"For physical training is of some value-useful for a little, but godliness [spiritual training] is useful and of value in everything and in every way, for it holds promise for the present life and also for the life which is to come. I Timothy 4:8 Amplified
"Only believe!" Mark 5:36
Dear Friends,
This past Saturday morning, I got up early and headed to the river. It was raining when I got there, so I pulled up to the river where I was facing the water and had a cozy time spending time with the LORD in the front seat of the Jimmy watching the raindrops hit the river. I wasn't too concerned about the rain, except the kayak was sticking out the rear end of the Jimmy and I was hoping it wasn't getting the car wet... I sure didn't want to get mold growing in the car. I was enjoying this time with the LORD, when HE brought to my mind a certain desire that HE had impressed upon my heart a few months ago at this very spot. Little did I know it would become a prayer and intense desire in my heart that would exercise my faith very much. While I was sitting there at the river, praying about this situation, one I have spent many hours praying about since then, I was impressed to go and visit my friend Wanda and ask her to pray with me, to come alongside me, and pray together. After it stopped raining, I had time to squeeze in a paddle to my favorite spot, Big Creek, before meeting Hannah Beth at the gym...where she and my son work out. It was the first time I had worked out at a gym, in a class in long, long time, since Johnny was in seminary. Hannah Beth has been a member of this gym for a while and has been after me to go with her and I always have a good excuse not to. I prefer the slower pace these days of walking, paddling, riding my bicycle, and working out with a few weights on my own at home. This Saturday though, she was going to get a free t shirt if she brought a friend with her, and she really tried to get some of her friends to go but no one could...so, I told her I would try to get back in time from paddling and join her. Well, I did get back in time, after a brisk paddle to Big Creek, and met Hannah Beth just before the class started. When we walked inside, the guys at the desk were really friendly as Hannah Beth introduced me as "her friend," and I kept waiting for her to say this is my Mom, but I guess she forgot:). I was definitely out of my comfort zone being at the gym as I signed the liability form, I thought, you just don't know how many risks I do have:). After filling the form out, we went to the area they were having the "Group Power Class." We put our stuff in the little cubby hole and Hannah Beth got my little area ready for me to work out in getting me a bar and some weights. I really didn't know what to expect, I just wanted to be able to make it long enough for her to get her free t-shirt. It wasn't long before a young man up front with a really friendly smile began leading us in some exercises. He had a couple of instructors with him on stage up front, and then another instructor was running around helping those of us who need assistance. I had my own personal trainer in Hannah Beth standing beside me, and helping me. I had a little trouble with the lunges...in fact, i had two instructors and Hannah Beth trying to help me get my lunge form down , and I don't think I ever caught on just right...but, at least I didn't stumble off of the treadmill, pulling the girl off beside me, and get slammed into a wall, like I did at the last gym I worked out at several years ago. Thankfully, Hannah Beth wasn't around to witness that scene,she was little then and at home. She would have died of embarrassment at that fiasco but we have gotten many laughs from that "workout" many years ago. Did I mention my book went flying too, when I flew off the treadmill? Back at our "group power class" it was humbling for me to use the least weight I could on most of the exercises, but I was just really thankful that after all the arm lifts, leg squats, leg lifts, and squats, that I made it! I made it the whole class, and it didn't kill me. After an hour, I was still standing, and even felt better after I left than when I came in...now for this old girl who has had a mountain of health issues through the years, this was a real milestone for me, and something to Praise the LORD about and I do!
After I left the gym, I had a few errands to run, and I was going to run by and see if Wanda was home and see if I could pray with her. Wanda was home this time (last week's email she was gone when I came by), and she and her husband were out enjoying the flowers in their beautiful backyard. After I visited with them a few minutes I told Wanda I felt impressed to come by and pray with her. We sat down on a bench outside in the yard, and shared just a few minutes of prayer together, before I had to go. Little did either one of us know that something very out of the ordinary was going to happen that afternoon in Wanda's life, and though it was painful,like getting slammed into a wall, we later realized that GOD was answering some of our prayers we prayed earlier that day. Wanda gave me permission to share that she has a daughter that is estranged from them, with two young sons, and she lives out of state. It has been such a difficult trial for Wanda and her husband as they love their daughter dearly. Her daughter, unknown to Wanda, came to visit her grandfather that afternoon in our town, and left without visiting her Mom and Dad or other family...Wanda found out when she later went to visit her Daddy and saw two beautiful pictures of her grandbabies in his room. Not fully the way we would have liked, but as GOD would have it, was answering our prayers. Our faith grew in amazement as we realized the very moment we were praying, GOD was already answering..."before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear." Isaiah 65:24. It has been Wanda's desire for her daughter to visit her aged granddaddy and she had come. It sure did build our faith as we realized that GOD was answering our prayers, even if it wasn't exactly the way we had hoped. It helps us to "Hold On" that HE is going to continuing answering as we cry out to HIM in faith for those desires HE has put in our hearts to pray for...
Wanda and I talked this week about how GOD is putting us through a workout to build our spiritual muscles...to make us stronger in HIM. As much as these "delayed desires," "prayer burdens", whatever you want to call them, get heavy and are painful at times, like pumping those weights at the gym, GOD truly is using them to build our spiritual muscles as we are learning to persevere in prayer, to "hold on" to faith, to encourage one another and hold each other up in prayer, As the instructors at the gym and Hannah Beth, encouraged me and helped me through the workout, GOD has called us to come alongside our brothers and sisters in CHRIST and encourage them spiritually. In Hebrews 10:23-25 it shares," Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the DAY approaching." I thought about how that workout class was a small picture of the body of CHRIST, pushing one another, encouraging one another to work our bodies harder, but spiritually it's so much more important to encourage one another in our walks with CHRIST, building our spiritual muscles, as you see the Day approaching." What kind of shape will CHRIST find us in when HE returns...flabby, self indulgent, out of breath, a panty waste? Hebrews 12:7-10 shares with us that the true child of GOD is not going to get away with being a "flabby CHRISTian." Our FATHER will make sure of that.."Endure hardship as discipline; GOD is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? If you are not discipline (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. ..."Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but GOD disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
GOD has allowed me to go through many forms of discipline in my life, as HE has you, to build my spiritual muscles. I had a hard time believing when my kids were little and I was so sick that we would actually make it to this point homeschooling where my daughter is a junior and my son is in college, much less go on Mother Daughter trips like we did a couple of weeks ago to North Carolina with Hannah Beth, or go workout at the gym with her. GOD has done "exceeding abundantly beyond all that I ask or thought," along the way, and it builds my faith so much to look back and see what GOD has done. As I have written this I have thought of other dreams and desires that GOD has put in my heart, some I really prayed about, or worked to accomplish, like playing basketball for the Lady Warhawks when I went to college. GOD put that desire in my heart when I was a young girl, and did all that it took to bring about that desire...not that I would be a "basketball star" because i wasn't, I got well acquainted with the pine bench, but to let me play for a coach who loved CHRIST, and her life made me desire what she had- a close walk with JESUS CHRIST. GOD put a desire in my heart for a CHRISTian husband...I never, ever dreamed in a million years, HE would take the boyfriend I had dated for 4 years and broke up with after I came to know CHRIST and save HIM and give him back to me, a new creature in CHRIST, with a totally new heart, and new direction for life. GOD has been so faithful...even when those desires don't quiet work out the way I thought, like going to the mission field in Africa. HE has made me very content to live right where HE has me and realize this is my mission field. The process was painful, giving up that desire, but GOD has a way of changing our hearts. A desire I had a few years ago, was to have a neighbor that was more than just a neighbor but a true friend. I remember praying about this and after a year and a half, GOD brought us the dearest neighbors we have ever had...and that neighbor was Wanda and her dear husband Greg! What a blessing it was the LORD led them to live beside us for 3 sweet years, and as I shared last week, Wanda and I continue to live beside each other in our hearts...Wanda was another "desire of my heart" the LORD put there and after a year and a half of waiting and praying and GOD putting all the pieces in place (Wanda's story is incredible how GOD moved them from Roanoke, Virginia and planted them right beside us), HE gave me the desire of my heart, and "exceeding abundantly beyond all that I ask or thought" in a neighbor or friend. Wanda has been not only a dear friend to me, but a "spiritual mother" to me, discipling me and helping me to grow in CHRIST. She always has a story from her life to encourage me when my faith is faltering.
