"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." Psalm 121:1-2
Dear Praying Family and Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayers for my brother, Joe. He continued to have a severe headache over the weekend, and had an MRI earlier this week. I was relieved to hear that he seems to have a severe sinus infection causing the pressure. His doctor has ordered another test and i haven't heard from that one. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for my sweet older brother who has watched over his little sis since i was a little girl. I was a scared little girl when i began first grade and I would run to the band room to find my brother Joe. He would take me by the hand and gently lead me back to my class room. He was a senior the year I was started first grade. Joe and I had a chance to go to Gatlinburg together last summer and hike together...conquering "Ramsey Cascades," together, a long time desire of my heart. What a dear blessing that was to me to spend time with my oldest brother hiking and sharing our hearts together in the Smoky Mountains that we both love. Thank you also for remembering Hannah Beth this week and please pray for her as she travels home tomorrow. She has had an intense week studying and taking tests and today she is working on a paper due tomorrow before she comes home for spring break Saturday...Yea!!!
Yesterday, Troy, our Maltipoo, and I went to run some errands. I don't usually take him too many places when i have to go in because he has severe "separation anxiety" when i leave him in the car...he goes crazy barking until i come back. But this morning, i had several errands like the bank, washing my car, walking along the trail at the creek, going to Pet Store, that he could go with me, so i decided to take him along. He loves to go to the bank, and get a "treat" there. They usually have a jar of doggy treats and today was no exception. He anxiously awaited his treat and said, "Woof," when the treat came back through the teller window. I tried to get him to say "thank you," but we're still working on that:). After he "wolfed," down his treat, our next stop was the car wash. This was Troy's first time to go to the car wash. I put my money in the little machine, and pressed the button for the 7.00 wash. I hated to get the cheapest one, but then, I didn't want to spend too much either, so i settled for the $7.00 wash. I was talking to my Mother on my cell phone while i was getting my ticket and pulled up to the start of the wash. The "car wash man" took the antenna off and squirted soap on the windshield and hood of the car ...maybe that's where the extra two dollars comes in. Troy had a big time barking at him while he was safe inside the car. Shortly after i put the car in neutral, we headed inside the car wash being pulled along by the little conveyor belt or whatever pulls you inside. Don't worry, this wasn't like my last car wash story where I got stuck inside, and water started pouring through the roof:). By this time, Troy had long forgot about the man he was barking at, and started barking at the huge cloth swaths swishing against the windshield and car window. At first he barked profusely, at the commotion going on all around us. I told Mother "I had to go," we couldn't hear each other anyway. Then he crawled up close in my arms, and I held him tight as we were being pulled along in the lather suds and swishing of the swaths against the car. I have to admit, ever since I got stuck in the car wash that day, and the water started pouring in through the sun roof (i used to have a kiyak rack on top of my car, until it got caught in the car wash swaths and bent the sun roof in so that water was pouring in through the light fixture)...I get a little nervous in car washes too, and can't wait til we get through. I breathe a sigh of relief when we got past the blower to dry the car and my sun roof is still intact. Today was no exception and I was relieved when we came to the end of the wash, and we were safe and sound and dry.
As soon as the "green light" came on when we exited the car wash, and I was still holding Troy snuggled up in my arms, i immediately thought about how JESUS holds us in HIS arms and snuggles HIS little lambs close when we are afraid. Troy reminds me of a little lamb so much, and his dependence on me to protect him sure does remind me how our heavenly FATHER protects HIS children, and brings us safely through the storms of life. HE doesn't always keep us from the storms for HE knows the plans and purposes for each storm HE orchestrates and engineers and allows into your life and mine. HE uses the storms in our lives to drive us to HIS arms so we will learn how very much HE loves us and cares for us. HE keep us, HE holds us, HE protect us, and teaches us how very much HE loves us and how trustworthy and dependable HE is for every need of our lives including our greatest need of cleansing from our sins. The CREATOR and Almighty El Shadaii is the GOD WHO left HIS home in heaven to become the LAMB of GOD to lay down HIS life for your sins and mine.
I have had many sweet times of fellow shipping with my sisters in CHRIST this week. Betty Dean Newman, Sherri Bassham, Bonnie Teal, Joan Jenkins, Myra King and many more were all at the First Methodist Church women of Worth Spring Luncheon last Saturday in the pouring rain. What a fun time we had inside and the SON was shining in our hearts as we sat a vibrantly decorated tablescapes ...from fashion to Scripture themes. Our table was decorated by my Mother- in- laws, next door neighbor, Hilda Waldrop. Hilda has more creativity in her little finger than most of us do in five lifetimes! She decorated our table with a manneqiun dressed in a very petite purple dress that any of us would love to be able to fit in:). On the table was a sign that said, " I like my money where I can see it...hanging in my closest!" I'm sure glad my Mother in law, Bobbie Evans feels this way, cause she has blessed me my whole married life with clothes from her closet. She also blessed me with the ticket to go the luncheon, and we had a wonderful time in the LORD.
