"God said, "Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings,as well as to the people of Israel. And I will show him how much he must suffer for me." Acts 9: 15-16
"For I consider that the sufferings of this present world are not worthy to be compared to the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I may have to consider changing the name of this email from the " Friday email," to the "Whenever GOD Allows It" email. To say that I have had difficulty getting it done on Friday's in recent weeks is an understatement. I have had time to write the past couple of days, i just have had difficulty concentrating and settling down to write. I have to keep reminding myself if this truly is the LORD's email to be an encouragement and share CHRIST with all who read it, then HE will give me the thoughts and ability by HIS power when it's time to write...i hope it's time, to finish what i attempted to start on Thursday.
I want to remind everyone about our Women's Conference next Saturday at First Baptist in Athens. It's not too late to get your tickets so please come if you live close enough. Karen Alexander Doyel who will be our guest speaker is a pastor's wife, and she has had many trials. She will bring GOD's message of encouragement to us, "Persevering Through Trials," a need that is universal to all of us. As my friend Tony Greene used to say, we are either in the midst of a trial, coming out of one, or going into one. I find that to be very true and at any given time, we may be the encourager to others going through trials, or we may be the one needing encouragement. None of us are immune to trials and tribulations in this world....just ask my friend i had lunch with this week whose son was killed in Iraq by a sniper's bullet, and has been going through a divorce for three years or ask my friend Tim Greene who was going 70 miles an hour in a bus they recently purchased and didn't have insurance and he went through the windshield. Four surgeries later, he is anticipating getting back on the road again singing for JESUS. Or ask another friend i met on the campaign trail whose mother in law is dying of cancer. She and her five children moved from North Carolina to take care of her mother in law while her husband is in seminary in North Carolina. Just this past week, the LORD granted this dear lady dying of cancer, her one desire before going to heaven, to take her family to Disney World. The trip took a lot out of her and her daughter in law said this has been her worst week. Ask the Malone family about trials, as last year their son was in a car accident, and at 22, had to have both legs amputated. One leg is below the knee and is healing nicely, but the other one, amputated above the knee, has had difficulty healing, and he has had to multiple surgies and now he has a staph infection. There is also my friend whose granddaughter had a baby several months ago and the daddy of the baby walked out of the hospital and returned only just a few weeks ago, wanting joint custody of the child. Another family is prominent in our community and their family is going through a severe crisis. Our dear former pastor that i asked you to pray for his son last fall when he fell 30 feet and the doctor said he would never walk again, just had his first grandchild and she is 3 months early. The baby weighed just a little over 2 lbs when she was born. Those are just a few of the people on my prayer list, and i'm sure yours is the same way..."Man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward," Job 5:7. We are NOT immune to trials...no, we are guaranteed them by JESUS Himself. "In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." John 16:33 I invite you to come and be encouraged in GOD's Word to help you and your loved ones in times of trouble. Kathleen Phraner, pastor's wife at New Life Assembly of GOD will be leading the music, along with our own women's group, "Cornerstone.' Contact me for tickets if you would like to go. We will spoil you and love on you and send you home encouraged in the LORD to face the places HE has engineered and is walking through with you.
"When we find ourselves most hopeless, the road most taxing, we may also find it is then that the RISEN CHRIST catches up to us on the way, better than our dreams, beyond all our hopes. For it is HE-not HIS gifts, not HIS power, not what HE can do for us, but HE HIMSELF-Who comes and makes HIMSELF known to us." Elisabeth Elliot, "Keep a Quiet Heart"
"When we find ourselves most hopeless, the road most taxing, we may also find it is then that the RISEN CHRIST catches up to us on the way, better than our dreams, beyond all our hopes. For it is HE-not HIS gifts, not HIS power, not what HE can do for us, but HE HIMSELF-Who comes and makes HIMSELF known to us." Elisabeth Elliot, "Keep a Quiet Heart"
I mentioned last week that i had met a new friend and asked you to pray for her. Earlier this week, she came over my house and we sat on the front porch and ate a tuna fish sandwich together. Nothing fancy but the sandwich sure was good...i haven't had tuna in a long time. My friend and i enjoyed the warmth of the sunshine as we sat in the rocking chairs, and ate, and we talked about life. Not far below the surface of her smiling face is a heart that is struggling with GOD's ways in her life. She has some very deep wounds as she wrestles with her son's death as he died serving our country and with a marriage that unraveled years before it is "officially" coming to an end. There are lots of questions for this one who prayed over her son's uniform and wrote Scriptures on the back of his name tag before lovingly sewing it on. One of the questions she asked me on the porch that day "Is GOD mad at me?"
