"Live in harmony with one another; do not be haughty (snobbish, high-minded, exclusive), but readily adjust yourself to [people, things] and give yourselves to humble tasks. Never overestimate yourself or be wise in your own conceits." Romans 13:16, Amplified
Dear Friends,
About 14 years ago, wow, I can't believe it's been that long, the LORD brought a young couple-we were all young then:), into our lives that I admired very much. They were Wayne and Lisa Parker and I don't remember how the LORD brought our paths together but in HIS sovereignty HE did when Wayne was running for Congress the first time. Back then all our kids were little, now they're all big. In the picture, Wayne and Lisa are holding John Mac, 4 and Hannah Beth, 2. They've certainly grown up...at 18 and 16 now, but Lisa is still little, even smaller I think, and I am bigger, I know...with a different hair color:). I never dreamed that 14 years later, the LORD would bring our paths back together again, and they would be running for Congress 14 years later (www.wayneparker08.com). I don't think they dreamed they'd be running for Congress fourteen years later, but when GOD calls...you find yourself in places you never dreamed:).
Earlier this week, Lisa was speaking to a group in our town and after she finished, she called me at home and we decided to meet up town on the square. I met her a few minutes later where she was talking with some people in a local diner... a real hole in the wall...a place I wouldn't have chosen to go into, but the LORD led her steps there.
When I went in the diner, Lisa was sitting at a table and talking with a Dr. as he was eating his biscuits smothered in gravy. Lisa, in her usual way, was very inquisitive about what he was doing, and was very interested in his life. There are two things about Lisa that have stood out to me about her life through the years I have known her...her love for CHRIST and her love for people, all people. After we sat there a few more minutes, we got up to leave, and Lisa walked over to the waitress and started talking with her. On her way out, were some folks stuffed into a booth, and it was obvious Lisa had already talked with them as she spoke to them as we walked by. I am thinking in my mind, okay, who can we go see that would be good to see, in otherwise, I'm thinking "important" folks...people with influence. Well, we know more than get out the door, and there is a man standing there who could have almost been "homeless," that Lisa starts talking to. After a few minutes, we head on down the street, and stop in at the Printer's where one receptionist looked at us and didn't say anything and the other had her mouth stuffed full of food, and couldn't talk. Lisa introduced herself, and was just as patient and friendly as could be. I thought this is awkward- the receptionist was either really rude, or something was wrong with her. After the other lady swallowed her food, she began talking and explained to us the other girl was deaf...ugh, did I feel bad. Lisa took her time talking with her and then we walked down the street to the bank. There were certainly "important" folks in there, real important to me as they juggle the mistakes I make all the time with our account:). We walked in and i introduced her to my husband's cousin, and some of the tellers who worked there. After Lisa talking awhile, we moved along up the street to First Baptist , and stopped and talked with a girl who worked there. That young lady had the love of JESUS written all over her face with her sweet countenance and bright smile. After visiting with her, we met a couple of the maintenance workers. Then we met the Minister of Music and the pastor's secretary. The pastor and assistant pastor were in Senior Adult Bible School so we missed them, which I hated, they were certainly "important" folks to meet, but it didn't seem to matter to Lisa. We walked on down the street to the City Hall and I was going to introduce her to the Mayor, but he wasn't in...but that didn't seem to matter to Lisa, she talked to the office workers, graciously introducing herself and asking them to vote for her husband. We're starting to get a little short on time, and I'm thinking okay, where do we need to go where we can see folks... "important" folks. As we walk up the street towards the courthouse, we ran into my brother-in-law's Dad, and stop and talk with him a few minutes. As I'm thinking where to go next, I look up and Lisa is standing talking to two elderly men by their car. I walked up to them and gathered from the conversation that both men had lost their wives recently. Lisa listened and listened and I thought these men don't realize that she knows their pain...or maybe they did sense it from the compassion she showed them. She later told them that she had lost her first husband to cancer when he was in his twenty's and their baby was only an infant. After a while, the older gentlemen, who was 84 left. I overheard Lisa ask the other man if she could pray with him and she did. I don't know if she wept with him or not, I walked around the corner while they prayed, but I would imagine she did. She later told me that not only had he lost his wife in the past year, but also his son. It was starting to dawn on me that there was a whole lot more going on in our campaign outing than what my little eyes could see. As we walked around the square, I thought of a couple of other folks I wanted to introduce her to, one being the city attorney. On the way to his office, Lisa stopped and starts talking to construction workers, and a man opening up a new pizza place on the square. Unhurried as usual, and showing much interest in this young man's new business, Lisa talked with him about when his business was going to open, where he was from, his family, etc. As time was evaporating, we stopped by the city attorney's office, and he was busy and couldn't see us, but that didn't deter Lisa at all, she introduced herself to the receptionist and started talking with her. After we left the office...we walked on down the street back to the car. As we walked Lisa shared that she wasn't a "society" person , that her paths had always been more in ministry except for these season's of running for Congress that the LORD has called their family to. She shared it was out of her comfort zone to campaign, but it was clear to me, that she was very much in her comfort zone, loving the people she met on the street. Not the "important" folks that I had in my mind to introduce her to, but the folks that JESUS brought across her path, the poor, the downcast, the ones who were recent widower's, the young man who had dreams for his new business opening on the square...these were those the LORD was calling her to serve that morning, and Lisa was such an example to me of CHRIST as HIS love flowed through her on the streets of Athens, Al. last Tuesday morning. Although Lisa had to be at another function in Huntsville that afternoon, she insisted that we make time to pray together before heading to the next place that GOD had for her that day. What a precious time in prayer together it was..this dear wife and mom of four kids, relying on CHRIST to be her all in all for the place HE has called her to walk...and serve with her husband. Not an easy place to serve by any means, and a place where her faith is being stretched.
