Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I'm running a little behind this weekend getting my "Friday" email written, and I thought about just letting it go until next week, but I just couldn't. I have too much to thank the LORD for and I wanted to thank you so much for praying for me. Last week, I shared with you that I had to change my thyroid medicine, and my IV medications (vitamins and minerals) all within a week's time, right before my second pre cal test. I was really concerned about all of that when you are as sensitive to things as I am, and well, I just want to say that "GOD Did It All for Me," and made the way. My new IV arrived from the pharmacy last Thursday, allowing me the perfect time for me to take it and be treated on it so I wouldn't be allergic to it when I took it, the following Tuesday. Thankfully, the allergy treatment "took" and the IV worked beautifully without making me feel badly...and believe me...I have really felt badly when the ingredients don't agree with me. I also appreciate you praying for my transition with the thyroid med. I don't have all that ironed out perfectly keep praying as I depend on the LORD to lead me and guide me and my doctors. But, I have had relief from the anxiousness and jitteriness I have been feeling for a month and a half, and I am so very thankful for that. And I thought the "precal" was going to be my major test:). Speaking of precal, i had my second test Thursday. Two down and two or three to go, praise the LORD! Thank you so much for your prayers for me. Keep praying, GOD is hearing and answering your prayers for me, and I praise HIM for all of HIS help to me.
I am also thankful to share that Johnny's Dad is doing much better at times...thank you for your prayers for him and his Mother. Last night I stopped by and I enjoyed watching the Bill Gaither Homecoming Choir on TV with them...the late Jake Hess was the featured singing. Pop's brother in law, Uncle Dorris knew Jake Hess... It was really special watching it together with Johnny's Mom and Dad and hearing the different singers sing about heaven and going home. Many of them like Vestal Goodman and her husband, and George Younce have gone home to be with JESUS now. When Johnny was in seminary, Pop flew out to Ft. Worth to tell us that he had asked JESUS into his, what a blessing! We are so thankful for GOD choosing Pop to be HIS child. Please continue to remember him and Baba in your prayers.
Johnny has been experiencing severe pain in his hip that he had replaced a few years ago and became unable to walk without a crutch earlier this week. We were both afraid that he was going to have to have it redone. I thought, wow, that's all i need for Johnny to get his hip replaced in the middle of precal with everything else that's gone on. Well, the LORD knows what we need, and I wasn't going to say no...but we both were so relieved when the doc said he has bursitis in his hip instead of something being wrong with the replacement. Please remember him too as he endures this pain, and seeks relief.
John Mac is on his way back right now from the Space Shuttle Launch on Thursday. One of the buses he is traveling with already broke down. Please pray for them that they all will arrive home safely in a timely manner. Just heard from him and they are expected to arrive back in Huntsville around 2:00 a.m. in the morning.
My friend Darlene who has breast cancer was in the hospital earlier this week with intense swelling and pain in her arm. Please remember her and Arthur in your prayers. She is taking radiation to help shrink the tumor, and plans to return to the Bryzinksi Clinic http://www. in Houston Tx, next week for treatment. If anyone feels led to help contribute to her medical expenses their address is Arthur and Darlene Anderson, 102 Brookwood Dr. Athens, Al 35613.
The LORD has been so gracious to help me with all that concerns me...and I couldn't let the week get by without praising HIM for His faithfulness to help me and deliver me. Yesterday I felt like getting up and going paddling early and what a great time with the LORD I had at my little quiet spot back up in "Big Creek." There was plenty of water so I paddled pretty far up the creek, until I got to where some water was trickling over some rocks...I loved that sound, and that became my praying and resting spot for the next few hours. I pulled my little blue boat up on shore, got out my pink backpack which contained my Bible and devotion books, and spread out a multicolor oversized beach tile to sit and lay on. It was so secluded and I loved being out there, just the LORD and me and the beauty of HIS creation...I like watching the little "shadow" fish, darting to and fro underneath the surface of the clear water. That's the neat thing about "Big Creek." Once you paddle up in there, the water is clear and you can see the fish swimming below you and beside you as you paddle or sit on the rocky bank. It got a little hot out there after the morning overcast skies gave way to sunny skies, and I eventually packed up my books, and waded up the creek a piece and made my way to a shady spot where I finished spending the rest of the morning....oh what a great way to spend Saturday morning, paddling and praying and spending time with my sweet LORD and praying about people and circumstances that HE has laid upon my heart. One of the reoccurring things I prayed about yesterday was the "Harvest Unlimited", the city wide outreach that our church is doing to reach our town for CHRIST. As I prayed, there were many meeting at our church to train for that endeavor to make phone calls, and pray, and write letters of encouragment, and whatever else needs to be done to reach others for CHRIST. Please remember our church family as we will be involved in this particular outreach for a month...and then we will have a Harvest Sunday in August. Without the HOLY SPIRIT moving and convicting and drawing other's hearts to HIM, our efforts will be in vain...we must depend on the LORD, "apart from HIM we can do nothing."