As we ate our sandwiches and i pondered her question, i shared with her the first thing i thought about when i learned that her son had been killed serving in Iraq. GOD knew how she felt as HE gave HIS SON so that we could be set free from the death and sin. Her son was killed in the line of duty by a sniper's bullet. He was a Marine and all he ever wanted was to be in the infantry and shoot the big guns she said. She tried, and other's tried to talk him out of it, but that's where he wanted to serve our country and he gave his life defending our freedoms.
It's been several years but the pain is very much still there just beneath the surface for this Mama who lost her son. The questions are still there and she asked, "Is GOD mad at me?" When will the next "bad" thing happen to me or someone i love?
As we talked, the LORD brought some godly men to my mind who had died at an early age...Jim Elliot, who along with four other missionaries was killed by the Auca Indians they were trying to minister to and reach for CHRIST in early January of 1956. Later, his wife, Elisabeth had the privilege of living among those sames savages that killed her husband and many, if not all of them, came to know CHRIST as their LORD and SAVIOR. Keith Greene came to my mind. Many of you are familiar with his songs as he wrote and sang powerful CHRISTian songs in the early 80's like "Make My Life a Prayer to You," "My Eyes Are Dry," "Create in Me a Clean Heart," "O Lord You're Beautiful," "There is A Redeemer," and many, many more. Keith and two of his young children were killed in a small plane accident. Also, Dan Dehaan came to my mind, an outstanding young Bible teacher from the Atlanta area i believe that GOD was using to reach others for CHRIST all over the world in a powerful way. He too was killed in a small plane crash as a young man.
I shared these men with my friend, to try and help her to see that GOD takes the godly home sometimes at an early age and that doesn't mean HE is mad at us.
I read the following words from Chuck Swindoll this morning and i shared them with my friend. I hope and pray they are an encouragement to her, as they spoke to me in my own life about holding on to loved ones too closely.
Each of our children grow to become a self-sustaining, responsible servant of Jesus Christ, in his or her own way. As God intended from the beginning, we released them to follow their destinies.
Some of you reading these words did not release your children in this way. Perhaps you have lost your child through death, a terrible crime, divorce, or some other horrible tragedy. Let me be clear about this. While God is the sovereign ruler of all and nothing is beyond His power or knowledge, a horrible tragedy is never a cruel, merciless act on God's part. God did not find delight in making you endure such grief. Yes, as with Job, He permitted it, but He is not the author of evil. The evil intent of a world that has been twisted by sin took your child from you.
God hates not only sin, He also hates death. He hates it so much that He sent His Son to destroy death by dying and rising again. Death is called in the Scriptures our "last enemy" (1 Corinthians 15:26). Ultimately, the Lord will have the last word in this fight against evil, and He spoke that word to us through Jesus Christ. Put simply: Death is the will of a world gone wrong. Resurrection is God's final triumph over evil.
Whether we lose our children by tragedy or design, this much is true: Anything we hold dear, we must learn to hold loosely. Let's face it, if we hold anything too tightly, it probably has us rather than our having it. And God will not allow that for your sake or the sake of your loved one.
Ultimately, the decision to hold anything loosely—especially as it applies to relationships—is an act of faith. Human instinct would have us clutch the things we adore most. Releasing them, presenting them to God, requires that we trust Him to do what is right. When we do this for our children, the lasting impact we leave is a practical model of faith. And I can think of no better way to teach our children about the God we worship than by modeling our trust in Him daily.
Excerpted from Charles R. Swindoll, Great Days with the Great Lives (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005). Copyright © 2005 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
After i sent this to her, i hoped that i was not being cold or careless with her heart that struggles to make sense of her son's death. The only way we can make sense of our sufferings is through the Cross of JESUS CHRIST. HE died that we might be set free from our sins and have eternal life and abundant life here on earth. How do we experience that abundant life when our circumstances sometimes scream otherwise? One way is by learning to give thanks in everything, even those things that we despise the most and think we could never be thankful for like losing a child, trusting GOD that even this too, fits into a pattern for good,is and HE will do what is right and best.
