"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21
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First Tornado that went through while i was writing this email... appeared from nowhere! |
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
As i write this morning, there is a storm approaching from the west. It's unseasonably warm today, and the clouds are dark and ominous looking this morning. With the scars of last year's tornadoes outbreak still fresh in the minds of those of us who live here in Alabama...i know there are alot of anxious hearts around here and throughout the southeast. Pray with me the LORD will be merciful to all of us, and pray for those who have already lost loved ones and homes and business's in storms this week. The tornado that struck Branson, Missouri, was very close to one of my close friend's son, Samuel Clanton, and so thankful the LORD spared Samuel from the tornado. Lightening just flashed in the window i'm sitting by as i write, so i think me and Troy, our Maltipoo, are going to relocate to somewhere not so close to the window. I've moved and he's just staring at me across the room on the back of the couch like he's wondering if i'm coming back. Back to the weather, my dear friend Wanda and her husband were heading down to B'ham Weds evening, and she said the rain and wind were terrible as they drove through Cullman and she wanted to pull over even though it would have been dangerous to do that. Thankfully they arrived safely to their destination, but she said it was very difficult driving. When i awoke yesterday morning, i learned that my friend Tim Greene, who many of you have prayed for through the years through my Friday emails, had been involved in a severe bus accident. For you new folks reading, Tim is a gospel music singer, http://www. thegreenesmusic.com/, whom GOD delivered from severe mold poisoning that debilitated him for 10 years or so. Tim has been back out on the road, going all over sharing his testimony, preaching the salvation that is ours in JESUS CHRIST, and singing with his trio. Yesterday morning, Tim and another member of his group were traveling in Georgia to pick up the third member of their trio, when strong winds forced the bus off the road, and the bus flipped. Tim went through the windshield and miraculously, he lived to tell about it. The state trooper said Tim was "a blessed man." Please pray for Tim as he recovers from surgery to repair muscles and tendons in both arms, broken ribs and other parts that are sore from the wreck. Also, pray for his partner Stacy who fractured a hip and broke a toe. Tim and his group have only been traveling by bus just a few weeks...
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Tim's bus |
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A miracle GOD spared them... |
As i write, the clouds continue to get darker, and the lightening is striking close by at times, with the thunder booming behind it. I'm surprised, Troy is still sitting across the room on the couch from me. I'm glad he doesn't get nervous in storms like a lot of dogs i hear do. The rain is blowing and falling on the deck outside, and apart from the threat of severe weather, it's really quiet cozy and i'm thankful for a day to be indoors. If there is a break in the weather...i'm hitting the trail to go door to door in the campaign battle, where my husband is running for Circuit Court Clerk.
It's been another busy week with the campaign, and wow, the rain is coming down heavy now...Troy must be getting some blown in on him through the screen window cause he's looking around puzzled like what's happening.This week Johnny was in a political forum on Tuesday night with the other candidates and our opponent was there with their supporters and their T shirts. For some unknown reason, my son and i, along with our friends, Wanda and Greg, sat right behind them. Our opponents filled up two whole rows and it was rather intimidating. There go the sirens for the weather....tornado warning! I'm back, after scurrying around with Johnny, the electricity went off for a minute and we couldn't find out any info, but it's on now, and things seems to have passed us for now. I'm sitting on the couch typing with my motorcycle helmet on now...someone told me after the last tornadoes that head injuries were the way most folks were killed from the tornadoes and it's wise to wear a helmet, so i went to the garage and got our helmets from our old Harley Motorcycle riding days.
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A new look typing my email...Tornado look! |
Looks like we've had two tornadoes hit nearby since i last wrote a few minutes ago...one in the Indian Trace, Canebrake area where many of our friends live, and the other in the Mooresville Pepper Road area. Both are very close by...it's kind of calm now...and hopefully the storms are passing for now. It's supposed to be even worse tonight. Dear Lord, please help our friends who have been affected by these storms. I pray the damage has not been great, but if so, pour out your mercies and help upon them. Please protect us and keep us from harm and show us how to minister to those who have been in the paths of the tornadoes this morning. I have been calling some of our friends to make sure they're okay...can't get most of them. The sun is shining right this minute, but more tornadoes are being predicted...it's a weather pattern like last April 27...so ya'll please remember us in your prayers.