As I was reading and praying yesterday out on the rocky bank of Big Creek, the LORD gave thoughts about what to share with you this week in the email and once again HIS timing was just wasn't there Friday when I usually send out the email.
As I thought about how GOD had been so faithful and done all these things physically for me that I needed to happen last week in order to be able to take my test successfully Thursday, I was in awe how "GOD Did It All For Me." Earlier in the week, I was listening to the Greene's "GOD is a GOOD GOD" CD and I heard the song, "GOD Did..." I used that song several years ago in a Friday email, but most of you probably don't remember, but I remembered. We had gone on a paddling trip with our church then, New Life Baptist, and one of my friend's son's turned over in his kayak right behind me. He was caught against a tree stump in the flow of the current, and it seemed forever before his head bopped up out of the water. I was there close enough to see him, along with others, but I was helpless to try and rescue him because of the strong current of the water. I remember realizing me or no one else could rescue David, "GOD Did It All," to help him and kept David from drowning that day. That's a lesson that embedded in me, that know one except GOD can save us from our sins, and the situations that we find ourselves in my medical situations this past week...only GOD could have orchestrated the timing and events so beautifully like HE did....and by the way, did I mention that our test was postponed from it's original time of last Tuesday to this past Thursday giving me time to get a fresh IV in me and enabling me to detox some and think clearer? Yes, "GOD, Did It All for Me," and HE uses human vessels and circumstances to accomplish HIS will.
Earlier this week, as I got ready to turn my lamp off and go to sleep I read the Evening Devotion from Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening for July 8. It reads as follows:
"When I passed by thee, I said unto thee, Live."
--Ezekiel 16:6
Saved one, consider gratefully this mandate (of mercy. Note that this fiat of God is majestic. In our text, we perceive a sinner with nothing in him but sin, expecting nothing but wrath; but the eternal Lord passes by in His glory; l He looks. He pauses, and He pronounces the solitary but royal word, "Live."There speaks a God. Who but He could venture thus to deal with life and dispense it with a single syllable? Again, this fiat is manifold. When He saith "Live," it includes many things. Here is judicial life. The sinner is ready to be condemned, but the mighty One saith, "Live," and he rises pardoned and absolved. It is spiritual life. We knew not Jesus--our eyes could not see Christ, our ears could not hear His voice--Jehovah said "Live," and we were quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.
Moreover, it includes glory-life, which is the perfection of spiritual life. "I said unto thee, Live:" and that word rolls on through all the years of time till death comes, andin the midst of the shadows of death, the Lord's voice is still heard, "Live!" In themorning of the resurrection it is that self-same voice which is echoed by the arch-angel, "Live," and as holy spirits rise to heaven to be blest for ever in the glory of their God, it is in the power of this same word, "Live."
Note again, that it is an irresistible mandate. Saul of Tarsus is on the road to Damascus to arrest the saints of the living God. A voice is heard from heaven and a light is seen above the brightness of the sun, and Saul is crying out, "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" This mandate is a mandate of free grace.
When sinners are saved, it is only and solely because God will do it to magnify His free, unpurchased, unsought grace. Christians, see your position, debtors to grace; show your gratitude by earnest, Christlike lives, and as God has bidden you live, see to it that you live in earnest.
Once again, I was reminded that salvation is the unmerited favor of our loving GOD. HE picks and chooses WHOM HE will to walk by and say "Live." GOD does it all for you and me to give us the gift of eternal salvation.
"You have been saved through trusting CHRIST. And even trusting is not of yourselves; it too is a gift from GOD." Eph. 2:8 TLB
I praise the LORD for choosing me as a 19 year old rebellious college girl. I know that a part from HIS grace walking by and choosing me and saying, "Live," that I would still be lost and undone, and walking in darkness. Do you know HIM today? Has HE walked by and said "Live," to you and given you a new heart, a heart that beats for JESUS and loves HIM and is obedient, and loves others with HIS love? If you don't know HIM like this, ask HIM to give you a new heart...confess and repent of your sins, HE longs to give you the gift of HIS eternal salvation that was purchased through the blood of HIS SON."
