Friday, July 23, 2010

The Ache in My FATHER'S Heart

"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as GOD in CHRIST forgave you." Ephesians 4:32

"Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the LORD: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of GOD; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled." Hebrews 12:14,15

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

This past Saturday was a huge day in the life of our family. My nephew, Dallas Spencer Fowler was married to the girl that his parent's had been praying for since before Dallas was born, Laurie Kristin Nelson. Dallas is the first born of the Fowler family grand kids, born to my oldest brother Joe that i wrote about a few weeks ago that i went hiking up in Gatlinburg with, and to his beautiful and sweet wife, Marilyn. I remember the early morning "Big D" was born at Decatur General Hospital...i stayed up all night waiting on him. I was 18 when Dallas was born, and so excited about my first nephew. I remember when he was a baby that i was supposed to be watching him in my bedroom, and he fell off the bed onto the wooden floor. It scared me to death, and i felt terrible for it, but thankfully, Dallas didn't seem to suffer any long term brain injuries from my carelessness. What a blessing it has been to watch my nephew grow up (thankfully he survived my babysitting) into a fine young man and be united to Laurie in holy matrimony at Highland Baptist Church.

It was a very special day, one in which our family had been looking forward to for many months. My brother's family was coming back from Texas, after having been here just about a month and a half ago for my niece's wedding in May, and it was going to be a great time as a family celebrating "Big D's" wedding day together. The day before the wedding, i received a email from one of my siblings, and it made me wonder if they were going to be at the wedding. After talking with my parent's, i learned that the sibling was not planning to attend the wedding after some tense words were exchanged with another member of our family.

As we gathered Sat. evening for family pictures before the wedding, Laurie and Dallas looked so beautiful and handsome on their wedding day. We were all so happy for them as our family stood on the steps of the pulpit with them to get our pictures made. No one really said anything, but we wished our other sibling and their family could have been with us...they are our family and we love them. After the beautiful wedding celebration, the reception was held at the Turtle Creek Yacht and Country Club near Killen, Alabama. It sure was pretty out there on the Tennessee River, and i think that every bell and whistle, every jot and tittle that could be done for a wedding and reception was done at Laurie and Dallas's wedding. It was such a festive time, with lots of wonderful food and friends and family there. Her wedding cake was so pretty as it was about 6 layers high, off white i think, trimmed in pink.

After we had stuffed ourselves with crab cakes, chicken fingers, green beans, a potato bar, ham sandwiches, fruit, cake, tea, lemonade, and other good stuff i can't remember now, the band cranked up and was playing upstairs, while we sat outside by the golf course and river. I meandered upstairs to get some wedding cake for HB of which i got distracted and never did make it back, but later managed a couple of bites of my nephew's delicious chocolate cake that had a Dallas Cowboys helmet on it.

When i went upstairs, Laurie and her Daddy were dancing together and afterwards, the floor was open to whoever wanted to join in. My brother and his wife danced, and then my nephew and his Mom. My nephew, Drew, is a really good dancer, and he had taught his Mom how to do the dance he was doing, whirling her around, and stepping together with the music. After they finished, I decided to join in the fun and asked my brother Joe if he would dance with me. He said sure, and for the first time in years, i found myself out on the dance floor, dancing to music i had grown up was so much fun! I don't know any dances, i just kind of get out there and well, just keep time to the music:). When i danced with Drew, he was trying to teach me to follow him, and i was worn out after i finished all his twirls and moves! It was fun dancing with my brother, Tracy too, and my nephew, Nicholas. Just got to teach Nicholas not to wonder off when he's dancing with me!

While i was taking a break from the dancing, my dear Daddy was standing on the edge of the dance floor with some of my family , and he said to me, "I sure wish ____ was here, they would have really enjoyed this." My dear Daddy, who loves his family so very much, and has given his life to show us love and help us to love one another was hurting this night- this night that was supposed to be such a night of happiness and celebration for our family because one of his children was angry and broke fellowship with our family. In the midst of our family's celebration, my Daddy had an ache in his heart for his child that no amount of dancing, or food or being happy for Dallas and Laurie could assuage.

As i was thinking about what to write about this week, GOD just started bringing all these thoughts to me this morning. I had certainly been grieved at my sibling's decision to not attend the wedding. In fact, feeling angry would be more accurate. The decision not to attend had affected many others, including her family who also didn't attend. I will confess, i was put out with this sibling, and it took me a couple of days for the LORD to begin to soften my heart that i even wanted to speak with them about it. Monday morning, when i attended Bible Study at First Baptist, Betty Dean was teaching about how to have peace in the book of Philippians...She was teaching out of Philippians 4 and she was teaching about these two women at Philippi with strange names, Euodia and Syntyche, who had had a falling out with one another...some things never change, from Biblical times to our time now. Paul was imploring them to be of the same mind in CHRIST JESUS in Philippians 4:2. On the white board up front Betty Dean had written:

"Imperatives for Peaceful Women":

Rejoice in the LORD always! Phil. 4:4

Be Gentle Phil 4:5

Don't worry Phil. 4:6

Pray Phil 4:7

"Rejoice in the LORD always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The LORD is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD and the peace of GOD which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through CHRIST JESUS."

