Friday, September 12, 2008

"For Such a Time as This"

For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" Ester 4:14

Dear Friends,

One of my young friends recently wrote me and said, " Thank you for your weekly email, its almost like reading a newspaper.:) Because its sooo long, no offense but I'm glad God has given somebody the strength and courage to do this." I smiled and chuckled as I read this and she later wrote and asked me how long I had been writing my weekly emails. I told her it had been around 3 years now. Thank you for asking, dear one, and I appreciate your encouragement to me, even if these emails do seem like "reading a newspaper" to you. I'm quite sure you're not alone in your thoughts about that:). I started writing them at first to a friend during another "hurricane" in my life when my thinking and energy went south, or I should say went away. That is amazing that I started writing when I was having such a difficult time thinking...that in itself is the beautiful grace of GOD. Somewhere along the way, somehow it evolved (I'm not crazy about that word) into somewhat of a devotional...although they are usually too long for that, maybe some of you think of them as being a "Reader's Digest Condensed Book." Whatever these emails are to you, this morning, I just wanted to share my heart with you...not a devotion, just writing a letter from my heart to yours, thoughts I've been having about the new Republican Vice Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin. I know some of you, my dear friends, don't agree with me on this issue, and that's fine. I love you, we can differ and still love each other, Johnny and me do it all the time:).

A couple of weeks ago, Hannah Beth and I were getting ready to leave to go to my sister's wedding that afternoon a couple of hours away. Hannah Beth called me into the den to hear John McCain announce his vice president nominee. Well, that was the first I had ever heard of Sarah Palin, but certainly, as we all know by now, not the last. There was something about her that glued Hannah Beth and I both to the television as we learned about her just as ya'll that she was a point guard on her high school basketball team and so aggressive they called her Sarah "Barracuda." She was a beauty queen, runner up for Mrs. Alaska, a moose hunter, a "hockey Mom," a devoted wife and Mom, with five kids and the baby having Down's syndrome, as well as bold and courageous and fighting corruption in the Alaskan government, along with being in charge of our largest state with such vast energy resources...all these things I'm sure ya'll are quiet familiar with by now. We were so intrigued with her that we were almost late for the wedding practice because we were watching her on TV. That was even before she made the powerful speech at the Republican National Committee that my neighbor described her as "tough but endearing." Yes, that's a great way to describe her...bold, courageous, and endearing, there's just something about Sarah Palin that reaches into our hearts.

When I heard her story about how she had been a "hockey Mom" and then PTA leader, and then City Council, Mayor, and then Governor and heard her speak at the convention, I was struck by her as this is something more than just a "sharp lady pursuing political power." There was a power, and I believe the power of GOD upon her life that has "raised her up for such a time" as this, similar to the Old Testament story of Queen Ester, whom GOD raised up to deliver the Jews from being killed. As I said, I am just sharing my heart with you, what I perceive about Sarah Palin, her family and GOD's divine anointing and calling upon their lives...and it is a "their", because I believe HE's called her and her family and provided HIS grace for them as HE has for her and the unique doors HE has opened for to serve HIM. Before I heard that Sarah Palin loved JESUS CHRIST and heard that she and her husband were "for real" in their faith, I sensed GOD's power upon her life, as I know some of you have.

As you know, I have passed along several emails to some of you my dear friends and family sharing with you information about her faith and her church, people who know her and her family personally, and they have asked for prayer for her and her family and her church family to be protected by GOD during this difficult time. A friend of mine wrote me after i shared one of the emails with her. She said she was glad that I passed that along about Sarah Palin, because among some of her homeschool friends were afraid to speak out in support of her because Sarah Palin was a Mom with five kids and she didn't stay "at home," with them like the Bible teaches in Titus 2. All ya'll who know Johnny and me know that we have the same conviction about GOD calling Mom's to be home raising their children, whenever that is possible. But there are exception's to this, such as when a spouse dies, or divorce and the other partner has to provide for the family because the church isn't doing that (this is our role as a church family to provide for widows and their children), and sometimes the wife is needed to help out to make ends meet, not for luxuries but just to pay the bills. As I write, I am reminded of the great pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson, who has received the Presidential Medal of freedom for his work as a surgeon and helping young people.. His Mom divorced when Ben was 8 and worked long hours to provide for her two boys...I don't think GOD condemned her for working outside the home, and HE provided HIS grace to help her raise those boys to be productive, godly who has given so much to help others. Sarah Palin probably wouldn't fall into the category of needing to help ends meet, but it is my opinion, after seeing God's power upon her, and seeing the way her husband lays down his life to be there for their family as well as her, (like taking the baby to work with her and nursing it, kids streaming in and out of the office) I personally believe that this is someone special that GOD has called, prepared and anointed to help lead our country and uphold godly values "for such a time as this," even though she does have a family at home.