Forgive me for going on about all these desires GOD has put in my heart through the years and how HE answered them, but it builds my faith incredibly remembering what HE has done in my past and knowing HE will be faithful to answer my prayers for the desires HE has put in my heart now...HE is "working out" my spiritual muscles as HE leads me to persevere in prayer,"only believe" and wait on HIM. I read a quote in my devotion this week that said, "Faith, courage, and patience are tremendous qualities in a great life but the time element is the factor which is absolutely necessary to work all this out." Time...ugh, that's where I stumble so badly, I want it NOW...and GOD is teaching me, over and over, that it takes time for HIM to answer some prayers. In my front yard last year, I planted a little acorn, one I had picked up on a walk with my Dad and brother in the woods one cool fall evening last year. This acorn was from one of the biggest white oaks I have ever seen. I honestly had forgotten about planting it, until my other oak tree died (that I thought was still alive and wrote about), and one morning I looked and there barely visible under the grass where three tiny red oak leaves! I was thrilled! I have been guarding that little oak tree with my life, threatening John Mac's life if he runs over it with the lawnmower. I surrounded it with bricks to help protect it while it is so little. When I look at that oak tree, I am reminded of a devotion that I read in Streams in the Desert that said, "Just as it takes GOD time to grow an oak tree, it also takes time for HIM to answer prayer..." It helps me to be patient when I remember that just as my little oak tree is really taking it's time to grow, it maybe 3 inches tall right now, but those roots are going down deep in the soil, it also takes GOD time to answer the desires that HE puts in our hearts to pray for....just like moving Wanda right beside me. There was so much going on behind the scenes in that year and a half I was praying for a new neighbor, as GOD was not only orchestrating Wanda and Greg's move to Athens, but also their two daughters and their family's who lived in other states. In that year and a half, GOD moved them all back to Athens...amazing!
I read some quotes in Springs in the Valley this week that I wrote on a card to encourage me and help me not grow weary as I am waiting on GOD to answer the desires and prayers that HE has put in my heart..."Whatsoever thy soul desireth, I will even do it for thee." I Samuel 20:4. "GOD honors the person who trusts HIM implicitly." "It is not our worth, but CHRIST's which has secured for us immediate access to the Throne, "For all the promises of GOD in Him are yes, and in HIM Amen." 2 Cor.1:20. And then this one that I love that so encourages me to not give up on my desires, but keep praying and keep stretching those spiritual muscles, "Only believe"Mark 5:36." GOD has certainly proven to me time and time again that HE is indeed trustworthy to keep HIS promises, and grant me the "desires of my heart," and answer my prayers. In the same devotion as the Scripture, "Only believe," was the quote, "Whatever desire the FATHER permits to live in the heart of one of HIS saints, HE will grant the fulfillment thereof."-Dr. S. Chadwick. This reminds me of one of my favorite verses..."Delight yourself in the LORD and HE will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4. I have claimed that verse over and over and been amazed as I look back over the years to see how GOD has done this for me...even this past Sunday night, as my husband and I sat down with a meal with the Greene's, my beloved friends the LORD gave me the great desire to pray for and love a few years ago. HE has given me the desire of my heart over and over through the years to spend time with them and have them in our home...even though they live in North Carolina. This did not come about immediately...in fact there was a waiting period of two to three years, long after GOD had put the desire in my heart, before we actually had fellowship with them in our home...but GOD did this for me, not once, but twice now, and we have had the joy of enjoying other meals and times of fellowship with them at a restaurant like we did this past Sunday night, after they sang at a church near Decatur. I was encouraged in my faith, as I thought of this and many other desires that GOD has put in my heart through the years and has given me- often years later.
The Greene's (www.thegreenesgospel.com) sing a song called "Hold On" on their "Whosoever Believes" CD that gripped my heart and encouraged me the first time I heard them sing it in Boaz a few years ago when Tim was still singing with them. We had the privilege of hearing them sing it Sunday night and it still encourages my heart to "Hold On" to JESUS and wait for HIM to perform that which I have asked of HIM. I love the second verse where it says, "...in the midst of all your dark despair, with open arms HE's waiting there, to hold you until the hurt is gone." The more precious picture to me, is not me "Holding On" to JESUS, but JESUS holding me in HIS arms.
These waiting times do stretch my spiritual muscles, as I earnestly often times desire things ahead of GOD's timetable, but HE is teaching me to pray without ceasing, to be persistent, to be patient, and to "walk by faith and not by sight." I can assure you, I am just as "awkward" as doing some of these things as I was doing lunge's in the gym, and get even more tired than I did at the gym. But as I look back over my life, I can see where the LORD is building my spiritual muscles. I am so thankful for you my dear friends and family who come along beside me to encourage me, and pray for me and help me to stand when I grow weary, and I do grow weary. GOD is stretching my spiritual muscles and continues to teach me that "My grace is sufficient for you and MY power is made perfect weakness..." Therefore I will gladly boast in my weaknesses that the power of CHRIST may rest on me." II Corinthians 12:9-10.
With all HIS love,
"Hold On" written by Phil Cross
When there's no steps left to take,
no moves left to make,
Oppressing fears, tormenting doubts,
prayer after prayer, still there's no way out,
And it seems like pain is all you gain.
Hold on, hold on,
Through every storm hold on,
Even in the darkest night, walk by faith
and not by sight,
Hold on, Hold on.
There's a FATHER of love,
holding peace like a dove
In the midst of all your dark despair
with open arms HE's waiting there,
To hold you 'till the hurt is gone.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
A Date with JESUS
"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness." Jeremiah 31:3
Dear Friends,
I had a "date" with JESUS last Sunday evening. Actually our "date" started off kind of rocky, in fact I didn't want to go with just HIM, I really wanted to go with my husband. My husband and I had planned to go out on a date out to eat at a special restaurant we've never been to before. Then, afterwards, enjoy the full moon- maybe drive down by the river where we got engaged umpteen years ago ( Ha...GOD knew just where to get Johnny to take me to say "yes" to his proposal...the river!). Johnny and I started planning our date on the way home from church Sunday. After lunch, we took a nap and I remember hearing the phone ring, but I went back to sleep. Later when I woke up, my husband told me that his brother called needing him to work at the restaurant that evening. I was not a happy camper, in fact I got angry. I had a little help getting that way with some hormones I'm taking...I usually handle disappointment a little better than I did last Sunday, but I was still mad just the same. As I stormed down the hall, my son kept calling me from his bedroom, " Mom, Mom." Once I got outside, I just stood there trying to decide what to do. I guess I could go paddling like I had thought about doing before we planned our date. I had been wanting to paddle for weeks, and "my" plans kept getting changed...so I cooled down a little, went back inside, and asked Johnny to forgive me for getting angry with him. He really felt badly about having to work, but felt like he couldn't say no, and suggested we could go another night. I was disappointed, real disappointed, and somewhere the thought went through my head, "Disappointments are HIS appointments." I wasn't quiet ready for that to sink in yet, and was still simmering about the change of events...even though I had asked forgiveness for the way I acted. Recently, I've been writing about GOD directing our steps... I wasn't liking HIS directing at this moment. Later on, my son told me that since my niece is going off to college, to Indiana University next week, she asked her Dad to spend the evening with her and their family. So savoring every moment with his daughter, he was taking off, and my husband was his replacement. Okay, that made me feel better. I could give up my evening plans with my husband for my brother-in-law to be with his family. Finally, after I calmed down, I decided I would go paddle and make the best of the evening. The kids were going back to church for the evening and Johnny had to work...so I decided to go paddle. I did feel a little guilty for not going to church with my kids ... but I loaded up my little blue boat in the back of the Jimmy that Hannah Beth's granddaddy gave to her. I got my gear together, and came back in to spend a little time with Johnny before I left. He couldn't help it that his brother needed him, and I wasn't doing too much to make him feel like he was doing the right thing. After we kissed and made up, and we did:), I ate part of a tomato and cheese sandwich, grabbed my IPOD, and I was off...