What really jumped out at me at Bible Study Monday was what Dr.John MacArthur said gentleness means:

Gentleness is contentment with and generosity toward others. It can also refer to mercy or leniency toward the faults and failures of others. It can even refer to patience in someone who submits to injustice or mistreatment without retaliating. Graciousness with humility encompasses all the above.

Mercy or leniency toward the faults and failures of others...graciousness with humility, what a beautiful description of gentleness and "doing unto others the way i would have them do unto me." I didn't really want to have leniency or mercy in this case with my sibling, but i also knew i didn't really have a choice. I knew that i didn't want a root of bittnerness growing up in my heart. I called the next morning to try and talk with my sibling about what went on...and i didn't get too far. I wish i could say this issue is resolved in our family but it's not that i'm aware of yet. My Daddy, with the heart of HIS heavenly FATHER, pursued his wayward child, and called also, as some of my other siblings. I know that it is heavy on my Daddy's heart, because he loves each one of us so much and wants us to love one another and get along with each other. When one member of our family has pulled away, it hurts each one of us, and hurts our fellowship with one another, and it especially hurts my Daddy's heart who loves each and every one of his children so much.

The ache that is in my Daddy's heart, is the same kind of ache that our heavenly FATHER has when HIS children don't get along with one another in the Church. It breaks HIS heart to see us fight and bicker, and backbite, and be angry, and not forgive one another. HE gave HIS SON because HE loved us so much, and HE commands us to love one another. "This is MY commandment that you love one another as I have loved you, you must also love one another." John 15:12 It's not an option for HIS children to love and to forgive...we do that because HE first loved us. "We love because HE first loved us." I John 4:19. If we are HIS children and belong to HIM, we have HIS nature living inside us that compels us to love and forgive one another. "Above all love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sins." I Peter 4:8 Love is the way we know that we belong to our heavenly FATHER, and the way that others know that we belong to our heavenly FATHER, CHRISTians and non-CHRISTians alike. JESUS said, "By this will all men know that you are my disciples by your love for one another." John 13:35.

The greatest love chapter the Bible, I Corinthians 13:4-8, which is often read at weddings, describes love:

Love endures long and is patient and kind;

love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy,

is not boastful or vainglorious,

does not display itself haughtily.

It is not conceited-arrogant and inflated with pride;

it is not rude (unmannerly), and does not act unbecomingly.

Love [GOD's love in us] does not insist on its own rights or its own way,

for it is not self seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful;

it takes not account of the evil done to it-pays not attention to a suffered wrong.

It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness,

but rejoices when right and truth prevail.

"Love bears up under anything and everything that comes,

is ever ready to believe the best of every person,

its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances

and it endures everything [without weakening]

Love never fails-never fades out or becomes obsolete

or comes to an end.

-Amplified Version

Our heavenly FATHER loves us with a perfect love...if we substitute our name above for love, we all recognize that we sin at love many times every day...but as we abide in CHRIST, and HIS WORD renews our hearts and minds, HE enables us to love with HIS love...the love that covers a multitude of sins, and forgives those who trespass against us as we have forgiven them, seventy times seven. It is not ourselves who is able to forgive, but it is CHRIST in us, the ONE WHO saw us and all of our sin, and loved us enough to die for us while we were yet sinners. "GOD shows HIS love for us in that while we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us." Romans 5:8

The ache in our heavenly FATHER's heart is not only for HIS children, HIS Bride to love one another deeply, but also for those who are still lost in their sins. In Matthew 23:37 we read the heart of a FATHER for those who have rejected HIM, Jews and Gentiles:

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling."

GOD loves each and every one of us so much, that HE sent HIS one and only SON to redeem us from the sin that we were all born into...we cannot escape our fallen sin nature, except by being cleansed by the blood of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. CHRIST paid the ransom, that we might be HIS BRIDE, and enjoy the Marriage Supper of the Lamb with HIM, and be HIS heirs, and rule and reign with HIM forever in the New Jerusalem. It is our FATHER's desire that all HE be a part of HIS wedding feast, but we must come to faith and repentance and trust in the LORD JESUS as they payment for our sins.

"But as many as received HIM to them HE gave the right to become the children of GOD, even to those who believe in HIS name." John 1:12

Jesus tells a parable in Matthew 22:1-14 about a Marriage Feast many were invited, only a few came, and someone tried to slip in with the wrong wedding clothes on:

Matthew 22

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet

1Jesus spoke to them again in parables, saying: 2"The kingdom of heaven is like a king who prepared a wedding banquet for his son. 3He sent his servants to those who had been invited to the banquet to tell them to come, but they refused to come.

4"Then he sent some more servants and said, 'Tell those who have been invited that I have prepared my dinner: My oxen and fattened cattle have been butchered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding banquet.'

