Dear Praying Friends and Family,
I had a little bit different Friday email planned, but felt this morning the LORD wanted me to specifically focus on the Women's Conference which begins tonight at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church in here is the revised version!
Women’s Conference
First Baptist Church
201 E. Hobbs St. Athens, AL 35611
Linda Evans Shepherd
Nationally known Christian speaker
& best-selling author
(When You Can't Find God - How to Ignite the Power of His Presence, When You Don’t Know What to Pray-How to Talk to God about Anything, Pot Luck Club,)
March 25-26, 2011
Friday 6:30-8:00 p.m. (Doors open at 6:00 p.m.)
Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m. (Doors open at 8:30 a.m.)
$25.00 (lunch included)
Contact Jackie Jackson 256-232-7829
(childcare not provided)
For the Joy
Women’s Conference Mar 25-26, 2011
First Baptist Church
201 East Hobbs Street
Athens, AL 35611
Tonight begins our Women's Conference at First Baptist Athens and if you still haven't made up your mind, I am inviting you to Come!!! It's not too late! Tickets are still available at the doors opening at 6:00p.m. and you will be so blessed! The "Willing Hearts," and "Growing Hearts," ladies had such a sweet time in the LORD in fellowship last night as we were blessed to eat with our guest speaker, Linda Evans Shepherd. Linda arrived safely from Colorada, yesterday afternoon, although part of suitcases hadn't arrived as of last night...please pray they will today. Thankfully, she has her Bible and notes and computer and clothes...her books were in the other suitcases. Linda, a Texas native, shared just a little with us last night at our question and answer time and it was enough to make us hunger and thirst for what GOD has in store for the rest of the weekend. Linda has a daughter in her 20's who was in a car wreck i believe when she was a child. Her daughter was in a coma for a year, and has been on life support since that time. Much of what GOD has taught Linda has been through her family's journey with her daughter and you will be so blessed to hear her story, and the relationship with CHRIST that has come from the circumstances GOD has allowed in their lives...not for evil but for good.
Kathleen Frainerd of New Life Assembly of GOD is leading the music for the conference, along with our young women, "Cornerstone," Kathleen sang "GREAT is the FAITHfulness," last night, preparing our hearts for a wonderful weekend of worship of our faithful GOD. GOD has put it in the hearts of our ladies for months to be praying and preparing for this special weekend and you don't want to miss GOD's power and presence in our midst if you can possibly make it. Last year, i was planning to be in Mobile during this conference, and planning to go to another Ladies Retreat when i returned from Mobile. GOD had other plans. I was so irritable from an allergic reaction my husband made me stay home from Mobile, and Betty Dean Newman reached out to me through FB when she saw i didn't get to go to Mobile and said, "Now you can come to our Conference and I will have you at ticket at the information desk..." She did and I am amazed at all the ways the LORD worked in my life during that conference to show HIS intimate love to me during the Conference and throughout this year.
GOD used the conference to eventually draw us back to First Baptist where we have been members there before on two different occasions. I thank the LORD for HIS intimate love for each and every one of us, and the plans that HE has to use us in the body of CHRIST where ever that is to bring HIM the most glory. I never dreamed i would be HIS cymbal player at First Baptist, but i am loving it! I am loving playing the triangle for HIM and the conga's, and the shaker's and snare drum, and filling in on the trap set when HE has need of me. I am loving singing in the choir, when I'm not playing in the orchestra, and getting to share some of the knowledge GOD has taught me on my health journey with some of the members at First Baptist. I am loving being a part of the Willing Hearts Bible Study and getting to be a part of the Women's Conference that meant so much to me last year. GOD knew the plans HE had for us when HE began drawing our hearts back to First Baptist. It sure wasn't anything we could was a walk of faith, as we followed HIM where we felt HE was leading us. I love the song we sing in choir, "Lead Me, LORD." It is so true of our journey back to First Baptist and all the paths that GOD's guides us on...sure am trusting HIM for that journey about going back to nursing school. I can't see the end result of that, all I know that GOD seems to be leading me to do this impossible thing for me and I want my heart to be as this song says,
"Lead me, LORD, I will follow, lead me, LORD I will go...YOU have called me, I will answer, lead me, LORD, I will go." watch?v=7wMt4XrV51Q "Lead Me, LORD," Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir
I am so thankful for the women who reached out to me last year and invited me to the Conference...Judy Clemons, Jan Morris, and Betty Dean Newman, several times...all the while i was thinking, "no thanks i've got other plans":). GOD had other plans for me, plans that i could not have imagined or thought about and I am so thankful. If the LORD is leading you to come to the Conference tonight! Come!!! I have been so blessed to hear from some of you this morning, and yesterday who are making plans to be there. I know the LORD wants to reveal HIS sweet and intimate love and encouragement to each one of our hearts. If you can't come, please pray for all that GOD is doing in the lives of the women who will be there...pray for salvation for those who don't know CHRIST and encouragement for those who come with the burdens and cares of the world, pray for all to draw nearer to the LORD JESUS CHRIST and hunger and thirst for a personal and intimate relationship with the LOVER of our Souls."
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"Salvation is easy because it costs GOD so much." Oswald Chambers
Special thanks to Tanjie Nash, http:// ,fo r the beautiful picture of one of the "tablescapes." Different women in the church have volunteered to decorate the tables for tomorrow's lunch that is being prepared by Jenny Chandler, Jackie Jackson, and others. Jenny was in the catering business for years, and you'd better believe the lunch is going to be scrumptious! It was last will be served by the men in our church at beautifully decorated tables like the one you see in the picture...and I mean they are amazing the way the LORD has gifted the different ladies to display their china and whatever way they felt led to decorate...we even have an Auburn table and probably an Alabama one i think...i'm pretty sure Betty Dean wasn't going to let there be an Auburn table without and Alabama table! So, ya'll come if you can, bring your daughter, a friend, your Mom, and let's have a wonderful time of worshipping the LORD together this weekend!
With all HIS love,
"The thing you think is a cruel injustice may actually turn out to be the best thing that ever happened to you. It can at least-by the FATHER's all wise grace-be transformed for your good, for HIS glory, and for the advance of HIS eternal kingdom." Nancy Leigh DeMoss,
"We know that for those who love GOD all things work together for good, for those who are called according to HIS purpose." Romans 8:28
" For CHRIST also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that HE might bring us to GOD." I Peter 3:18
"The Cross of CHRIST is a triumph. Every human being can get into the presence of GOD now because of what the Son of Man went through." Oswald Chambers http://www.christ. com/devotional-oswaldchambers. html

"If I accomplish one goal in my life, if nothing else gets done, this is the one thing that really matters to me-this is my highest goal and my number one priority: to live in the presence of the LORD, to look on HIS beauty, and to learn from HIM."Nancy Leigh DeMoss,
"One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in HIS temple." Psalm 27:4
"Where YOUR Glory Dwells"

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