Friday, June 6, 2008

My Common Life

"He delivers magnificently, and showeth lovingkindness. (Psalm 18:50, French trans.).

Dear Friends,

Before I begin with the "story" I want to thank you all so very much who actually took the time to read last week's email, and wish us a Happy 25th Anniversary! My heart was so touched by your taking time to first of all read my email (i know they are long and am so honored when you are able to take time and read them) and then you wrote, sent e cards, and even a card in the mail! We are so blessed to have you as our dear friends and family, and how I thank the LORD for your dear friendship that cheers us on along this journey called "life." Thank you all so much for your prayers for my family as my Daddy-in-law continues to recover from his surgery, and for Wayne Parker who GOD allowed to do so well in the race for Congress. Please continue to remember their family in this endeavor the LORD has called them to.

This morning, I can honestly say, I did not see this coming, but it's an amazing thing what the LORD is doing and has done for me, just reminding me of HIS faithfulness and goodness to me and our family in our 25 year journey. I felt compelled to share what GOD has done for me. I want to caution you that if you have a weak stomach, you may want to skip this week's email:). Now that I have your curiosity up, I'm sure more of you than ever will take the time to read it:). I can assure you, I'm not sure where this one will end up, so we will take this journey together:).
Yesterday was such a wonderful, common, ordinary day in my life. I got up, put the clothes in to wash, took my thyroid medicine, and went outside on the porch to read my Bible. After my time with the LORD, we ate breakfast, and John Mac was off to school. I took Dixie and Midnight out for a walk in the beautiful field nearby. The hay had just been cut, and the tractor was in the field raking the hay. There were several piles of hay already rolled, and I loved walking by it and smelling the sweet hay. As I walked in the cool shade, down the lane, through the woods, I thought, aaaah, it just doesn't get better than this...thank you LORD for my common life. I wanted to take a picture of that lovely field with the hay bales rolled so pretty on the rolling hills, but lets just say we're having difficulty finding the battery charger from our trip to Gulf Shores, so you'll have to picture it yourself:).
When we came back from our walk, after the dogs cooled off in the creek, I came into my "common house," we've lived in for 16 years and said hello to my daughter who was on the common computer and phone at the same time:). I went back outside and planted some common cantaloupe and watermelon in my very common garden. After that, I got out the clippers, and begin the arduous task of trimming Dixie, our Golden Retriever. She gets so hot in the summer with all her hair. She was wonderful laying there, but the clippers and me went round and round. After several hours, and lunch and a short nap in between, Dixie looked akin to a mess. Hannah Beth said she looked like she got caught in a lawnmower, but I was just thankful that I was able to work on her for so long, focusing, and being content with doing that common job. The kids went swimming at my Mother-in-laws, and I did something uncommon and went and joined them after trimming Dixie for hours. The water felt so good as I swam, and I figured out something good about being heavier than I was a few years float better:). I had always been told that as a swimming teacher, but now I am finding out experientially and it's true, I just floated and floated on my back, I didn't even need a float:). My Mother-in-law came out and we visited awhile, and then I went home and cooked supper for my family. Wow, what a common life...but what a wonderful life! It hasn't always been this way...and want always be this way...but I want to go on record thanking GOD for common days like yesterday and today. I can remember the days when taking the kids swimming was excruciating for me because of pain...thank you LORD for reminding me of that this week.
Last week, I was having a pity party for you ever do that?:). I'll be honest, as much as the LORD has blessed me in my role as a housewife, and Mom, I was feeling a little common, ordinary, and thinking about doing something "more important," after the kids leave the nest. Not that I could at this point do anything else physically, but I was just kind of wallowing, and thinking and being discontent, where GOD has me. Actually, as my kids are getting older, and I do have more "free" time on my hands, I am going through somewhat of a transition, and just trying to "find" myself at times, and what GOD's next step for me is when my kids leave the nest.
Earlier this week, my doctor emailed me and told me that she had gotten some very important test results back that may make a tremendous difference in how I'm feeling in "my common life. " To say that I'm a little hesitant to share this would be an understatement, but I feel I must in order to tell you what GOD has done for me. She told me that I had parasites...yes, that's right, parasites and ...they even have a name, As GOD would have it, it is a "common" parasite, my doctor says, and lives on contaminated food or water...she even hinted I could have gotten it at the river kayaking. Hum, not everyday you get told you have parasites, but believe it or not, the LORD reminded me that indeed I have been told, not only once before by a doctor that we thought was a "Quack" (not the one I'm writing about below) and he may very well have known what he was talking about:), but twice before. GOD did a "Miracle in me" when Hannah Beth was a baby, and when HE reminded me of that "Miracle in Me" this week it sure has made me so thankful for being able to participate in "my common life..."and do ordinary, common things like going swimming with my kids without being in excruciating pain.
I know that I have mentioned several times that when my kids were babies, I began developing odd back pain, and it progressed to the point that I couldn't stand up for any length of time, hold Hannah Beth as an infant very long, and couldn't hardly walk to the mail box. Not only was the pain in my back, and it felt like my back muscles and rib cage had literally shrunk and were too small for me, but it progressed to be in my joints and all over my body. I went to several doctors trying to find the answers, and one day, a man in our church came in and was talking about how a doctor was helping him. He shared some info with me, and I thought, hum, this sounds like what's wrong with me. Isn't it amazing that it was "in church" where the LORD chose to lead me to this doctor:). So, I made the trip to Birmingham where Dr. Gus Prosch had his office. I didn't realize it, but Dr. Prosch was a wonderful Doctor who loved CHRIST, and was not afraid to try new things that helped people. One of his treatments was "curing" Rheumatoid Arthritis." I didn't know what was wrong with me, the traditional doctors called it "Fibromyalgia" and I had been to numerous doctors including at least two rheumatologists at this point, and I knew their treatment was not helping, it only made me worse. Dr. Prosch, suggested I try taking a couple of little pills for a trial to kill a little "bug" or amoeba, that might be causing my pain, and if I responded to them by feeling really badly, then it was a good sign that I had a "bug" causing my pain:). So, I did, I took the little pills, and got a severe headache, nausea, and was plastered to the floor, and felt terrible. He seemed pleased with that, and he gave me a drug called "Chlotromizole." At the time, I didn't question him about what kind of drug it was...i just knew it sure was helping my pain and stiffness, and I took it like he told me too, and during that six weeks, I went from being on the floor almost "constantly" to being able to get up, hold my babies, walk around, and participate in life without being in excruciating pain.
This didn't cure all my problems, and he treated me for other things, but, the LORD reminded me this week of HIS direct intervention in my life of using a doctor to deliver me from crippling and dehabilitating pain by going the route "less taken." I praise the LORD for the deliverance HE did in me, and all the wonderful, common, ordinary, things I am able to HIM be the glory, the praise and the honor. HE could have left me there on the floor, without answers to my crippling pain, but HE didn't. HE was with me every mile of the journey, even when some of those miles, I was forced to lay down, literally, "The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not want, HE maketh me to lie down in green pastures." Psalm 23: 1-2. HE brought me to my "Wits End," as I cried out to my Shepherd for help, lying on the floor, pain all over my body...and HE delivered me. "They reeled and staggered like drunken men, they were at their wits end. Then they cried ut to the LORD in their trouble, and he brought them out of their distress."
As I reflected back on those very difficult years of being able to do common ordinary things today without being in excruciating pain, the LORD sure has given me a grateful heart this week. How thankful I am to HIM, for the difficult times, for that is a treasure and another story in itself as it continues to develop. The same drug my doctor now prescribed for me to treat the parasites is in the same family of drugs as what Dr. Prosch used to help deliver me from excruciating pain all over my body. I didn't realize this until last night, as I was snooping around on the internet,
The Rheumatoid Disease Foundation Recommendations-

