"I lift up my eyes to YOU, to YOU whose throne is in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our GOD, till HE shows us HIS mercy." Psalm 123:2
My heart is full, but my head is empty and I am having a difficult time writing this email that I began yesterday. That's okay..."I will lift up my eyes to hills, from when cometh my help" Ps. 121:1 , and depend on the LORD to write through me if HE wants me to share a Friday email.
Thank you so much for praying for the Women's Conference last weekend...what a sweet time of fellowship, and encouragement we had in the LORD last weekend with one another and from our guest speaker, Linda Evans Shepherd http://www.sheppro. com/ For some reason I keep wanting to call her Janet, and have done that on more than one occasion in writing, thanks for helping me out with that Betty Dean:). I cannot tell you what a blessing it was to have some of you come and join us, Catherine, Nina, Kathy and her sis, Brenda, and Wanda. I can't tell you what a blessing it was to know that others of you were praying for us. Sherri, thank you for your sweet note assuring us of your prayers, and I wish that you could have attended...next year I want ALL of you to just mark it on your calendar's sometime in March and come!
Beth Ann Haynes, Nikkie Tibbets, Linda Evans Shepherd, and Debbie Holland |
It's amazing how many thoughts I have had when I have been thinking about what to share with you this week...I'm not kidding my cup is full, but my brain won't cooperate with me to get it on email. This morning though, when I got up, I didn't feel too full, in fact, I felt rather discouraged when I came to the LORD to spend time with HIM early this morning. As I began to pray, i knew that I had to once again, put into practice the things that Linda shared with us last weekend about keeping our eyes focused on the LORD instead of the circumstances around us that want to discourage us and rob us of our joy in HIM. One of the illustrations she used last weekend was at another conference she was speaking at and they were having prayer. While they were praying, a bat got loose in the church and was flying around close to where she was sitting. Others around her were trying to smack the bat with a broom all the while they were having a time of prayer and worship. She kept trying to focus on the LORD and not the bat, but to no avail. She couldn't help but be distracted by the bat and what was going on around her. Afterwards, she was talking with someone playing in the band during that time, and they were totally oblivious to the bat that had been flying around, they were focused on the LORD. She used that as an illustration, if we keep our eyes focused on the LORD JESUS, and HIS WORD, then we won't notice all the circumstances and distractions that try to tempt us and discourage us, and rob us of the peace and joy that we have in CHRIST JESUS when we keep our eyes on HIM.
As I wrote this the HOLY SPIRIT brought this verse to mind from Isaiah 26:3:
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.
This morning as I came to my prayer time, I was struggling with the cares it seemed of many different areas of my life. I knew that the way that I was feeling physically was the reason I was feeling so overwhelmed. GOD in HIS graciousness, reminded me through Linda Evans Shepherd last week, to bring those cares to HIM, and leave them there with HIM. I Peter 5:7 tells us to "Cast our cares upon HIM for HE careth for us." I loved her emphasizing over and over how much GOD loves us and longs to have a personal and intimate relationship with each one of us. HE wants us to trust HIM, and rest in HIS care. As I opened my prayer notebook this morning, the LORD led my eyes to a verse that reminded me to HE wants me to come to HIM and bring my cares to HIM:
"Then JESUS said, Come to ME, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you. Let ME teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For MY yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." Matt. 11:28-30.
I was weary this morning, and have been off and on all week since the Conference. JESUS invitation to me was just what I needed. I wrote down several things in my prayer notebook that were concerning me, and I offered them up to the LORD, laying them on an imaginary altar to give them to HIM. I learned that from Elisabeth Elliot several years ago to imagine an altar and give it to the LORD on that altar. I know that I can't "control" anything as our Minister of Music told us in choir Weds night, but I sure do want to at times and try to. That gets me nowhere, but frustrated and angry and robs me of peace in my LORD WHO wants me to bring those heavy burdens to HIM. He gave me the grace to do that this morning, and though I still didn't "feel" the best in the world by the time I took off to Huntsville to the grocery store, HE did lift my heart and gave me rest in HIM. HE even encouraged the fire out of me by a lady i met who was working at Earthfare. She was a dear sister in the LORD, and we just had a sweet time of fellowship in HIM right there in the middle of the produce section this morning as she shared how GOD had called her to work there, and how HE has worked so mightily in her family since she and her husband surrendered their lives to CHRIST a couple of years ago. She was just what i needed to hear this morning, to lift my heart and encourage me, and GOD knew that, that's why HE put her in my path this morning. I know that HE is going to take care of all that concerneth me...
