Friday, October 31, 2008

Wayne Parker for Congress

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the LORD , the righteous JUDGE, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved HIS appearing." 2 Timothy 4:7-8

Dear Friends,

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."

-Theodore Roosevelt
"Citizenship in a Republic,"
Speech at the Sorbonne,
Paris, April 23,1910

The stirring quote above is posted at the Wayne Parker Headquarters( for Congress in Huntsville, Al, outside the cubicles where the staff has toiled each day for the past 5-6 months to help wage the campaign for the seat of U.S. House of Representatives. The Parker Headquarter's, located in a shopping center with the Republican Headquarters in the front of it, has been the beehive of activity for a vigorous battle for the seat for U.S. House of Representatives for the 5th Congressional District. This district includes much of North Alabama, where you have a vast contrast in energy production, with TVA and 2 nuclear plants, to missile defense in Huntsville, the Redstone Arsenal employing hundreds of people in our area, the Marshall Space Flight Center where Dr. Werner von Braun, who was a CHRISTian, was considered the father of the United States Rocket program and was the director for many years. Huntsville is also the home to the Alabama Space and Rocket Center. This district is also highly valued for it's farmland where Limestone Co. has been the number one cotton producing county in the state for many years, (though that is shrinking due to urban sprawl) to Wilson and Wheeler dams in the Shoals area, to forest, lakes, and the Tennessee River running all the way from the Mississippi State line to the Georgia state line. It is a conservative area politically, but for the last 139 years, we have had a Democrat Representative in Congress. Wayne is running on the Republican ticket so this would be the first republican representative from our district in a long long time, if the LORD gives Wayne Parker the victory next Tuesday evening, Nov. 4th.

It has been our privilege as a family, along with many other families and friends across North Alabama to be drawn by GOD into this political campaign of this valiant warrior, Wayne Parker and his dear family as he runs for U.S. Congress. Several months ago, Wayne and Lisa were going about their lives, with 3 extremely active teenagers, and a daughter in college. All of the sudden, GOD interrupted their lives with an abrupt change of direction...the call to run for U.S. Congress. Wayne had run for this seat back with a grassroots campaign in 1994 and lost to the incumbent by less than 1%. Talk about a heartbreaker... it was indeed for all of us, but especially to the Parkers who had given their heart and soul and come so very close to defeating the incumbent. GOD led them to run again in 1996, against the same incumbent, and the race was not as close, and they lost again. This was a tough loss, and for the next 12 years, GOD led them and their children in other ways, and Wayne eventually became established in his own business and Lisa, as a busy homemaker, both of them actively involved serving the LORD through their church, where Wayne is an elder, their community where Wayne helped coach basketball, and helped build houses for underprivileged families, i think, to helping with clean-up for Hurricane Katrina, and enjoying their home life. This past April, it was suddenly learned that our present Congressman representing our district was announcing his plans to retire, and a friend of Wayne's who worked in Washington and helped him in his first two campaigns, got wind of the news, and called Wayne and Lisa to tell them. I believe they were actually on their way to Washington at the time to visit Lisa's family. As others heard of the news, people started contacting Wayne about running again, and all of the sudden Wayne and Lisa were faced with a life changing decision. Having been through two difficult battles for Congress before, they knew the sacrifices and hardship that would be required to enter the political arena again, and although they knew GOD had called them to run in the 1990's, it was tough to loose. They decided to pray about it, and they asked GOD to raise i think $250,000 in support money by the time they had to qualify if HE wanted them to run. Well, GOD didn't have any problem doing that, and the money came in quickly. Wayne and Lisa, following GOD's provision, followed in obedience to run. It's an amazing thing, we never realize when GOD calls us to do something, how that will affect the lives of others. When GOD called Wayne and Lisa...HE also called a bunch more folks to come alongside of them and help them financially, and in a thousand other ways, some of which i've included below.

Back about last April or May, after Wayne decided the LORD was calling him to run, he was at maybe the first official gathering of his early campaign, with maybe 40 or so supporters in the room and with tears in his eyes, he shared how GOD how lead them to run this time, sharing what i shared above, and said it was hard because they had such a sweet family life with their four kids, They knew their world would be turned upside down in the months ahead with an intense political race and it has been everyday except Sunday in which they worship and rest, being long days for hitting the campaign trail for the Parkers.