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Listen to this beautiful song by the McRae's, "When HE Said Live." watch?v=LX4OPCfJJTo
This morning, our choir was off from singing this week, ( i just found out the percussion wasn't off and i missed it, wow! I hate I missed it, but know the LORD had plans for us in Elgin this morning) and Hannah Beth and I made the short journey to Elgin to hear Jonathon Wilburn and his son sing at Crossroads Baptist Church in Elgin, Al. Jonathon used to sing with the gospel group "Gold City" for 12 years where he was named Male Gospel Singer at least 5 times. He retired from the road to spend more time with his family, and I think he was "burned out," from singing. He told the LORD he didn't want to sing anymore. He sold cars for 3 years, and he said one day he went into work and the LORD spoke to his heart. He said there were hurting people out there who needed to know JESUS, and he wanted him to go back and sing. Jonathon said okay, but give him a trio or a quartet...GOD gave him his son...and this Father and Son team are traveling on the road each weekend to share the FATHER and SON everywhere they go and the salvation and hope and peace and joy that we have in CHRIST. One of the T shirts they were selling had property of JESUS with John 3:16 on it...I told HB I had to have one of those with John 3:16 on it since I share that verse almost every Friday in my email. She got the t shirt that came free with the purchase of my T shirt with the Logo of Jonathon Wilburn and his son on it...
What a sweet time it was to be there together with HB, going to a gospel singing together. It was like old times, and we both knew many of the songs from our "gospel music memories" the LORD has blessed us to make together. Afterwards we enjoyed brunch at Joe Wheeler State Park eating in the restaurant overlooking the river. Just wish that Johnny could have joined us, but his hip would not let him. It was a sweet time with my daughter...thank you, JESUS.
Speaking of gospel singings, "The Mike Bowling Group" will be in Concert this coming Saturday nite at Seven Mile Post Church of CHRIST at 7:00 p.m. Some of you may remember the Bowlings had a very bad bus wreck last July and suffered injuries that some are still recovering from. Two of the Bowlings are sisters from the Crabb family. I know this group loves JESUS and will be sharing the gospel through song and through their words as well as bringing the comfort and encouragement that is ours in CHRIST JESUS. Bring your family and friends and come and be a part of this special night of worshipping our great GOD. If you can't come...pray for all that GOD wants to do in the hearts of each one there...pray for souls to be saved, and hurting hearts to be encouraged in the LORD. This is one of my favorite songs the Bowling Family sings: "Your Cries Have Awoken the Master." com/watch?v=2n9VESzK-gA& feature=related. I sure am thankful, aren't you, that our cries awaken our MASTER, and HE calls the storms in our lives. I have been crying out to HIM a lot lately, and how thankful I am that HE hears and answers and delivers me from all my troubles.
I wish I had the recording of this song from the Greene's "GOD is a Good GOD" Cd to share with you, but I don't. I pray the words will be a blessing to you and help you and me reflect on GOD doing it all for us...not our strength, not our goodness....but "GOD Did It All," and does it all for you and me.
"GOD Did"
No one had the answer had the answer for what to do
No one saw the pathway to journey through
No one in the world reached out to me
But there from the timbers of Calvary,
GOD Did...
The teacher could not move me to understand,
The preacher could not reach me to take my hand
WHO came when I was caught to rescue me
WHO looked beyond my fault and saw my need
GOD Did...
GOD did it all for me, HE moved heaven and earth just for me,
WHO stepped forward when others hid,
GOD Did, GOD Did...
The path of philosophy cannot erase,
The hope of humanity cannot replace
I am a receiver of everything,
And in the great forever the heavens ring
What GOD Did...
GOD did it all for me, HE moved heaven and earth just for me,
WHO stepped forward when others hid,
GOD Did, GOD Did...
Thank you so much for taking time to read the "Friday" email this week, a few days late. We may be late, but GOD never is:) and I thank HIM and praise HIM for the ability to be able to share these thoughts with you. I love you and thank GOD for each one of you.
With all HIS love,
More"Manna" from Heaven this week:
"Much Afraid, you know where your help lies. Call for help." Hannah Hurnard, Hinds Feet on High Places
"I will life up mine eyes to the hills from whence will my help come? My help cometh from the LORD WHO made heaven and earth."
"Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee."II Chr. 20:12
"I have chosen you in the furnace of affliction." Is. 48:10
"The burden of suffering seems a tombstone hung about our necks, while in reality it is only the weight which is necessary to keep down the diver while he is hunting for pearls." July 8, Streams in the Desert
"There is no one like the GOD of JESHURUN, WHO rides the heavens to help you. And in HIS excellency on the clouds. The eternal GOD is your refuge, and under
underneath are the everlasting arms..." Deut. 33:26-27

"Men ought always to pray and not to faint." Luke 18:11
"The LORD gets HIS best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction." Charles H. Spurgeon
"Bow the Knee"
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