" The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; THY lovingkindness, O LORD is everlasting." Psalm 138:8
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I've been thinking a lot about what to share with you this week and after writing most of this, i am amazed at what GOD led me to share with you, because this wasn't what i have been thinking about:). But, these emails are HIS emails and the only thing i have to share is what HE puts in my heart and writes through my weakness so ..."i don't have to know the reason, I will keep on trusting GOD."
My heart continues to be full and in awe at what the LORD has done and continues to do in answer to long time prayers HE put in my heart several years ago for Tim Greene.
If you've been following these emails for the past several years now you know the story of how i met Tim at the Environmental Health Clinic in Dallas about seven years ago. Tim was so very sick when he arrived he couldn't hardly walk, he was in a wheelchair and he had been close to death several times. Tim experienced severe headaches, numbness in his legs, and could not be around the slightest hint of mold for several years without it making him severely sick. Because of this GOD redirected his life and moved his family to the beautiful beach in Ocean Isle, North Carolina from the beautiful mountains of Boone, NC where he was raised. Before Tim got sick, he was on the road sharing the good news of JESUS CHRIST and singing the praises of HIS SAVIOR with his brother Tony, and sis in law Taranda. Tim had sang many, many years with his Dad, sis, Kim, and brother Tony before that. Tim was also the pastor of Westview Baptist Church, and had a recording studio where he recorded the Greene's music, as well as many other singers. When he got sick, Tim had to give all these things up, and move to the beach where GOD has kept him for the last six years. He and his dear wife, Amy and daughter Brittany all were uprooted. Not too long after their move...GOD blessed Tim and Amy with a miracle baby, Brooklyn who will be 6 in December. Up until May a year ago, Tim would get so sick when he went inland from the mold, that GOD pretty much confined him to the beach.
A year before Tim was miraculously healed, GOD laid it on his heart that HE was going to heal Tim. Tim thought about that and prayed and wondered when that healing was going to come. That year before he was healed, and those months before he was healed were filled with more great trials in Tim's life.
Last August, my family was getting ready to leave the beach, where we were visiting with our friends the Hembree's, when i got a call from Tim and he told me about the miraculous healing that GOD had done in his life. He told me how he was traveling every weekend sharing what GOD had done for him and singing songs of praise and encouragement wherever GOD opened the door for him to share. That was so amazing to me....all those years that Tony and Taranda sang around here, and as glad as i was to see them, i always wondered if i would ever get to see Tim and his family. I was always so glad to see Tony and Taranda, yet there was an ache in my heart for this one the LORD had put such a burden in my heart to pray for.
In November of last year, Tim and his daughter Brittany came to a church right across from our restaurant in Greenbriar, Al. I can't tell you what an amazing thing this was for me...after all the prayers, all the silence...and GOD did a miracle, healed Tim, and delivered him and his daughter at Greenbriar Baptist, a church right across from our restaurant to share his healing testimony and sing the praises of GOD.
This past Friday night, GOD did another miracle . For the first time in years, Tim was reunited with his dear sis, Kim, on stage in Cullman, Al. just three days after burying their dear brother, Tony Greene. Tim and Kim, along with Kim's husband Dean sang "Miracle in Me," one of their most popular and powerful songs that GOD gave Phil Cross many years ago. Dean sang Tony's part and did a great job. As i shared last week, we had hoped this might be a reuniting of Tony, Kim and Tim getting to sing together on stage, but GOD had another plan, and took Tony HOME to be with HIM in heaven just a little over a week before.
What a powerful testimony of this dear family's faith in GOD as they didn't miss a beat singing praises to our LORD JESUS CHRIST. At the funeral they sang HIS praises, beside their brother's casket, and three days later, they were continuing that in front of the audience in Cullman. Those who remembered Tim on the road with the Greenes were so surprised when Tim Greene was announced and came walking out on that stage. Kim and Tim sang the song they sang at Tony's graveside, "Go Rest High on that Mountain," "Miracle in Me," "If You'll Move Over Just a Little Bit, I'll Help You Carry Your Load," and "When I Knelt," the song Tim wrote after praying a year that GOD would give him a special song explaining the gospel that would reach people's hearts. This was the Greene's first number one song, I think. Tim wrote that song on the back of a MacDonald's bag one night somewhere out in Oklahoma. Tony used to tell that story everywhere they went, how Tim came up to him on the bus, crying over the song GOD gave him that he had scribbled down on the bag.
