"May the GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT." Romans 15:13
Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for remembering my friend Ann Alison Grace Smith who went home to be with JESUS this past Tuesday...she is whole, complete and perfect with her LORD JESUS CHRIST. Please continue to remember her husband Van, and children, Will, Zac and Grace she leaves behind as well as other family members and friends. They, along with all of us who knew Ann, will miss her dearly.
As I look outside at my flower beds this spring and see the beautiful flowers blooming in it, joy comes to my heart! As some of you remember, this time last year, some friends of ours at church came over and spent a couple of days working with our kids, and they redid our flower beds. They worked hard last year, two of the coldest days of spring, right before Easter, digging up Azalea bushes, tilling the hard soil, digging holes to move the azaleas around, planting new shrubs and trying to hold down the landscaping covering, while a gusty cold wind was blowing. When they were digging up the ground out front, and the azalea's were sitting around in the yard with their roots uncovered, i was skeptical of how all this was going to come together. Joe Radcliffe reassured me when he said, "Don't worry, just wait til we spread the mulch on...that will take care of how bad it looks:)." He was right, the mulch covered all the flaws that lay underneath the surface.
This year, it is a totally different scene in our flower bed. The azaleas that were dug up and returned to other places in our flower beds came back and have been blooming so pretty with their pink, rose, and orange colored blossoms. The petunias that we planted last year, have volunteered and come back out in their beautiful fuchsia and purple color, along with a white blooming flower that I'm not sure what they are called. The hosta's my Mom and Dad gave me from my Grandmother's garden first and then their garden (making them doubly special), have come out so pretty and green. The day lilies are blooming, and the purple, yellow, and maroon pansies have been so pretty all spring. Yes, my flower garden brings me joy each time i think of it or see it!
But just a few weeks ago, that same garden didn't look so hot, nothing was popping up out of the ground and everything looked dead. I was wondering if the petunias might come back this year, and how wonderfully surprised i was when they did and are blooming so pretty! I had forgotten about the hosta's and they popped up overnight it seems and once again, i was reminded about the lessons from nature, that what seemed "dead" was very much alive, even though we can't see what GOD is doing "underneath the mulch" sometimes. GOD asks me to trust HIM in faith, and not to have to "see" what HE is doing beneath the surface to believe HIM.
Last week i received an email from my doctor in response to a question that i had asked her...What makes us become "numb" and not be able to feel things as we once did? I have mentioned this before to you in my emails as i have struggled with this and how GOD has so graciously been restoring this capability in me to be able to "feel" joy and pain again, instead of being "numb." She graciously responded:
"It would take hours to explain all the causes of loss of Joie de Vivre but that is a universal symptom in EI(Environmental Illness) patients. There are many routes to that point but the underlying commonality is malfunction of the mitochondria(the main source of cell energy) with diminished ATP (energy) production. For those patients who don't recoil from treatment with every slight change in sensation improvement can be achieved and some of the ways to do so are fairly simple. For mitochondrial function and ATP production one simply provides the fuel needed for the function - B vitamins, CoQ 10, carnitine, d-Ribose, etc. while getting rid of the toxins that are impairing function."
There is something in that explanation that you may not be able to relate when she states, "For those patients who don't recoil from treatment with every slight change in sensation improvement can be achieved" (in my case, these have not been "slight" changes always) unless you have become like me, someone who has difficulty getting the nutrients inside them. We're still working on that, the malfunction as to why i don't absorb my nutrients properly, but i also have another problem. When i try to take supplements as you would, often my body reacts in a rather painful way, and i have had to learn to take them in very small amounts, and rotate them so as my body won't react to them. My doctor has been very helpful in "pushing" me to take things in spite of the pain for the benefit it will bring to my body. As i have recently received a couple of test results back that indicate that my nutrient levels are going up inside me...it brings me great joy! The pain I have had to endure getting the nutrients in me has been worth the improvement in my health status, and being able to "feel" things again...GOD is restoring my emotions, and my Joie de Vivre!