and the LORD showed me exactly what med I took, (I couldn't remember and was trying to), and even the exact dosages. It was amazing and such a sweet thing the LORD did for me to help me find that wonderful information that I thought was lost when Dr. Prosch died. I am so thankful that this information is out there and available, and I am living proof that the treatment works. Now, it's a good possibility that either the "bugs" weren't completely eradicated,(parasites are difficult to get rid of as I've read this week), or they returned and have continued to "bug" me all these years, causing some of my strange issues.
Other results of this same test my doctor did on my digestive system showed that my absorption markers were good...amazingly! You know how I've been telling you that I don't absorb things well...well, thankfully there are a lot of things right with my digestive system. My doctor told me that 70% of our immune system is in our intestines, so she is very hopeful that if we can get the "bugs" killed, that my allergies will improve, and hopefully I will be able to get more nutrition in me.
I don't know...but I know this, the LORD is up to something throughout this journey, this "race" HE has had our family run, and I am so thankful for HIS goodness, HIS guidance, HIS faithfulness to help us when there seemed to be no way...HE has opened the doors for us, for me time and time again when the doors seemed so tightly to be shut with no way to escape, and given me such a wonderful education along the way...
I want to ask you to please pray for me and my family diligently this upcoming week as the medicine probably will make me very sick, and that's a good thing. I have to take it seven days in a row, and then repeat that in a month. Johnny teased and said he was going to get me a straight jacket, but i may need one...thank you for your diligent prayers for all of us. Please pray for my doctor's wisdom as she leads me down yet, another trail. She told me earlier this week, "if she has to drag me kicking and screaming she was going to lead me to the deep well of good health." What sweet words to my heart, that she would care enough to be so diligent to help,the reluctant patient, who sometimes gets discouraged and sometimes has a hard time believing I'll ever get any better. Only the LORD could put that desire in her heart to help me.