Once at the river, the sun was still pretty high in the sky just a little after 6:00 p.m. in the evening, and the water was as still as could be. A perfect evening for paddling. As a drove down the hill to the little ramp where I usually put in, there was a family fishing together. I spoke to them and tried not to get tangled up in their fishing lines. It didn't take too long to get my stuff loaded in the boat, my rod and reel, Bible, dry bag with emergency stuff, flashlight, water bottle, machete, rope, and tackle box. I was off-paddling across the still water, toward the other side where the evening shadows where gathering on the water. It didn't take me long to get over my disappointment at my plans being changed, In fact as I paddled along, the LORD put it in my mind that this would be a "date with HIM." I begin to soak in my beautiful surroundings. I startled a great blue heron as I paddled along, and listened to him squawk as he took off, flying gracefully through the air. I cast my rod and reel in the water a few times, but as usual, nothing was biting my line, and I decided to paddle on down the cove to my favorite spot-Big Creek. After paddling under the bridge, where the barn swallows nest and swarm, I was at Big Creek and immediately it seemed the temperature dropped a few degrees. The trees overhanging Big Creek, make for a canopy and the shade made it much cooler. The crickets and tree frogs were singing loudly, and I loved being here on this late Sunday evening, on a "date with JESUS," my Creator, and the Lover of My Soul. As I paddled along, I prayed for some of you, and I prayed for my son, thinking about the upcoming changes and challenges for him in his new school. But mostly, I tried to concentrate on JESUS, and how much HE loved me. I thought about a Scripture that came to my mind,
3The LORD appeared to him from afar, saying,
"I have (A)loved you with an everlasting love;
Therefore I have drawn you with (B)lovingkindness. Jeremiah 31:3
I paddled on up into Big Creek, until I got to a fallen log that was still there from earlier in the summer and blocked my path. I decided to turn around, and took out my GOD's Promises for your Every Need book, that Dr. and Mrs. James Milner gave me when I graduated from college. Dr. Milner was a Dean at Athens St. College (University now) back when I graduated in 1984. He and his wife were a tremendous encouragement to me and my husband as young CHRISTians where we all attended First Baptist, Athens. Now, 24 years later, I was continuing to be blessed through a book of GOD's promises that they had shared with me on my graduation. There in the evening shadows as the sun was beginning to go down, and I sat in my kayak, I started reading some of those promises... Ps. 40:2, "Do not fear for I am with thee do not be afraid for I am thy GOD, surely I will strengthen thee, surely I will uphold thee with thy righteous right hand." I read Isaiah 41:10, a verse I learned my junior year in college at University of Montevallo when I was going through a difficult time...in fact, I was having panic attacks. "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your GOD. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I thought "this is a good verse to share with my son as he starts his new school this week." I did share it with him later as I wrote it down for him with a little note and left it on his pillow his first day at UAH. I also read, Isaiah 40:31 my husband's favorite verse, "Yet those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary."
After reading some more verses, I decided to paddle on back up into the cove, and it began to get dark. I knew it was going to be a full moon and I had told my family that it would be so neat to go for a moon light paddle and I couldn't get any takers to go with me....well, it did sound neat, but when it started getting really dark, I thought, hum, it's dumb enough to go paddling by yourself, but it's really dumb to go paddling at night by yourself, so, right before it got real dark, I paddled on in, and loaded up my boat...glad to be back on land. I kept looking to see the moon and couldn't see it for the hills and trees around the river were blocking it. After fishing a few minutes from the bank, I kept getting my lure stuck on the bottom, I decided to pack up and go see if I could find the moon, and I did...as I pulled up on the bridge going towards home there it was just as full and shining as could be. It was getting high enough now to shine over the trees and it's beams were reflecting over the water. I pulled over to enjoy its beauty from the side of the road. Part of me longed to stay, and enjoy this time with my Creator and the beautiful moon HE had created, and part of me felt like it was time to go home, my family would be home soon, and I didn't want them to be worried about Mom being at the bottom of the river somewhere on her moonlight paddle:).
On the way home, I stopped by my dear friend Wanda's house. Wanda and I used to be next door neighbor's for 3 sweet years until the LORD moved her and her husband across town, but we still live beside each other in our hearts. I just needed a hug, and Wanda was just the one to give it...except that Wanda wasn't home when I pulled up in her driveway. I thought, "Wanda, where are you when I need you?" Later I found out she was at her Sunday School party. In fact, I called her on her cell phone to ask her where she was and her voice mail picked up. I thought, " Okay, LORD, I give up, I'll get my hug from you tonight." GOD knows how to hug us through HIS Word, through His Spirit, through HIS presence, and as HE and I traveled home alone in that little Jimmy with my little blue boat sticking out the back, the full moon shining up above, HE hugged me, and loved me. I felt so refreshed, and so invigorated, and so peaceful as I drove home through the streets of Athens, around our courthouse square, and then on to our house. When I got home, I was the first one there, and I was eager to sit down and write while my "date with JESUS" was still fresh in my heart.
Later on, as I thought about how disappointed I was when I found out my husband had to work, I thought about GOD's disappointment when I don't make time to spend with HIM...Wow, I guess I've never thought about GOD longing to spend time with me, the way I long to spend time with my husband. When I rush into the day and don't make time to spend with the LORD, I miss my time with the HIM. I miss what HE wants to share with me in HIS "LOVE LETTERS" to me, HIS strength, HIS power, HIS wisdom, and HIS intimacy HE longs to bestow upon me through spending time with HIM through HIS WORD and prayer. But more importantly, my FATHER, my HUSBAND misses HIS time with me...HIS bride. Isaiah 54:5 tells me, " For your Maker is your husband-- the LORD Almighty is HIS name-- the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; HE is called the God of all the earth (Isaiah 54:5). I am the "apple of HIS eye," HIS word tells me in Ps. 17:8", "loved with an everlasting love,"Jer. 31:3, and He "loved me and gave HIMself for me" and you, HIS "love letter" tells me in Galatians 2:20. Yes, HE loves to spend time with us. Sometimes HE really loves to spend "extended time" with us revealing HIMSELF even more intimately to us. Those "dates" may come as the result of our loss of health, loss of job, loss of a dear friend or family member,or any other of a myriad of trials, that leaves a hole in our heart that GOD longs to fill with HIMSELF.