You know, when GOD calls us, and equips us and puts HIS desires in our hearts, and opens doors for's not always understood by those around us. I think that as we have been allowed to see a peek into her life, we see these kids have two parents, and a large extended family, who loves them and sacrifices for them very much and as Governor Palin said, "I have a lot of helpers at home, my kids" ... and what an awesome education these kids have being the mayor's kids, the governor's kids, and now possibly the Vice President of the United States...opportunities that we home Mom's can only dream of for our kids. I am not on the Geraldine Ferraro bandwagon that says, "what would she do if she were home? She's too talented for that." No, I rolled my eyes when I heard that on a news a stay at home mom, I know there are endless ways to invest in your family, and endless ways to use the GOD given talents that GOD has gifted each of us with lay down our lives for our families. But, I also know that GOD calls us out to do the unusual sometimes to accomplish HIS plans and purposes...and in my opinion, this seems to be one of those times HE has done that. We see that over and over in the Bible...that "God's ways are higher than ours, and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts." In the Old Testament, GOD raised up men and women to deliver HIS people at times, and one of those was a woman named Deborah who was a Judge when the nation was ruled by judges instead of kings. Deborah, who story is found in Judges 4-5 was the only female Judge of Israel. She was also a prophet, and the wife of Lappidoth. We're not told if she had children or not. Her being used in that role versus a man was perhaps an indictment on the men that there were none godly enough to be used to deliver the children of GOD. Even so, GOD chose to use this woman to deliver HIS children. If you look at our country, and parallel it to the Israelites and their decline, I can certainly see some similarities...They had good kings, like King David, and then they would be followed by bad kings, and then a good king and finally GOD said enough, and allowed them to be taken away into Babylonian captivity for their sin where they remained for 70 years. I see a parallel in our country that GOD has allowed us to be led by good Presidents and not so good ones, and just when it looks like we're going down...He sends someone that most folks have never heard of, that HE raised up in a hidden place, (had you ever heard of Wasilla, Alaska before two weeks ago?)...with no political aspirations that we know of, it just seems she's been on this journey to make a difference, first in her children's public school through the PTA, and then in her hometown on the city council and mayor, then Governor, and now possibly the Vice President of the United States. It certainly doesn't seem to me that she had a lot of political aspirations to seek power. Instead it seems that she has a servant's heart, which she did mention in her acceptance speech for the Vice President nominee. I believe that she loves JESUS with all her heart and that HE has raised her up because of HIS love and mercy for us...HE is not through with the United States yet. I feel that instead of criticizing, we should be very grateful to GOD for raising up one such as her who is not afraid to speak out against evil, and stand for good, one who has already inspired and put boldness in the hearts of those around her to do the same. I for one have been inspired by her courageousness and for her love for her family. GOD doesn't always call us to the comfortable, usually HE doesn't...and certainly this place HE has called Sarah Palin and her family to walk is not always fact, this place of the Vice Presidency would be downright difficult to have every move of your family life scrutinized by the whole world. During her acceptance speech, the boldness and confidence she addressed the media was amazing to me... that to me was an indication she was something special anointed by GOD "for such a time as this." Interesting, that's something the Pharisees marveled about JESUS that HE spoke with such authority, and who could deny that Sarah Palin spoke with authority. I read a Proverb shortly after that I had never noticed before that said, "But those who rebuke the wicked will have delight, And a good blessing will come to them." Proverb 24:25...Sarah Palin's speech and leadership in Alaska came to my mind.

Who among us does not realize that as a country we deserve judgment for our gross sinfulness, but GOD in HIS mercy seemingly keeps staying the hand of HIS wrath upon us. I for one was really delighted when it seemed that HE raised up Sarah Palin out of nowhere (can any good thing come out of Nazareth), to be Vice President on the Republican ticket. Before she came on the scene, it sure did look like our country's leadership was a dismal pick, now all of the sudden there is hope and a new light flickering for those who have conservative CHRISTian values. I just hate to see us divided over this one whom GOD certainly seems to have HIS grace and hand upon, including her whole family. The way they have handled the pressure of these "hurricanes" that have blown against their family these past few weeks has been a demonstration of the grace of GOD, who could deny that. Who among us would have the courage to handle the pregnancy issue the way their family did with grace and forgiveness in front of the world. Not only did they not hide the fact that their daughter made a mistake, which they very well could have hidden in the form of an abortion, but they shared their pain with us, and their daughter and boyfriend courageously stood in front of all of us to see. What a picture of GOD's forgiving grace in all of our lives. HE doesn't throw us away when we sin and mess up. Instead as we come to HIM in forgiveness, with repentant hearts, HE redeems our sins, and works them out for good...and you just watch and see how HE is working all of these things in Sarah Palin's family for good, not just theirs, but ours, as they have been so open and shared their lives with ours. Their courage inspires us to "be strong and courageous" and that is how the body of CHRIST works.

