"Blessed be the GOD and FATHER of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in CHRIST, just as HE chose us in HIM, that we should be holy and without blame before HIM in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by JESUS CHRIST to HIMself, according to the good pleasure of HIS will." Ephesians 1:3-5
Dear Friends,
Last Friday evening, my kids and I attended a beautiful outdoor wedding on Monsanto Mountain. The young couple getting married are members of our church and it was a real joyous occasion to be a part of GOD bringing these two young people together as one in CHRIST. The gazebo was decorated with white ribbons and ferns, I think:), and looking through the gazebo, just before the wedding began, you could see the gorgeous pinkish orange sun setting out over the city of Huntsville. What a beautiful sky the LORD painted for that special occasion.
When we got there the kids went over to talk to there friends and I sat down next to my friend Marsha Christian who is goofy as i am. Our kids later came and sat down behind us and they were calling us down before the wedding threatening to separate us because we were laughing so loudly. Marsh and her husband have five kids and they have homeschooled all five of them. Their oldest graduated from the University of Alabama, and is serving our country in the army doing all kinds of special training. Her next son is still in school at the University of Alabama and is in the Marines... these guys are heroes, along with their family, and we are so thankful for their sacrifice and service for our country. As we waited for the wedding to start, another dear friend came walking up and we talked a few minutes. Marco had a contraption around his neck hanging down from his shoulder. I asked him what it was and he said a wound vac...i should know these things being a nurse, but i didn't. Marco had his pacemaker removed a few weeks before, and I was surprised that he was still having to wear this machine that was helping to suction the secretions away from his incision site. We talked a few minutes, as Marco encouraged me and it was time for the wedding to start. What a sweet wedding it was with our pastor leading part of it, and he did a great job sharing the biblical role of marriage. I sure needed to pay close attention to his words, cause I seem to forget rather frequently what my role is and want to "wear the pants" in my family. Then another pastor shared the wedding vows with Nathaniel and Christine. We have know Nathaniel's family for many years, and admired them from the first time we met their older boys who were so friendly and outgoing. The Mobley's are another one of those special families that make up our church. They have 12 children and all of them who are old enough have been homeschooled, and the youngest Mobley is a special needs child. Robin, the Mom, made one of the dresses that was in the wedding, along with the grooms cake, and her little girls looked adorable and are as sweet as can be. She and her husband Rick are truly heroes, as they lay down their lives for CHRIST each day to raise a godly family and are a very active part of our body of CHRIST.
After the wedding ceremony was over, we were all invited to the reception and man was the food delicious! There was fresh fruit- pineapple, strawberries, honeydew and cantaloupe, i think, spinach dip, shrimp, chicken fingers, and lots of other yummy food. Then, of course was a beautiful wedding cake that our friend Tabitha made, who also goes to our church. Tabitha and her family manages a CHRISTian (http://cliffhouseretreat.org/) retreat near Scottsboro, Al. They have 12 siblings too, and they all are homeschooled.
After I enjoyed eating some good food with my friend Marsha, her husband, and my kids, I ran into Marco again and he started sharing with me his day. I want to back up and tell you a little bit of background about this hero named Marco. Marco is a single Dad. His dear wife died a few years ago, leaving Marco with five children. The oldest is a special needs child. Marco and his wife homeschooled their children and even after she died, he continued the first year with their friends in Scottsboro helping them. Now they attend Scottsboro public schools, and one of the Christian schools in Scottsboro. Marco has had a really difficult year this year with some health issues of his own, including staff infection and had to have his pacemaker removed, but he has courageously continued on providing for his family and shuffling the kids back and forth the their activities, along with running his household. He has come to church with an IV attached to his arm on more than one occasion. Marco was at the wedding which was probably 45 minutes or so from home, with his five children, and him wearing a wound vac. Earlier in the day, he had taken his oldest son to get his license after swapping out cars with his daughter, and then found out his son was unable to take the driver's test because the horn wasn't working...so they had to reschedule that. Then he went to the doctor with a swollen and painful place on his arm that he suspected was a blood clot. They told him he needed to go and have it checked out right then, but he told them no, he was going to a wedding and he would do it later, and he did. Thankfully, he went to have the blood clot checked the next day, and it wasn't a serious blood clot, if it's possible to have a blood clot that's not serious. As Marco talked to me, almost everyone else had meandered down to where some of the older kids were dancing, but Marco was lingering behind to wait for his special needs child to finish eating. I knew he wanted to come join the fun, but he waited patiently for her to finish eating.