" The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands." Psalm 138:7-8
He has done that over and over in my life...and HE will do it again. I just have to keep my eyes on HIM, delighting myself in HIM...
3Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
4Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him and he will do this:
6He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn,
the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.
Our little dog, Troy is such a picture of keeping his eyes on his master, as I'm sure all of you who have house dogs do the same thing. Troy keeps his eyes on me, and where ever I am in the house, he's going to be there too. Just a minute ago, i walked to the back to get a book I wanted to look something up in...here comes Troy, who was sound asleep in the chair in the den, to see where I was. He follows me everywhere, and doesn't like for me to get out of his sight, except at night, when Johnny comes home from work. After I sauna, and he waits loyally for me outside the sauna (he actually likes to sauna with me part of the time- crazy dog, i think he likes to lick the sweat off of me), he spends time with Johnny sitting up front in Johnny's big blue chair with him, just enjoying being with "Daddy." Then, after a while he comes back to our bedroom and gets in bed with me.
Speaking of spending time with "Daddy," Johnny sure does miss his "Hanny" time with his baby girl each night on the arm of his big blue chair. Yesterday, Hannah Beth sent me a message on Facebook that said:

"Mom, you would be so proud. I did my first load of "whites" laundry since i've been at school a couple days ago.haha I don't usually separate it. Love you.."
Yes, I am proud of my little Hanny and I told her that I am proud of her all the time. Her FB post brought a smile to my face:)
I was really proud of her Weds. morning when she respectfully but boldly confronted a Catholic teacher at the Baptist college she attends when the teacher was sharing false doctrine in the classroom. Hannah Beth said this teacher had "converted" from being a Baptist to a Catholic about 10 years ago, and had been teaching at the University of Mobile for several years. Hannah Beth spoke up in class and respectfully shared Scripture with her teacher to refute what the teacher was saying. Hannah Beth said that the disappointing thing was that no one else in the class spoke up except for a couple of girls who defended the teacher's wrong doctrine... Hannah Beth told me over the phone last night that a guy in the class texted HB and told her she was his new hero. I am very proud and thankful for GOD strengthening my daughter to stand alone and share the TRUTH when her teacher disagreed. I am saddened that the school she is going to, allows this teacher to continue to teach false doctrine.
I may have missed some things teaching Hannah Beth how to do laundry growing up:)...but i'm so thankful she recognized what was being taught was not the TRUTH in her classroom, and respectfully was sharing Scripture to confront the false teaching. As she was in class, she was texting her Daddy and asking him questions too about what Catholics believe so that she could talk to her teacher. Even though Hannah Beth is 5 hours away, she knew who she could run to help her with this discussion, her Daddy, who was glad to text her Scripture and references to help her defend the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. Her Daddy is going to help her in any way possible because he loves his baby girl so very much.
What happened yesterday with Hannah Beth reminded me of one of the most important lessons we learned at the Women's Conference last weekend...to keep our eyes on our FATHER, no matter what is going on around us, because our heavenly DADDY loves us so very much, and HE wants to and will help us as we cry out to HIM.
The LORD, our Master, our SAVIOR, our DADDY, loves us so much, and HE truly is working all things together for our good, for those who love HIM and are called according to HIS purposes. Romans 8:28. HE loves for us to spend that "DADDY" time with HIM, each morning reading HIS WORD and in prayer so that we can set our hearts and minds on HIM, and keep our eyes on HIM the rest of the day through all the circumstances HE orchestrates for us. HE wants us to keep our eyes on HIM the way that Troy keeps his eyes on his master, and Hannah Beth turns to her Daddy for help. GOD knows that our peace and joy are in a relationship with HIM...and in HIS presence are pleasure forevermore:
'Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Psalm 16:11
The devil also knows that in GOD's presence is fulness of joy and he does everything he can to distract us from the presence of GOD. One of the main ways is by keeping us so busy we don't make time to spend with "DADDY" (in Romans 8:15 the Word Abba, means "Daddy" "For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.") thinking we don't have time.
