"Henry" our latest addition |
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
It's been a couple of weeks since i written you, not for lack of material to write about, but a lack of focus and concentration on my part. I am in the throes of "Menopaws," and it's really been a challenge to me and my thinking is one area that i've been challenged. Overall, i have to trust that GOD is sovereign, and when i can't write, it's just not time for me to write.
Thank you so much for your kind words about having our cat "Peach" put to sleep, . Peach had suffered with cancer for several months and was very weak and wobbly when i decided it was time for her to no longer suffer http://mitzi-hisgraceissufficient.blogspot.com/2012/05/just-give-me-jesus.html. I cried most of the day I had it done, but later on that night i started thinking about getting a new kitten. I never thought my husband would agree to it, but surprisingly he did. He's not a cat lover, but he puts up with them, because he loves us. He said "yes," when i asked him and when i told Hannah Beth she was so excited. She said, "You've got to wait til i get home from school so we can pick it out together. " I never dreamed how much my adult children wanted to have a kitten too, so we planned to all go together to pick out my "Mother's Day," kitten. Hannah Beth and I went to our local animal shelter, and she played with several of the kittens there. We visited a lady who had a whole back porch full of cute little kittens, and a black and white striped one looked just like one of my favorite cats i had when i was growing up.
The black and white one would have been my pick but John Mac wasn't with us, and we couldn't pick it out without him. From there we went on to the Huntsville Animal shelter to meet my son after work and he and Hannah Beth both decided on the same kitten, amazingly. We had prayed the LORD would show us the right kitten for our family, and He did. The little guy wasn't my pick, in fact, he was the last one i was attracted to, with his light colored hair and greyish blue eyes, but my kids both were drawn to the friendly and playful little kitten. While we were there, there was another little long haired kitten that my kids liked. Dad had just agreed to one kitten, and so when they saw the other kitten, i told John Mac to go out and call Daddy and see if we could have two.
My son and daughter with the long haired kitten |
In the meantime, HB, set the long haired kitten down beside her and a young couple that was there also looking to adopt a kitten, reached down, and picked up the long haired kitten and took it to be adopted. Looking at my daughter's incredulous and disappointed face, i knew i needed to say something to the couple. I walked in the room where the kittens are adopted, and i ask them if they really wanted that one, that my son was calling to check with my husband to see if they could get it. After a few minutes of quiet deliberation, the couple gave the kitten back to Hannah Beth. In a minute the supervisor came over to see what was going on. We explained what happened to her. I was really proud of my daughter, and the work CHRIST is doing in her heart, as she decided to give the kitten back to the couple who also wanted it. I know that was hard for her, because the kitten reminded her of "Peach's" sister we had several years ago that was hit by a car and had to be put to sleep. We went ahead and "adopted," the original little kitty they picked out and debated about getting another one, but decided to wait. At 4:00 o'clock the next morning when Hannah Beth was up with our "new addition," she said she was really glad we didn't have two kittens. Thank you, LORD for healing that wound real fast!
We've been enjoying "Little Henry" our new little kitten, and Hannah Beth sure did hate to leave him to head back to school last week. She has wanted me to send her pictures of him, so i have been texting her pictures back and forth all week of all the things "Henry" is into. He is a busy little fellow, and keeps "Troy" our Maltipoo on his toes. I think "Troy" likes him, but Troy is not too keen on sharing all his "stuff" with "Henry."
Henry helping me fold clothes |
One night i dropped a cherry tomato on the floor and "Henry" was playing with it. Troy promptly went over and picked up the tomato and put it into his bed. The tomato wasn't Troy's "stuff," but he laid claim to it...if he thought it was going to be safe in his bed, he better think twice. One of "Henry's" favorite places to nap is in Troy's bed! The maddest i've heard Troy get at Henry is when Henry tried to crawl in the bed with Troy already in his bed. He let "Henry" have it and chased him out of the kitchen...enough is enough! I guess i'm going to have to get "Henry" a bed of his own.
Troy and Henry learning to love each other |
We're having a lot of fun around here with "Henry" and "Troy" learning to get along with each other...reminds me a lot of our family learning to get along with each other. Just as "Troy" is having to learn to share his toys and space "Henry" is having to learn his boundaries, and what not to chew on. Yesterday, he was playing with my husband's ear buds and chewed one of the wires into...not a good thing to do if you want to stay inside "Henry!"
