Merry CHRISTmas! I know you are like me busy getting ready for CHRISTmas and you probably don't even have time to take a look at this writing. But if you have a few minutes, i pray the LORD will use these words, pictures, and music to encourage your heart of HIS great faithfulness to provide all our needs in CHRIST JESUS, whether it be for a wedding that is just literally a few days away for our family, or for our greatest need, the forgiveness of our sins. I hope you like me, will not miss CHRISTmas, because of the busyness of the season...See Dr. David Jeremiah's "People Who Missed Christmas" → . GOD sent HIS SON, EMMANUEL, to be with us, and help us in whatever circumstances HE has engineered for us.
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My Mom and Dad standing in front of a CHRISTmas Decoration my Dad made 50 years ago or more! |
Before i go any further, i want to wish my dear oldest brother Joe, a very Happy Birthday! Thank you, Joe, for being such a prayer warrior for our family, and great example for your little sis. Thank you for loving me and taking care of me when i was in "Headstart," and you were a senior and i ran to the bandroom everyday looking for you. You were so patient and gently carried me back to my class. I love you and Happy, Happy Birthday, Joe!
If you haven't heard, we are having a wedding next week...two days after CHRISTmas! Our son is marrying the desire of his heart, Amanda CHRISTian. We have always prayed our children would marry CHRISTian mates since before they were born. I didn't realize GOD would give our oldest born literally a "CHRISTian" in name to marry
. If you missed my writing about it last December, you can go to and read about the engagement. Believe me, there was a whole lot more to the story. I wanted to share all the romantic details and how GOD patiently blossomed their courtship but it got "edited," and i had to leave out the really interesting parts:). I love to hear how the LORD brings two young people together or two older people together to marry. Sometimes it's love at first site on one person's side and not the other, sometimes there is a mutual attraction and the love grows between both, and sometime's two people are friends for a while before they realize that GOD has led them together to be one in HIM. There are a jillion scenarios the LORD uses to bring people together to accomplish the plans and purposes HE has for them individually and together as One in CHRIST.
So we are having a wedding next week, two days after CHRISTmas! Definitely not the time i would have chosen, but it's the time GOD chose, and once again in HIS great faithfulness, HE is getting the wedding preparations done through these weak vessels. Of course, being the groom's Mom, i haven't had near the responsibilities to think about that Amanda's Mom has, but GOD has been gracious to get the things done our side needs to be doing in order to prepare for their wedding and for the rehearsal dinner.
This past week was another example of GOD's great faithfulness to provide me the help i needed for the rehearsal dinner. Johnny and i had met with the lady at the restaurant, an Italian restaurant in Madison, a few weeks ago to coordinate the plans for the dinner. I was delighted to learn that the room would be decorated for CHRISTmas so unless we just wanted to, i wouldn't need to do a lot of decorating. I just kind of left it at that. Then my sis started texting me earlier this week about some decorating ideas (she got ALL the decorating talent in our family) for the dinner. I thought they were good ideas, and planned to go to Walmart and check out some of her suggestions. For some reason, (GOD was leading me to even more help) after i got off the phone with her, I turned around and called Hilda Waldrop, my mother in laws next door neighbor, best friend, and DECORATOR EXTRAORDINAIRE! Hilda answered the phone and i asked her if she had a minute and she said she did. I asked her if she would help me decorate for the rehearsal dinner. She gave me some great ideas like purple and pink ornaments and purple ribbons on the tables. She said she would check her supply of things to decorate with and then after i went to Design World where ornaments were 50% off we'd check back with each other. I called Hannah Beth to see if she would go with me and she said she would. In the meantime, Hilda walked next door to my Mother in law's house, and talked with HB, my niece Corinne, whose Mom is very talented at decorating, and my Mother in law. Little known to me while i was shopping, they were brainstorming about the rehearsal dinner. By the time I got home, and HB met me at home...GOD had implanted ideas inside my daughter and my niece's head and by the time we went shopping, I basically went along for the ride.
About 3:00 p.m. we headed out, after waiting for Phillip (my "adopted," son) to arrive. I keep him after school three days a week. He is out for CHRISTmas vacation, but since his Momma is in heaven, and big sis, Natalie had a job interview, he came on over. We "kidnapped", him and away we went out the door, heading towards Huntsville. Even though i told HB i had seen the room at the restaurant, she insisted we go again and look at it. I am so glad she did. The room that was going to be "decorated," had three little small gifts on each table. Not at all how i pictured it. Also, the girls were able to see how many tables and how they would be set up. It was a very productive trip and so glad i listened to HB.