As I think about it, I guess a lot of "dates" with JESUS start off kind of rocky and unexpected, at least mine do, like my date with GOD last Sunday night. There are those times when I long to be alone with GOD, like each morning in my quiet times, and often when I go paddling, I go with the intent of spending time alone with the LORD. But what about "dates" HE chooses, like sickness that slows me down, an unexpected move that upsets all my plans, a broken heart, or even something as small as my husband having to work that changes my plans for the evening? I was just reading on my friend Ashleigh's blog http://heart-and-home.net/2008/08/journey.html ,about her husband John returning home from Iraq a few days ago after being gone for several months. Ashleigh and John both had a long "date" with GOD, as HE separated them from one another for several months, and she shared how close JESUS was to them during their time of being separated from each other. I don't know how to explain it, but somehow, JESUS "succours" to us in our time of need even though HE is always with us, HE shows HIMSELF so strong when we suffer the loss of other people, situations, or things in our lives that are so dear to us. In Philippians 3:8 Paul writes, "...I consider everything loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing CHRIST JESUS my LORD, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain CHRIST, and be found in HIM, not having a righteousness of my own...but that which is through faith in CHRIST..." The word, "succour" is a word that Charles Spurgeon often uses in his writings, and is used in the King James Version of the Bible to describe the help that JESUS gives us...how HE literally runs to us with help. The word succour comes from the Latin word succurro; sub and curro, to run...and it means literally, to run to, or run to support; hence, to help or relieve when in difficulty, want or distress; to assist and deliver from suffering; as, to succor a besieged city. In Hebrews 2:18 says, "He is able to succor them that are tempted.' 2 Corinthians 6:2 For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.).
How CHRIST my Saviour runs to me with help is becoming more and more dear to me and real to me the longer I walk with HIM. He has always "run to me" but I haven't and don't always recognize HIS grace, HIS presence, HIS help to me. I mentioned in my last email about my heart being broken in a relationship I desired very much a few months ago. As much as it hurt to be rejected, I would not exchange that relationship for the intimacy with CHRIST that I felt during that painful time. I can look back at the days following that time, and see how CHRIST "succoured" to me, and revealed HIMself so tenderly to me, through HIS WORD, through prayer, through you my dear friends who loved me.encouraged me, and prayed for me, and through my dear family. I was so amazed at CHRIST's tender revelation of HIMself to me, and it gives me confidence that HE is always there, and especially runs to me when I am in desperate need. Would I have "chosen" that "date" with GOD? No, but I wouldn't take anything for the sense of intimacy that I felt with CHRIST during that time, and I know now that HE does indeed run to me...I have never in my life experienced HIS presence quiet like I did during that difficult time. HIS tender love and friendship helped me to thank HIM for the trial that HE revealed HIMSELF to me so sweetly... HE succoured HIMself to me in my time of sorrow. In Words of Comfort and Cheer the reading for August 21 shares further what CHRIST does for us when HE "runs" to us in our trials, and when HE reveals HIMself to us in a more intimate way..."He will give you a fresh revelation of HIS love; He will bind you to HIMself with bonds you shall not wish to break; He will reveal to you such aspects of HIS character as to attract you into the tenderest fellowship and friendship; HE will show you mercy with a new and more delicate flavor than ever before..." Yes, HE does...and how sweet is HIS intimacy and fellowship.
This past Sunday morning, our preacher talked about how CHRIST longs to be intimate with us, even more than a husband and wife are intimate...In this month's "Focus on the Family " magazine, an article written by Glenn Stanton talks about this intimacy that CHRIST longs to share with us. He says, " The apostle Paul makes a powerful link between sexuality and spirituality in Ephesians 5. Paul connects the love between a husband and wife to that between CHRIST and the church...The intimacy expressed between spouses is but a shadow of the mysterious eternal love GOD has for HIS people. Not that GOD's love for us is sexual, but it is deeper, more caring and more sacrificial than even the closest relationship two people can have."
On the way home from the river as I stared at that full moon up in the sky and saw it reflecting over the water, the LORD reminded me that I was still on a "date with HIM," and HE wanted me to be so close to HIM, not just then, but always. I stared at the moon coming home, and the song that we used to sing when I was a child growing up in the Methodist church came to my mind, "He's Everything to Me." I can still see my sister sitting at the piano in her bedroom playing this song and singing it with me. As I thought about the words, I started singing it by the light of the full moon: "In the stars HIS handiwork I see, on the wind He speaks with majesty, though He ruleth over land and sea, what is that to me..." When I sang that song as a child, I didn't know JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR. I thought I did, but HE was still very much "way out there" to me...until at 19, HE broke my heart over my sins, and invaded my life, when I surrendered my heart to HIM at an altar at Central Baptist Church in Decatur, Ala. Ever since then, HE has been taking me on "dates," some I love, and some I've kicked and screamed through....but HE faithfully draws me to HIM with HIS lovingkindness, teaching me to be intimate with HIM. As I look back over the past 27 years that I have walked with CHRIST, I can truly say that the most intimate times I have with HIM, have come during times of great trial. It's during these times that HE is teaching me, that "HE's Everything to Me," and i am everything to HIM who gave HIMself for me. HE still loves to take me on dates... dates with a full moon, my favorite kind:). I sure did enjoy this one with you, LORD, and next time, maybe my husband can come along too:).
With all HIS love,
He's Everything to Me by Ralph Carmichael
"In the stars HIS handiwork I see,
On the wind HE speaks with majesty,
Though HE ruleth over land and sea,
What is that to me?
I will celebrate Nativity
For it has a place in history,
Sure, HE came to set HIS people free
What is that to me?
Till by faith I met HIM face to face
And I felt the wonder of HIS grace,
Then I knew that HE was more than just a GOD
who didn't care, that lived a way out there, And
Now HE walks beside me day by day
ever watching o'er me lest I stray,
helping me to find that narrow way,
He's everything to me.
Congratulations to my sis and her new hubby to be, Dennis who will be getting married next Friday...we are so thankful for the goodness of the LORD bringing them together. Dennis, thank you for the wonderful fish fry at my Mom and Dad's last weekend...you are a great cook!
Please remember my niece, Corinne, and her Mom and Dad and brother as she leaves to attend school at Indiana University this week...and our whole family, as we sure are going to miss her! Thank you so much for your prayers for John Mac this week at school...GOD answered your prayers, and he had a really good first week!
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Heart Like CHRIST

"Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high-minded, exclusive), but readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits." Romans 13:16, Amplified
Dear Friends,
About 14 years ago, wow, I can't believe it's been that long, the LORD brought a young couple-we were all young then:), into our lives that I admired very much. They were Wayne and Lisa Parker and I don't remember how the LORD brought our paths together but in HIS sovereignty HE did when Wayne was running for Congress the first time. Back then all our kids were little, now they're all big. In the picture, Wayne and Lisa are holding John Mac, 4 and Hannah Beth, 2. They've certainly grown up...at 18 and 16 now, but Lisa is still little, even smaller I think, and I am bigger, I know...with a different hair color:). I never dreamed that 14 years later, the LORD would bring our paths back together again, and they would be running for Congress 14 years later (www.wayneparker08.com). I don't think they dreamed they'd be running for Congress fourteen years later, but when GOD calls...you find yourself in places you never dreamed:).
Earlier this week, Lisa was speaking to a group in our town and after she finished, she called me at home and we decided to meet up town on the square. I met her a few minutes later where she was talking with some people in a local diner... a real hole in the wall...a place I wouldn't have chosen to go into, but the LORD led her steps there.