I had never heard of that word she used, Joie de Vivre, before that i can remember, but when i looked it up, i liked it, alot. Joie de vivre, is a French word which literally means joy of living! You can hear how it is pronounced by clicking on this link: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/joie%20de%20vivre. It also means a keen or buoyant enjoyment of life...In the Noah Webster 1828 dictionary, for the word "joy," it says its radical sense is probably, to shout, or to leap, or to play or sport, and ...perhaps to joke and juggle. The first definition of joy listed is : The passion or emotion excited by the acquisition or expectation of good; that excitement of pleasurable feelings which is caused by success, good fortune, the gratification of desire or some good possessed, or by a rational prospect of possessing what we love or desire; gladness; exultation; exhilaration of spirits.
"Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of a good."- Locke
"...Assured approaching possession of a good"-that sounds like faith to me, '... faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1.
As i thought about my doctor's explanation of how to restore that ability to "feel" things in the physical realm of our bodies, i began to think of the spiritual applications of this...how does one restore the "joy of the LORD" when we loose it? I thought the same basic principles will apply...feed the Spirit of our souls with the nutrition it needs from studying, meditating,and applying GOD's Word which is the BREAD of LIFE, spending concentrated time in prayer alone with GOD, fellowshipping with other believers, and sharing our faith with others. Abiding in CHRIST produces joy. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
The other area my doctor mentioned besides nutritional deficiencies that causes "numbness" in people were toxins that we all live around...such as heavy metals, plastics, all kinds of chemicals including pesticides, paints, household cleaners, lawn chemicals, etc. As i thought about the toxins in the physical realm that cause numbness, i thought about the sin (toxins) that is all around us that chokes the life out of our joy when we allow it to be a part of our lives. A CHRISTian cannot walk in sin, and have joy in their soul at the same time...sin makes us "numb" to the joy of the LORD. As David shared in Psalm 51 after he had sinned with Bathsheba..."Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice...Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." The wonderful blood of JESUS that cleanses us from our sin gives us joy, joy, joy! I remember when CHRIST saved me, joy came into my life immediately, and HIS continual cleansing when i come to HIM confessing my sin, keeps the joy of my salvation intact. HIS blood washes the "toxins" away.
In Romans 15:13, Paul writes, "May the GOD of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT." The word joy comes from the Greek word chara meaning cheerfulness, calm, delight-gladness x greatly (x be exceeding) joy. The same word for joy used in Romans 15:13 is used in Hebrews 12:2-3 where it says, "Let us fix our eyes on JESUS, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before HIM endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of GOD. Consider HIM who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." As i wrote this, i really didn't mean to use the verse where it said to "Consider HIM...but that is exactly what brings us joy, considering Christ.
When i looked up the word "consider" it means to view attentively, to fix the mind on, with a view to a careful examination; to think with care; to ponder; to study; to meditate on. True lasting abounding joy that doesn't come and go no matter what our feelings are, or what our external circumstances are, comes from "Considering JESUS" the dear precious ONE who gave HIS life for you and me. He suffered and endured unbelievable pain on the cross for the joy set before HIM... HIS joy is our souls and the privilege of us being HIS children. We learn to "consider JESUS" as we take time through our Bible study to meditate on HIM, and HIS wonderful love for us. We "consider JESUS" through our prayer times alone with HIM in the garden of our souls, and as we fellowship with HIM through our brothers and sisters in CHRIST who are our very body in CHRIST. HE shows HIS loves to us through each other. We "consider HIM" as we share HIM with others, and HE gives us the boldness and confidence to share when we are opposed by sinful men. Considering CHRIST in all the circumstances of our lives is what brings us true and lasting joy-joy that our external circumstances cannot change, and knowing that HE is in control of our circumstances and designs them for our good.
The neat thing I am learning about JESUS is when our circumstances are the "darkest" or not what we would desire, it is then that HE enables us to "consider" HIM the most. The trials HE so lovingly designs for us, help to focus our attention on HIM, and HE lovingly helps us to "consider HIM." HE knows we are dust, and get distracted so easily from "Considering" HIM. Therefore, HE gives us a little "push" like my doctor is pushing me to get nutrients inside me. I have had to endure pain, but my body is growing stronger in the process. Our spiritual bodies grow stronger as HE gives us the grace to "Consider" JESUS in our weaknesses. Even though we may not be able to "feel" joy in some of our trials, HE is developing it in the depths of our soul when we meditate and ponder and "consider JESUS." Our faith kicks in when we "consider JESUS"... and walk not by what we see or feel, but what we know to be true, HIS wonderful love for us in the midst of HIS carefully designed plan for us.