By the way, Lisa's Dad is Bill Archer, Congressman from Texas who is the Former Chairman of the House and Ways Committee for many years in Washington D.C. She is from "society" yet, GOD has given her the love of CHRIST for all of HIS children, whether they be doctors and lawyers, congressmen and women, the President of the United States, construction workers, housewives, waitresses, elderly, unemployed...she cares for them and takes time for them. Just this past year, Wayne and Lisa "adopted" a young man from Ethiopia, in the midst of their busy life with their four children, for his senior year to come and live with them and attend high school. Wayne and Lisa gave this young man many opportunities that he wouldn't have otherwise. One opportunity was spending time with a doctor in surgery. GOD used this doctor to inspire this young man to study medicine. After returning home to Ethiopia for a few weeks, "Fasil" is flying back to Huntsville, to began attending college in a few days and began his studies at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. He eventually plans to return to his home country to practice medicine there.
You know, Lisa reminds me of JESUS, in so many ways, and she will be the first to tell you, it's because CHRIST died for her and saved her from her sins, and made her a new creature that she can even began to do what she does. She has a servant's heart, because CHRIST has put HIS love in her, and called her to be HIS own and serve HIM. As I was thinking about CHRIST and the life HE lived here on earth, I thought of HIM being our Creator, and Almighty GOD leaving HIS glorious home in heaven to come and be born in a stable or cave, live in poverty and to die on a cross for your sins and mine. .He "came to serve not be served," and "to lay down HIS life for us"...and HE calls us to "walk in HIS steps." I am so convicted as I see the pride in my own heart like I did this week, folks I would have overlooked to go to the more "important" folks. That's not CHRIST's way at all...in fact in James we are reminded as "believers in our glorious LORD JESUS CHRIST, don't show favoritism." JESUS loved and served all men, in fact his own disciples included Luke, the doctor, Matthew, the tax collector, and Peter and Andrew common fishermen. JESUS healed the leper's who were shunned by everyone else, HE cast 7 demons out of Mary Magdalene and healed her of her sin sickness and she was one of HIS most devoted followers. She was there in the shadows of the cross when he was crucified and the first woman he talked to when He was resurrected from the dead. He healed the woman of the well from her sin sickness whose reputation was less than desirable...and JESUS knew everything about her and loved her. HE knew she had been married 5 times...she got up from that encounter with JESUS at the dusty well forever changed and went and told everyone she knew about JESUS and what HE had done for her. When JESUS changes you, and saves you, and cleanses you from all your sin, you just can't help but tell others what HE's done for you...it's like trying to hold water gushing from a fire hydrant with your little finger...it just comes out when CHRIST lives inside you and you have the FOUNTAIN of LIVING WATERS flowing through you...actually it's more like Niagara Falls! JESUS fed the five thousand, the four thousand, and when the woman caught in adultery was brought to JESUS by the Pharisees to be stoned...he wrote something in the sand that ran them all off and He told her to go and sin no more.
Not only did JESUS, and HE continues to, love the poor, prostitutes, the common, He loved(s) the rich, those who were in "society" and held prestigious positions. HE loved the rich young ruler, and JESUS knew that the rich young ruler was putting his money above CHRIST. JESUS told him to go and sell all that he had and give it to the poor. HE doesn't require this of everyone...but JESUS knows what's in our hearts and that's exactly where HE will apply the pressure if we are withholding something from HIM. I remember when I was dating ...what a struggle that was as my boyfriend wasn't a believer. GOD put the pressure on me for a long time before I surrendered that relationship to CHRIST,and ultimately my heart. That was the one thing I was holding back that was keeping me from following CHRIST and being born again. JESUS "hounded" me about it, day after day, year after year, and HE finally helped me surrender my whole life to HIM when I surrendered my will to CHRIST and repented of my sins. Then GOD did an amazing work that I never dreamed possible. He gave my boyfriend back to me as a believer a few weeks later as the LORD saved him reading a Bible in his bedroom all alone. He has been my husband now for 25 years:)....wow, CHRIST's love is amazing!