We go to bed too late to get up early enough to spend time with our FATHER before the day starts. We have to make time, each one of us, it's a choice of what's most important. Our pastor, Edwin Jenkins is one of the busiest men I know, and he gets up at 4:00 a.m. each morning to have time to spend alone with the LORD before he goes out to minister to others. You can tell that Pastor Jenkins has an intimate and personal relationship with our LORD JESUS through who he is and what he share from the pulpit. Speaking of that, this coming Sunday, Pastor Edwin will begin a new series on called "JESUS, Come Near, Let Me Know YOU." I am so excited about this series, and I sure would love for you to come and hear too if you live close by. You can also watch our services on TV on Sunday morning, they are one week tape delayed.
JESUS wants us to know HIM and the fulness of HIS love for each one of us. The circumstances HE orchestrates for each one of our lives are designed to draw us to HIM and to show us how very much HE loves us and cares for us. HE invites us to come to HIM, bringing our heavy burdens, and resting in HIS precious love for us.
This Sunday night our choir and orchestra will be singing "Praise HIM in Psalms," a collection of songs, many straight from Scripture that magnify and exalt the LORD JESUS CHRIST and all that HE is. We have been working on these songs in choir practice for several weeks. However last Wednesday night, Br. Ryan stopped choir practice early and said, we weren't ready...and you could tell he was discouraged with our lack of passion and zeal for these powerful songs. After he sat down, Betty Dean Newman stood up and called a prayer meeting for this week...about 20 people showed up early before choir practice to pray and to humble ourselves before the LORD and ask for HIS HELP. "My Help" http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=I2nQALWDStA, sung by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir is another powerful song we're singing, along with the song at the bottom of this email, "Where YOUR Glory Dwells," and many more. This has been the sweetest week of preparing for the concert Sunday night. Tuesday night, Br. Ryan's heart was overflowing with the LORD, and he really encouraged us in the LORD, sending us a sweet note after orchestra practice. Wednesday night, was incredible...after our prayer meeting, it was like Br. Ryan was on fire with the HOLY SPIRIT, and his passion lifted the choir and empowered them to sing with all their hearts for the LORD. Again he sent a very sweet and encouraging email telling us all how much he loved us. Last night, the choir and orchestra practiced together, and we had another sweet night in the LORD. I heard Br. Ryan telling the choir, he believed he had experienced more spiritual warfare with this concert than any other he has directed because the songs are straight from GOD's WORD. I know that my heart has been encouraged so much this past weekend with the Women's Conference, and then this week with choir and orchestra practice. Though I have been really tired at times, and GOD renewed my strength through a new IV, my spirit and soul have been so refreshed in the LORD JESUS as HE has helped me to keep my eyes on HIM...through my struggles.
With this decision about returning to school coming up, I often start thinking and worrying about this, that, and the other, and GOD is constantly reminding me to keep my eyes on HIM, and don't turn to the right or left worrying about other things. Just this morning, HE reminded me of this through this passage in Joshua 1:7-8 to meditate on HIS WORD day and night, being careful to do everything written in it, keeping my eyes focused on HIM...
Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Troy wishes that his Master didn't ever have to leave and get out of his sight. But our Master never does leave us, and HE promises in the Greek to "never, never, never, never, never leave or forsake us." Elisabeth Elliot says that "never" is like using it 5 times the way it's written in the Greek. HE loves us and HE is always with us and always for us.
Tuesday of this week, I listened to one of the songs we're going to be singing Sunday night, (i'm actually playing the "high sounding cymbal" for most of the concert and I am honored to do that for my LORD who has strengthened me and called me and enabled me to do that for HIM), over and over..."A Mighty Fortress" by Christy Nockels. http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=-4H-iWayY5M& feature=related. I had never heard this song before we sung it in choir, and the more the choir sang it, the more it has spoken to my heart...the choir version is so powerful, and I love the drum part! Andrew McCartney does such a great job on the drums...and it's so neat that GOD gives us these talents to bring glory and honor and praise to HIM...whether it's singing or playing or being a wife and/ or mom or nurse or whatever GOD has called us and equipped us to do...we can do it all for HIS glory and honor and praise...for HE is so worthy of our praise.