As i shared before in an earlier email about the Parker's, I had not seen Lisa, Wayne's wife, or talked with her, since their last campaign, back in 1996. Our paths had just not crossed through the years, while we were both busy raising our families, though i have certainly thought of her through the years. One day, back in late spring as she was coming over to Athens from Huntsville where they live, Lisa called me, and i was very honored. We talked a little while and decided to try to meet after the meeting she was going to speak at for the local Republican party i believe. We did eventually end up getting together at Burger King where i think i ordered water, and she a grilled chicken sandwich, and we spent the time trying to catch up over the last 12 years. I have always had a great respect for Lisa, and knew that she walked unashamedly with CHRIST. Though her Daddy, U.S. Representative Bill Archer from Texas, served in Congress for 30 years, and was the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee from Texas, she is so very humble, and treats everyone she meets the same way...with love and kindness. She has the gift of making you feel like you're really special by asking you about your life so of course i liked her from the first time i met her. After our fellowship that evening, we got together not too long after that to go campaigning together around the square here in Athens and i wrote about how we kept getting delayed, cause Lisa kept talking to the "common folks", and even spent time praying with a man who had lost his wife in the recent months and was still very upset about it. I kept wanting to introduce her to the "important" folks, the mayor, attorneys, etc, (who weren't available by the way) but she kept stopping to talk to whoever GOD brought into her didn't matter who they were, and she seemed oblivious to the time...she just loves people right where they are no matter what their social status is.

I had no idea at that time, the privilege that would be mine to spend these next several months being sort of a prayer partner with Lisa. We prayed that day after we campaigned on the square, and it would be something the LORD has blessed us to do many times together over the next several months, mostly by phone, but a few times together. My heart has been so moved by the love and compassion she and Wayne have for the people of our district. I have had the privilege to hear her pray for their opponent they're running against and to hear her cry for the hurts of people they have met in our district as they've traveled from county to county campaigning. I had no idea how very difficult a political campaign could be because i've never seen one up this close and in person. I was involved a little bit in a campaign when my Daddy in law was running for Sheriff back in the early 80's, and will never forget how traumatic it was for my future Mother-in-law when they lost for the first time when i was a senior in high school. I've heard my husband talk about how difficult growing up in the public eye can be and everyone knowing your Daddy is the Sheriff...he couldn't get away with anything...which is a great thing, because his Daddy would find out before his son got home, and take care of the matter. His Daddy was Sheriff for 16 years here in Limestone County, the whole time i was growing up, and i heard about "Buddy Evans" long before i ever met my husband to be...when i was 13 or 14.

Back to the Parker campaign, it has been very, very difficult at times. In the earlier campaigns back in the 90's, the LORD blessed Lisa with abundant strength and energy. Now, HE had some greater lessons for her to learn this time trust and depending on HIM, as there have been some days that she just didn't feel up to hitting the campaign trail. This is very difficult for a gal who is used to being in the thick of things. She has had to learn to "be still and know that HE is GOD," when honestly, she'd rather be up and running. I know GOD has heard her prayers as she has stayed behind at times and prayed for her husband when she would have preferred to have been out campaigning herself and been by her husband's side. GOD has blessed her with being able to campaign much at times and she has been such a trooper. Last weekend, sensing a weary and worn soldier, i invited Lisa on the spur of the moment to go with me and some other sister's in CHRIST to an overnight getaway on Lake Guntersville. Although she considered it, and the break would have been refreshing, she chose to stay in the battle, and fulfill the campaign plans that had been made for her last weekend...choosing to fight, rather than rest at this point. This campaign has been has been a fight for her, one that has made her depend on the LORD more deeply and to trust that HIS "grace is sufficient and HIS power is made perfect in weakness."

There have also been some things revealed about their opponent during this campaign that has been difficult for the Parker family. They love the LORD, and in the midst of soccer, basketball, football, dance, and church activities that they normally are involved in, they aren't used to finding themselves in the midst of the circumstances they've found themselves in the past few has truly been a spiritual battle on all fronts. "Be strong and courageous" has become a daily necessity and fabric of their lives, through the power of CHRIST. Disappointments and encouragements come minute by minute in a campaign like this, and the battle is not for the faint of heart. One's faith is tested over and over, hour by hour it seems, and slowly but surely, GOD forges "good soldiers" through all the battles that have been fought by this valiant man, Wayne Parker, his wife Lisa, and their family.

