"HE answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowering. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?" Matt. 16:2
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
As i began writing this email, we are all aware of the hurricane warnings for the East Coast. New York City is doing massive evacuations of hospitals, nursing homes, etc. while the governors of 8 states I believe, have declared states of emergency. Been looking at "Drudge," report www.drudgereport.com off and on and some reports indicate the hurricane is weakening and may not be as bad as predicted. I haven't seen indications of it weakening on www.watch.org, but we all need to pray for all those in harms way of what could be a very devestating hurricane throughout the weekend for our friends and relatives along the east coast. A friend of mine who lives near Charleston, SC, told me she really didn't want to have to deal with a hurricane this weekend...they were planning to take the first real vacation they've been able to take in a long, long time, and some of those plans involved the east coast. I sure hope and pray she gets to take her vacation, but the truth of the matter is...sometimes the LORD interrupts our plans with an unexpected hurricane in our lives...maybe not the kind that is churning off the Atlantic Coast right now and fastly approaching land, but nevertheless, a hurricane indeed that disrupts our lives, our plans, our dreams, to the very core of our being. No matter how much we love JESUS and know that HE loves us...these hurricanes sure can hit without warning, and shake us to the very fiber of our souls.
I have asked you to pray for a couple of friends of mine, Darlene and Arthur Anderson, and most recently Jean and Bill Brinkley. Both of these dear women have cancer and are in the midsts of hurricane force winds at times. This week, Darlene had to receive some platelets and had another reaction to them. She had to stop her treatments for the week, but was hoping today to be able to start back on her regimen again. Jean is a dear lady whose daughter used to take guitar from HB. She and her family homeschool, are very active in Lindsay Lane Baptist where Arthur and Darlene go, and are usually the ones ministering to others...not the ones being ministered to. Please remember Jean and her husband as they seek the LORD's wisdom and turn to HIM for guidance through storm in their lives, and Arthur and Darlene and their dear families.
As I write, i am reminded of a picture that hangs on our den wall up above the computer. It's a picture of a man standing safely in the doorway of a lighthouse with the angry waves of the ocean swirling all around him. The verse underneath is
Author: Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
Source: Streams in the Desert
Scripture Reference: Galatians 3:23
Shut Up To Faith
"Shut up to faith" (Gal. 3:23). Scripture Reference: Galatians 3:23
Shut Up To Faith
God, in olden time suffered man to be kept in ward by the law that he might learn the more excellent way of faith. For by the law he would see God's holy standard and by the law he would see his own utter helplessness; then he would be glad to learn God's way of faith.
God still shuts us up to faith. Our natures, our circumstances, trials, disappointments, all serve to shut us up and keep us in ward till we see that the only way out is God's way of faith. Moses tried by self-effort, by personal influence, even by violence, to bring about the deliverance of his people. God had to shut him up forty years in the wilderness before he was prepared for God's work.
Paul and Silas were bidden of God to preach the Gospel in Europe. They landed and proceeded to Philippi. They were flogged, they were shut up in prison, their feet were put fast in the stocks. They were shut up to faith. They trusted God. They sang praises to Him in the darkest hour, and God wrought deliverance and salvation.
John was banished to the Isle of Patmos. He was shut up to faith. Had he not been so shut up, he would never have seen such glorious visions of God.
Dear reader, are you in some great trouble? Have you had some great disappointment, have you met some sorrow, some unspeakable loss? Are you in a hard place? Cheer up! You are shut up to faith. Take your trouble the right way. Commit it to God. Praise Him that He maketh "all things work together for good," and that "God worketh for him that waiteth for him." There will be blessings, help and revelations of God that will come to you that never could otherwise have come; and many besides yourself will receive great light and blessing because you were shut up to faith.--C. H. P
"Great things are done when men and mountains meet,
These are not done by jostling in the street."
I could talk all night about the blessings and the education and light I have received from the LORD because of the "hurricanes," HE has allowed in my life through the years and you know that I can do that:). It's good for me to remember those blessings as I am going through another one though, because like you, I sure can forget my "song" in the night, and I sure can feel sorry for myself when i'm in the midst of a hurricane but had rather be on vacation:). I am so thankful for so many of you who sing my song for me, and pray for me and encourage me...you are GOD's grace to me, and HIS strength to help me in my weaknesses.
I wasn't sure which direction this email was going to take when i began writing, just like we're not sure what direction the hurricanes are going to take that the LORD allows in our lives and orchestrates to accomplish HIS plans and purposes. We don't know, but HE does...HE is the MASTER of the wind and the waves...on the ocean, and in our lives, and HE knows when to calm the storm, and how to use it to bring us closer to HIM and accomplish HIS plans and purposes.
If you don't know JESUS, the MAKER of heaven and earth AND the LOVER of your soul in a personal way, and you have never trusted HIM as your LORD and SAVIOR, turn from your sins today. Tell HIM that you have been wrong to be the boss of your life and sin against HIM, and come to JESUS, just as you are. HE loves you so very much that HE gave HIS life for you and for me on a wooden cross that we might be reconciled to GOD. "But as many as received HIM, to them HE gave the right to become the children of GOD, even to those who believe in HIS name." John 1:12.
All around us are warning signs that we are living in the last days...an earthquake and hurricane on the east coast in the same week...floods, famine, nations aligning against Israel including our own, the birth pains are increasing...and JESUS has promised in HIS WORD that HE is coming back soon when all these things are happening...see Matt. 24-25.
From this mornings Daily Light, we read these words of warning:
"Why are you sleeping? Rise and pray that you may not enter into temptation." Luke 22:46
-But watch yourselves lest your hearts be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a trap." Luke 21:34
"As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept."Matt. 25:5,
"Yet a little while, and the coming ONE will come and will not delay." Heb. 10:37
"The hour has come for you to wake from sleep. for salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed.-" Rom. 13:11
"Therefore stay awake-for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the cock crows, or in the morning-lest HE come suddenly and find you asleep." Mark 13:35,36
Earlier this week, I listened to a fascinating radio drama about JESUS coming back and a couple that was left behind because they waited to accept JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR. They had every warning in the world from their brother and kept putting him off... "The Coming Global Transformation" radio drama is a great way to share JESUS with others. You can listen to the whole drama for no charge at http://www.
Jan Markell , http://www.olivetreeviews.
This coming Sunday our choir will be singing "YOUR GREAT NAME,"http://www.youtube.com/
Please remember all on the East Coast...please remember Hannah Beth as she gets in full swing of nursing school and the heavy load of studying there. It's Friday night, and she's in her dorm studying...yes, she's busy. John Mac got an invitation to come for an interview at UAB med school on Sept. 15. We are very thankful, please remember him in your prayers...Johnny and I both are dealing with some health issues, thank you for remembering us. My brother Joe is in Tampa, Fl doing some training for a new position. Please remember him and his family while they're away from one another...GOD bless you dear friends and family...so many blessings, and you are among HIS greatest to me.
With all HIS love,

"Men ought always to pray and not to faint." Luke 18:11
"When I passed by thee,...I said unto thee..., Live."
Ezekiel 16:6
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