"He divided the sea and caused them to pass through...In the daytime also HE led them with the cloud, and all the night with a light of fire. And gave them drink in abundance like the depths. Psalm 78:13-15
Dear Friends,
One of my favorite things in the world to do in "My Common Life" is to go for a walk with my dogs, Dixie, our Golden Retriever, and Midnight, our Black Lab. This morning we had a great time walking, and I picked blackberries to give the dogs as we walked along. Blackberries are one of Midnight's favorite treats. She will "woof" then down like nobody's business. I have learned a lot through them through the years, like how Dixie has a hard time "Laying those Turtles (Burdens) Down" like I do sometimes and how they both follow me wherever I go, the way our Shepherd desires me to follow HIM where HE leads me. They have an amazing way of keeping their eyes on me, even when they are off exploring...they know where to find me. They both have tendencies that remind me of me, yep, i stink like they do after I walk them, especially after they have waded in the creek and shake the water all over me. My hair is graying underneath my color like Dixie's hair is turning white on her face, and I get ticks like they do, yes I do...
As I have been thinking about my dogs, and how they remind me of me, I think about Midnight, who is a five year old lab, and has more energy than 5 dogs should have...she truly can run "as fast as Lightening" which is what one of my dear friends calls her. Midnight, with her abundance of energy (which doesn't remind me of me:), used to really annoy me because she was so hyper, and always jumping on me. She didn't mean to be annoying, but she was until she learned obedience...and yes, I have these tendencies too that annoy and aggravate, and the LORD is teaching me obedience and how to "sit still." She is learning to have self control and sit while I put the leash on her. She is learning, ever so slowly, that when I look at her in her eyes, it means to sit, and let me put the leash on her. It's hard for her to control herself, like me at times, but I am so proud of her for sitting when she'd rather be jumping on me. When get away from the neighborhood, I take their leashes off and let them run free. Midnight takes off as fast as she can, and then does the sweetest thing...she will come back to check in with me...sometimes I just pat her on the head, and she is off again. Sometimes she sits down and waits for me to scratch her chest and then she if off to explore some more. I have often thought how she is so much like me when I am strong and healthy how I like to run around doing "a multitude of things," and then just like to come and "check in" with My Master. Dixie, on the other hand, in true Golden Retriever style, prefers to walk closer to me, often walking right beside me, even though she is not on the leash. She is older, and settling down, and just seems more content not to run around and explore as much as Midnight. Oh she still explores, but she seems to be much more content spending "Time with her Master" than out exploring. I find the older I get, the more content I am to sit at my Master's feet, instead of exploring" all over the place.
Those dogs are so good to follow me when we are walking, going where I go, no matter what direction, they surrender their will and come and follow me. I am afraid I am not always as pliable as my dogs are and as easy to give up my will as they seem to be to follow me. My Master has had to help me along in that area and discipline me to help me to "follow HIM," instead of kicking and screaming that I still have a tendency to do at times.
I have been thinking a whole lot lately about following my Master, following the One who loved me and died for me, and whose "hands are scarred by the nails." This morning as I was having my time with My Master on my front porch I was reading about GOD leading the children of Israel out of Egypt, and how HE "divided the sea" and caused them to pass through unharmed. I read about how HE led them with the cloud, and at night with a light of fire, and then gave them drink in abundance like the depths.
As I think about my own life, and the "Impossible" places that GOD has brought me to and even now I am facing one, like the children of Israel HE has been faithful to "divide the sea" for me. I shared one with you last week, as I suffered from dehabilitating pain many years ago and GOD delivered me from that pain using a common doctor who dared to try an uncommon treatment. Even now in the past several months, HE has "divided the sea" for me to restore my memory and thinking processes, and how I praise HIM and thank HIM for HIS healing power, and giving my doctor wisdom to help me. As I trudge through the wilderness of this life, I am becoming more and more conscious of how my Shepherd is leading me even when I don't realize it. During the difficult times, I am more like Dixie, and I like to walk really close to HIM and those are the sweet and precious times that HE manifests HIMself most to me. Then, at other times when the seas are more calm, I'm more like Midnight, flying off and just coming back to "check in." Truthfully, my SHEPHERD has pretty much kept a "thorn in my flesh" pretty consistently that causes me to slow down and walk slower and closer to HIM and I am so very thankful for that.
You know there are times in my CHRISTian walk, when My Master leads me into a set of circumstances that I find myself way in over my head. Instead of walking by faith, I'm like Peter and get my eyes on the storm, instead of the Master, and I start sinking. There are times that my SHEPHERD leads me to do the impossible, and I would really like to run away, except that HIS grace keeps me there. In fact, I am walking through one of those times right now, where CHRIST asks me to trust HIM to do the impossible and to pray, and be led by HIM when to "sit still," and when to "move."
