"Great is HIS faithfulness; HIS lovingkindness begins afresh each day. My soul claims the LORD as my inheritance." Lamentations 3:23-24
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I actually wrote this yesterday, but just have not felt like sending it out today. Today is our son's 22nd birthday, and he had to buy his own birthday cake...that's sad, but i appreciate him and his girlfriend doing that and going to the grocery store for me tonight. So, since i must be feeling a little better, i'm going to go ahead and send it out tonight and trust this is GOD's perfect timing for whatever reason. I am thankful to be able to do that...
I am sitting on the back porch eating a peanut butter sandwich my housekeeper fixed for me...writing you. Sounds like the life doesn't it:). Actually it's not what you think...it's raining today and turning colder...thankfully, the breezeway is covered where i am sitting in my coat and my husband's sandals...with no socks on. My washing machine has been smelling like mold for a couple of weeks now, and my housekeeper poured bleach into it and ran it through the cycle a couple of times to see if we could kill the mold that lurks somewhere inside. So since i am so sensitive to chlorine...i am outside until it gets out of the house. Guess i could be out campaigning...my husband is running for Circuit Court Clerk, but yesterday and the day before i went out in our neighborhood and the one close by, and went through too many yards that had been sprayed and got overloaded on fertilizer and pesticides of which i am highly allergic to. Riding up to Pulaski to pick up my cat that had surgery with signs in my car, even though they were enclosed in a suitcase and plastic didn't help either. Today, my son used the wrong shampoo, and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. If you want to see what i look like overloaded with chemicals you should have been in my bedroom this morning as i had a "come apart" because the shampoo, on top of everything else, reduced me to tears and anger...it was not a pretty site. I haven't had a meltdown like that in a long time...but i did today. Funny, that comes right after my neighbor told us the other night that his little boy said i was the best CHRISTian he knew. I joked that night he just needs to see me when i've been around the wrong kind of shampoo...didn't know that i was prophesying the future of two days later. GOD knows how to keep HIS children humble, and I am humbled this morning for my behavior and I have asked my son and my husband and my LORD to forgive me. It makes for good writing material but not good relationships when you get so angry. Oh what a SAVIOR you and I have, and it is for this reason HE died for you and for me to forgive us for all of our sins.
Though i've had a rough morning...my heart is full of thanksgiving for my LORD, and even for the roughness and trials of the morning. I don't know all the reasons HE tells us to give thanks in everything...but i am going to thank HIM for the morning...knowing it prepares the way for HIS salvation, as it says in Psalms.
"He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God." Psalm 50:23
"He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me; And to him who orders his way aright I shall show the salvation of God." Psalm 50:23
I shared more about this in last week's email, "One Thousand Gifts,"http://mitzi-hisgraceissufficient.blogspot.com/2012/01/one-thousand-gifts.html if you want to learn more about how offering a sacrifice of thanksgiving prepares the way for GOD's salvation in our lives.
We are so very thankful that my Mother in law received a wonderful report yesterday from the doctor about her liver. Thank you so much for praying for her these past several weeks. We were all afraid she might have cancer, but she doesn't. The spots we were concerned about are hemagioma's ( clumps of blood vessels) on her liver. What is interesting is we learned these are hereditary, and our daughter was born with a hemangioma in her windpipe and almost died before the LORD used the doctors to save her life. It's just kind of neat to know she might have inherited that instead of it being from the pesticides that affected me so adversely....there again...in everything give thanks! Even for those things that have caused me to cling to the LORD so, like pesticides and other chemicals...wow!!! I read a verse from Romans this week that said " And not only so but we rejoice in our sufferings because suffering produces perseverance, and perseverance produces proven character, and proven character hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." Romans 5:4-5
Didn't look like a lot of love had been poured out in my heart this morning...but i'm so thankful that JESUS loves me and forgives me and picks me up when i fall flat on my face.
