Dear Praying Friends and Family,
As i was finishing up my time with JESUS this morning, i was trying to decide which of the kajillion things on my to do list i was going to do first. I had been praying the LORD would show me, and HE brought my thoughts back to a song our choir is singing tomorrow, "No More Night." I had shared it on FB last night for it touched my heart so very much as i heard the choir of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church sing it on You Tube at the funeral of Dr. D. James Kennedy. When the kids were little and Johnny was at work on Saturday nights, i would often turn their services that were recorded from the previous week on and listen to Dr. Kennedy preach. When the choir was singing this beautiful song last night and it showed Dr. Kennedy's casket, it made me sad. I had not thought of Dr. Kennedy in a long time, but wow, what amazing works GOD did through this man's life as HE filled Dr. Kennedy and used him in so many ways to build GOD's kingdom in the hearts of men, women and children. GOD used this ordinary man, whom he saved in his bedroom i believe listening to a sermon on a radio, to lead so many people to CHRIST JESUS through the Evangelism Explosion questions :
- Have you reached the point in your spiritual life where you know for certain that if you were to die tonight you would go to heaven?
- If you were to die tonight and God were to ask you, "Why should I let you into heaven," how would you answer?
When i was 19, the LORD led me down the aisle at Central Baptist Church and called me to be HIS. I had been wrestling with a dating relationship for the past four years, and knew that i had to surrender in order to be CHRIST's but i had not been able to do that in my own fact i had failed time and time again. This time, the LORD did it for me. Afterwards, some church members came over to my house, to make sure that i knew CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR and they asked me these two questions. I had no idea they were from D. James Kennedy...didn't know who he was at the time. I remember stammering and stuttering around a little bit, but then the Holy Spirit to gave me the right answer, it is because CHRIST died for my sins, that i should be let into heaven, not my works, or anything i have done.
Not only was Dr. Kennedy instrumental in establishing Evangelism Explosion that CHRIST continues to use to reach the lost and disciple those who come to CHRIST,http://, but the impact of CHRIST through this man's surrendered life continues to reach out in so many directions and bear fruit for all eternity. Dr. Kennedy was such a champion in exhorting our country to be a CHRISTian nation. Coral Ridge was always making videos and having specials on our Founding Father's and other things pertaining to our godly heritage as a nation. They ran them on the Coral Ridge's hour each week to encourage godly leaders, godly families and us to be a godly nation where CHRIST was exalted and reaching the world through America. I am so glad my children got to grow up listening to him and watching some of the great teachings they had on during their growing up years. On of the books we read together of D. James Kennedy that really made an impact on me was What If JESUS HAD NEVER BEEN BORN, clearly outlining the impact that the life of JESUS CHRIST has made throughout history. No other life transformed our world like JESUS CHRIST in every area.
It kind of took me back to another time last night when i watched this video on you tube and listened to it over and over- v=asht-Cdbur4&sns=fb " No More Night." This morning, when i noticed a friend had commented on it... i listened to it again...and it took me forward to another time... a time when there will be "No More Night." A time when "GOD will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Rev. 21:4. Hallelujah those are shouting words that bring joy to my heart and should to every true child of GOD.
"No More Nights" by Glen Campbell and Lari Goss
The timeless theme, earth and
heaven will pass away. It's not a
dream, God will make all things
new that day. Gone is the curse
from which I stumbled and fell.
Evil is banished to eternal hell.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying
again. And praises to the great "I
AM." We will live in the light of
the risen Lamb.
See all around, now the nations
bow down to sing. The only
sound is the praises to Christ,
our King. Slowly the names from
the book are read. I know the
King, so there's no need to dread.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying
again. And praises to the great "I
AM." We will live in the light of
the risen Lamb.
See over there, there's a mansion,
oh that's prepared just for me,
where I will live with my Savior
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying
again. And praises to the great "I
AM." We will live in the light of
the risen Lamb.
All praises to the great "I AM."
We're gonna live in the light of
the risen Lamb.
For all of us who are in CHRIST JESUS, this world and it's pain is temporary, and we have so very much to look forward to. As Dr. Kennedy shared last night on an interview i watched, he has had a lot of pain, and i have too physically, and it sure does make you look forward to the time of no fact, i can't imagine it. I have lived for so long with a chronic pain of some kind every day....whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual. CHRIST promised that in this world we would have tribulation, but to be of good cheer HE has overcome the world." John 16:33 Praise the LORD, in CHRIST now, we can have peace in the midst of tribulation, but the day is coming soon where we will have "no more tears, no more death, nor sorrow nor crying, nor pain, for the former things have passed away." Rev.21:5. Think about it! These are shouting words, and not just words, but TRUTHS, GOD's PROMISES that have all come true and are coming true. HE is TRUSTWORTHY and HE keeps all HIS Promises:
" For all of God's promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding "Yes!" And through Christ, our "Amen" (which means "Yes") ascends to God for his glory."2 Cor. 1:20.
That's all of them, including the one up above!
Sadly, there is another promise HE keeps too, and that is to punish the wicked forever and ever in the lake of fires, where "'their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.' Mark 9:48. This promise from GOD is just as true, and if we could get to heaven any other way, HE would not have sent HIS perfect, sinless SON, to take the punishment for our sin. My prayer today, is that you will ask GOD to forgive you for your sins, and trust in CHRIST and CHRIST alone to save you and deliver you from the lake of fire. GOD loves you so very much, and HE has been waiting for you to surrender your life to HIM. Why don't you ask HIM today to come into your heart?