5"But they paid no attention and went off—one to his field, another to his business. 6The rest seized his servants, mistreated them and killed them. 7The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city.

8"Then he said to his servants, 'The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. 9Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.' 10So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find, both good and bad, and the wedding hall was filled with guests.

11"But when the king came in to see the guests, he noticed a man there who was not wearing wedding clothes. 12'Friend,' he asked, 'how did you get in here without wedding clothes?' The man was speechless.

13"Then the king told the attendants, 'Tie him hand and foot, and throw him outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

14"For many are invited, but few are chosen."

This friend, is the ache in our heavenly FATHER's heart, that no one should perish, but have everlasting life:

     "For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that WHOSOEVER believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16.

As HIS beloved children, WHOM HE has shed abroad HIS love in our hearts, our hearts should ache too for those who are still lost in their sin, and motivate us to share the SAVIOR of the world with them, that they too may be a part of the family of GOD...a family that still struggles with sin, as long as we're confined to our earthly bodies, but we have been redeemed by the blood of our SAVIOR, and HE sees us as perfect, HE sees the robe of righteousness that clothes HIS BRIDE and HE ever works to restore and sanctify us and make us like HIS SON JESUS.

I read these words in Morning and Evening from Charles Spurgeon earlier this week about our Marriage to CHRIST JESUS and the love that our glorious Bridegroom has for us:

Morning: Marriage to Christ

"I am married unto you."

--Jeremiah 3:14

Christ Jesus is joined unto His people in marriage-union. In love He espoused His Church as a chaste virgin, long before she fell under the yoke of bondage. Full of burning affection He toiled, like Jacob for Rachel, until the whole of her purchase-money had been paid, and now, having sought her by His Spirit, and brought her to know and love Him, He awaits the glorious hour when their mutual bliss shall be consummated at the marriage-supper of the Lamb. Not yet hath the glorious Bridegroom presented His betrothed, perfected and complete, before the Majesty of heaven; not yet hath she actually entered upon the enjoyment of her dignities as His wife and queen: she is as yet a wanderer in a world of woe, a dweller in the tents of Kedar; but she is even now the bride, the spouse of Jesus, dear to His heart, precious in His sight, written on His hands, and united with His person. On earth He exercises towards her all the affectionate offices of Husband. He makes rich provision for her wants, pays all her debts, allows her to assume His name, and to share in all His wealth. Nor will He ever act otherwise to her. The word divorce He will never mention, for "He hateth putting away."

Death must sever the conjugal tie between the most loving mortals, but it cannot divide the links of this immortal marriage. In heaven they marry not, but are as the angels of God; yet there is this one marvellous exception to the rule, for in Heaven Christ and His Church shall celebrate their joyous nuptials. This affinity as it is more lasting, so is it more near than earthly wedlock.

Let the love of husband be never so pure and fervent, it is but a faint picture of the flame which burns in the heart of Jesus. Passing all human union is that mystical cleaving unto the Church, for which Christ left His Father, and became one flesh with her.

This is the love that our dear SAVIOR and BRIDEGROOM has for us, a flame that burns in the heart of JESUS CHRIST, that laid down HIS life for us and is one flesh with us. It is the passion, and the ache in our FATHER's heart that all might know HIM and that HIS children would love one another deeply as HE loves us.

When i was thinking about what song to use this week, "There is Love" (The Wedding Song) came to my mind. I haven't heard it in a long time, and it has always been one of my favorite wedding songs. It is still a beautiful song, with a beautiful message..."There is Love" by Mary McGregor .

       Later this evening, the LORD led me to listen to "How Beautiful" by Twila Paris.  This  powerful song encompasses all that I have tried to share in this email.  Thank you, JESUS for being our BRIDEGROOM who waits for us, our SAVIOR who died for us...

Thank ya'll for letting me share my heart with you this morning. I ask you to pray for our family that GOD would heal our relationships and help us forgive and love and be patient and gentle with one another. Dallas and Laurie are enjoying their honeymoon in Jamaica...pray for them that their sweet love for JESUS and one another would grow and grow and bear much fruit for our heavenly FATHER. Please pray for my dear Daddy and Mother, that GOD will comfort them, and use the ache in my Daddy's heart, to work all things together for good, as HE has been so faithful to do and will continue to.

With all HIS love,


For love comes into the heart, not by trying to force it, but by accepting people as they are, and bearing all that they do against you, which is forgiveness. Are you willing for this?" Hannah Hurnard

"May the GOD who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity...Accept one another, then, just as CHRIST accepted you, in order to bring praise to GOD." Romans 15:5,7

"Love puts the focus on personal responsibility and improving yourself rather than on demanding more from others. JESUS painted a picture of this when HE talked about the person who saw the "speck" in his brother's eye but didn't notice the "log" in his own. "How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." Matthew 7:4-5

- "Living the Love Dare" calendar

"An evil heart of unbelief consists in a hardening of our will against GOD's will, simply because we do not like what HE has chosen for us, but want our own will to be done."

-Hannah Hurnard, GOD's Transmitters


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