After we left the restaurant, we headed back to Madison to Design World...this is where things got a little tense. We walked in and started walking up and down the aisles. We got separated and we were all looking at different things. The girls said that burlap was real popular right now so they suggested we use some on the tables. Some of us were looking at burlap, some ribbon, and i don't know what i was looking at...just kind of wondering around. We all met back together, and Corinne said, "Could we just "succinctly" go up and down each row and look and see what they had?" Succinctly?" HB and I, who operate more harem scarem, looked at each other and i could tell that HB was sinking and stressed, and that made me stressed. I asked her if she needed to eat and she did. We looked around a little more looking at the different types of burlap and all of the sudden it dawned on me, we needed to pray. So we stopped right there in the store in front of the burlap and the three of us prayed and asked GOD to guide us and show us what we needed to buy for HIS glory. It was amazing how GOD answered our prayers. HE led the girls to right colors, a deep plum purple, and to the right burlap and ribbon. A friend sent me a message on FB and said she had some glass globes we could use, along with some clear marbles she had used at her daughters recent wedding. Great! That was a huge blessing! While we shopped, Phillip sweetly played on his new Kindle that he just got for his birthday last week...he just turned 10! We got the ribbon and burlap and decided to go eat at Chipolte (pronounced Chipolay...i found that out today when i said Chipol "t" and the girls laughed at me and corrected me on that.
After we ate a good healthy meal there, they serve huge burritos with antibiotic and hormone free meat), we were pumped and ready to go again! We went on to Hobby Lobby. Once in Hobby Lobby, the girls picked out the remaining decorations for the tables, some dried plum colored flowers, some plum and gold colored balls, and some wooden balls to fill the glass globes. Sweet little Phillip picked out a rustic looking cross for the head table. GOD just really brought it all together and we had a ball coming home. We stopped at Providence place to get frozen yogurt. Providence is a "yuppy," area just outside of Huntsville that has the fill of "old town," big city, and reminds me of parts of Dallas where i have stayed when i go to see my doctor out there. When we got there, HB told Phillip she wanted to see him do the "wobble." If you don't know what that is...HB can give you lessons like she did me a couple of weeks's a dance that's popular now and they are planning it to do it at the reception. Phillip and HB and Corinne got out of the car and in the parking lot with the music playing...HB, Corinne and Phillip are doing the "wobble." It was a lot of fun and wish i had a picture to show you...but you'll just have to imagine it.
We went inside and got yogurt, and had a fun time eating our various flavors...i got eggnog, Corinne, birthday cake batter i believe, and i can't remember what HB and Phillip got. I just remember Phillip having a heaping pile of red gummy things on top of his and i'm telling him, "Go easy on the toppings!"
After we ate our yogurt, we headed back to the big city of Athens, going the back roads so we could see the CHRISTmas lights. Phillip had this bright idea that every time we saw CHRISTmas lights to shout out a "code," name...HB being in nursing school, decides to use words dealing with bodily functions and anatomical sites such a "flatulence," which was her code, "belch," for Corinne, I was "sphincter," and Phillip was "gluteus maximus." So every time we saw CHRISTmas lights, depending on who saw them first, yelled out their "code," name first, and then the rest of us followed....something like "Flatulence," yelled HB, "Gluteus Maximus," added Phillip, then, "Belch," by Corinne, and me, "sphincter." I was not the "bottom," sphincter just to clarify....HB said there are like 3 different sphincters in the body so i was definitely one of the others! Anyway, we had a ball on the way home looking at the lights and learning anatomy and bodily functions along the way! Phillips Daddy told me today he would pay me back one day for our "good" influence on Phillip by keeping our grand kids (when we have them)
. When we got back, Phillip's Dad met us after he just got out of church, a great time was had by all.
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At the yogurt shop! |
After we ate our yogurt, we headed back to the big city of Athens, going the back roads so we could see the CHRISTmas lights. Phillip had this bright idea that every time we saw CHRISTmas lights to shout out a "code," name...HB being in nursing school, decides to use words dealing with bodily functions and anatomical sites such a "flatulence," which was her code, "belch," for Corinne, I was "sphincter," and Phillip was "gluteus maximus." So every time we saw CHRISTmas lights, depending on who saw them first, yelled out their "code," name first, and then the rest of us followed....something like "Flatulence," yelled HB, "Gluteus Maximus," added Phillip, then, "Belch," by Corinne, and me, "sphincter." I was not the "bottom," sphincter just to clarify....HB said there are like 3 different sphincters in the body so i was definitely one of the others! Anyway, we had a ball on the way home looking at the lights and learning anatomy and bodily functions along the way! Phillips Daddy told me today he would pay me back one day for our "good" influence on Phillip by keeping our grand kids (when we have them)
This is just one example of how GOD has provided help to me for our part in the wedding. He has always been faithful to be strong in my weaknesses and HE continues to be strong.
Decorating is not one of my gifts, but it is others. It blessed me so much to see how GOD provided my sis, Hilda, HB and Corinne, and my friend from church to help me. Next Wednesday, if you think of us...say a prayer for us, as we will be setting up the room around 1:30 p.m. on our way to the rehearsal that afternoon. I also sure am thankful for a young man at our church who is putting together a CD for the rehearsal and wedding, and for our Children's Minister allowing us to use the projector to show it on the screen at the restaurant. Thankful for my sis in law too, who gave me the idea for the rehearsal dinner invitations, and for my daughter in law to be sending me all the addresses and names and making it easy for me. A special thank you to my hard working husband to pay for all of this....without him, there would be no funds to do this. Thank you, baby, for your love and financial support and setting a great example for our son to be a loving husband and great Dad. Thank you for always pointing our family to JESUS.