My Master sent me some words from Springs in the Valley were such an encouragement to my doubting heart yesterday. HE sent me "drink in abundance" to refresh me and encourage me just when I needed it most. The words read, "Is the work GOD's work? Has HE called you to do it, and equipped you for it?...take time to consider and pray and find what the will of the LORD is. Then when the difficulties have been considered and the needs fairly measured, and the clear conviction remains that GOD calls you to rise and build, then put your hand to the plough, and never look back. Power to endure to the end-patience to outlast all discouragements-zeal that will not die out, and that will enkindle the zeal of others-all these are given and secured to him who knows that the work and call are from GOD.
The reading went on to say, "For every worker and every work in the kingdom of GOD the principles are the same. The only way to avoid being repelled and discouraged in the work, so as to give it up in irritation, disgust or despair, is to get the work put upon the right lines from the very start. These must begin in the secret place of the Most High-the Holy of Holies-alone with GOD.
They must proceed to the Holy Place, for the light and strength contained therein-the guidance and equipment needed. Then, and not till then can they safely come out, their success secure and their permanence established, because they are thus truly "wrought in GOD."-Rev. Hubert Brooke
As I have think about my own situation the LORD has led me into...I am so conscious that I must follow HIS leading and depend upon HIM to give me wisdom, courage, and everything to finish the "Impossible" work that HE has called me to. I didn't realize it was going to be "impossible" when I followed HIM, but HE knew it would be:).
Continuing on the reading says:
"While the yoke of the LORD JESUS is easy and HIS burden is light, nevertheless the furrow that HE calls us to undertake is not always by any means easy plowing. There is no yoke that fits so smoothly and handily as HIS, but there is no work that requires more steady trudging and persistent faithfulness than HIS. Three stages of that work are strikingly set forth by Hudson Taylor when he says "Commonly there are three stages work for GOD:
"Impossible, Difficult, Done!"
"Said General William Booth, "GOD loves with a special love the man who has a passion for the impossible." Are you confronting today the impossible in work for GOD? Praise HIM for that, because you are in a way to discover the blessing of finding that work difficult, and then to experience the deep joy of finding it done, by the same LORD who started you on the furrow."-Springs in the Valley, June 25
So what does all this have to do with me being "a lot like my dogs?" I am learning to follow and trust my Master in the ways HE leads me the way my dogs follow and trust me as I lead them. I am learning, ever so slowly to "sit still" when HE puts HIS leash on me, and holds me back, to keep my eyes on my Master, and check in more and more often...in fact, He is teaching me what it means to "pray without ceasing." Most of all, I am learning to walk close beside HIM no matter where HE leads me...no matter how "Impossible" the situation seems. The same JESUS who parted the Red Sea for HIS children in the wilderness, and has already parted the "Red Sea" for me many times in my life...yes, HE has, is the same JESUS, who suffered and died for my sins and rose from the dead. HE is the one who leads me with "nail scarred" hands, and HE has not asked me to do anything that HE is not leading me and orchestrating the circumstances. HE knows the pain, the suffering, and the joys that I will incur along the way in "My Common Life" and HIS grace is sufficient and HIS power is made perfect in my weakness." II Corinthians 12:9-10. HE tells me"don't look at the storm, keep my eyes on the Master," and trust HIM, the GOD of the Impossible..."For nothing will be impossible with GOD." Luke 1:37.
A couple of years ago, the LORD introduced us to a dear family in Southern Gospel Music called the Crist Family www.cristfamilymusic.com. Their Master led them to take a giant step of faith a few years ago and moved them from their home in Washington St. to Knoxville, Tn, where GOD has opened so many doors for this loving family to sing the beautiful praises of JESUS. They trusted their Master to do the "Impossible" and HE continues to lead them and open doors for them and use them so mightily for HIS glory. One of the "Impossible" things for their family has been purchasing a bus to travel on without going in debt. They patiently waited for the LORD to provide, and HE has so abundantly through laying it on HIS children's hearts to give generously for the Crist family to have a bus. The Crist family truly knows what it means to walk in faith, and "keep their eyes on the Master." They sing a beautiful song called, "Don't Look at the Storm," reminding me to not look at my impossible circumstances but to "Keep my eyes on the Master."
I don't always know where HE is leading, just as my dogs don't always know where I'm going. HE calls me to follow HIM, and trust HIM to do the "Impossible"...until it becomes "Difficult"....and then Done!
With all HIS love,
Don't Look at the Storm by Sandy Knight
Don't look at the storm, keep your eyes on the Master
Hear HIS sweet voice, keep following after
Don't yield to your fear when the waves rolls high and the water gets deeper
Keep your eyes on the LORD, don't look at the storm.
The storm is so fierce with wrath, defeating whatever falls in its path
The greatest destruction our eyes have seen
Fear takes its grip, the future looks bleak,
Now we have a choice in what our eyes see,
We can look at the waves we can look at the deep
Or we can look at the Master, we won't suffer harm
When life turns my thoughts aside,
I can't seem to keep my mind on CHRIST,
Satan knows I can't stay afloat, he waits til I'm down and he lures me around,
Now I have a choice in where my feet go,
I can turn from the LORD and sink down below
or I can turn to the Master and not to the storm.
"When GOD is going to do something wonderful, HE begins with a difficulty. IF it is going to be something very wonderful, HE begins with an impossibility."
-Rev. Chas. Inwood
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