When I went in the diner, Lisa was sitting at a table and talking with a Dr. as he was eating his biscuits smothered in gravy. Lisa, in her usual way, was very inquisitive about what he was doing, and was very interested in his life. There are two things about Lisa that have stood out to me about her life through the years I have known her...her love for CHRIST and her love for people, all people. After we sat there a few more minutes, we got up to leave, and Lisa walked over to the waitress and started talking with her. On her way out, were some folks stuffed into a booth, and it was obvious Lisa had already talked with them as she spoke to them as we walked by. I am thinking in my mind, okay, who can we go see that would be good to see, in otherwise, I'm thinking "important" folks...people with influence. Well, we know more than get out the door, and there is a man standing there who could have almost been "homeless," that Lisa starts talking to. After a few minutes, we head on down the street, and stop in at the Printer's where one receptionist looked at us and didn't say anything and the other had her mouth stuffed full of food, and couldn't talk. Lisa introduced herself, and was just as patient and friendly as could be. I thought this is awkward- the receptionist was either really rude, or something was wrong with her. After the other lady swallowed her food, she began talking and explained to us the other girl was deaf...ugh, did I feel bad. Lisa took her time talking with her and then we walked down the street to the bank. There were certainly "important" folks in there, real important to me as they juggle the mistakes I make all the time with our account:). We walked in and i introduced her to my husband's cousin, and some of the tellers who worked there. After Lisa talking awhile, we moved along up the street to First Baptist , and stopped and talked with a girl who worked there. That young lady had the love of JESUS written all over her face with her sweet countenance and bright smile. After visiting with her, we met a couple of the maintenance workers. Then we met the Minister of Music and the pastor's secretary. The pastor and assistant pastor were in Senior Adult Bible School so we missed them, which I hated, they were certainly "important" folks to meet, but it didn't seem to matter to Lisa. We walked on down the street to the City Hall and I was going to introduce her to the Mayor, but he wasn't in...but that didn't seem to matter to Lisa, she talked to the office workers, graciously introducing herself and asking them to vote for her husband. We're starting to get a little short on time, and I'm thinking okay, where do we need to go where we can see folks... "important" folks. As we walk up the street towards the courthouse, we ran into my brother-in-law's Dad, and stop and talk with him a few minutes. As I'm thinking where to go next, I look up and Lisa is standing talking to two elderly men by their car. I walked up to them and gathered from the conversation that both men had lost their wives recently. Lisa listened and listened and I thought these men don't realize that she knows their pain...or maybe they did sense it from the compassion she showed them. She later told them that she had lost her first husband to cancer when he was in his twenty's and their baby was only an infant. After a while, the older gentlemen, who was 84 left. I overheard Lisa ask the other man if she could pray with him and she did. I don't know if she wept with him or not, I walked around the corner while they prayed, but I would imagine she did. She later told me that not only had he lost his wife in the past year, but also his son. It was starting to dawn on me that there was a whole lot more going on in our campaign outing than what my little eyes could see. As we walked around the square, I thought of a couple of other folks I wanted to introduce her to, one being the city attorney. On the way to his office, Lisa stopped and starts talking to construction workers, and a man opening up a new pizza place on the square. Unhurried as usual, and showing much interest in this young man's new business, Lisa talked with him about when his business was going to open, where he was from, his family, etc. As time was evaporating, we stopped by the city attorney's office, and he was busy and couldn't see us, but that didn't deter Lisa at all, she introduced herself to the receptionist and started talking with her. After we left the office...we walked on down the street back to the car. As we walked Lisa shared that she wasn't a "society" person , that her paths had always been more in ministry except for these season's of running for Congress that the LORD has called their family to. She shared it was out of her comfort zone to campaign, but it was clear to me, that she was very much in her comfort zone, loving the people she met on the street. Not the "important" folks that I had in my mind to introduce her to, but the folks that JESUS brought across her path, the poor, the downcast, the ones who were recent widower's, the young man who had dreams for his new business opening on the square...these were those the LORD was calling her to serve that morning, and Lisa was such an example to me of CHRIST as HIS love flowed through her on the streets of Athens, Al. last Tuesday morning. Although Lisa had to be at another function in Huntsville that afternoon, she insisted that we make time to pray together before heading to the next place that GOD had for her that day. What a precious time in prayer together it was..this dear wife and mom of four kids, relying on CHRIST to be her all in all for the place HE has called her to walk...and serve with her husband. Not an easy place to serve by any means, and a place where her faith is being stretched.
By the way, Lisa's Dad is Bill Archer, Congressman from Texas who is the Former Chairman of the House and Ways Committee for many years in Washington D.C. She is from "society" yet, GOD has given her the love of CHRIST for all of HIS children, whether they be doctors and lawyers, congressmen and women, the President of the United States, construction workers, housewives, waitresses, elderly, unemployed...she cares for them and takes time for them. Just this past year, Wayne and Lisa "adopted" a young man from Ethiopia, in the midst of their busy life with their four children, for his senior year to come and live with them and attend high school. Wayne and Lisa gave this young man many opportunities that he wouldn't have otherwise. One opportunity was spending time with a doctor in surgery. GOD used this doctor to inspire this young man to study medicine. After returning home to Ethiopia for a few weeks, "Fasil" is flying back to Huntsville, to began attending college in a few days and began his studies at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He eventually plans to return to his home country to practice medicine there.
You know, Lisa reminds me of JESUS, in so many ways, and she will be the first to tell you, it's because CHRIST died for her and saved her from her sins, and made her a new creature that she can even began to do what she does. She has a servant's heart, because CHRIST has put HIS love in her, and called her to be HIS own and serve HIM. As I was thinking about CHRIST and the life HE lived here on earth, I thought of HIM being our Creator, and Almighty GOD leaving HIS glorious home in heaven to come and be born in a stable or cave, live in poverty and to die on a cross for your sins and mine. .He "came to serve not be served," and "to lay down HIS life for us"...and HE calls us to "walk in HIS steps." I am so convicted as I see the pride in my own heart like I did this week, folks I would have overlooked to go to the more "important" folks. That's not CHRIST's way at all...in fact in James we are reminded as "believers in our glorious LORD JESUS CHRIST, don't show favoritism." JESUS loved and served all men, in fact his own disciples included Luke, the doctor, Matthew, the tax collector, and Peter and Andrew common fishermen. JESUS healed the leper's who were shunned by everyone else, HE cast 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene and healed her of her sin sickness and she was one of HIS most devoted followers. She was there in the shadows of the cross when he was crucified and the first woman he talked to when He was resurrected from the dead. He healed the woman of the well from her sin sickness whose reputation was less than desirable...and JESUS knew everything about her and loved her. HE knew she had been married 5 times...she got up from that encounter with JESUS at the dusty well forever changed and went and told everyone she knew about JESUS and what HE had done for her. When JESUS changes you, and saves you, and cleanses you from all your sin, you just can't help but tell others what HE's done for you...it's like trying to hold water gushing from a fire hydrant with your little finger...it just comes out when CHRIST lives inside you and you have the FOUNTAIN of LIVING WATERS flowing through you...actually it's more like Niagara Falls! JESUS fed the five thousand, the four thousand, and when the woman caught in adultery was brought to JESUS by the Pharisees to be stoned...he wrote something in the sand that ran them all off and He told her to go and sin no more.
Not only did JESUS, and HE continues to, love the poor, prostitutes, the common, He loved(s) the rich, those who were in "society" and held prestigious positions. HE loved the rich young ruler, and JESUS knew that the rich young ruler was putting his money above CHRIST. JESUS told him to go and sell all that he had and give it to the poor. HE doesn't require this of everyone...but JESUS knows what's in our hearts and that's exactly where HE will apply the pressure if we are withholding something from HIM. I remember when I was dating ...what a struggle that was as my boyfriend wasn't a believer. GOD put the pressure on me for a long time before I surrendered that relationship to CHRIST,and ultimately my heart. That was the one thing I was holding back that was keeping me from following CHRIST and being born again. JESUS "hounded" me about it, day after day, year after year, and HE finally helped me surrender my whole life to HIM when I surrendered my will to CHRIST and repented of my sins. Then GOD did an amazing work that I never dreamed possible. He gave my boyfriend back to me as a believer a few weeks later as the LORD saved him reading a Bible in his bedroom all alone. He has been my husband now for 25 years:)....wow, CHRIST's love is amazing!