LORD JESUS, thank YOU for all of YOUR help to me to accomplish YOUR plans and purposes even for this rehearsal dinner. I ask YOU to be glorified in all that is said in done, and it will be a great time of encouragement in YOU for all who are attending. "
Well, i wasn't sure where this was going to end up when i started writing, but it all goes back to our great and faithful HEAVENLY FATHER WHO provides all our needs in CHRIST JESUS, and HE wants us to be wed to HIM and spend all eternity with HIM. I am living proof that HE uses weak vessels to manifest HIS power through.
This CHRISTmas as we celebrate the birth of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, think about the need that GOD saw that we had even before we knew or realized it..."But GOD demonstrates HIS love for us in that while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us." Romans 5:8.
"GOD knew what sin was going to cost HIM when HE created a world in which sin was possible. GOd knew that HE HIMself was going to be the ONE to pay the price, that HE would have to become the helpless, slain LAMB. And HE was willing to do that." Elisabeth Elliot,
"GOD knew what sin was going to cost HIM when HE created a world in which sin was possible. GOd knew that HE HIMself was going to be the ONE to pay the price, that HE would have to become the helpless, slain LAMB. And HE was willing to do that." Elisabeth Elliot,
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My sweet Daddy made this manger for Baby JESUS- GOD's GREATEST GIFT to us! |
GOD sent a little, weak baby to accomplish HIS pay the punishment for all the sins that you and I have ever committed...sins like selfishness, lust, hate, anger, lying, cheating, stealing, disrespect, slander, grumbling and complaining...sins we commit and we don't even realize that we have sinned until the HOLY SPIRIT convicts our hearts. GOD sent JESUS to be the SAVIOR of the WORLD..."For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON, that whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16. Have you repented of your sins, and received that greatest GIFT that GOD could ever give us, eternal life in CHRIST JESUS? You can do that right now, by repenting, turning away from your sins, and asking JESUS to cleanse you and be the LORD of your life. Please let me know if you do that...and i encourage you to find a local church fellowship that teaches GOD's WORD, that will love on you, pray for you, and encourage you in your growth as a CHRISTian. GOD loves to use the weak things of the world to display HIS power through and HE wants to have a relationship with you, and use you to bring much glory to HIM.
Thank you so much for taking time to read, and please remember our family in your prayers this upcoming week. I just try not to think about it...and live one day at a time. I really don't want to overlook CHRISTmas, looking past it to the day at a time, sweet JESUS! This has been the sweetest CHRISTmas season for me with GOD pouring out one blessing after another, "grace upon grace." Getting to see Phillip in his CHRISTmas pageant at Lindsay Lane Baptist Academy earlier this week was such a special unexpected blessing! It was a good old fashioned CHRISTmas pageant where the story of JESUS was told by the children, and acted out, and sang about singing the old fashioned CHRISTmas carols like "Joy to the World," "Away in a Manger," "O Come all Ye Faithful," to name a few. It was so cute to see the children who were dressed up like camels, donkeys, and sheep. Phillip was a "townsperson," and HB and i fixed him up in a bathrobe and HB added the towel and ribbon around his head. She went with me to the pageant where we met Phillips Dad and his sis, Natalie. Natalie was home from college too, and it was great to see HB and Natalie together again. They were "BFF's" when we were all homeschooling together.
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Phillip and HB getting ready for the CHRISTmas pageant |
Last week, GOD allowed me to play "Carol of the Drums," also known as "Little Drummer Boy," at our local community choir sing. It was another special unexpected blessing from the LORD and how i praise HIM and thank HIM for all HIS kindness and for giving me the desire of my heart to play this song. It's one i have loved since i was a little girl, and GOD was giving me the talent then to play for HIM. Little did i know i would get the opportunity at 49 and 50 to play the drums for HIM at church. Be sure and watch the video of "Little Drummer" boy from the 1960's show
We have so enjoyed having Hannah Beth home for about two weeks now...we have had a blast together, CHRISTmas shopping together, watching "Duck Dynasty," with Johnny (they are so funny together laughing...), helping me with wedding preparations, and teaching me the "wobble." It has truly blessed me to see how the LORD JESUS is working in her heart and growing her in her relationship with HIM, and how it overflows into all the other areas of her life. LORD willing she will be finishing her BSN in May and she is seeking the LORD's wisdom what to do after that. Please pray for her to seek HIM and rest in HIM to lead and guide her paths. JM finished his first semester of med school today! So very thankful and proud for all that GOD is doing in his life...Please definitely remember him as he takes on the responsibilities of being a husband and spiritual leader to Amanda now, along with his studies.
GOD bless you all my dear friends and family....thank you so much for all your love and prayers for our family this year. Ya'll are an eternal blessing to us. I am looking forward to seeing all of my family and many of you my dear friends at the wedding and over CHRISTmas. Remember JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON... HE is not a "cliche," HE's the reason for all that we are and live and do..."For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11.
Merry CHRISTmas,