"The message of the cross is transformation. We bring our sufferings, and CHRIST gives us joy. We bring our pains, and HE gives us comfort. We bring our deaths, and HE gives us life." Elisabeth Elliot, www.elisabethelliot.org
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Some of you reading these words did not release your children in this way. Perhaps you have lost your child through death, a terrible crime, divorce, or some other horrible tragedy. Let me be clear about this. While God is the sovereign ruler of all and nothing is beyond His power or knowledge, a horrible tragedy is never a cruel, merciless act on God's part. God did not find delight in making you endure such grief. Yes, as with Job, He permitted it, but He is not the author of evil. The evil intent of a world that has been twisted by sin took your child from you.
God hates not only sin, He also hates death. He hates it so much that He sent His Son to destroy death by dying and rising again. Death is called in the Scriptures our "last enemy" (1 Corinthians 15:26). Ultimately, the Lord will have the last word in this fight against evil, and He spoke that word to us through Jesus Christ. Put simply: Death is the will of a world gone wrong. Resurrection is God's final triumph over evil.
Whether we lose our children by tragedy or design, this much is true: Anything we hold dear, we must learn to hold loosely. Let's face it, if we hold anything too tightly, it probably has us rather than our having it. And God will not allow that for your sake or the sake of your loved one.
Ultimately, the decision to hold anything loosely—especially as it applies to relationships—is an act of faith. Human instinct would have us clutch the things we adore most. Releasing them, presenting them to God, requires that we trust Him to do what is right. When we do this for our children, the lasting impact we leave is a practical model of faith. And I can think of no better way to teach our children about the God we worship than by modeling our trust in Him daily.
Excerpted from Charles R. Swindoll, Great Days with the Great Lives (Nashville: W Publishing Group, 2005). Copyright © 2005 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission.
"The message of the cross is transformation. We bring our sufferings, and CHRIST gives us joy. We bring our pains, and HE gives us comfort. We bring our deaths, and HE gives us life." Elisabeth Elliot, www.elisabethelliot.org
"I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." John 10:10
Below are some wonderful words of exhortation and comfort, not only in the big trial like the death of a child, but smaller trials that are more natural to grumble about like the weather. GOD asks us to trust HIM and thank HIM in everything. In fact not only are we not to grumble...that is a sin, but we are commanded to give HIM thanks in everything. "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and in everything give thanks for this is GOD's will for you in CHRIST JESUS." I Thess. 5:16-18
I read a couple of devotions this week from Sarah Young's JESUS Calling devotional book that really addressed what the LORD has been speaking to my heart about this week as i have struggled with feeling sorry for myself with much smaller trials than loosing a child.
Trust Me in every detail of your life. Nothing is random in My kingdom. Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me. Instead of trying to analyze the intricacies of the pattern, focus your energy on trusting Me and thanking Me at all times. Nothing is wasted when you walk close to Me. Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace.
While you were still living in darkness, I began to shine the Light of My Presence into your sin-stained life. Finally, I lifted you up out of the mire into My marvelous Light. Having sacrificed My very Life for you, I can be trusted in every facet of your life.
“But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.”
—Jeremiah 17:7
We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.
—Romans 8:28 amp
He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult and of destruction], out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings.
—Psalm 40:2 amp
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. I Peter 2:9
From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Also from JESUS Calling:
This is the day that I have made. Rejoice and be glad in it. Begin the day with open hands of faith, ready to receive all that I am pouring into this brief portion of your life. Be careful not to complain about anything, even the weather, since I am the Author of your circumstances. The best way to handle unwanted situations is to thank Me for them. This act of faith frees you from resentment and frees Me to work My ways into the situation, so that good emerges from it.
To find Joy in this day, you must live within its boundaries. I knew what I was doing when I divided time into twenty-four-hour segments. I understand human frailty, and I know that you can bear the weight of only one day at a time. Do not worry about tomorrow or get stuck in the past. There is abundant Life in My Presence today.