After i took Peach up to Pulaski to the vet to get the tumor removed on Tuesday, I came back through Elkmont, and the LORD guided my steps to a sub and pizza shop owned by a friend of our family. I asked if he minded putting out some of our campaign fliers. He said he'd be glad to and then we got to talking. I had no idea the man had been so sick last year, but he had been through a really rough time. We talked about a lot of things, and GOD gave me an open door to share CHRIST with HIM. I don't think this man has ever accepted JESUS, and I was happy that I got to share the LORD with him. He didn't really say anything, but i pray that he will accept CHRIST before it's too late for him. As i left the shop, i was really happy the LORD had led us into this campaign, and given me the opportunity to share CHRIST with this friend. My friend told me about the "Old Gin Restaurant," that had just opened up, so i drove over there and put out a few fliers, as i did at a busy gas station in downtown Elkmont, which only has a few stores, and several of those are closed. On the way home, i felt led to stop in and see my old softball coach and ask him to vote for us. He wasn't home, but his daughter was and she invited me to come inside. His daughter and i played softball a few times together, but i hadn't seen her in years and wasn't sure if that was her or not. She has had a lot of serious health issues, and she lives with her Daddy who helps to take care of her. We visited about 20 minutes or so, and it was such a blessing to visit with her. When i left, once again i was happy the LORD had led my husband to run for office or i wouldn't have been stopping by to see this old friend. As i drove into town, i felt the LORD leading my steps to stop in at another old friend's house and ask them to vote for Johnny. I wasn't sure if i had the right house, but I was relieved when they came to the door and it was them. They were very gracious and also invited me in. She invited me to sit down and we talked awhile and enjoyed some sweet fellowship in the LORD. We all used to go to church together when Johnny and I first got married, and i could tell, this couple has some wounds that the LORD is healing. It was such a blessing to be in their home too, and i left there very thankful for all the places the LORD had led me.
That afternoon, after i came home and ate a bite, and talked to my friend, Wanda, on the phone...I hit the campaign trail again....in my neighborhood. I cleaned out the kids old wagon that my Daddy had given them. It serves as my garden wagon now with all my supplies in it and i turned it into a campaign wagon. I put up EVANS for Circuit Court Clerk signs on the sides, and a flier on the back, and i put my signs and fliers in it. It was a beautiful afternoon and the many of the neighbors were outside in their yards working. As i walked down the street, i noticed smoke coming from a nearby backyard, and i walked over to my neighbor's yard where she was burning leaves to ask her to vote for Johnny. Even though she and I are in choir together, i had no idea her Daddy was so sick, and as she and I talked, she poured out her heart to me about his situation and she and I prayed together for her Daddy and his care, and all the decisions her family was having to make. My heart hurts for my dear friend who is such a dear sister in the LORD and once again i was so thankful for "the campaign," that led my footsteps to be able to share this burden with my friend.
An embarrassing thing happened after i made all these visits to my neighbors. Johnny drove up in the driveway, and I was standing outside. He said i had spaghetti all over my face. I say, huh? It wasn't spaghetti, it was ketchup from the hamburger I ate for lunch. In my haste to get out the door after talking to my friend Wanda on the phone, i forgot to check my face after eating lunch. That was really humbling to think i had been to see all my neighbors with "ketchup on my face."
Life is like that isn't it...we often find ourselves with "Ketchup on our face," experiences...GOD gives us the grace to handle situations in HIS SPIRIT and sometimes we blow it big time like i did this morning, and I am embarrassed and sorry for being so out of control with my family. I am so thankful for my SAVIOR WHO knows my weaknesses and limitations and loves me just as i am.
Life is like that isn't it...we often find ourselves with "Ketchup on our face," experiences...GOD gives us the grace to handle situations in HIS SPIRIT and sometimes we blow it big time like i did this morning, and I am embarrassed and sorry for being so out of control with my family. I am so thankful for my SAVIOR WHO knows my weaknesses and limitations and loves me just as i am.
GOD has given me so much to be thankful for, including "ketchup on my face" experiences and when I fall HE picks me up again. I am so glad that when my FATHER looks at me, HE doesn't see the "Ketchup" on my Face"..instead HE sees the perfection of JESUS. These words from Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening encouraged my heart:
It is a great joy to be reacquainted with so many folks we don't take time to go and visit ordinarily. We have campaigned at the county basketball tournament this week and i've seen folks i haven't seen since high school. I know the LORD has HIS reasons for directing our paths this way for the next couple of months at least and you just stand amazed and you thank GOD for leading and guiding your paths in all things...even over fertilized yards and things that make me feel badly. HE has a plan and a purpose. One of the friends we saw at the County Tournament has been newly diagnosed with cancer. She and I played ball against each other and she is one of the sweetest sisters in CHRIST. She blessed me when i saw her Tuesday night and spoke briefly with her and she said the LORD has already brought about so many good things through her sickness. Please pray for her as you read this and her dear family and close friends as they go through this journey with her. And then we saw the grandparents of Elliot Malone, the young man i asked you to pray for a few months ago who was in a car accident and lost both of his legs. They were singing GOD's praises with all they have been through...and continues to, Elliot has his prosthesis now, and has a staph infection. You could tell they were genuinely thankful, and the grandmother said she could not "get off her knees," from being so thankful. What an example...please remember these two families as your read this and pray for them.
