Tony Greene was such an example to me of keeping on keeping on in the midst of extreme adversity. He had a call on his life to go and sing the Praises of our LORD JESUS CHRIST and proclaim the good news of JESUS. In the midst of adversity Tony kept on marching by GOD's grace, until he could march no more. Two summers ago, HB and i had the privilege of attending their Jubilee in NC which the Greene family conducted for over 30 years. At that time, Tony had just had a port put in his stomach for dialysis, which he received on the bus 4 times a day. I walked behind the stage one evening at the Jubilee and saw Tony sitting down bent double...someone had hit him jokingly in the stomach not knowing that Tony had just had surgery there. Last year, after Taranda gave Tony her kidney, they were back on the road in 3 weeks, and i saw them in Clanton, Al when Tony still had a 100 stitches in him. He couldn't laugh because it hurt too much. This week in my Streams devo, was the quote i tried to find last week about GOD letting HIS children march through difficult circumstances. I want to quote that again and more in depth because it is such a picture of Tony Greene and his family's faithfulness to be a good soldier of JESUS CHRIST: See you not, then, that GOD may take away your comforts and your privileges, to make the better CHRISTians? Why the LORD always trains HIS soldiers, not by letting them lie on feather beds, but by turning them out, and using them to forced marches and hard service. HE makes them ford through streams, and swim through rivers, and climb mountains, and walk many a long march with heavy knapsacks of sorrow on their backs. This is the way in which HE makes them soldiers-" C.H. Spurgeon 2) Tony taught me to praise the LORD all the time...even when he didn't feel like it, he did it anyway. A few years ago they sang a song called, "Living in the Middle of Love..." and i remember going to hear them during the time when Tim was so sick. Tony would sing that song with a smile on his face, and sing praises to the LORD, even though his heart was so very heavy. He didn't always "feel," like singing the praises of the LORD but he did it in faith, and GOD honored that faith so very much. I remember one year that was extremely difficult for them, and GOD honored the Greenes with a number one song that year, "Sky Full of Angels." 3) Tony taught me to live by Faith. Tony was a hard worker and had many business ventures, including owning his own funeral home. But Tony Greene lived by faith in the LORD JESUS to provide their needs. A few times, Tony called when they had a cancellation to see if i could get a place for them to sing. The Greene's would come and sing their hearts out for JESUS and for a love offering, trusting the LORD to provide for their needs and their needs were great. 4) Tony taught me to love. Tony made time for me and would always make time to tell me how Tim was doing. He didn't realize what a need he was meeting in my heart to hear from Tim and Amy but Tony was a good man and was kind to me. He blessed our family by coming to our home and sharing a few meals and fellowship with us...what a great desire of my heart that GOD gave me to spend time with the Greenes in our home. 5) Tony taught me humility . Tony was not ashamed to share his weaknesses. When he first sung, "I Can't Even Walk Without YOU Holding My Hand," the power of GOD was so strong upon him as he shared his own weaknesses of being rebellious against his parents as a teenager and the humbling GOD had done in his life. Sometimes Tony could barely walk as he walked down the aisle to sing, and sometimes he had to have Taranda or someone help him on stage because of the gout he suffered from and weakness from his kidney struggles. Recently at the Gatlinburg Gathering, Tony fell on stage...and in true Tony fashion, he shared it, and made a joke about it. He didn't try to cover up his weaknesses, but trusted the LORD to be strong through them. That lesson will always stick with me. I know there are many other things i could share about Tony and i probably will in the days to come as the LORD brings this special man to mind and the lessons i learned from Tony's life. I read a quote on the FB site of Jeff Synder last night, who sings with the Greenes . It sure does describe the life of Tony Greene, as he meant to do, and i hope and pray it will describe mine too...i want to burn out for JESUS, not rust out.
"Only one life, twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last, and when I am dying how happy I'll be, if the lamp of my life has burned out for Thee.." - C.T. Studd, missionary to China, Africa, and India - ![]() ![]() Guest Book | Sign Guest Book | Send Private Condolences Send Flowers
Anthony Elden Greene, known to most Southern Gospel music fans as "Tony," passed away Tuesday, September 28, 2010, just before 4:30pm Eastern Time at the age of 41. Tony had been in Carolina Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C., since September 21 due to several health complications. Tony is survived by wife, TaRanda, and their children, Isabella (age 6) and Jocelyn (age 2). He is also survived by two brothers, Tim Greene and Ronnie Brookshire, sister Kim Greene Hopper, his mother, Carolyn Greene, his maternal grandmother, Snow Townsend, his paternal grandmother, Tressie Greene, and several aunts, uncles, and nieces. The son of Carolyn Greene and the late Everette Greene, Tony was born in Boone, N.C., on October 17, 1968, the youngest of three children. By the early 1980s, Tony and his siblings were singing Southern Gospel music professionally as The Greenes, garnering several No. 1 songs and appearing on the nation's leading concerts.In addition to being noted as a gifted lead vocalist, Tony has also been included in the list of leading concert promoters of Southern Gospel music. Throughout the years, Tony's promotions encompassed dozens of states, while providing Christian music in not only churches and auditoriums, but also aboard cruises, bus tours and more. He was also a key factor of the success of the long-running Gospel Singing Jubilee multi-day concert held in Boone, N.C., for almost 30 years. Tony married the former TaRanda Kiser on February 13, 2001. Together, they continued the ministry of the Greenes, while also being involved in several other ventures that include work with Abraham Productions (concert promotions