Another man in a prestigious position that CHRIST loved was the Roman centurion in Luke 7:1-9. The centurion who was a man of great authority, and was concerned about one of his servant's who was about to die. In his humility and faith the centurion did not want to trouble JESUS with coming to his house, but believed that if JESUS just said the word his servant would be healed. CHRIST marveled at the great faith of the Roman Centurion, saying, "I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel," and HE healed the centurion's sick servant. In John 3, is the story of JESUS meeting Nicodemus, one of the Pharisees, a member of the Jewish ruling council at night, probably because Nicodemus was afraid to be seen with JESUS. JESUS told Nicodemus that "no one can see the kingdom of GOD unless HE is born again." Nicodemus asked JESUS how can a man be born when HE is old?...JESUS told Nicodemus in John 3:16-18 "For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only Son, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. For GOD did not send HIS Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through HIM. Whoever believes in HIM is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of GOD's one and only SON." There are so many other examples in the Bible of those CHRIST met as journeyed through his everyday life and spent time with...some whose lives were changed for all eternity as they believed in CHRIST and others who weren't because of the hardness of their hearts. But through all of these people, CHRIST showed us how to love and how to live, not showing favoritism, or "being snobbish, or haughty, but adjusting ourselves to people and giving ourselves to humble tasks." Romans 12:16 says, "Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble." I sure did see this example in my dear sister in the LORD, Lisa. Through her kind and compassionate heart to all, I saw CHRIST's love and servant's heart to all those she met that morning around the square.
Charles Spurgeon speaks of this servant's heart of CHRIST in his writing for August 14 when he says: "CHRISTian, if you are...saved, be grateful and loving. Cling to the Cross that took your sin away, serve HIM who served you. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto GOD, which is your reasonable service" Romans 12:1. Charles Spurgeon exhorts us, "Do not let your zeal evaporate...show your love in expressive ways. Love the brethren of HIM who loved you...if there is a poor tried believer, weep with him and bear his cross for the sake of HIM who wept for you and carried your sins. Since you are thus forgiven freely for CHRIST's sake, go and tell to others the joyful news of pardoning mercy. Do not be content with this unspeakable blessing for yourself alone, but publish abroad the story of the Cross. Holy gladness and holy boldness will make you a good preacher, and all the world will be a pulpit for you to preach in."
The Greene's (www.thegreenesgospel.com) sing a song, called "A Servant's Heart," that ministers to my heart so very much. It reminds me of Lisa's call, my call, and the call of all of CHRIST's children to serve HIM here on earth. Sometime's I am really eager to serve CHRIST, and then there are other places HE calls me to serve that I am more reluctant, but HE compels me to go. Through my suffering, CHRIST is gently and not so gently at times, tearing my self determined will apart to help me have a servant's heart wherever HE compels me to go. I can tell you, my heart is still very much a work in progress...thankfully, "I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you(me) will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Thank you so much for your prayers for our family. John Mac begins a new school Monday, the University of Alabama in Huntsville and I sure would appreciate you remembering him as he will be adjusting to a new school and taking difficult classes. Please pray the LORD will continue to show him favor through his college years as HE did at Calhoun. Pray for us as we get back in the full swing of homeschool, that CHRIST would be our all in all...teaching and guiding us in all that we are and do. Please remember Lisa and Wayne and their dear family, as they seek to serve the LORD with all their hearts in this race CHRIST has compelled them to run. Also, Fasil, their adopted son, missed his plane for the 3rd time this week...for reasons only the LORD knows. Please pray he will be able to fly Saturday and make it in time to start classes at UAH on Monday.
With all HIS love,
A Servant's Heart
by Felecia Shiflett, Dave Clark
He compels me to go when I would rather stay
He sent me another valley once again today
My self determined will, He keeps tearing me apart
But when the works completed
I'll have a servant's heart
I want a servant's heart and I will gladly bare
The markings of one held captive yet free
Not my will but thine for LORD in your own time
Only you can make a servant's heart
More and more LORD I see,
there's a work that I must do
And FATHER may YOU find me
faithful, trusting only YOU.
Take all that I have been and
make YOUR will to start
And I'll serve no other Master with my servant's heart.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Camp Meeting Time
Brittany and Amy Greene,Tim's daughter and wife, me and Hannah Beth
Hannah Beth with our friend's the Hembree's in front of the Biltmore Inn
I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps." Jeremiah 10:23
Dear Friends,
How I thank you so very much for your prayers for us this past week! Hannah Beth and I both stood in awe and amazement at the way the LORD led and guided our paths and provided for our journey up to North Carolina this past week...thank you and GOD truly answered your prayers "exceeding abundantly beyond all we ask or thought."
A couple of weeks ago, I bought a bookmark with the verse from Jeremiah 10:23 ..."I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps." I've been thinking a ton about that lately, and the older I get, the more I realize that GOD does direct our steps even when we are clueless...He's in control. This past week, was another example in our lives of GOD directing our steps in some very pleasant and not always pleasant ways to accomplish HIS plans and purposes. Earlier this year, when I found out about the Greene's (www.thegreene'sgospel.com) Jubilee, GOD put a desire in my heart to go. I knew I'd have to wait and see what the LORD had in store for that week...we never know from day to day what the LORD has planned much less months in advance:). So many of you have prayed for my friend Tim Greene through the years, who suffers with problems similar to mine, and you know how much this dear family has meant to me ever since I met Tim at my doctor (www.ehcd.com) 5 years ago. Now Tim's brother, Tony, is having very difficult health problems, having suffered renal failure over the 4th of July weekend and is awaiting a kidney transplant. Please continue to remember the Greene's in your prayers. A few days before the Jubilee, GOD made the way for Hannah Beth and I to go with Johnny's blessings and hard work to provide for our trip. Amazingly, we found out that some friends from Mobile, friends we had met together with in Gulf Shores a few months ago, were going to be staying in that same area up in North Carolina...and they had just planned their trip, "spur of the moment."
Hannah Beth and I got up bright and early last Thursday morning, after Johnny had checked the oil, and got the car ready for us the night before and we began our drive up to close to Asheville, North Carolina. We started out in one direction heading toward's Chattanooga, Tenn, and I forgot one of my shots. We came home, retrieved the shot, and then took off toward's Nashville, a completely different route from the one we were going to take... we'll never know this side of heaven what that change of direction may have saved us from. HB drove to Nashville, where we switched drivers, and I took the wheel from there. As we traveled down the road, I began to feel bad, having been caught in the spray of a mosquito truck a couple of nights before, so I told HB I really would feel better if I could sweat. She knew what that meant, and what a good sport she was...I was in my shorts, but she was in a dress and looked really nice. We turned the air conditioner off and cranked up the heat, that's right, it was in the 80's outside, but it quickly got up to 100 or more inside, and we began sweating... unfortunately HB sweats a lot faster than me, so she had already worked up a good sweat and her dress showed it, when I started to sweat good. She gave me her blanket to help heat me up, and it worked. I started feeling better after I had sweat the chemicals out, and HB was left trying to dry her dress by the air conditioner to get the sweat stains out:)...I knew after an hour and a half of sweating going down the road, I owed my daughter something, and that something was to go and visit our friends in Asheville the next day that were visiting up there the same time we were. I don't think there are many 16 years olds who would do that for their Mom....and just an aside, the amazing thing about traveling with my daughter, is that we can take all of her friends with us, through text messaging and never have to pay their way into anything! It's amazing...they were with us in the car sweating,(I think 3 at one time), in the Jubilee, (3 or 4 at a time) in the motel room, on the Blue Ridge Parkway...they're like Master Card or Visa-we don't leave home without them:)...we did manage to sqeeze in some Mother -Daughter time between texts:).