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Tornado damage at Canebreak about a mile from us...many of our dear church family live here. |
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Tornado Damage on Moorseville Rd. not far from our house... the same path as the tornadoes last year. |
I'm going to try and quickly write about this week...it's had it's ups and downs as all of life does and all of "battles," do. On the campaign trail Monday, though i didn't feel well, i had a most encouraging day campaign wise, and the blessing of meeting two homeschool families. One family had moved in the house with her Mother in law to take care of her while she is battling cancer. The mom has 5 kids, her husband is in seminary in North Carolina and he comes home on the weekends. She is taking care of her sick mother in law, and homeschooling 5 kids, and trying to learn more about nutrition and health to help her Mom and family. They were a precious family, and the kids were such a blessing. The oldest boy, 14, helped me do a little campaigning, going door to door for me in his neighborhood in the yards that had been sprayed. I ended up staying there quiet awhile, as the young wife encouraged me in the place GOD has us walking, and hopefully, somehow, i was able to encourage her and her family. Once again, i was reminded there is a lot more to this campaign than trying to win an election as the LORD guides our footsteps to folks who are hurting and need an encouraging word, or maybe it's us needing the encouragement. At any rate, Monday was an awesome afternoon, as i met several i was able to minister and be ministered to...we're all in a battle, whether it's a political campaign, spiritual warfare, health, loss of job...and now tornadoes, we are all in a battle and that has come home to me again on this campaign. My last stop, was at the house of a cousin of mine, and he told me he had been out of work for a year...and i could tell, this was probably the most difficult trial he had ever been through. I tried to encourage him, and he let me put up a yard sign in his yard, and i was really happy.
As i went home, i notice one of our opponent's larger signs up in a place where it hadn't been when i came up the road earlier that day in a yard that i had asked to put one up close by. I was kind of discouraged about that...but not nearly as discouraged as i was yesterday when my Dad and i went back up the same road to go door to door together. There in a field beside where my cousin had let me put a sign in his yard, which wasn't there anymore, was a large sign for our opponent. I still haven't found out the story behind what happened, but it doesn't really matter...the LORD knows the outcome of this election no matter how hard we work, how many signs we get up, how much money is spent, etc...the battle and the outcome belongs to our LORD JESUS CHRIST. I thank HIM for that peace, though on days like yesterday, i don't always feel it. Yesterday, i felt rather irritable, and put out at our opponent's strategy to put up signs everywhere ours are it seems.
It was an experience campaigning with my 85 year old Daddy who is more aggressive than Johnny and me when it comes to putting up signs and asking folks to put up signs. At one stop, Daddy parked on the side of a two lane road facing oncoming traffic, and here i sit in the passenger side , while my Daddy jumped out to go talk to someone at the door. I told Daddy NOT to do that anymore, it was dangerous. I later apologized to him for talking to him that way...it scared me, but i was wrong for being disrespectful in my tone with my Daddy. Daddy went door to door to many homes, while i rode my bicycle going door to door...and we covered quite a bit of ground. Daddy and I loaded and unloaded my bicycle several times after we would finish a neighborhood. At the last house almost that i went to, a young man and lady were sitting out in the garage...him in a recliner (yes this is Alabama:), and her on a stool, and they were just talking. I made a little joke about it, and they didn't seem to think it was too funny cause they didn't laugh. When i introduced myself, the young man told me to look in the back of the red truck behind me, and there were several of our yard signs. They had been working for us and passing out fliers! Wow, what an encouragement, after a discouraging and scary morning for me:)!
It was a great blessing to campaign with my Daddy, but a little nerve wracking riding in his El Camino with the Evans signs draped over the sides of it, and taped to the back. I told Daddy his driving was reminding me of his Daddy, Everett, who my Mom hated us grandkids to ride with...Daddy is not that bad, but he sure did scare me parking on the side of the road with me facing oncoming traffic! My Daddy, at 85, has worked and worked for us on this campaign, putting out signs, going door to door, and talking to folks...thank you, LORD, for giving him the love and strength to do this, along with taking care of my Mom. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to campaign with my Daddy, and helping me to live through it...so far!
It was an experience campaigning with my 85 year old Daddy who is more aggressive than Johnny and me when it comes to putting up signs and asking folks to put up signs. At one stop, Daddy parked on the side of a two lane road facing oncoming traffic, and here i sit in the passenger side , while my Daddy jumped out to go talk to someone at the door. I told Daddy NOT to do that anymore, it was dangerous. I later apologized to him for talking to him that way...it scared me, but i was wrong for being disrespectful in my tone with my Daddy. Daddy went door to door to many homes, while i rode my bicycle going door to door...and we covered quite a bit of ground. Daddy and I loaded and unloaded my bicycle several times after we would finish a neighborhood. At the last house almost that i went to, a young man and lady were sitting out in the garage...him in a recliner (yes this is Alabama:), and her on a stool, and they were just talking. I made a little joke about it, and they didn't seem to think it was too funny cause they didn't laugh. When i introduced myself, the young man told me to look in the back of the red truck behind me, and there were several of our yard signs. They had been working for us and passing out fliers! Wow, what an encouragement, after a discouraging and scary morning for me:)!