Earlier this week, i was thinking about how this intense campaign is like a microcosm of life...everything just happens faster, and more intensely it seems, and you don't have a lot of time to stop and catch your breath before the next thing hits you. I thought of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress an allegory of the CHRISTian life, that John Bunyan wrote while spending 12 years in prison for preaching the gospel of JESUS CHRIST. The Hill of Difficulty, and CHRISTian's(the main character in Pilgrim's Progress) battle against Apollyon in the Valley of Humiliation particulary remind me of some of the battles the Parkers have been through these past few months. Just as the LORD sent CHRISTian companions to help him along his pilgrimage, in Pilgrim's Progress, GOD in his faithfulness, has sent many companions to help the Parker's in this battle, including Laura Chambers, the Parker's press secretary, Mary Martha, their events coordinator, Bebe Williams, Coordinator of everything, and Steve Webb to pray for them, encourage them, and help them in whatever capacity they've needed help, from making coffee, to setting up press conferences, to scheduling events, sending out emails to supporter's, waving signs, going door to door, you name it they've done it. They along with Ryan, and TJ, they have been there from early morning to late nights...helping to keep the volunteers in the army moving in the right direction...and what a blessing these dear volunteers have been to me as i've had the privilege to meet and serve with several of them. What a blessing to get to know some of these in the volunteer army from an 84 year old woman who is so radiant and vibrant in her faith, and energetic, to a doctor's wife, who humbly shared her testimony with me and how the LORD led her and her husband together in a singles Sunday School class many years ago. Her son goes to college where my friend Tim Greene's daughter goes up in Boone North Carolina at Appalachian State...small world to sit next to her stamping envelopes one day. What a blessing to serve along side my pastor's Dad and Mom, waving signs on a street corner in Athens, and serving with some of my dear friends from church, the CHRISTians, going door to door together. What a privilege to see GOD give some of our ladies from our homeschool group a heart to encourage and pray for the Parkers, and then come and knock on doors and make phone calls for the campaign, and feed an army of volunteers Friday night from the Student Project...what a blessing ya'll all are. What a great job our county coordinator Chris Crumpton has done sending out emails, making phone calls, putting up signs, handing out brochures at ballgames, and many other unseen tasks to help out with this campaign. So many volunteers, and so many blessing have been mine as a result of being a part of the LORD calling the Parker's to run for Congress, and HIM raising up a volunteer army to support them in this campaign...."where GOD guides HE provides." What a blessing to be involved in a campaign where the staff takes time to stop what they're doing and lead the volunteers in prayer before they go out door to door, or before Wayne is in a debate, or while folks are stuffing envelopes for mail-outs. The staff, along with Wayne and Lisa, are so very grateful and appreciative for everything you do for them and tell you that over and over. This campaign led by Wayne and Lisa's example has looked to the LORD to be their help and fight this battle for them...and to be a witness for the LORD JESUS CHRIST in the midst of the battle. Their prayer and heart's desire for their family and the campaign has been from the very beginning: Phil. 1:6, "... let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of CHRIST," and GOD has truly answered that prayer...and i will tell you this, i sure am going to miss this bunch when the campaign is over. GOD has woven and knit our hearts together in midst of the battle and what a privilege it has been to serve with you all.

This week has truly been a special blessing as the LORD, as we have watched HIM literally bring an army of young people from Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama to help go door to door, make maps, phone calls, wave signs, and whatever else needs to be done. GOD has sent HIS help, and refreshed and encouraged and renewed our strength,and how very grateful we are to HIM, and to all these families who have sacrificed their week to either come with their teens and help, or allowed their teens to come and help out. These kids have worked so hard, including Hannah Beth, who has been gone since Sunday to help serve with the Student Project. They are staying about an hour away and are up and on the campaign trail at the headquarter's around 8:00 each morning. Their groups have taken turns volunteering at the headquarter's each night for the phone bank so that makes for long leaving at 7:00 in the morning and getting home around 9:30 in the evening for some of them. I spoke with Hannah Beth for just a few minutes last night on the phone and she said they were eating breakfast at 6:15 a.m. this morning, so they could leave early and go campaign in the Shoals area today, almost two hours from where they're staying. Many of the kids run from door to door, to save time, knocking on doors, and leaving brochures. Hannah Beth, though i haven't seen her this week, she has been serving in different areas than our group, ran/walked 12 miles the first two days going door to door! I have had the privilege of going out 3 days with this army, another branch from Hannah Beth, and have been the "driver" in our car for our hardworking group, which has changed each day since we have the local kids and Mom's in our car. Joe Radcliffe has been our very efficient navigator, and told us where to go, figuring out where to drop folks off, and he has managed to lead us back to the kids and adults once we've dropped them off to cover an area. If it were up to me, they would still be out there somewhere, because i would never find my way back to them. Today, as we ate lunch at Taco Bell after campaigning all morning, as GOD would have it, another group from the campaign had stopped to eat there also, unknown to us when we decided to eat there. I sat beside a game warden from Mississippi that was here with his whole family helping out with the campaign...and though we were strangers, GOD has given us the same heart and mind in CHRIST, and it was so neat that HE had led our paths together "for such a time as this." I have been so very impressed with these Mom's and Dad's who have come with their kids, and those who have allowed their teenagers to come and help out with this battle. A very, very special thank you to the Radcliff family, all of you, who are helping out with everything concerning this "Teen Pact," ( Student very grateful we are to all of you and for laying down your lives this week, hosting this group at the Cliffhouse Retreat and coordinating the door to door efforts all across this district. I received an email tonight that went out from the Parker Headquarters' saying the volunteer's having been distributing far more brochures than the headquarters' planned on this week... they needed $12,000 more dollars to print more brochures so the kids can hand them out all over this district. If you feel led to contribute to this godly man's campaign, you can do it by clicking on the website , and contacting them.