"Perfect in Christ Jesus."
--Colossians 1:28
Do you not feel in your own soul that perfection is not in you? Does not every day teach you that? Every tear which trickles from your eye, weeps "imperfection"; every harsh word which proceeds from your lip, mutters "imperfection." You have too frequently had a view of your own heart to dream for a moment of any perfection in yourself. But amidst this sad consciousness of imperfection, here is comfort for you--you are "perfect in Christ Jesus." In God's sight, you are "complete in Him;" even now you are "accepted in the Beloved." But there is a second perfection, yet to be realized, which is sure to all the seed. Is it not delightful to look forward to the time when every stain of sin shall be removed from the believer, and he shall be presented faultless before the throne, without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing? The Church of Christ then will be so pure, that not even the eye of Omniscience will see a spot or blemish in her; so holy and so glorious, that Hart did not go beyond the truth when he said--
"With my Saviour's garments on,
Holy as the Holy One."
Holy as the Holy One."
Then shall we know, and taste, and feel the happiness of this vast but short sentence, "Complete in Christ." Not till then shall we fully comprehend the heights and depths of the salvation of Jesus. Doth not thy heart leap for joy at the thought of it? Black as thou art, thou shalt be white one day; filthy as thou art, thou shalt be clean. Oh, it is a marvellous salvation this! Christ takes a worm and transforms it into an angel; Christ takes a black and deformed thing and makes it clean and matchless in His glory, peerless in His beauty, and fit to be the companion of seraphs. O my soul, stand and admire this blessed truth of perfection in Christ.
It is a great joy to be reacquainted with so many folks we don't take time to go and visit ordinarily. We have campaigned at the county basketball tournament this week and i've seen folks i haven't seen since high school. I know the LORD has HIS reasons for directing our paths this way for the next couple of months at least and you just stand amazed and you thank GOD for leading and guiding your paths in all things...even over fertilized yards and things that make me feel badly. HE has a plan and a purpose. One of the friends we saw at the County Tournament has been newly diagnosed with cancer. She and I played ball against each other and she is one of the sweetest sisters in CHRIST. She blessed me when i saw her Tuesday night and spoke briefly with her and she said the LORD has already brought about so many good things through her sickness. Please pray for her as you read this and her dear family and close friends as they go through this journey with her. And then we saw the grandparents of Elliot Malone, the young man i asked you to pray for a few months ago who was in a car accident and lost both of his legs. They were singing GOD's praises with all they have been through...and continues to, Elliot has his prosthesis now, and has a staph infection. You could tell they were genuinely thankful, and the grandmother said she could not "get off her knees," from being so thankful. What an example...please remember these two families as your read this and pray for them.
It sure is getting cool on this back porch...i went and got the heater and put it at my feet, but thankfully for the moment the wind has died down. Troy, our Maltipoo, is laying across my lap sound asleep as i type. I wanted to share with you, from my back porch, a devotion i read this morning from "Springs in the Valley," about GOD leading and guiding our paths. It really blessed me...as i realize more and more HIS divine presence and guidance in every step that we take...nothing is an accident.
"I being in the way, the LORD led me." Gen. 24:27
"The way" means GOD's way, the pathway prepared for us; not our way; not any kind of way (Proverbs 14:12); not man's way; but the direct way of duty and command. In such a way the LORD will be sure to lead and guide us. The LORD answered the servant's prayer exactly as he prayed, step by step.
GOD never gives guidance for two steps at a time. I must take one step, and then I receive light for the next."
As thou dost travel down the corridor of Time
Thou wilt find many doors of usefulness;
To gain some there are many weary steps to climb,
And then they will not yield! but onward press,
For there before thee, in the distance just beyond
Lies one which yet will open; enter there,
And thou shalt find all realized thy visions fair
Of fields more vast than thou hast yet conceived.