In the June 4th reading for My Utmost for HIS Highest, (, ) Oswald Chambers spoke to my heart about wanting to be something more than what GOD has called me to do in my "common" life. He said, "Sometimes it is not difficulty that makes me think GOD will forsake me, but drudgery...There is no Hill Difficulty to climb ( that hasn't exactly true in my case:), no vision given, nothing wonderful or beautiful( that's not true either for me, GOD has done so many wonderful things for our family even recently and you've read about some of them here- I've just forgot to count my blessings),just the common place day in and day out. We have the idea that GOD is going to do some exceptional thing, that HE is preparing and fitting us for some extraordinary thing bye and bye, but as we go on in grace we find that GOD is glorifying HIMself here and now, in the present minute... "the most amazing strength comes, and we learn to sing in the ordinary days and ways."
Charles Spurgeon, in the June 3rd Morning and Evening , ( spoke of this same thing and used the passage out of 1 Chronicles 4:23 as a reference: "These were the potters, and those that dwelt among plants and hedges: there they dwelt with the king for his work." He shared,"We too, may be engaged in the most menial part of the LORD's work, but it is a great privilege to do anything for our KING (whether it's cleaning a dirty diaper, scrubbing a commode, or trying to get rid of parasites:); therefore we will abide in our calling hoping that, although we "have lien among the pots, yet shall we be as the wings of a dove covered with silver, and her feathers with yellow gold:" Psalm 68:13...The place of our habitation is fixed, and we are not to leave it out of whim and caprice,(a sudden whim or fancy), but seek to serve the LORD in it, by being a blessing to those among whom we reside."
So there you have it, a peek into "My Common Life" that GOD continues to teach me to love HIM and those around me and to be content where HE has placed me. HE continues to remind me that HE "has a bigger thing going on than what my little bitty eyes can see," throughout the "ebb and flow" of my common life. What a blessing to be able to walk in the hayfield yesterday, shave my dog Dixie, go swimming and cook supper for my family. LORD JESUS, how I praise you for the strength and health you have blessed me with to be able to enjoy the common and ordinary things of life! Thank you for reminding me of the "Miracle in Me," that you have done to enable me to do the common, ordinary things, that I so easily take for granted when I forget YOUR healing touch in my life. Thank you so much for your deliverance through wise and loving doctors and the education you have blessed me with along the way to help others. Thank you for the dear, dear friends I have met along the way, and the wonderful family you have given me to share my common life with...I thank you for the next "Miracle in Me," that you are about to do, and asked you to help me to hang on through the rough times that will come..."to endure the "cross" for the joy set before me." as YOU did for me on Calvary to set me free from the disease of sin. YOU are the Great Physician, help me to trust YOU in "My Common Life," to be my All in All."
You know, it's occurring to me that GOD does have a "Bigger Thing Going On" Than What My Little Eyes can see throughout this "common" life and journey HE's given me...I'm not sure what HE's up to, but I am sure of this...I have met the most wonderful people along this journey, including each one of you who take the time to read this email and encourage me...what a joy it is to hear from your hearts from time to time as I did from several of you last week, and it means so much to me. GOD is even using these parasites to bring blessings into my life...and I am learning to give HIM thanks in everything, including parasites, in "My Common Life."
The Southern Gospel Group "Greater Vision" sings a song called "Got a Bigger Thing Going On," that sure does remind me of what I've been thinking about these past few days...HE does have "a bigger thing going on than what my little bitty eyes can see," and I sure am thankful and want to praise and magnify HIM for HIS best plan for my life. You can hear and watch Greater Vision sing it on
With all HIS love,

Paul and Silas sittin’ in the darkness
Singin’ to the walls of the jail
Far from being worried, not a bit discouraged
They knew God’s plan would prevail
You see, in the other room, God was pursuin’
The soul of a lost prison guard
When walls began a’ shakin’, earth began a’ quakin’
He gave his heart to the Lord!

God’s Got A Bigger Thing Going On
Than what these little bitty eyes can see
He’s already working on tomorrow, making sure the sorrow’s
Gonna work a lot of good for me
He’s using all my earthly circumstances
To get me ready for eternity
God’s Got A Bigger Thing Going On
Than what these little bitty eyes can see!

Verse 2
Take ole’ brother Joseph, sold by his brothers
Carried to a wicked, foreign land
Thrown into a prison, no one there to help him
Still, Joseph knew God had a plan
You see, Pharaoh started dreamin’, asked could Joseph help him
Joseph told the reason for the dream
The famine was avoided, Joseph was promoted
God’s people had more than they could eat!

Verse 3
You say you have a burden. Every day you’re hurtin’
You’re wonderin’ if your God’s still alive
Seems that He’s forsaken. He’s so far away and…
You’re asking Him to please tell you why
Well friend, let me tell you, He will never fail you
With your eyes of faith you will see
He’s got a plan that’s workin’. This you know for certain
A loving and a faithful God is He!
God’s Got A Bigger Thing Going On
God’s Got A Bigger Thing Going On
God’s Got A Bigger Thing Going On
Than what these little bitty eyes can see

Words and Music by Rodney Griffin, ©2004 Songs of Greater Vision, BMI.

"It is a glorious thing to have a big trouble, a great Atlantic billow, that takes you off your feet and sweeps you right out to sea, and lets you sink down into the depths, into old ocean's lowest caverns, till you get to the foundation of the mountains, and there see GOD, and then come up again to tell what a great GOD HE is, and how graciously HE delivers HIS people."

-Springs in the Valley.

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