Tim sang one of my favorite songs, "I Don't Have to Know the Reason." It was the first song i ever heard of the Greene's that gripped my heart. The LORD woke me up from my sleep to hear these words Tim was singing, "I don't have to know the reason, i don't have to ask HIM why, I know HE knows what's best for me, best for my life, so i'll daily surrender to what HE has for me, I will keep on trusting GOD." Tim wrote these words, several years ago, after someone sent him a card asking what kind of sin did he do that GOD was punishing him and allowed him to get sick. Tim who said it takes a lot to make him angry, threw the card in the trash, and penned those words above...GOD had a plan, and purpose for Tim's sickness and gave him this beautiful song that has encouraged so many hearts including mine. This night in Cullman, Al...three days after burying his baby brother, the words again were especially meaningful and powerful as so many hearts there were hurting in the loss of Tony Greene who was scheduled to sing there that night with his family.
As i shared above i had not intended at all on writing about Tim and his family this week, but when i sat down and started typing this is what the LORD had for me to share with you. Maybe, like me, there is someone who needs to know that JESUS is REAL, like the Greenes know HIM and JESUS cares for you and me so very much that HE loves us intimately. If you had been the only one, GOD would have sent HIS SON to die for you HE loves us so much, HE loved us unto death. One of my favorite songs that Tony sang is "All for Me," and it says, "If I had been the only one, YOU would have done it still for love, what grace untold, what love indeed, "All for me, All for me."
Last night in Charles Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening," I read this devotion about the strong love of the our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the love that saved the Greenes and gives them the grace to sing about HIS love in the "dark night of their soul:"
"Evening: Strongest Love
"Love is strong as death."--Song of Solomon 8:6
Whose love can this be which is as mighty as the conqueror of monarchs, the destroyer of the human race? Would it not sound like satire if it were applied to my poor, weak, and scarcely living love to Jesus my Lord? I do love Him, and perhaps by His grace, I could even die for Him, but as for my love in itself, it can scarcely endure a scoffing jest, much less a cruel death. Surely it is my Beloved's love which is here spoken of--the love of Jesus, the matchless lover of souls. His love was indeed stronger than the most terrible death, for it endured the trial of the cross triumphantly. It was a lingering death, but love survived the torment; a shameful death, but love despised the shame; a penal death, but love bore our iniquities; a forsaken, lonely death, from which the eternal Father hid His face, but love endured the curse, and gloried over all. Never such love, never such death. It was a desperate duel, but love bore the palm. What then, my heart? Hast thou no emotions excited within thee at the contemplation of such heavenly affection? Yes, my Lord, I long, I pant to feel Thy love flaming like a furnace within me. Come Thou Thyself and excite the ardour of my spirit.
"Love is strong as death."--Song of Solomon 8:6
Whose love can this be which is as mighty as the conqueror of monarchs, the destroyer of the human race? Would it not sound like satire if it were applied to my poor, weak, and scarcely living love to Jesus my Lord? I do love Him, and perhaps by His grace, I could even die for Him, but as for my love in itself, it can scarcely endure a scoffing jest, much less a cruel death. Surely it is my Beloved's love which is here spoken of--the love of Jesus, the matchless lover of souls. His love was indeed stronger than the most terrible death, for it endured the trial of the cross triumphantly. It was a lingering death, but love survived the torment; a shameful death, but love despised the shame; a penal death, but love bore our iniquities; a forsaken, lonely death, from which the eternal Father hid His face, but love endured the curse, and gloried over all. Never such love, never such death. It was a desperate duel, but love bore the palm. What then, my heart? Hast thou no emotions excited within thee at the contemplation of such heavenly affection? Yes, my Lord, I long, I pant to feel Thy love flaming like a furnace within me. Come Thou Thyself and excite the ardour of my spirit.
"For every drop of crimson blood
Thus shed to make me live,
O wherefore, wherefore have not I
A thousand lives to give?"
Why should I despair of loving Jesus with a love as strong as death? He deserves it: I desire it. The martyrs felt such love, and they were but flesh and blood, then why not I? They mourned their weakness, and yet out of weakness were made strong. Grace gave them all their unflinching constancy--there is the same grace for me. Jesus, lover of my soul, shed abroad such love, even Thy love in my heart, this evening.