It was a great blessing to campaign with my Daddy, but a little nerve wracking riding in his El Camino with the Evans signs draped over the sides of it, and taped to the back. I told Daddy his driving was reminding me of his Daddy, Everett, who my Mom hated us grandkids to ride with...Daddy is not that bad, but he sure did scare me parking on the side of the road with me facing oncoming traffic! My Daddy, at 85, has worked and worked for us on this campaign, putting out signs, going door to door, and talking to folks...thank you, LORD, for giving him the love and strength to do this, along with taking care of my Mom. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to campaign with my Daddy, and helping me to live through it...so far!
Daddy dropped me off at home and he went home to rest and take care of my Mom. The afternoon was early and i felt compelled to do a little more campaigning after i rested a few minutes. The LORD led me to go down a road not too far from where we live, and i had several encouraging visits on that road of supporters and beautiful homes on big lots out in the country and it just felt good to be there and visit with those people. I was blessed by a Grandmother not much older than me, taking care of her three grandchildren, and we talked like we had known one another all our lives...that's the way it is when you are in CHRIST...you're family and you share the same family likeness...LOVE. They put a yard sign in their yard and we sure appreciated their help. On down the road, was the neatest log cabin, with a pond and a waterfall, in some shaded woods. Down from there, a lady invited me to come in that was friend's of the family and i took her up on the offer to use her bathroom and showed me around her house. She had recently broken her back, and was still recovering from her injury. She and her husband were so kind to me and i felt very comfortable in their presence and home. I pulled down the long driveway of another home to find the sweetest little boy who took me by the hand and led me meet his mother. He opened the door for me and went to get his mother who was very friendly when she came to the door. I commented on his good manners and he said, "Mama, i opened the door for her." He was precious! His Mama and Daddy are doing a great job training their children and i have met so many well mannered children along this campaign trail. My last visit was with a long time friend of the family and minister in our county. He told me about his daughter who has some similar health issues to mine, and i hope i will be able to help her. She has been suffering for many years, and is close to my age. They have gone everywhere trying to find help for her. I sure hope the LORD will use me to help them find some help for her.
So, the campaign is a microcosm of life...there are up's and down's all in the same day...the same hour. Just like the tornado that came up this morning out of nowhere, suddenly, and left so much damage.
Tornado while i was writing earlier...
One minute you're encouraged, then discouraged when i take my eyes off of the LORD and HIS plans and purposes and get them on my circumstances. It's silly to get discouraged about a political campaign, when folks are struggling all around us, with lot's "bigger fish to fry." But GOD love's us, and HE wants us to trust HIM, whether it's a political campaign, or tornadoes that are developing around us today...big or little, HE is ever teaching us to trust HIM, and learn to fight the enemy with HIS weapons.
I read this devo from Charles Spurgeon this morning, just before the tornado hit nearby... about fighting the battle against our ENEMY:
Author: Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Morning: Weapons of War
"But all the Israelites went down to the Philistines, to sharpen every man his share, and his coulter, and his ax, and his mattock."
--1 Samuel 13:20
We are engaged in a great war with the Philistines of evil. Every weapon within our reach must be used. Preaching, teaching, praying, giving, all must be brought into action, and talents which have been thought too mean for service, must now be employed. Coulter, and axe, and mattock, may all be useful in slaying Philistines; rough tools may deal hard blows, and killing need not be elegantly done, so long as it is done effectually. Each moment of time, in season or out of season; each fragment of ability, educated or untutored; each opportunity, favourable or unfavourable, must be used, for our foes are many and our force but slender.
Most of our tools want sharpening; we need quickness of perception, tact, energy, promptness, in a word, complete adaptation for the Lord's work. Practical common sense is a very scarce thing among the conductors of Christian enterprises. We might learn from our enemies if we would, and so make the Philistines sharpen our weapons. This morning let us note enough to sharpen our zeal during this day by the aid of the Holy Spirit. See the energy of the Papists, how they compass sea and land to make one proselyte, are they to monopolize all the earnestness? Mark the heathen devotees, what tortures they endure in the service of their idols! are they alone to exhibit patience and self-sacrifice? Observe the prince of darkness, how persevering in his endeavours, how unabashed in his attempts, how daring in his plans, how thoughtful in his plots, how energetic in all! The devils are united as one man in their infamous rebellion, while we believers in Jesus are divided in our service of God, and scarcely ever work with unanimity. O that from Satan's infernal industry we may learn to go about like good Samaritans, seeking whom we may bless!