I'm thankful that GOD continues to raise up pastors and churches that are not ashamed to confront the difficult issues of our time like D. James Kennedy wasn't afraid to confront them in his time. This past week I watched the 2nd "Faith and Freedom Forums," that Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas sponsored the past two Tuesdays at lunch time for the people in their community. As pastor Jack Graham shared, it wasn't just an event for their church family, they invited the press, and used it to reach out to the world for CHRIST and help us understand the issues better going into this presidential election. You can listen to those forums here : They were excellent in addressing some tough issues and i so appreciate what GOD is doing through HIS body to reach the Dallas area and the uttermost parts of the world for CHRIST. One of the quotes Dr. Jack Graham used at the close of the forum was from Dr. Billy Graham:
Please pray for our country, as we go and vote on Nov. 6..."If My people who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will i hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chr. 7:14
We each have to opportunity to be a part of a loving church family in the community CHRIST has placed us in-that's one of the wonderful privileges and freedom CHRIST has given us through his death and resurrection and our soldiers have paid for through the years as they have fought and died for. Tomorrow night our church will be hosting one of our largest family outreaches of the year as we have our "Trunk or Treat," there in the parking lot of the Family Life Center. Come and join us and bring your family and friends as we share CHRIST with our community. My friend Wanda and i will be manning our "trunk," with the Harvest Theme of "In Everything Give Thanks." We'll have mums, pumpkins, leaves, tracts, and plenty of candy so come by and see us!
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"Family Fun Harvest" Festival at First Baptist Church, Athens- Come and join us! |
Next Sunday night, our choir and orchestra will be leading in worship with "Honor Hymn with Hymns." We have been working for several months on some of these favorite hymns such as "How Great Thou Art," "My JESUS, I Love Thee," "The Old Rugged Cross," "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone," "Wonderful Grace of JESUS," and several more. You come and join us at 5:30 for the string ensemble, and then 6:00 as the choir and orchestra "Honor HIM with Hymns." Please pray that CHRIST will be exalted in all that our church family does and is and draw others to HIM.
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"HONOR HIM with HYMNS" -Nov. 4 Come and join us! |
I appreciate so much your prayers for me and my family these past couple of weeks. The liver detox i am doing has gone amazing well and i give GOD all the glory through the answer to your prayers on my behalf. That's not to say there hasn't been some rough days, there has, but to be able to take the supplements and protein shake itself is a great praise and i thank GOD for hearing and answering your prayers. I'm learning a lot about the liver and how important it is to help in our detoxification of chemicals, but also in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins and that is something i don't do well. I'm on a journey, learning more and more about this body that is fearfully and wonderfully made by our CREATOR and looking forward to the LORD continuing to bring HIS healing to my body...little by little. I'm excited what the LORD continues to teach me and allows me to share with others the healing that HE brings to me.
I started a health blog a few weeks ago when i started teaching a health class at our church on Sunday nights. Right now we are learning we are studying Dr. Mark Hyman's book, Ultrametabolism, and we are studying The Carbohydrate Myth on Ch. 4-the importance of eating good carbs, and the detriments to our body of eating refined carbohydrates. This book has some evolution in it, that i ask you to throw out if you read it and pray that Dr. Hyman's eyes will be opened to CHRIST and HIS marvelous creation of the human body. But GOD has enabled Dr. Hyman to put together some great information that i have been blessed to learn from several other doctors and health care professionals and i want you to be able to learn it too. You can check that blog out here: www. and you can get subscribe through email if you want to continue getting it. If you want to be a part of our "online," class-i just send out the weekly notes, let me know and i will be glad to do that for you.
Please continue to pray for our family...and especially myMom and Dad. We've weathered some health issues recently and sure do appreciate my brother Tracy coming home from Texas to help with that, and my sis and my brothers and all coming alongside my Mom and Dad in their time of need.
Mom and Dad- thank you for my dear parents, LORD. |
John Mac made an A in his First Fundamental Class and he has enjoyed being home for Fall Break this week. I have enjoyed two bike rides with him, including one along the creek yesterday and i so much enjoyed hearing his heart and all the LORD is doing in his life. Please pray for him as the LORD is at work in him "to will and to work for HIS good pleasure." HB also made an A in her Community Health nursing, i think i mentioned that earlier, and she is deep into "Pediatric" nursing now. I remember that rotation well, when i accidentally stepped on a baby's IV line and pulled it out of his hand. I thought i was a goner, but my teacher handled it so well. I did have to go and watch them put the line back in...this time in the baby's scalp and it cried and cried. I guess my teacher realized that would be enough punishment for me and i have never forgotten that experience and the grace and mercy my teacher showed me! I praise GOD for HIS continued favor upon our children....thank you for your prayers for us all.
Lots of exciting events coming up in our family these next couple of nephew Drew and his finance, Katie are getting married on Nov. 17! My niece, Melissa and her husband Cory are expecting their first baby, and our family's first greatgrandbaby around this same date. Melissa's brother, Daniel is graduating from Auburn with a degree in electrical engineering in Dec. Daniel served our country for five years in the Marines, and we are so thankful for GOD blessing him and helping him to obtain this achievement. My son and new daughter in law to be are getting married on Dec. 27, so it's going to be a busy next few months. Thanks for your prayers for our family... GOD is so good!
You are such a dear blessing to me, and i thank GOD for you...thank you for your prayers for our family.
With all HIS love,