Press on, faint not; though briars strew thy way,
The greatest things are yet to be achieved;
And he who falters not will win the day.
No man can shut the door which GOD sets wide,
He bids thee enter there-thy work awaits inside.
-Fairelie Thorton
Keep to your post and watch HIS signals! Implicitly rely on the methods of HIS guidance.
The methods of HIS guidance for me and my family have oft been through my sickness. I am going to have to rethink my campaign strategy because going door to door in neighborhoods that are heavily sprayed is not going to work for me. So ya'll pray for us...as we learn to work the kinks out and see what works best and doesn't work for Mom. GOD will use those things to lead and guide our paths...to just the people and places HE wants us to be.
We're praying for success and GOD's favor and we thank HIM that HE is giving it to us- one visit at a time.
The greatest success in the world is leading others to a personal relationship with our LORD JESUS CHRIST and encouraging our brothers and sisters in the LORD. If you don't know CHRIST as your SAVIOR today, ask HIM to forgive you and trust in HIS blood to save you from all the bad things you've ever thought or done. HE loves you so much, and the things that may seem to be going so badly in your life right now, are the circumstances that GOD is using to get you to turn to HIM.
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Son that whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"Just As I Am," is the way my SAVIOR wants me to come to HIM. Tonight, I come with "Ketchup on My Face," and ashamed for the way i acted yesterday with my husband and son. I am so glad that I can come to my SAVIOR, Just As I am...this is a beautiful version of this old hymn...http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=qOnBFGAevks We all need a Savior ...we all get angry, we all lie, we all cheat, and lust and fall short of the glory of GOD. For this and so much more, JESUS died on the cross to forgive us of our sins against a HOLY and RIGHTEOUS GOD. Just read these words early this morning from Chuck Swindoll's Book, Great Days with the Great Lives, and it was encouraging about how GOD gives us "New Beginnings," no matter where we are or what we've done:
Posted: 28 Jan 2012 02:55 AM PST by Charles R. Swindoll Read Acts 9:10–19 Regardless of what you have done, no one is beyond hope. That's the great hope of the Christian message. No amount or depth of sin in your past can trump the grace of God. If you question that, remember Saul, the brash Pharisee of Tarsus. When the Lord saved him, He didn't put him on probation. The other disciples did that. No, God gave Saul a new name and, in the process, made him a new creation. That's what makes grace so amazing! Even though your past is soiled, anyone can find a new beginning with God. I've made the same statement throughout my ministry: It's never too late to start doing what is right. When Saul knelt before the living God, he finally faced the reality of his sin. Deep within the man, Christ transformed his life, and he started doing what was right. Grace provides that sort of new beginning. |
Thank you for letting me share with you from my back porch. I am going to check and see how the bleach smell is coming along...and hopefully i can get back inside soon....i might should check and see if i have peanut butter on my face:). I am very thankful for the back porch, which has been my refuge from chemicals inside the house on many occasions and has given me the opportunity to write you today. I wished i had used it earlier today and prevented a major meltdown. GOD is always our refuge and wants us to run to HIM to prevent major meltdowns and to forgive us when we do have meltdowns.
Ya'll pray for us...we are sinners saved by the blood of JESUS, and I am so very thankful for HIS lovingkindness and compassion to us.
With all HIS love and forgiveness,
With all HIS love and forgiveness,
"But every worshiping, grateful souls thrills with awe and delight and wonder at the daily blessings and loving-kindnesses of the CREATOR FATHER."
Hinds Feet on High Places, Hannah Hurnard
Hinds Feet on High Places, Hannah Hurnard
“The continuous and unembarrassed interchange of love and thought between God and the souls of the redeemed men and women is the throbbing heart of the New Testament.”
~A. W. Tozer
“Seek every day to have closer communion with Him who is your Friend…
True Christianity is not merely believing a certain set of dry abstract propositions: it is to live in daily personal communication with an actual living person – Jesus Christ.
‘To me’, said Paul, ‘to live is Christ.’ ” (Phil 1:21).
~ J.C. Ryle
~A. W. Tozer
“Seek every day to have closer communion with Him who is your Friend…
True Christianity is not merely believing a certain set of dry abstract propositions: it is to live in daily personal communication with an actual living person – Jesus Christ.
‘To me’, said Paul, ‘to live is Christ.’ ” (Phil 1:21).
~ J.C. Ryle

"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
John 3:16