The LORD took us safely up to North Carolina, after having to stop once after I hit a wall...not literally, but how I felt. I thought,"Oh no, I'm in for a long weekend if this is an indication of the way I'm going to feel." Thankfully, after our stop, taking a shot, and drinking some tea to wake up, we found the campground where the Jubilee was without any problems. We got our tickets, put out our lawn chairs under the large covered pavilion and then headed to find a motel room. As we headed up the hill in our car, something in the hood started making a clanking noise. We looked at each other and thought, "Oh no." We pulled in the camper office, and I asked the lady there about a place to get the car checked. She was very helpful and gave me directions...and then I asked her about a motel, and she went "above and beyond" the call of duty, calling motels out of the yellow pages to help us find a place. Because of the Jubilee, all the non smoking rooms in town were booked, but she called one place that had a room that night so we went for it (we later found out why they had a room that night:)...she was so kind when we left she even asked us to come back the next day to see her...which we didn't I'm sad to say. Thankfully, the car quit making that noise, for the most part, so after we got our room, we went back to the Jubilee and enjoyed watching the Primitive Quartet, the McKamey's, the Greene's, and Brian Free and Assurance. After the singing, a man got up and preached. The highlight was getting to visit with our friends there, and getting to see Tim's wife, Amy, and their daughter's Brittany and Brooklyn. The whole Greene family, along with several volunteers worked very hard cooking, cleaning, singing, and doing whatever needed to be done...thank you for praying for them. Carolyn Greene, Tony and Tim's Mom, had over an hour drive each night to get home to Boone, after she had worked so hard cooking and keeping things going in the kitchen...and the food was delicious-pinto's and cornbread, peach, sweet potato, blackberry and chocolate cobbler, fried chicken, mashed potatoes, etc...all home cooking and it was delicious!
The first night at our motel wasn't too hot,well the temp outside was:)...the motel was pretty run down, smelled smokey though it was a non-smoking room, and we just didn't feel too safe because of some folks hanging around. We both were exhausted so it didn't take us too long to go to sleep. I made it half the night inside and headed to the car to finish sleeping the rest of the night. We could only stay one night because they didn't have any non smoking rooms available the next night (and man am I glad the LORD directed our paths elsewhere). I wasn't at first, but as always, HE knows what HE is working out for our good.
HB and I got our stuff packed up and we were more than happy to leave there....only thing is we weren't sure where we were headed to find a room. She called a place about 25 miles in the opposite direction than where we were headed towards Asheville and we made a reservation hesitantly. As soon as we made the reservation, which they said we were locked into...we passed an exit that listed several motels that we thought might be reasonable and humbled ourselves and called the motel back to see if we could cancel our reservation. The lady was very kind and we canceled that reservation in faith, believing that we would be able to stay at one of these motels near Asheville. We were due to meet our friends, so we didn't have time to stop and check out the motels. In fact, HB was waiting in the lobby to check on one motel in Asheville, and I was getting all uptight in the car, and all of the sudden the LORD gave me peace and told me not to worry...not audibly but in my heart. We went on to meet our friends who were staying at the Biltmore Inn ( a little beyond our "girls trip budget"), and just oohed and awed over the bellboy's, the lobby, and the whole scenario we found ourselves in. We had just left the "__ __ dump" as HB called it, and suddenly found ourselves with dear friends, beautiful mountain scenery overlooking the lobby, and all the comforts a person could ever want...it was amazing. We had a really special time with our friends, the Hembree's, who wined (not literally, come to think of it, I did have a free wine tasting ticket but didn't use it:) and dined us, and paid our way in for a tour of the Biltmore House (www.biltmore.com). If you've never been to the Biltmore House, it's really worth the trip to Asheville. The mountains alone are worth the trip to Asheville. We had a great afternoon and enjoyed seeing all the luxury that the Vanderbilt family lived in in the early 1900's. It reminded me of what heaven must be like, but it also reminded me that we can't take anything to heaven with us, except the investment in eternal things as CHRIST lives through us to love others. All those material possessions that George Vanderbilt collected from around the world were left behind when he died...and I couldn't help but wonder if he knew the LORD JESUS as his personal LORD and SAVIOR.
After we left our friends about 5:30 p.m.-they were excited about the Steven Curtis Chapman concert that evening at the Biltmore, we headed down the road in faith to check out these motels we'd seen coming in...we went to one, and then decided to try the Motel 6 across the street. Yes, that's right, we just left the Biltmore Inn to check out the Motel 6 and this was the place! It was nestled in the mountains, near where the Billy Graham Training Center is called the Cove. They had vacancies and we were never so glad in our life to have a motel to stay at... Didn't matter that we had just left the extravagance of the Biltmore...the night before at the "___ ___ Dump" had left us really appreciating simple but neat and clean. I was ashamed of myself for complaining because the night before wasn't that bad, especially when you think about the KING of KINGS being born in a stable...and we were thankful to have a place to stay. We could have always camped at the Jubilee campground, but one of us, wasn't in the camping notion. We got unpacked, and headed back to the Jubilee where it was a great night of music with the Hoppers singing, Kim Greene Hopper is the Greene's little sis, and it was great to hear them, Greater Vision, Ivan Parker and the Greene's and great preaching in between. Several people accepted CHRIST as their LORD and SAVIOR that night. After visiting with friends some more...we headed back to our motel near Asheville and I had some difficulty with our room with smoke from next door, so I spent the night in the car, and HB slept soundly in the room. The next morning I asked the clerk about changing rooms and he was very kind, so we had our 3rd room in 3 nights coming up, and I am happy to say, I slept all night inside...Praise the LORD:).
HB and I rode up the Blue Ridge Parkway Sat. morning, after riding around downtown Asheville and checking it out. We tried to drive through the Cove, Billy Graham's training center, but it was closed to the public that day. The mountains along the Blueridge Parkway were absolutely gorgeous! We rode up to Craggy Gardens and had a picnic up there. I sure was hoping and praying that GOD had healed our car (we asked HIM too), cause it was kind of isolated riding up the mountain and I sure would have hated to break down up there. Thankfully, the car did fine,(we later figured out it has something to do with the air conditioner), and after our scenic ride along the Blue Ridge Parkway, we went to our new room at the Motel 6, and took a nap, and slept so good. It was back to the Jubilee that night...where the highlight of my weekend at the Jubilee occurred: For the first time in four years, I had forgotten Belle's (Tony and Taranda's little girl) birthday in July and so i took her present with us up to the Jubilee. Every other night was busy and I didn't get to see Belle much, but she came running up to me as I walked around the pavilion and asked, "Where's Hannah?" Hannah Beth was sitting in her chair listening to the music or should I say "texting" probably while the Jubilee was going on:). Belle just melted my heart, and I told her I had a birthday present for her. She was so excited even though she'd been celebrating her birthday the whole month of July, Tony told me earlier. I went to get her present and we sat down on the grass close to the where the Jubilee was being held under a covered shelter at the campground. There sitting on the grass for that few minutes was Belle Greene, 4 years old, a baby who the doctors said would never be born because Tony and Taranda weren't supposed to be able to have kids, now they have 2 kids (above in the picture) Isabella (Belle) and Josie, 4 months. Beside Belle was Brooklyn Greene, 3 years old,(she's the dark headed little girl in picture above) Tim and Amy's miracle baby due to Tim's health issues, and Lexi Hopper, 3 years old(Kim Greene Hopper and Dean's little girl) who was born several weeks premature and had to spend several weeks in the hospital. As we all sat there on the grass, gathered around Belle and watching her open her present, I realized what a special moment this was from the LORD to give me my own private birthday party with these dear little girls. GOD has given me a special love for the Greene family, and a desire to pray for them for the past 5 years. Because of distance, I don't get to see them very often, or talk with them and Brooklyn I've only seen twice in her life...what a special blessing from the LORD for giving me that precious time with the Greene little girls, and the Greene big girls, Amy, Brittany, TaRanda and Kim and my daughter, Hannah Beth...and friends:).