Our God is a consuming fire
A burning holy flame with glory and freedom
Our God is the only righteous judge,
Ruling over us with kindness and wisdom
And We will keep our eyes on you
We will keep our our eyes on you
A Mighty Fortress is our God
A Sacred refuge is your name
Your kingdom is unshakeable
With you forever we will reign
Our God is jealous for his own
None can comprehend his love and mercy
Our God is exalted on His throne,
High above the Heavens forever he is worthy
And we will keep our eyes on you
We will keep our eyes on you
A Mighty Fortress is our God
A Sacred refuge is your name
Your kingdom is shakeable
With you forever we will reign
We will keep our eyes on You
We will keep our eyes on You
So we can set our hearts on You
Lord, we will set our hearts on You
A Mighty Fortress is our God
A Sacred refuge is your name
Your kingdom is unshakeable
With you forever we will reign
With you forever we will reign
With you forever we will reign
Our God is a consuming fire,
A burning holy flame with holy and freedom
I love the passage where it says that "GOD is jealous for HIS own, none can comprehend HIS love and HIS mercy, Our GOD is exalted, upon HIS throne, High above the heavens, forever HE is worthy. " GOD is jealous for me, and HE is jealous for you...think of that, none can comprehend HIS love and HIS mercy. I love to think of that, HIS love and HIS mercy for me, so much that HE gave HIS SON to die for my sins.
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
This Sunday, the day we're singing "Praise HIM with Psalms" is April the third. According to my CHRISTian History devotion book, that is the very day that JESUS died on the cross for your sins and mine. According to my Ryrie Study Bible that I bought right after the LORD saved me, April 3, 1982 is the day that JESUS saved me from my sins...wow, "no one can comprehend HIS love and HIS mercy," but I sure am understanding it more with each passing day..."the longer I serve HIM the sweeter HE grows."
Please come and join us this Sunday night as we "Praise HIM with Psalms," at 6:15 p.m. at First Baptist, Athens. We all have so much to Praise HIM for in our lives...and I praise HIM, praise HIM, praise HIM, praise HIM, praise HIM, praise HIM! as one of the songs says that the choir is singing...that's what it says over and over and over...and it says to praise HIM with the "high sounding cymbal," in that same song, and LORD willing, that's what I will be doing Sunday night!
Crystal Sims with her beautifully decorated tablescape. |
If any of you are interested in a video of our Women's Conference, i think I can still order those for $10.00. Just let me know...i just gave you a small, but very important taste of what Linda Evans Shepherd shared with us...keeping our eyes focused on JESUS, and how very, very much JESUS loves you and me. I have enclosed a few pictures of the beautifully decorated tables our ladies did for the wonderful lunch that was also cooked by our ladies, Jackie Jackson, Jennie Chandler, Helen Greenhaw, Alma Hooper and I'm not sure who else..i am so touched by the "Willing Hearts" and "Growing Hearts," ladies of our church. They are examples of truly having servant's hearts to glorify the LORD in whatever they do. And, the men of the church served the wonderful meal so... you gotta come next year, and be a part of this very special time in the LORD together! I love you and thank GOD for each one of you...and I thank you, JESUS, for helping me write this email with a full heart, and an empty brain...YOU are so faithful to do what we cannot! "My grace is sufficient for you for MY power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will gladly boast about my weaknesses that the power of CHRIST may rest upon me." II Cor. 12:9-10
With all HIS love,
"Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of GOD."
"The pathway to true joy is to relinquish control." Nancy Leigh DeMoss,www.reviveourhearts.com
"Whoever wants to save his life will loose it, but whoever loses his life for ME will find it." Matt. 16:25

"If I accomplish one goal in my life, if nothing else gets done, this is the one thing that really matters to me-this is my highest goal and my number one priority: to live in the presence of the LORD, to look on HIS beauty, and to learn from HIM."Nancy Leigh DeMoss, www.reviveourhearts.com
"One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in HIS temple." Psalm 27:4
"Where YOUR Glory Dwells"
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