One of the things i love about the great Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon, is that you can truly tell that he "Considered JESUS" as it states in Hebrews 12:3. In his Morning and Evening devotion book, page after page of that book is a reflection of Charles Spurgeon's "considering CHRIST." The May 1 Morning reading is another example of Spurgeon's "Considering CHRIST" and sharing HIS love with us..."In JESUS I find not only fragrance, but "a bed of spices"; not one flower, but all manner of "sweet flowers." HE is to me my Rose and my Lily, my heart's comfort and my healing balm...Precious LORD JESUS, let me truly know the blessedness that dwells in abiding, unbroken fellowship with YOU. I am a poor worthless one, whose cheek YOU have deigned to kiss! Oh, let me kiss YOU in return with the kisses of my lips."
I have not obtained to the love and intimacy that Charles Spurgeon had with his LORD, but i can say, I am learning to love CHRIST more and more every day, as HE so sweetly leads me through this pilgrimage of life, and HIS love to me is becoming "not only fragrance, but "a bed of spices," that brings me great joy!
Learning to "Consider CHRIST" in every area of my life leads me to true and lasting joy...seeing HIS love through the pain that leads to joy helps me to endure the pain that HE has called me suffer for HIM. George Matheson knew the meaning of experiencing CHRIST's joy through pain when he wrote the great hymn "O Love that Wilt Not Let Me Go," "O Joy that seekest me thro' pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow thro' the rain, And feel the promise is not vain, That morn shall tearless be." Our Heavenly FATHER knows all the plans and purposes HE has for the pain, the cross HE asked me to carry each day and HE asks me to accept it, and let it have it's full work in me. As Elisabeth Elliot used to say on her radio show each day, all of our sufferings if offered up to HIM, can become our "Gateway to Joy." I am truly learning this as i see HIM bringing me joy through the things that have cause me the most pain in my life...things that seemed dead, as my flower bed did even a few weeks ago, are springing forth to being very much "alive in CHRIST" to bring me great joy in my heart! As i learn to "Consider HIM" who for the joy set before HIM endured the cross for all of us, i am truly learning the meaning of Joie de Vivre, the joy of living! What a sweet and precious "bed of spices" HE is, CHRIST, the LOVER of my soul who gave HIS life for me. HE brings me abounding joy as i am learning to abide in HIM, the TRUE and LIVING VINE, who nourishes the depths of my soul!
My daughter shared a song with me this week called "Wonderful, Merciful Savior" sung so beautifully by the group Selah. This song has truly helped me to "Consider CHRIST" our dear LORD JESUS, the LAMB of GOD, who gave HIS life "to rescue the souls of men." I pray your heart will be so blessed as you "Consider CHRIST" while you listen to it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENWL5Dpvx80&feature=related
"Let us fix our eyes on JESUS, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before HIM endured the cross..."
With all HIS love,
"Wonderful, Merciful Savior" by Dawn Rogers and Eric Wyse
Wonderful, merciful Savior, Precious Redeemer and Friend
Who would have thought that a lamb could
Rescue the souls of men, Oh YOU rescue the souls of men
Counselor, Comforter, Keeper, Spirit we long to embrace
You offer hope when our hearts have
Hopelessly lost the way, Oh we hopelessly lost the way
You are the One that we praise
You are the One we adore
You give the healing and grace our
Hearts always hunger for, Oh our hearts always hunger for
Almighty Infinite Father, faithfully loving YOUR own
Here in our weakness YOU find us
Falling before YOUR throne, Oh we're falling before YOUR throne.
"God is the source of all joy, and if we come into contact with HIM, HIS infinite joy comes into our lives." -Dr. R.A. Torrey
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