Another man in a prestigious position that CHRIST loved was the Roman centurion in Luke 7:1-9. The centurion who was a man of great authority, and was concerned about one of his servant's who was about to die. In his humility and faith the centurion did not want to trouble JESUS with coming to his house, but believed that if JESUS just said the word his servant would be healed. CHRIST marveled at the great faith of the Roman Centurion, saying, "I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel," and HE healed the centurion's sick servant. In John 3, is the story of JESUS meeting Nicodemus, one of the Pharisees, a member of the Jewish ruling council at night, probably because Nicodemus was afraid to be seen with JESUS. JESUS told Nicodemus that "no one can see the kingdom of GOD unless HE is born again." Nicodemus asked JESUS how can a man be born when HE is old?...JESUS told Nicodemus in John 3:16-18 "For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS one and only Son, that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life. For GOD did not send HIS Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through HIM. Whoever believes in HIM is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of GOD's one and only SON." There are so many other examples in the Bible of those CHRIST met as journeyed through his everyday life and spent time with...some whose lives were changed for all eternity as they believed in CHRIST and others who weren't because of the hardness of their hearts. But through all of these people, CHRIST showed us how to love and how to live, not showing favoritism, or "being snobbish, or haughty, but adjusting ourselves to people and giving ourselves to humble tasks." Romans 12:16 says, "Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble." I sure did see this example in my dear sister in the LORD, Lisa. Through her kind and compassionate heart to all, I saw CHRIST's love and servant's heart to all those she met that morning around the square.
Charles Spurgeon speaks of this servant's heart of CHRIST in his writing for August 14 when he says: "CHRISTian, if you are...saved, be grateful and loving. Cling to the Cross that took your sin away, serve HIM who served you. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of GOD, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto GOD, which is your reasonable service" Romans 12:1. Charles Spurgeon exhorts us, "Do not let your zeal evaporate...show your love in expressive ways. Love the brethren of HIM who loved you...if there is a poor tried believer, weep with him and bear his cross for the sake of HIM who wept for you and carried your sins. Since you are thus forgiven freely for CHRIST's sake, go and tell to others the joyful news of pardoning mercy. Do not be content with this unspeakable blessing for yourself alone, but publish abroad the story of the Cross. Holy gladness and holy boldness will make you a good preacher, and all the world will be a pulpit for you to preach in."
The Greene's (www.thegreenesgospel.com) sing a song, called "A Servant's Heart," that ministers to my heart so very much. It reminds me of Lisa's call, my call, and the call of all of CHRIST's children to serve HIM here on earth. Sometime's I am really eager to serve CHRIST, and then there are other places HE calls me to serve that I am more reluctant, but HE compels me to go. Through my suffering, CHRIST is gently and not so gently at times, tearing my self determined will apart to help me have a servant's heart wherever HE compels me to go. I can tell you, my heart is still very much a work in progress...thankfully, "I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you(me) will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Thank you so much for your prayers for our family. John Mac begins a new school Monday, the University of Alabama in Huntsville and I sure would appreciate you remembering him as he will be adjusting to a new school and taking difficult classes. Please pray the LORD will continue to show him favor through his college years as HE did at Calhoun. Pray for us as we get back in the full swing of homeschool, that CHRIST would be our all in all...teaching and guiding us in all that we are and do. Please remember Lisa and Wayne and their dear family, as they seek to serve the LORD with all their hearts in this race CHRIST has compelled them to run. Also, Fasil, their adopted son, missed his plane for the 3rd time this week...for reasons only the LORD knows. Please pray he will be able to fly Saturday and make it in time to start classes at UAH on Monday.
With all HIS love,
A Servant's Heart
by Felecia Shiflett, Dave Clark
He compels me to go when I would rather stay
He sent me another valley once again today
My self determined will, He keeps tearing me apart
But when the works completed
I'll have a servant's heart
I want a servant's heart and I will gladly bare
The markings of one held captive yet free
Not my will but thine for LORD in your own time
Only you can make a servant's heart
More and more LORD I see,
there's a work that I must do
And FATHER may YOU find me
faithful, trusting only YOU.
Take all that I have been and
make YOUR will to start
And I'll serve no other Master with my servant's heart.
1 comment:
What an encouraging testimoney! I sure enjoyed "walking" with you and your friend Lisa through the square, as you described where the Lord took you that day.
Loving the brethren...something I've been praying to do more in my life.
And I will be praying for JM this Monday! I'm excited for him! : )
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