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
—Psalm 118:24
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
—Philippians 3:13–14
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
"The deep peace that comes from deep trust in GOD's lovingkindness is not destroyed even by the worst of circumstances, for those EVERLASTING ARMS are still cradling us." Elisabeth Elliot, Keep a Quiet Heart
I used the opening verse about Paul, because it reminded me that GOD's choicest servants are those who have suffered the most. Think about those in your own life whom GOD has used the most in your life....are they not those who have been through the most difficult trials and overcome them through CHRIST JESUS? I can think of several just right off the top of my head...some i've listed above, that have impacted my life the most and they are those who have suffered the most severe trials. When i think of my new friend who has undergone such a loss, i think of the ministry that she can have to other Mom's who have lost their children. GOD can use her greatly to comfort others with the comfort that she has been given if she will embrace that comfort and receive HIS love in the midst of her pain.
"In all your suffering, HE suffers. HE is with you in the midst of it. Helping you. Loving you. Drawing you closer to HIM, making you more dependent upon HIS grace and power." Nancy Leigh DeMoss
"In all their affliction, HE was afflicted." Is. 63:9
"In all your suffering, HE suffers. HE is with you in the midst of it. Helping you. Loving you. Drawing you closer to HIM, making you more dependent upon HIS grace and power." Nancy Leigh DeMoss
"In all their affliction, HE was afflicted." Is. 63:9
I entitled this email"Is God Mad at Me?" because that was the question my friend asked me and i hope that what i have shared has helped us all to realize that GOD is not mad when HE allows severe testing in our lives. In fact, Hebrews 12:5-6 says:
"My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by HIM;
For whom the LORD loves HE chastens,
And scourges every son whom HE receives."
On the contrary to being mad at us when we experience trials, Hebrews reminds us it's those the LORD loves that HE chastens:
On the contrary to being mad at us when we experience trials, Hebrews reminds us it's those the LORD loves that HE chastens:
"The hard place in which you perhaps find yourself is the very place in which GOD is giving you opportunity to look only to HIM, to spend time in prayer, and to learn long-suffering, gentleness, meekness-in short, to learn the depths of the love that CHRIST HIMself has poured out on all of us." Elisabeth Elliot, Keep a Quiet Heart
However, if you have never trusted in JESUS CHRIST as the payment for your sins on the cross, you are the enemy of GOD. GOD loves you so much HE gave HIS SON to die for you and for me and "whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16. It is not HIS will that any should perish. "The Lord is not slow in keeping HIS promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."2 Peter 3:9
"For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to GOD by the death of HIS Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by HIS life." Romans 5:10
I received a song earlier this week through email that has ministered to me so much called JESUS SAVES. It was sung by Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas at their Easter Service this past Sunday and it is a powerful song, proclaiming what JESUS did to reconcile us to GOD so that we would no longer be HIS enemy, but be HIS friends, HIS children, and one day rule and reign with HIM. "If we suffer with HIM we shall rule with HIM." 2 Tim. 2:12. I hope you will take time to listen to this BEAUTIFUL song "JESUS SAVES." :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPIc4UFwR0Y
"Jesus Saves"
Hear the heart of heaven beating, "Jesus Saves. Jesus saves."
And the hush of mercy breathing, "Jesus Saves. Jesus saves."
Hear the host of angels sing, "Glory to the Newborn King."
And the sounding joy repeating, "Jesus saves."
See the humblest hearts adore Him. "Jesus saves. Jesus saves."
And the wisest bow before Him. "Jesus saves. Jesus saves."
See the sky alive with praise, melting darkness in its place
There is life forevermore, "Jesus saves. Jesus saves."
He will live our sorrow sharing, "Jesus saves. Jesus saves."
He will die our burden bearing, "Jesus saves. Jesus saves."
"It is done!" will shout the cross, Christ has paid redemption's cost!
While the empty tomb's declaring, "Jesus saves."
Freedom's calling, chains are falling, hope is dawning bright and true.
Day is breaking, night is quaking, God is making all things new.
"Jesus saves."
Oh to grace, how great a debtor! "Jesus saves. Jesus saves."
All the saints who shout together. "I know that Jesus saves."