As i look back over these past several years, from 1994, actually, it goes back way before then when Wayne was prayed for and influenced by his parents and godly grandparents. HIS grandmother was instrumental in getting the Young Life organization started in the Huntsville public schools many years ago, I was told by a former public school superintendent and neighbor of mine, who has known Wayne since he was 3 years old, and he plans to vote for him. Young Life( is an organization that helps lead our young people to CHRIST and encourage them in their walk with CHRIST. Lisa, wrote this about her husband on their blog referring to the kind of young man Wayne was in high school: " I didn't know Wayne then, but I am told he was captain of the team and won the David Hightower award, given to the player who exhibited the most character and spiritual leadership on the team. Knowing Wayne as I do now, this doesn’t surprise me. He has always been a man of great character and led our family spiritually. He is truly the most honest person I know; just one of the many things I love about him. He has never wavered in his principles and values. I know he will be a leader in Washington who will do what’s right and will stand for the things we hold dear.
I see all the markings of a man of godly character and his family who have paid the price for the crown, they have "fought the good fight, finished the race, almost, and have kept the faith." Wayne Parker will serve our district honorably, truthfully, and with spiritual discernment. The verse from Isaiah 30:18 comes to my heart for the Parkers, "And therefore will the LORD wait, that HE may be gracious unto you." GOD has humbled them with two losses, and in the process of allowing them to wait for several years, as they've raised their young family, before calling them to run again, HE has shaped and molded them into a man and woman of noble character who would serve our district with the love, passion, humility and servant's heart of CHRIST. They have sacrificed family time, leisure time, business time, laid down their lives, opened their lives up to being scrutinized by the media, endured many personal trials in their own lives, while running for this position to serve our district in the U.S. Congress. I am amazed why anyone would go through this to serve... reminding me of what CHRIST went through for us to as HE laid down HIS life for us on the give us freedom from our sins. For Wayne and Lisa, i know this is a calling on their lives by GOD to run this race, and Wayne desires to protect the freedoms that have been paid for us through the blood of those who have fought and died for our freedoms. Wayne and Lisa, and their children have run the race honorably and they have been obedient to the call of CHRIST on their lives...and how very, very, grateful i am for their sacrifice of their lives to run for this office. A well known song writer penned these words a few years ago about U.S. SenatorJeremiah Denton's life after he suffered in a Hanoi prison camp as a POW for many years. These words written about Jeremiah Denton , certainly characterize Wayne and Lisa's life as they have run faithfully the race CHRIST has called them to run:

"It's an honor to serve
To join in the fight
To lift up my voice
To lay down my life
Giving glory to God
Seeking none in return
It's an honor
An honor to serve"

I could write more, much more, about this campaign, the Parkers and the amazing love that GOD has shown our family through being a part of what GOD is doing through the campaign, but to be honest i am weary, i am not used to these long campaign hours:). I can't imagine the grueling schedule Wayne and Lisa have kept for the past several months...days beginning early, and going late at night. What a special privilege for our family it has been to serve in this army the LORD has raised up to help with this campaign...and to serve alongside Wayne and Lisa, and the staff and volunteers GOD has surrounded them with. HE has been so very faithful to strengthen the Parkers, the staff, and all the others who are putting in long hours to complete this campaign as a good soldier of CHRIST JESUS. Thank you so very much for your dear prayers for those who have prayed for me this week, GOD answered them and i was so blessed with HIS strength. Please remember Wayne, Lisa, their family, the staff, and volunteers in your prayers for the next few days, it's going to be a very tiring weekend as they head down the stretch til Tuesday. Thank you so much for praying for this dear family, and how i thank GOD for raising them up for "such a time as this" to represent our area in Congress. As we pray for our presidential elections and all the rest of the elections, thank you so much for asking the LORD to give Wayne Parker favor in the hearts of the voters of the 5th Congressional District and to give him the victory next Tuesday, Nov. GOD be the glory!

With all HIS love,

A dear friend, Alison Walton, shared this with me last week and i wanted to pass it along to ya'll, my dear friends and family. Thanks, Alison, for encouraging me and reminding me where my PEACE lies...not in who is elected but in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, our KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS. It is HE who "removes kings and sets up kings," Daniel 2:21, all according to HIS plans and HIS purposes... and for that i am very grateful.

> 1. The Bible will still have all the answers.
> 2. Prayer will still work.
> 3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
> 4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
> 5. There will still be God-anointed teaching and healing.
> 6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
> 7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
> 8. There will still be room at the Cross.
> 9. Jesus will still love you.
> 10. Jesus will still save the lost.

Happy, Happy Birthday to my dear, dear 82 year old Daddy, Harold Fowler.
What a wonderful gift from the LORD he is to our family..."Great is Thy Faithfulness."

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