Lisa McKay, pastor's wife from Alabama, and author of You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes " was the speaker for the event. She exhorted us to "clean house for there is no room for CHRIST in a heart filled with junk, and not hold on to sins such as jealousy and envy that crowd out the LORD filling our hearts with HIS love for others. She encouraged us to forgive others, and choose not to "collect on that debt" and be bitter. She also encouraged us to seek to move beyond "spiritual milk," and to "Taste and see that the LORD is good." Psalm 34:8. The one thing that really spoke to my heart was that when GOD wants to tell you something, HE is very repetitive. That really spoke to me because GOD has been being very repetitive it seems in speaking to me about going back to school. I never, ever thought i would be considering that in a million years, not once has that been a thought of mine through the years, but as i read this morning in Oswald Chambers, "GOD takes us out of our own ideas for our lives and we are "batter'd to shape and use," as the disciples were after Pentecost." Can i get a witness to that? I sure feel that I have been "batter'd to shape," over the past 20 plus years and I know that I am no different than any of GOD's children. GOD orchestrates some pretty painful trials and blustery storms that swirl around us as the swaths in the car wash were swirling around Troy and me this morning, but HE does it with a plan and a purpose in mind:
"When GOD Wants to Drill A Man"

When God wants to drill a man,
And thrill a man,
And skill a man
When God wants to mold a man
To play the noblest part;
When He yearns with all His heart
To create so great and bold a man
That all the world shall be amazed,
Watch His methods, watch His ways!
How He ruthlessly perfects
Whom He royally elects!
How He hammers him and hurts him,
And with mighty blows converts him
Into trial shapes of clay which
Only God understands;
While his tortured heart is crying
And he lifts beseeching hands!
How He bends but never breaks
When his good He undertakes;
How He uses whom He chooses,
And which every purpose fuses him;
By every act induces him
To try His splendor out-
God knows what He's about.
I shared this poem with my friend this week who has really been going through a difficult time as the storms of life have REALLY been beating upon her vessel recently. You remember that person that was driving me nuts a few weeks ago in my emails that GOD just kept bringing back to us...that's the same gal. I'm so very proud of what GOD is doing in her heart, and mine:). She is really growing in the LORD through the storms that HE is allowing. Like Troy she is learning to run to her MASTER's arms when the storms of life are beating down upon her and she is learning slowly but surely how very much HE loves her and cares for each and every need of her life. Last Monday, she shared with me several things she had earnestly been praying about Sunday morning...some of those prayers were answered beyond all she asked or thought Sunday night.
Like my friend, and like Troy, GOD wants each and every one of us to learn to run into HIS arms where HE holds and keeps us and lavishes HIS sweet love upon us. We don't drive HIM nuts when we run to HIM...HE loves us with an everlasting love, and longs for us to run to HIM with every thing in our lives that concerns us because it concerns HIM. This week in our "Willing Hearts" Bible Study led by Betty Dean Newman, we talked about how GOD wants us to invite HIM to be a part of everything in our lives. HE wants us to fully and wholly depend upon HIM to be our helper, including when we loose things around the house, to helping us with math:), or something bigger like dismantling our Mom's house and going through treasure memories like my friend Mishel is doing right now since her Mom passed away last week. GOD knows that often HE has to "break," one of our legs, to get us to lay gently in HIS arms without us running around all over the place looking for other sources of help.
I have really been thinking so much about inviting GOD into everything, including helping me study for a math class i may be taking in the summer. I am asking HIM to help me, and clear my brain and help me to understand this pre-calculus which seems Greek to me. I think actually i would rather learn Greek:)...but that's not what GOD seems to be leading me to do at this point. HE has specific reasons why i am sure for me to learn this math if you have read my earlier emails. I have even felt convicted that GOD wants me to invite HIM to be with me in my "Quiet Time" in the morning, not just sit down and start praying and reading the WORD, but really inviting HIM to come and "Speak, O LORD."
GOD gave me a good lesson in depending on HIM for the little things as just this past Sunday, i was scrambling to get out the door for church. I misplaced a bottle of supplements i wanted to take to my class and show them. I looked in all the usual places and had just had it in my hand, and couldn't find it. When i went back to the bathroom, the LORD reminded me to "ask HIM," and almost immediately when i did, HE brought to mind where i had set it down...that has happened many times to me when i "invited HIM," to help me. That reminds me of a quote i read from Hannah Hurnard, from her book Hearing Heart:
"Not to make our requests known in joyful trust does deprive HIM of the joy of granting our requests, and it does deprive us of the joy of experiencing HIS loving, intimate interest in every detail of our lives."