featuring the Singing In The Sun in Myrtle Beach, S.C., the Gatlinburg Gathering in Gatlinburg, Tenn., and other locations), and the Good Shepherd Funeral Home in Indian Trail, North Carolina. On August 25, 2009, Tony underwent a successful kidney transplant, with TaRanda providing the donor kidney. He returned to traveling within a month and though he encountered some minor health difficulties, he continued with the Greenes until additional health issues forced his hospitalization on September 21, 2010. A service celebrating Tony's life will be held Monday evening, October 4, 2010, at 7:00 P.M., at First Baptist Church Indian Trail. The body will lie in state, at the church, from 4:00 until 7:00 o'clock. The family will receive friends Monday, from 4:00 until 7:00 o'clock, at the church, prior to the service. A time to pay respect will be held Tuesday, October 5, 2010, from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M., at Hampton Funeral Home Chapel. The family will receive friends from 10:00 A.M. until 12:00 P.M. Graveside services and burial will follow Tuesday afternoon, at 1:00 o'clock, at the Westview Baptist Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Tony Greene Medical Fund, PO Box 3046, Indian Trail, North Carolina, 28079. Online condolences may be sent to the Greene family at http://www.hamptonfuneralservice.com/. Good Shepherd Funeral Home, in Indian Trail, North Carolina, is in charge of the arrangements. The very last concert i saw Tony sing at was in July. It was down in Berry, Al on a Sunday afternoon. I didn't think i would be able to make it, but just as GOD had done so many times before when i got to go see the Greenes, HE opened the door and made a way at the last minute. I really questioned why i was going that Sunday morning...missing my own church and driving that far by myself. Little did i realize it would be my last time to see Tony on this side of heaven. The Greenes did a great job that day of lifting up CHRIST and encouraging us all in the LORD. I especially loved hearing Tony sing, "I Can't Even Walk Without YOU Holding My Hand," as i had often heard him sing in recent years and never grew tired of it. Afterwards, Taranda went straight to the bus as she was recovering from recent surgery, and i went and spoke with John a few minutes. I walked over and sat down where Tony was talking with some other folks. I overheard him say something about having trouble with his kidney and that was the first i knew that he was struggling with his new kidney. I wish i had stayed longer and taken time tell Tony bye and that i loved him. I got up and left and didn't even say goodbye...just figuring i'd see him the next time down the road. I didn't realize i would never get a chance here on earth to say goodbye. As i was typing earlier this week and telling a friend about that on FB shortly after i found out about Tony's death, the HOLY SPIRIT so moved me by that thought that i immediately got up and went to the phone and called someone very close to me to seek to reconcile some differences between us and tell her i loved her. I didn't want something to happen to either one of us and there be anything between us. We never know when we will see someone for the last time, until we meet on the other shore. I remember hearing Tony apologize that Sunday afternoon for the Greenes getting in the church a little late. He said he was about to walk in when Belle, his little girl had chocolate all over her hands and hugged her Daddy getting it all over his white shirt, so he had to change shirts and that delayed them. Tony was very prompt and always wanted to be on time...another lesson from his life that i need to work on. Tony loved his daughters and loved being on the road with them. They homeschooled Belle as they traveled down the road, and little Josie was learning just as much as her big sister. I video taped the Greenes singing a few songs that last concert. I believe it's the first time i ever recorded them and i am so glad now the LORD led me to do that, and made the way for me to go to that last concert i saw Tony sing. I've included one of my favorites Tony sang that has been so true in my life, "I Can't Even Walk Without YOU Holding My Hand." http://www.youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch? Many of you have told me how you are praying for the Greenes and i know that GOD is hearing and answering your prayers for them. Please continue to remember this dear family in your prayers. Next Friday night the Greenes were scheduled to sing in Cullman, see attachment. I don't know if they will be there, Tony's funeral is Monday in Charlotte, NC and the graveside service is Tuesday in Boone, NC. But the Hoppers, Tony's sister Kim sings with, will be as far as i know, and Gold City. The concert was orginally to benefit Tony's Kidney fund, and all the proceeds will still go to Tony's Medical Fund. James Nicholson, a long time friend of the Greenes is putting that concert on in Cullman and i hope you will see him about tickets...it's going to be a wonderful night in the LORD, and the life of Tony Greene will be celebrated that night. Tony Greene, I know you're up there in heaven, and it will be hard for you to miss these concerts...you've been so faithful for 32 years to be there and sing the Praises of your LORD and encourage HIS soldiers weary hearts. I can just hear you snorting and laughing and singing praises to your GOD and having a good old time up there with JESUS, your Daddy you loved so much, and all your other loved ones who have gone on before....I'm sure the LORD said to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant," when you arrived in heaven. We sure will miss you Tony. Thank you for making us laugh and making us cry. Thank you for always pointing our hearts to heaven and to JESUS and encouraging us to "Hold On," in the difficult times, that GOD is faithful. HE sure is...and HE answered our prayers and healed your body once and for all. We love you and thank GOD for your life that burned out for JESUS. GOD bless you dear ones, and thank you for letting me lean on you this week. GOD has been faithful and brought back so very many sweet memories of Tony Greene, and the wonderful blessing that he has been in my life. I love you all and thank you for letting me share my heart with you. With all HIS love, mitzi |
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