But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I am sorry i have not been very good to write lately. I have been doing some chelation to get heavy metals out of me, and it makes me really tired. I sure would appreciate your prayers for me as i go through this process. I tried to write Sunday, and got part of it done, and never was able to get back to it. I have decided GOD doesn't mean for me to write much right now, and to quit trying to force myself. He is the one who writes through me, apart from HIM i can't do anything.
I just got off the phone with Mrs. Eudy, and i appreciate ya'll praying for her so much. She was scheduled to have surgery for the brain aneurysm this past Monday in Louisville. When the doctors examined her again, it was much more complicated than what they anticipated, and one of the doctors said, if it was my Mom i wouldn't do it. The aneurysm is 12 mm which is more than double what they usually see. Please pray she will be able to take the medicine which will enable them to be able to put a stint in and shrink the aneurysm. She is having problems taking it, and they are switching her to a different color one tomorrow in hopes she will be able to take it. In the midst of all this, GOD is doing some really neat things and one of them is her pharmacist son is there with her from Hawaii, and she beat him in Scrabble the other night! That is great...Mrs. Eudy is so competitive! A couple of weeks ago, her daughter wrote that she had a bad night and coded twice in the emergency room...Mrs. Eudy regretted the ambulance having to take her to the hospital in the middle of the Braves baseball game! Thank you for your prayers for this dear saint...out of all of this, her one desire is that her son, Michael, will come to know JESUS as his LORD and SAVIOR. Please pray this with her that the LORD will save him.
We had a wonderful week of revival at our church this past week...and it was truly a taste of heaven. The preaching was by a man who has a large blood clot and aneurysm in his heart and the doctors don't expect him to live very long without a heart transplant. But, he hasn't let that slow him down too much...and most of his stories were about bull riding, champion fillies, hunting bears and lions. He was the most interesting evangelist i've ever heard. Sunday night he message was about "Live Like You Are Dying." It was so powerful...and we all came away challenged to make the most of our time on earth count for JESUS. Another great blessing of the revival was The Akin family, www.theakinsonline.com. We had the privilege of eating with them on Monday afternoon, and getting to know them a little bit and what a blessing their love and fellowship in CHRIST JESUS was to us. Their testimonies of GOD's faithfulness in their lives to answer their prayers and take care of them were so powerful...they were the real deal and they blessed me personally so much. Monday night after the revival, they invited me to play their electronic drums, and i had a blast playing with them...GOD just blessed the socks off of me through their kindness and love.
Well, the revival continues and i wanted to invite all of you to our Ladies Conference at FBC, Athens, www.fbcathens.org coming up a week from tomorrow. Our speaker, Joanna Weaver is coming all the way from Montana, and i know that you will be so blessed. We have been studying her book, Lazarus Awakening, during our Monday morning Ladies Bible Study and it has encouraged me so much that GOD truly can bring us out of our "tombs," whether it is new life in CHRIST, or freeing us from the things we are in bondage too. I hope you will call this weekend and get your tickets for this special time in the LORD.
A friend asked me if i would share their Ladies Banquet with you which is the same day as our Conference...wish i could be in two places at once! This sounds like a wonderful study about Israel, and i would love to be there too...that's where we are all going to live one day, all of us in CHRIST, in the New Jerusalem, and i can't wait! I hope you can make plans to attend one of these Ladies Conferences and be refreshed and encouraged in the LORD.
Some of you may be wondering about Dana Grammer Sanchez and her son, Zach. The last i heard from Dana, the court date to get Zach returned was going to be in June 1 i think. It was moved from April. Her husband is working here in Athens, i believe, and Dana is teaching school...and they are so happy to be back in Alabama.
For my friends out in the DFW area, i wanted to mention the Duck Dynasty gang is going to be at Prestonwood Baptist's Crisis Pregnancy Fund raiser next week...wow, would i love to be out there! You can learn how to get tickets here http://www.prestonwood. org/event/439417-2013-05-05- pregnancy-center-dinner-with- the-dynasty/.
Well, that's about all i can think of and i do appreciate you remembering me in your prayers...oh, something big, Hannah Beth is graduating May 10 from the University of Mobile! Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow! Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for her to pray her through school. Also, my daughter in law, Amanda will be graduating from Physical Therapy Assistant school the same weekend and we are so very proud and thankful for all of her hard work...to GOD be the glory great things HE has done! Please remember HB in your prayers...she has been sick for a couple of weeks, and had to take some drugs this week, sure would appreciate your prayers for her. She is working in the emergency room, tonight and tomorrow night, and then will be through! Yea and Praise the LORD!!! Thank you so much for all of your dear prayers for us...
With all HIS love,
PS...So proud of my brothers riding their bicycles over 170 miles in Texas this past weekend for MS! Way to go guys!
This is the reason i started putting my letters on a blog, because i forget things and can add them easily:).
Tonight when i was talking with Mrs. Eudy, she started talking hurriedly to someone else in the background. I ask her if she needed to hang up and she said, "Hang on, something is wrong with my roommate, and i'm calling for help." It was understandable for her to be cautious since her last roommate died on her:). She said, the lady was coughing and had quit. She was unable to hear so Mrs. Eudy couldn't ask what was wrong. In a short time, someone came to see what was wrong, and Mrs. Eudy told me the lady beside her was taking her teeth out and needed somewhere to put her teeth:)! Mrs. Eudy and I laughed and laughed at each other, and the seemingly serious situation, wasn't serious...just some teeth needing a resting place:).
"Live Like You Are Dying," Mrs. Eudy and her family are such examples of that...through her very serious journey with her health, they have managed to love, laugh, and make JESUS known to those around them. I want to be like that...."teeth" and all. Love,mitzi

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