When Tony died, it was such a shock. Tony had sung just a week before at the NQC and with the Greene's you are always expecting GOD to do a miracle at the ninth hour. GOD did do a miracle...when Tony was seven years old, GOD called Tony Greene to be his child, and Tony trusted JESUS as his LORD and Savior. I can't remember if it was at their church, Westview Baptist, where Tim would later pastor, or if it was at home, but i think i remember him kneeling at the piano bench wherever it was to ask JESUS into his heart. Thirty three years later, GOD would do another miracle, and take Tony's worn and torn body HOME to be with HIM forever and ever, because JESUS CHRIST died on a wooden cross two thousand years ago to pay the price for your sins and mine. All who admit their sins to the LORD JESUS, believe in your heart that CHRIST died for you and confess HIM as your LORD and SAVIOR, will receive a "Miracle in YOU," just as Tony Greene did...and his family has sang about for so many years all over this country.
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON, that whosoever believe on HIM will not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
It's a Miracle, our salvation, to be born again, and become a new creature and child of GOD. Just ask someone who knows HIM and whose life HE has turned upside down by JESUS CHRIST. Just ask the Greenes who have endured so very much to sing and tell the glorious gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST all over this land. Tim and Kim could not sing the praises of their LORD JESUS at their brother's funeral, or three days later in Cullman, Al, if JESUS had not done a "Miracle in Me" and saved them and gave them a new heart, and HIS HOLY SPIRIT and put HIS desires in them to obey HIM. HE has given them a greater hope and faith that one day they will see their brother again for all eternity because of what CHRIST JESUS has done for them. Because of HIS love in them, they are compelled to sing and tell of their great SAVIOR's love for us.
My hope and desire, GOD's hope and desire is that you will surrender to HIM and turn to HIM in faith and repentance to save you from the everlasting punishment of hell. HE longs to "deliver us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of HIS beloved SON," where HE longs to lavish HIS love upon you.
Those miners in Chile who were rescued this week were delivered from their domain of darkness after several weeks of being in the dark and separated from their loved ones. Their family and friends and the world were overjoyed as we watched them being pulled out one by one from their pit of darkness into the wonderful sunshine of this life and reunited with the family and friends. As miner number two was interviewed he credited the rescuers with "giving me my life back." Indeed they did temporarily, but JESUS CHRIST is the only one who can give LIFE eternally and HE paid the price with HIS own life...HE loved us unto death. JESUS said, "I am the Way, the Truth, no man comes to the FATHER but through ME, "in John 14:6. The domain of darkness in hell goes on forever and ever and ever. Please trust HIM today before it is too late...none of us are promised the next minute. Tony's death was a surprise and yours and mine may be too...are you ready to meet your CREATOR today? Will you spend eternity in the domain of eternal darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth? Are will you be reunited with your loved ones who have trusted in the LORD JESUS and spend eternity with CHRIST and with them?
Tony Greene was ready, not because of all the miles he had traveled sharing the gospel and singing of GOD's faithfulness and all the suffering he had gone through to do that, but because of what CHRIST did for him on the cross 2000 years ago. Tony Greene accepted that gift of salvation and CHRIST as his LORD and SAVIOR as a young boy and he was ready when GOD called him HOME. Tony was ready to be with HIM and with his Daddy, and Grandaddy and loved ones who have gone on before him. Tony doesn't want us to be sad for his HOMEgoing, he wants us to "Celebrate Me Home." This is a wonderful tribute to his life to the song, "Celebrate Me Home," sung by the Perry's http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=2PNC2WaN0-Q&feature=related
I included some video from the great night in Cullman last week of the songs Tim sang with his sis Kim. I pray they will be a great encouragement to your heart as you listen. I am so humbled at GOD's ways and praise HIM for WHO HE is and for HIS great and wonderful and unending love for us.
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=DziW_9avxA8 Tim and Kim singing, "Miracle in Me," in Cullman, Al with Kim's husband, Dean Hopper...he sang Tony's part and did a great job.
"Miracle in Me" siblings Tony, Kim and Tim Greene, the Greenes, singing in 1987 http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=z8lQe5EL-XA
http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=LM7BMoXNxvo "I Don't Have to Know the Reasons," "Go Rest High on that Mountain," "If You'll Move Over Just a Little Bit I'll Help You Carry Your Load." Tim Greene and Kim Greene Hopper, Dean Hopper...three days after they buried their dear brother Tony.
Miracle in Me
Oh To be there when the Savior,
Spoke with a great command;
And to witness in a wonder,
Of His wonder working hand;
No miracle has caught my eyes,
To cause my heart to see;
But by faith I'm led to realize,
There's a miracle in me.
And I have never seen the thousands fed,
Or the blind made to see;
I have never watched him raise the dead,
But I know when He lifted me;
It's a wonder right before my eyes,
Close enough to see;
In my heart is where this wonder lies,
There's a miracle in me.