Sitting outside at the reception in the cool night air was another dear family in our church who are heroes too, the Wrights. Kirk leads the music at our church, and Kim plays the piano. Kirk works at a regular job during the week and Kim stays home and homeschools their four kids, of which they all are adopted. The oldest two are twins, and then there is Hannah, and then a few years ago, they adopted their youngest son from the Ukraine. What a blessing this family is to our church, always serving whether its leading the choir, Reformation Day Celebration, or our "Keepers at Home" group...Kirk and Kim are heroes in the way they love these children whom GOD has brought into their family through adoption and serve the LORD through serving in so many ways through our church.
Another family in our church whose Mom and Dad are heroes are Duane and Diane Dorhman. The Dorhman's have grown children and adopted two special needs boys, and adopted a daughter from China. I am constantly amazed at this family and the love that these parents share with their kids. They homeschool their daughter, and have homeschooled their boys at times, in addition to taking care of her Daddy who had been sick for a long time and passed away this weekend. In spite of the constant care their boys require, they are very actively involved in our church. Diane always has a smile on her face and is such an encourager to me, and all who meet her. Diane and Duane, too are truly heroes that help make up our church body.
As some of the older kids danced at the reception and some of the parents, others of us stood on the sidelines, cheering them on, laughing and having a good time, and wishing we were brave enough to get out there. Marsha encouraged me to dance with my son, which we did after a little awkwardness getting started and that was very special. Then she wanted me to line dance with her and our kids out there, but i didn't budge on that...i didn't want to make a fool of myself. Besides i wasn't too sure how i'd hold up to that turning and twisting...remember that softball game:). I know it's amazing to think of us Baptists dancing but some of us did and it was a lot of fun. But i respect those who didn't feel comfortable with that part of the wedding, and chose not to take part. I know myself, i am on a journey, and a few years ago, i wouldn't have felt "free" to do that and i'm sure would have looked down upon that...but GOD has brought me to another place in my journey, a place where others might not be. That's what i love about our church family...we can differ on things and still love and respect each other. And I very much respect our pastor for his honesty about his own journey and the grace he shows all of us, though he may not fully hold the same views on some issues.
After a while, Marco came moseying down the hill with his daughter and with his "wound vac." He was smiling as usual, and enjoying watching the dancing with his daughter. I lost track of them in the fun, and later after Nathaniel and Kristina ran through the reception line, i looked up and saw Marco again. He was coming down the hill with some paper towels in his arms, and the "wound vac," around his neck, cleaning up where his daughter had had an accident. I sure do admire this man who could have told his children "no" to coming to this wedding. He could have said, "I've got a blood clot i need to see about," or "I've got this thing i'm having to wear and I don't want anyone to see me," or "It's too much trouble", or "It's too far to go," etc. But he didn't, he brought his five kids to the wedding, served his daughter with her special needs, laying down his life for his family and took time to encourage me about my email last week as we talked.
As I thought of Marco being a hero to his family, he reminded me of the greatest hero of all, my LORD JESUS CHRIST. HE is my GREAT PHYSICIAN, WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, PRINCE OF PEACE. HE IS MY ROCK, MY FORTRESS, MY STRONG TOWER, MY SHIELD, and MY DEFENDER, HE is MY BROTHER, and
"A FRIEND that sticks closer than a brother." HE is my SAVIOR, my REDEEMER, who gave HIMSELF for me and you. Marco willingly laid down his life, that day and everyday, to make a way for his children to be at that wedding, and to provide for his children...even risking complications from a blood clot. He willingly and lovingly waited on his "special needs" child, while the others ran ahead, and had fun. In my weakness, I have often thought of how my SHEPHERD leads me "beside the still waters and green pastures" and stays behind to be with me and have tender, intimate fellowship with me when I can't keep up with others. He uses me where HE leads me. Marco cleaned up after his child, and my FATHER continually goes behind me to clean up my messes, which are many, and makes something special out of them that is useful to HIS kingdom. My SAVIOR, MY REDEEMER, the KING of KINGS, left HIS glorious home in heaven, to give HIS life for your sins and mine on a wooden cross to clean up the mess HE knew we'd make being born into sin, and to rescue us from burning in HELL forever and ever. HE'S up there in heaven right now, preparing a home for all those who have repented of their sins and surrendered their lives to CHRIST and HE's interceding for us before our heavenly FATHER. MY HERO, my SAVIOR, laid down his life, pouring HIMself out to death, not because HE had done anything wrong, but to pay the punishment for our sins because HE loves us so much. The Roman soldiers didn't take his life, HE gave it up for you and for me, to be the propitiation (appeasement) for our sins, that we might be adopted into the family of GOD. When I look at my brothers and sisters in CHRIST and see the love they have for their children, and for those whom they adopted, I am reminded of the wonderful love that my FATHER has for me, and the wonderful privilege that is mine to be adopted into the family of GOD.