I keep in my devotion book a quote from Springs in the Valley that says, " Are you not willing to endure scars in order to liberate souls?" This quote reminds me to be willing to sacrifice and be hurt in order to lead people to CHRIST and be set free from the bondage of sin. Amy Carmichael wrote a poem called "Hast Thou No Scar" about being willing to endure scars that others may come to CHRIST. I see Sarah Palin and her family willing to endure "scars" that the American people may continue to enjoy the freedoms that we have at the cost of those who have gone before us. John Jay, the very first Supreme Court Justice said: " Americans should select and prefer CHRISTians as their rulers." He felt that only CHRISTians should be elected to serve in office, to honor GOD and ensure that our CHRISTian freedoms would be protected... freedoms preserved by our men and women in the military who have laid down their lives for us...who have the scars that we might be free. GOD doesn't always call us to the comfortable, usually HE doesn't..I think about Hannah, in the Old Testament and the suffering she went through while waiting on GOD to give her a child. Then GOD blessed her with Samuel she had prayed for, and after weaning him, she took him to the temple for the priest Eli to raise him so he could become a priest. We conservative CHRISTian parents certainly wouldn't think that was the best for our kids, they need to be at home with their Mom, but that's what GOD allowed, and certainly HE was leading Hannah in her paths after she had prayed and hoped and desired for this little one so very much. I think of Mary, and the virgin birth, and she was engaged to Joseph...what "scars," and ridicule she endured that she might carry the SON of GOD inside her as people talked about her pregnancy...who would have believed that she was a virgin carrying the SON of GOD? Instead of a nice place to deliver her son, GOD had them traveling to Bethlehem, to fulfill prophecy (and GOD used common circumstances to do that, a census was being taken) and give birth to the KING of KINGS in a stable or cave. JESUS HIMself, who left HIS home in heaven, and lived a common life, serving, pouring out HIS life day after day, was willing to endure the scars folks mocking him, condemning him, and eventually beating him and nailing him to a cross, in order to liberate our souls from sin. This place HE has called Sarah Palin and her family to walk is not an easy place and I want to encourage you my sister's in CHRIST, and a few brothers reading this:), before you cast stones at her for not staying home with her family, look at the wander of what GOD seems to be doing through her and her family, and pray for them instead of condemning them. We CHRISTians, especially conservative ones, are the world's worst at kicking and wounding our own soldiers...I hope you'll join me in praying for Sarah and her family, and her church family, and watch in wonder at what GOD does through this one HE seems to have raised up, "for such a time as this." Then we can explain to our daughter's that sometimes GOD does things we don't always understand, but HE knows what HE's about to carry out HIS sovereign purposes..."His ways are higher than ours and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts..."

I've shared several times lately this verse from Jeremiah 10:23, "I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for a man to direct his steps." If we believe this to be true, and realize that GOD sometimes calls us to do the out of the ordinary, then we should extend the same grace to our brother's and sister's in CHRIST that GOD calls to a different path than the one HE has called us to walk. I for one am very thankful that HE has raised up Sarah Palin and her family "for such a time as this," and will support her and her family with my prayers now and with my vote in November.
I love you all, and yes, I do expect to hear from you on this one:). I mean no harm, I desire to help you think about her calling perhaps being from GOD instead of being out of GOD's will...where GOD guides HE provides, and HIS grace is sufficient for Sarah Palin's family just as it is our family. I want to ask you again my dear friends to pray for her and her family during this difficult time, and thank GOD for raising up someone who loves CHRIST and is who is bold and courageous to stand for what we believe and for what our Founding Father's believed. May we encourage her and her family as they sacrifice for us, and not be critical and shoot our own. Please also remember those who are in the path of the hurricane this weekend, including my brother's family who lives near Houston. Thank you so much for all your dear prayers and your dear love in CHRIST.
With all HIS love,

It would be peculiarly improper to omit, in this first official act, my fervent supplications to the ALMIGHTY BEING who rules over the universe, who presides in councils of nations and whose providential aids can supply ever human defect....No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand, which conducts the affairs of men, more than the people of the United States. Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency....
President George Washington at his first Inaugural Address, August 30, 1789


"For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake." Philippians 1:29

Hast thou no scar?
No hidden scar on foot, or side, or hand?
I hear thee sung as mighty in the land;
I hear them hail thy bright, ascendant star.
Hast thou no scar?

Hast thou no wound?
Yet I was wounded by the archers; spent,
Leaned Me against a tree to die; and rent
By ravening beasts that compassed Me, I swooned.
Hast thou no wound?

No wound? No scar?
Yet, as the Master shall the servant be,
And piercèd are the feet that follow Me.
But thine are whole; can he have followed far
Who hast no wound or scar?


Missionary to India who suffered much -- and bore much eternal fruit.

Back in the 1920s, Amy rescued hundreds of orphaned children -- especially little girls that would be dedicated to Hindu gods for use in sexual temple rituals. By God's wonderful grace, some had miraculously escaped from such pagan slavery and were led to the Irish "mother" who lovingly cared for each child God sent her.

In 1931 she prayed, “God, please do with me whatever you want. Do anything that will help me to serve you better.”

That same day, she fell, suffering fractures that would cripple her for the rest of her life.
Not one to be discouraged or bitter when faced with pain or persecution, Amy now had the opportunity to demonstrate God's faithfulness before a much larger "host" of witnesses. While her growing children had continual freedom to enter her bedroom and share their hearts with their beloved "mother," she now had the quiet times that allowed her to write books, poems, and letters that were translated and shared around the world. "Great is Thy faithfulness," O Lord!

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross..." Hebrews 12:1-2

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