The next day, HB and I headed to Dollywood in Pigeon Forge and our friends the Hembree's met us there. We had a great time getting to know them better, and that evening after we checked in our motel, the 4th room in 4 nights, and I slept great inside:), HB headed up to Gatlinburg to eat with the Hembree's while I sauned up on top of the mountain. I felt really good up in Asheville, but man, the day at Dollywood about got the best of me. I met them at the restaurant after I sauned, and we all returned back to our rooms exhausted. The next morning, our friends led us to a new restaurant for us for breakfast, and what do you know but the apple orchard behind the restaurant was being sprayed when we pulled up. I panicked as usual, but HB volunteered to drop me off and go and park the car...she did, and we made it, and the Hembree's treated us to another wonderful meal. Over breakfast we marveled at how GOD had led both of our families together that weekend, and what a special blessing it was to be together...we enjoyed each other's fellowship so much...even though I kept calling my friend, Linda, "Susan" because I couldn't remember her name. . After breakfast, they checked out the gift shop, while I "sauned" in the car and then we all headed to Smoky Mountain Knife works to finish up our time together...well sort of...with the text messaging going on, the visit continued, just in another way, all the way home!
As I mentioned earlier, I had gotten a book mark that has the verse on it, "I know, O LORD, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for a man to direct his steps."Jeremiah 10:23. I took that book mark with us and had it riding with us on our dash so we could look at it this past weekend and we did marvel, over and over how GOD led our steps and directed them...and as I look back, I can see how HE has been directing them all of my life. What a special joy to be with special and dear friends, like the Greene's, and get to know friends better like the Hembree's who were so kind and gracious to us. It's fun to see how GOD directs and leads in special times like last weekend taking us from home to North Carolina, to the Biltmore to the Motel 6... giving us the desires of our hearts...and how very precious those times are when they have come after years of waiting and prayer. Once again, I saw the faithfulness of GOD that HE continues to grow the "garden behind the wall"..and it gives me faith that HE will continue to work in special ways and asks me to trust HIM in the waiting period to work out HIS plans and purposes.
But... what about those times, that aren't so special, times when GOD leads our steps off to war, like our friend John who had to leave his young family to go serve in Iraq, or GOD leads our steps to the bed of sickness or the graveside in the death of our loved ones, or leads our children off to college, or leads us to reach out to a friend for CHRIST that we are afraid of loosing if we do share CHRIST with them? That little verse, and similar ones to it bring me great comfort when I realize that GOD is in control of all of the affairs of my life, and even though we think we are..."a man's life is not his own; it is not for a man to direct his steps."Jeremiah 10:23. HE tells us to "give thanks in everything"... including those times we had just soon not go there, times we are baffled...like trying to find the right motel room, but trying to trust that HE knows what is best for us, and those our lives will touch, that "HE leadeth" us...in this journey, in the fun and joyous times like this weekend ( and part of the joy from this weekend came from the time of waiting...waiting to see dear friends that we love) and difficult times... It is the difficult that makes our joy so much greater when we come out on the other side and look back and see what GOD has done "Underneath the Mulch."
I read a devotion from Oswald Chamber's for August 5th that speaks of the "Baffling Call of GOD." There are just some ways that GOD leads me, that do baffle me...like when we went to seminary and nursing school to prepare for the mission field, and then I got sick and instead of going to Tanzania, Africa, GOD led us back home to Athens, Al with my health broken. Did HIS call change...nope, He just directed us in a different path than the one we thought HE was leading us...and HE still calls us to share CHRIST with those around us, and encourage believers and serve HIM right where HE has placed us, not in a church pastoring like we thought, but in the restaurant business, through our church, at home, and wherever He leads our steps, like to Marion, North Carolina this past weekend. Those steps are a little bit harder to accept, than the ones up to North Carolina, and take time to get used to, but as I look back, and I am so thankful for the way GOD has directed our lives instead of me at the "steering wheel." We sure would have missed out on so many dear blessings through the privilege of knowing so many of you if the LORD had taken us to another country to serve HIM there. What seemed to me for a long time like a failure in our lives, was GOD calling and directing our steps home, where HE meant for us to serve HIM...HE also meant for us to be in Texas for 3 years for what HE had for us there, and Billingsley for two years... preparing us to serve HIM and learn to love HIM along each step of the journey, and the people we meet...each day.
Oswald Chamber's shares in "The Baffling Call of GOD" that "GOD called JESUS CHRIST to what seemed unmitigated disaster. JESUS CHRIST called HIS disciples to see HIM put to death; HE led every one of them to the place where their hearts were broken. JESUS CHRIST's life was an absolute failure from man's standpoint but GOD's. But what seemed failure from man's standpoint was a tremendous triumph from GOD's because GOD's purpose is never man's purpose. There comes the baffling call of GOD in our lives also. The call of GOD can never be stated explicity; it is implicity. The call of GOD is like the call of the sea, no one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him. It cannot be stated definitely what the call of GOD is to, because HIS call is to be in comradeship with HIMself for HIS own purposes, and the test is to believe that GOD knows what HE is after. The things that happen do not happen by chance, they happen entirely in the decree of GOD. GOD is working out HIS purposes."
I can tell you this...the more I am "baffled by the call of GOD," the more I take great comfort in knowing that my heavenly FATHER who created me, called me to be HIS own, provided HIS SON to pay my debt for my sin, has a Master plan for my life, your life, and the lives of those we meet, and nothing happens by accident...HE leads us each day, day by day, and calls us to follow HIM, where HE is working. Sometimes it's difficult when GOD puts a call in our heart that we don't understand, much less those around us. HE leads us, calls us and compels us to follow HIM, even a trip to North Carolina this weekend that GOD had orchestrated long before we made plans to go. As our friend, Mr. Hembree shared over breakfast Monday, "There are no coincidences with GOD's children." In fact, there are no coincidences, period.
This week, I wanted to share the song with you "Old Camp Meeting Time," that Tim Greene wrote while he was on his sick bed remembering the times their family had sang together at "Old Fashioned Camp Meetings." Tim grew up in a family where the LORD led his Dad to start his young children singing together at an early age. Their Daddy, Everette, played the piano and sang, while Mom did everything behind the scenes to keep things rolling (and still does) and the kids sang along with their Daddy. The Greene's were and are known for their beautiful harmony. They sang in their church, and then around the mountains there in Boone, NC. Then the LORD led them eventually to sing all over the United States. Eight years ago, Tim developed severe mold allergies when he was poisoned with mold in his car and he had to give up singing with Tony and Taranda on the road. GOD had another plan, another calling for Tim and his wife, Amy, sometimes, baffling, but the Greene's know that just as GOD called them to sing and share CHRIST around the United States, that now GOD has called Tim to serve at his church in Wilmington, North Carolina, where he is the associate pastor and leads the music. What a joy it was to spend time with Tim's wife, Amy and Brittany at the Jubilee...and little Brooklyn. Tim wasn't able to attend due to struggling with pnuemonia, but his little 3 year old daughter Brooklyn helped fill her Daddy's shoes when she sang 'You Are My Sunshine" on stage with her Uncle Tony.
Old Camp Meeting Time by Tim Greene
The spirit is moving, blessing everyone
Hearts are full drinking from that heavenly cup
Hands are a-clapping, even mine
We're just having an old-fashioned camp meeting time
We're having an old-fashioned camp meeting time
The saints are a-praising, the preacher's preaching fine
The Holy Ghost of Heaven is wonderful divine
We're just having an old-fashioned camp meeting time
You can join us in the special day-revival is stirring
Friend don't be late when JESUS comes in
Your light will shine and you can have yourself
An old camp meeting time
With all HIS love,
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