If we have a faith that's measured,
By the smallest mustard seed;
All our mountains will be mastered,
By the Master of all our needs;
And if we have a child-like trust,
He said, He'll do the greatest things;
He will heal the sick, He will raise up the dead,
Be a miracle in me.
And I have never seen the thousands fed,
Or the blind made to see;
I have never watched him raise the dead,
But I know when He lifted me;
It's a wonder right before my eyes,
Close enough to see;
In my heart is where this wonder lies,
There's a miracle in me.
In my heart is where this wonder lies,
There's a miracle in me.
It's in me.
Oh To be there when the Savior,
Spoke with a great command;
And to witness in a wonder,
Of His wonder working hand;
No miracle has caught my eyes,
To cause my heart to see;
But by faith I'm led to realize,
There's a miracle in me.
And I have never seen the thousands fed,
Or the blind made to see;
I have never watched him raise the dead,
But I know when He lifted me;
It's a wonder right before my eyes,
Close enough to see;
In my heart is where this wonder lies,
There's a miracle in me.
If we have a faith that's measured,
By the smallest mustard seed;
All our mountains will be mastered,
By the Master of all our needs;
And if we have a child-like trust,
He said, He'll do the greatest things;
He will heal the sick, He will raise up the dead,
Be a miracle in me.
And I have never seen the thousands fed,
Or the blind made to see;
I have never watched him raise the dead,
But I know when He lifted me;
It's a wonder right before my eyes,
Close enough to see;
In my heart is where this wonder lies,
There's a miracle in me.
In my heart is where this wonder lies,
There's a miracle in me.
It's in me.
I know i've already used the title "Miracle in Me" somewhere along the way, but i felt led to use it again in this email...it just seems like that's all i could name this one. Thank you, dear ones, for your continued prayers for the Greene family during this difficult time. There are many decisions to be made, and please continue to remember this special family. This coming Sunday, Oct. 17 would have been Tony's 42 birthday...this is going to be a tough day for Taranda and the Greene family. Please remember them especially on Sunday.
Tim will be sharing his testimony and singing at Indian Grave Baptist Church this coming Sunday night near Clanton, Al. if any of you living down that way are able to hear him. He is sharing Sunday morning also down that way, i'm just not sure where. Indian Grave is the church that my husband pastored before we moved back to Athens due to my sickness. What a special gift GOD has done to open the hearts of this church so dear to us to have Tim come and share his testimony and sing.
GOD has heard and answered the prayers HE put in my heart years ago for Tim "exceeding abundantly beyond all i ask or think." I stand in awe of HIM and HIS faithfulness to hear and answer our prayers no matter how long ago they were prayed, and we have long forgotten. HE has answered my cries for Tim and continues to and I praise my LORD for HIS power and lovingkindness.
We have been very blessed to be able to spend time with HB this week on her fall break. Sat. night the kids and I enjoyed going to see Chris Tomlin in concert together and eating at IHOP afterwards. HB and i enjoyed spending the day together Wednesday getting haircuts, shopping, eating at Earthfare, and visiting our friends the Radcliffes. HB will be heading back to the University of Mobile on Sunday. Please remember her as she travels, and for all that the LORD desires to accomplish in her life down there. John Mac has about six weeks left and he will graduate from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in December. Please remember him in your prayers as he desires very much to finish strong and he's got some tough classes this semester. His allergies have been bothering him this fall, so please remember him for that...that GOD would use it in his life to shape and mold him as HE has me. We sure have enjoyed having him around home more in the evenings the past month as he has been staying here during allergy season. Please remember my dear husband as he works so hard to love and provide for our family. I sure would appreciate you remembering me as i travel to Dallas next week for a little "tune up." GOD always has special blessings for me as i go, and i am sure this trip will be no exception. Please pray for me as i travel, for all the plans and purposes the LORD has for this trip. I'm looking forward to spending time with my niece Lizzie and her husband Jonathon on my way out there. We are "under construction," as Ruth Bell Graham says," and GOD's been doing a little hammering around here lately. Your prayers mean so very much to us. I love ya'll and appreciate you so very much.
Pictured is Tim and me in August when he was preaching at a church in Decatur. Johnny and i and HB met him at Red Lobster afterwards for a wonderful time of fellowship and some good eating!

"We have an assured confidence that whenever we ask anything in accordance with HIS will, HE listens to us: And since we know that HE listens to us, then whatever we ask, we know that we have the things which we have asked from HIM." I John 5:14,15
"I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for anything but it came; at some time-no matter how distant the day-somehow, in some shape, probably the last I should have devised, it came."
-Adoniram Judson
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