"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8
I want to experience the joy of HIS loving intimate interest in every detail of my life, including this "little storm" that has just blown up in our house as i write this email. LORD, i run to you right now, and forgive me for my anger, again, and trying to handle this on my own. Help me, LORD, to be patient, and to rest in YOU as TROY rested in my arms today when the "carwash was swishing" all around him. LORD, help me run and rest in YOU, the lover and keeper of my soul. Forgive me for loosing my temper right now and not trusting you to handle the situation.
Last week, i mentioned that our choir is singing a Spring Praise Concert. I mentioned the wrong date, it is actually on April 3 on Sunday night at 6:15 p.m. It's going to be a great night of praise to our LORD, i hope that you can join us, those of you who live nearby. I am loving practicing for this concert...the songs are so good! One of the songs that has really been ministering to my heart this week, and even this minute as i write this and struggle with anger, no i'm not struggling with anger, i lost my temper, is called "My Help." http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=I2nQALWDStA . I hope if you don't read any other part of this email, you will take the time to watch this video and listen to Psalm 121 in song.
2My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
3He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
4Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
5The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
6The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
7The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
8The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
I am very thankful that Troy and I made it through the car wash safely:). He sure was taking refuge in my arms, and I loved him snuggling up to me. I know the LORD JESUS loves it when we snuggle up to HIM, and run to HIM to be our refuge. HE loves us so much, and longs for us to recognize that HE is our all and all and doesn't want us to struggle along trying to do things on our own. HE invites us to run to HIM and let HIM hold us in HIS arms. There is a picture right above my computer where a man is standing inside a lighthouse door, while the ocean waves are swirling around him. The verse below it says, "The LORD is my ROCK, my FORTRESS and my DELIVERER. My GOD is my ROCK in WHOM I take REFUGE." May we all, like little Troy, run to our help, My help, that cometh from the LORD."
"Troy" and I finished our errands, but not before i had to run into the post office to get some stamps. He wasn't a happy camper when i left the car, and barked and barked and acted like I was deserting him forever. When I came out of the store where the post office is, Troy was sitting up on the dashboard waiting for me. When I got inside the car, I told him what I always say, "I told you I was coming back." JESUS has told us that HE is coming back for HIS bride, the CHURCH, for the true believers who have repented of their sins, and trusted in the LORD JESUS to be our LORD and SAVIOR. The signs are all around us that HE is coming back...just look at the earthquake even early this morning in Japan, and all the floods, earthquakes, famines, and wars around the world. The birth pains are getting closer and closer for the LORD's return. May we be faithful and found ready for the LORD's return, and warning others of HIS soon return. If you haven't surrendered your life to CHRIST, do that today. HE loves you so very much, and it's not HIS will that any should perish.
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in HIM, shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
I'm looking forward to traveling up to Columbia, Tennessee this afternoon to the Wonderful Weekend for Women. Pray for me as traveling is always a challenge for me. GOD has provided a wonderful family for me to stay with through my former pastor's family, Br. Mike Dawson. I'm looking forward to meeting them and I'm looking forward to seeing the Dawson family who was instrumental in my growth as a baby CHRISTian. Br. Mike was the pastor at Central Baptist in Decatur where CHRIST saved me, and I can't wait to see his wife, Jolene, his daughters' Melodye, here from South Dakota, Carol, who lives in Columbia. This family was and is so dear to me. So thankful to get reunited with them through the LORD and Facebook!
I love you and thank GOD for each of you. Thank you for writing and sharing your prayer requests with me last week-thank you so much. I count it a privilege to lift up your loved ones to the LORD, and I am privilege to have you pray for me and my loved ones. Don't forget to "spring forward" your clocks tomorrow night! Don't forget our Women's Conference at First Baptist in a couple of weeks...you don't want to miss the blessings the LORD has for all who come and if you don't have a place to worship the LORD and live close to Athens, come and join us this Sunday at FBC for SS at 9:15 and worship services at 10:30- we'd love for you to worship with us!
With all HIS love,
Women’s Conference
First Baptist Church
201 E. Hobbs St. Athens, AL 35611
Linda Evans Shepherd
Nationally known Christian speaker
& best-selling author
(When You Can't Find God - How to Ignite the Power of His Presence, When You Don’t Know What to Pray-How to Talk to God about Anything, Pot Luck Club,)
March 25-26, 2011
Friday 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6:00 p.m.)
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (Doors open at 8:30 a.m.)
$25.00 (lunch included)
Contact Jackie Jackson 256-232-7829 jackiejackson12@gmail.com
(childcare not provided)
For the Joy
Women’s Conference Mar 25-26, 2011
First Baptist Church
201 East Hobbs Street
Athens, AL 35611

This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation,
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;
of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:15
that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;
of whom I am chief. 1 Timothy 1:15
"My memory is nearly gone;
but I remember two things;
That I am a great sinner, and
that Christ is a great Saviour."
John Newton (1725-1807)but I remember two things;
That I am a great sinner, and
that Christ is a great Saviour."
English minister and hymn writer
"Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone" John Newton, Chris Tomlin

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