Rising us so vast and strong lifting up salvation's song,
The redeemed will sing forever, the redeemed will sing forever, the redeemed will sing forever, "Jesus saves."
"Jesus saves."
If you've never trusted JESUS to be your LORD and SAVIOR, i invite you right now, to ask JESUS to forgive you for your sins. Whether it is telling lies, stealing, grumbling, dishonoring your parents, lust, fornication, adultery, idol worship, all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD Rom. 3:23)....confess it to HIM, and ask HIM to be the LORD of your life. Instantly HE will save you, and you will go from being an enemy of GOD to being at peace with HIM and receiving the abundant and eternal life that is yours through CHRIST JESUS.
"You are longing beyond all words to be restored and to be in communion with the SAVIOR again, and you can find no rest or peace until you are. That is a sure sign that HIS SPIRIT is even now working in you." Hannah Hurnard, Mountains of Spice
"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16
"Through HIS sinless life, HIS death on Calvary as the sinner's substitute, and HIS victorious resurrection, we can be fully forgiven for all our sin, we can be reconciled to the GOD we have offended, and we can have the power to live holy lives." Col. 1:21-22
"You, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, HE has now reconciled in HIS body of flesh by HIS death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before HIM." Col 1:21-22
"We are not saved from sin by trusting in anything we have done. The only means of eternal salvation is through placing our trust in what JESUS did for us on the cross, when HE died in our place." Nancy Leigh DeMoss, www.reviveourhearts. com
"HE saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to HIS own mercy." Titus 3:5
And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. (1 Corinthians 6:11 NKJV)
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy. (1 Peter 2:9, 10 NKJV)
Oh, what a SAVIOR, JESUS SAVES, JESUS SAVES!!! If i don't do anything else in this email, whatever day the LORD blesses me with the words to write,I want to proclaim HIS praises and proclaim JESUS SAVES! JESUS SAVES!!! I am so thankful HE saved me from my sins when i was 19 years old...praise the LORD, JESUS SAVES, JESUS SAVES and HE wants to save you too. Trust HIM today, HE loves you so much HE gave HIS life for you and me.
Please remember my friend this week as you pray, and please remember me too, as i try to be a friend to her and be sensitive to her precious tender heart. I don't want to say anything or do anything that will cause her to doubt GOD's love for her. I love that line in the song, "JESUS SAVES," HE will live our sorrow sharing." Pray for my friend that she will know the comfort that only the LORD JESUS can bring to her broken heart for HE shares her sorrow and yours and mine. Oh, what a SAVIOR...
Pray for me...as the verse says, above..."not that I have taken hold of this,"- I haven't , but i am pressing on toward the prize in CHRIST JESUS. Believe me, i wrestle with thanking GOD and trusting HIM too, just like you do when the going gets tough, and i have even this week, when the going wasn't so tough. I need you to hold me up in your prayers and remind me of what i'm sharing here...we all do, and that's why i appreciate your emails so much and you giving me the privilege to pray for you and you doing the same for me.
Please remember my friend this week as you pray, and please remember me too, as i try to be a friend to her and be sensitive to her precious tender heart. I don't want to say anything or do anything that will cause her to doubt GOD's love for her. I love that line in the song, "JESUS SAVES," HE will live our sorrow sharing." Pray for my friend that she will know the comfort that only the LORD JESUS can bring to her broken heart for HE shares her sorrow and yours and mine. Oh, what a SAVIOR...
Pray for me...as the verse says, above..."not that I have taken hold of this,"- I haven't , but i am pressing on toward the prize in CHRIST JESUS. Believe me, i wrestle with thanking GOD and trusting HIM too, just like you do when the going gets tough, and i have even this week, when the going wasn't so tough. I need you to hold me up in your prayers and remind me of what i'm sharing here...we all do, and that's why i appreciate your emails so much and you giving me the privilege to pray for you and you doing the same for me.
Thank you so much, for taking time to read the email this week...may we walk in the joy and power and freedom of our sins forgiven, no matter what suffering we may encounter while we are here on earth knowing that JESUS indeed does SAVE!
"Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the GOD of my salvation. Habakkuk3:17,18
With all HIS love,

"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"Just As I Am" Brian Doerkson
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