Our enemy, the devil is relentless...if you don't think so...walk with me and go door to door one afternoon and hear what all folks are going through. After i read this devotion, i read the one below in Streams in the Desert, and it reminded me that spending time with the LORD, first thing in the morning is the key to being victorious through the battle's we will fight for JESUS until HE takes us home...and then we will rest from our battles.
Author: Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
Source: Streams in the Desert
Scripture Reference: Exodus 34:2-3
Meet Him in the Morning
Scripture Reference: Exodus 34:2-3
Meet Him in the Morning
"Be ready in the morning, and come up...present thyself there to me in the top of the mount. And no man shall come up with thee"
(Exod. 34:2-3).The morning watch is essential. You must not face the day until you have faced God, nor look into the face of others until you have looked into His.
You cannot expect to be victorious, if the day begins only in your own strength. Face the work of every day with the influence of a few thoughtful, quiet moments with your heart and God. Do not meet other people, even those of your own home, until you have first met the great Guest and honored Companion of your life--Jesus Christ.
Meet Him alone. Meet Him regularly. Meet Him with His open Book of counsel before you; and face the regular and the irregular duties of each day with the influence of His personality definitely controlling your every act.
Begin the day with God!He is thy Sun and Day!
His is the radiance of thy dawn;
To Him address thy lay.Sing a new song at morn!
Join the glad woods and hills;
Join the fresh winds and seas and plains,
Join the bright flowers and rills.Sing thy first song to God!
Not to thy fellow men;
Not to the creatures of His hand,
But to the glorious One.Take thy first walk with God!
Let Him go forth with thee;
By stream, or sea, or mountain path,
Seek still His company.Thy first transaction be
With God Himself above;
So shall thy business prosper well,
And all the day be love.--Horatius Bonar
The men who have done the most for God in this world have been early upon their knees.
Matthew Henry used to be in his study at four, and remain there till eight; then, after breakfast and family prayer, he used to be there again till noon; after dinner, he resumed his book or pen till four, and spent the rest of the day in visiting his friends.
Doddridge himself alludes to his "Family Expositor" as an example of the difference of rising between five and seven, which, in forty years, is nearly equivalent to ten years more of life.
Dr. Adam Clark's "Commentary" was chiefly prepared very early in the morning.
Barnes' popular and useful "Commentary" has been also the fruit of "early morning hours."
Simeon's "Sketches" were chiefly worked out between four and eight.
Our enemy is relentless...that's what came to my mind this morning after i read that devotion from Charles Spurgeon...kind of like our opponent, getting those yard signs out wherever ours are placed. But GOD is ALMIGHTY and "GREATER is HE that is in us, than he that is in the world." The more we spend time with JESUS in our prayer closet, the more GOD unleashes HIS power through us, and we are able to get the victory over discouragement and whatever we are battling against.
If you don't know JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR and you want to be victorious over your battles, you can surrender your life to HIM right now. Call upon HIS name whever your are, and humble yourself, and pray, "JESUS take the wheel," of my life and ask HIM to forgive you for your sins. HE loves you so much, HE died for you and for me, that we might be REDEEMED, purchased with the price of HIS blood, that we might know HIM intimately and personally for all eternity and be saved from a burning hell where we deserve to be for all eternity. He wants to lavish HIS riches upon us for all eternity...won't you come to HIM today?
The LORD brought this older praise song..."The Battle Belongs to the LORD," http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Qp_PolBwjEwto my mind as i thought about the title for this email. I was going to call it "Relentless," but HE changed my direction with the tornadoes hitting this morning and as HE led me in this email. Satan is relentless, but GOD is even more relentless in HIS love and pursuit for us and HE won the victory for us on the Cross of Calvary. This is a great video...i hope you will take time to watch it and be encouraged in the LORD. I can't fight the battle in my own strength...whatever kind it is...over and over i find myself running to the LORD, and asking HIM to fight for me..."Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots, but we trust in the name of the LORD our GOD."
They have cancelled schools and are expecting another round of severe weather this afternoon and probably tonight...ya'll please keep us all in our area in your prayers, many have already had severe damage as you can see. Please remember Tim Greene as he recovers from his injuries, please keep us in your prayers as we continue this political campaign for at least another week and a half and remember, "The Battle Belongs to the LORD!"
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Look what GOD can do with a political sign...and telephone phone on Pepper Rd. This road is next to where we live and several of our church family and friends live on. |
With all HIS love,
More photos of the damage from the tornadoes this morning posted by the Denver Post: (amazing they are from the Denver post). Thank you JESUS no one was killed, and only one severely hurt in all this damage.
More photos of the damage from the tornadoes this morning posted by the Denver Post: (amazing they are from the Denver post). Thank you JESUS no one was killed, and only one severely hurt in all this damage.

"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"Just As I Am" Brian Doerkson
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