I remember what it was like when I was a teenager and didn't know CHRIST as my LORD and SAVIOR and I was struggling with the guilt of my sins. "My spirit was willing, but my flesh was so weak." Matthew 26:41. My FATHER patiently waited for me to surrender my life to HIM. There was a young man in my life that was coming between me and HIM. One night at a revival at Central Baptist Church in Decatur, the LORD called my name, and drew me to the altar and helped me surrender my life, my will, and my boyfriend to HIM. Somehow, I was transformed into a new creature in CHRIST. One thing I knew I had to do was break up with my boyfriend who didn't know CHRIST because we were "unequally yoked" as the Bible calls it in 2 Corinthians 6:14. I never dreamed a month later, GOD would save my former boyfriend and make him a new creature in CHRIST. We have been married over 25 years now...to GOD be the glory! HE truly does "exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think." "What a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since JESUS came into my heart, " is a song I grew up singing in our Methodist church and it is so true...CHRIST paid the price for my adoption and how I praise HIM for choosing me and changing me. JEHOVAH JIREH, THE LORD who PROVIDES, has supplied all my needs, my special needs in CHRIST JESUS. HE even takes those special needs, those weaknesses, and promises to be strong through them. "My grace is sufficient for you and MY power is made perfect through weakness," 2 Corinthians 12:9...that's what MY HERO does for me and you!
I remember after CHRIST saved me and I felt so clean, free, and happy, we sang "I'm so glad I'm a part of the Family of GOD," at Central Baptist, almost every service it seemed. The song, by Bill Gaither (didn't know that until just now) says, "I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of GOD-I've been washed in the fountain, cleansed by HIS blood! Joint heirs with JESUS as we travel this sod; For I'm part of the family the family of GOD," and what a great job that our heavenly FATHER does of taking care of HIS children...HE shows us special favor.
I am so glad I am a part of the family of GOD, adopted at the price of my LORD JESUS CHRIST's blood. HE is my hero, and HIS family is made up of heroes because they are filled with CHRIST HIMSELF. HE puts HIS love, HIS desires, HIS courage in our hearts to accomplish HIS plans and purposes, and how thankful I am to be surrounded by a family of heroes, the family of GOD.
My favorite bluegrass gospel group, the Isaacs, (http://theisaacs.musiccitynetworks.com/?inc=5&news_id=10817) wrote a song called "Heroes" about special needs parents, single parents, and parents that have adopted children. They sang it at Dollywood last week, and though i think i've used it before, i felt led to share it again this week as I shared with you some of the special heroes that we are privileged to be a part of in our church family. I think of many of you as i write this, you are heroes right where you are serving the LORD, and how I thank GOD for each of you, and the heroes you are to me, encouraging me and helping me so very much. I love hearing from you and getting your emails, thank you so much for your dear friendship. I too am a "special needs" child, just ask my family, and how very grateful i am to my dear husband, who cares for me for "better or for worse," ...and sometimes, i really am "for worse," trust me.
Nathaniel and Kristina have a lot to look forward to in their journey together through this life. GOD has surrounded them with parents and with a church family full of heroes to encourage them and help them along their journey. I sure am thankful for you, the heroes GOD has surrounded me and our family with to inspire us, help us, encourage us, and care for us in this journey HOME. You are our heroes and how we thank GOD for you! And then one day, I shall see my greatest hero face to face, in all HIS glory, the LORD JESUS CHRIST...and "what a day that will be when my JESUS i shall see, when HE takes me by the hand and leads me through the Promised Land." I can't wait to share that journey with you, my heroes.
With all HIS love,
Heroes by the Isaacs
Momma combs his hair and Daddy helps him brush his teeth
Day after day for thirty years the same routine
The special needs he lives with make life seem so unfair
But he thanks God every day cause he knows Mom and Dad are there
(chorus) He's a hero and she's a hero
It doesn't matter that nobody knows their name
They keep on giving to make life worth living
Might go unnoticed but they're heroes just the same
They tried for many years to have a baby of their own
But God knew a little girl who didn't have a home
Someone else's burden was their blessing in disguise
And now she's got a Mom and Daddy there to hold her when she cries
Every single parent who must carry twice the load
And those who sacrifice to raise a child that's not their own
They dedicate their time to make a difference in someone else's life
And in my eyes
They might go unnoticed but they're heroes just the same.
You can see and hear the Isaacs sing "Heroes" by clicking on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOJR1RR9Tyk
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