Learning to Get Along |
You would think by now, that our family would have this thing of getting along together down pat, but just like Troy and "Henry" are working through their own issues, so our family has to work at our relationships too. It's not all fun and living happily ever after...in fact we step on each others toes and feelings quiet often and we have to humble ourselves and ask forgiveness. I have to confess to you that having two men in the house, and me going through menopause, with all kinds of crazy things going on in my body, it's not always a pretty site. I got so upset with my son and husband on my husband's birthday a couple of days ago, that i just left the house. The LORD led me to the park uptown, where i just sat there by the fountain in the big pond, and I began to read a book about menopause by Dr. John Lee, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause." My doctor, Dr. Katherine Henry, recommended Dr. Lee's book to me, and now i am understanding why. As i read, i sure saw myself in it with the symptoms and all that i've been having. It was a real encouragement to me that maybe some of the craziness my body was going through would eventually calm back down. Low energy, not being able to concentrate or think, irritability, allergic reactions to supplements i used to be able to take freely, are all things that have been where i've been walking the past several months since i had to get off my thyroid medicine. The book was a great blessing to me as it help me to understand how very important it is to use Progesterone Cream that my doctor put me on several years ago. Unfortunately, i had the bright idea of leaving off my Progesterone Cream the week Hannah Beth was home and suffice it to say i learned the hard way the importance of using my Progesterone Cream. I will be turning 50 this month, and have gained almost 15 pounds since Christmas, and it's finally dawning on me, I am in the "throes," of "Menopaws." Last year, i remembering thinking, i am not going to have to much trouble with this "Menopaws" stuff. Wrong....those are famous last words. For almost a year now, i've been trying to get back on track before i got allergic to my thyroid medicine and have been unable to find something to replace it at this time. One of the things i learned reading the book is that when your progesterone gets low, and you become estrogen dominant, you become more allergic to things...that's just one of the reason's i've read to stay on that natural Progesterone!
By the way, our new little kitty was named after my doctor, Dr. Katherine Henry, who has helped me so much on this journey through the wilderness. She has gently suggested supplements and all the right things my body needs and i am so grateful to GOD for her patience with me. Dr. Henry loves cats and and i wanted to name our little kitty in honor of her.
By the way, our new little kitty was named after my doctor, Dr. Katherine Henry, who has helped me so much on this journey through the wilderness. She has gently suggested supplements and all the right things my body needs and i am so grateful to GOD for her patience with me. Dr. Henry loves cats and and i wanted to name our little kitty in honor of her.
As our preacher preached on Luke 4 this morning about JESUS being led into the wilderness by the HOLY SPIRIT, i was comforted by those words. JESUS was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, and GOD is still using the HOLY SPIRIT to lead our pathways into a "wilderness." GOD was there with JESUS in the wilderness and so was satan. Satan tempted JESUS in HIS weakened condition to turn the rock into bread, by offering HIM kingdoms of the world (that were already JESUS' kingdoms), and by tempting HIM to do a miracle and throw himself off the top of the temple and let the angels protect HIM. In each case JESUS, combatted Satan's temptations with the word of GOD and JESUS was victorious through HIS wilderness experience and did not sin.
I am in the "wilderness" right now with my health and i ask you to pray for me to be paitent with the process that GOD is leading me through, and use HIS WORD to combat the temptation to give way to irritability, fear, and anger. I get frustrated and discouraged. I am walking down memory lane, experiencing symptoms i had several years ago, and realizing things my doctor has gently been trying to teach me through the years that are symptoms of menopause. She even sent me a little book, a couple of years ago, called "Menopaws," and it is illustrated by different pictures of cats throughout the book who are going through the "symptoms," and "solutions," of menopause. It's really a humorous way, which i need, to look at "Menopaws," which has not been too funny to me. Funny, i couldn't relate to some of it when she sent it a couple of years ago, but it's making a lot more sense now...like GOD has given me a greater understanding.
HE does that through our "wilderness" experiences, and though it seems dark walking through them, HE promises that "weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning!" I'm looking forward to that joy...can i hear an "Amen!" I am also realizing He is building compassion and wisdom in me to help others who are going through the same thing.
Speaking of weeping...seems like i've done a lot of that lately, I had an occasion on Mother's Day to have a greater understanding of that verse about weeping and joy. After church, i went down to the restaurant to join the rest of my family to work for Mother's Day. That usually is one of our busiest days of the year, and this year was no exception. It was really a blessing to be able to work alongside the rest of my family. Several years i was in Dallas being treated on Mother's Day, or else i didn't feel like working, or i went to spend time with my Mom. This year we celebrated Mother's Day earlier in the week with both of our Mom's, so i was able to help my family. After we had worked hard for a few hours, Hannah Beth and I stopped to eat lunch together. She was heading back to Mobile because she has four classes this summer and she is working at Ruby Tuesday's down there. We ate and John Mac sat with us...and when it came time to go, she said i've got to go get something out of the car. I don't know what got into me, but i decided to leave without saying bye to her or John Mac. I was thinking she was coming home to get her things together to take back to school. On the way home, it dawned on me i should have told her bye, and offered to follow her home since it was raining. When i got home, i waited thinking she would be there shortly, and when she didn't come, the thought crossed my mind, she might have got her things together before going to work, and was planning to leave from the restaurant. A sick feeling crossed my mind and i went and opened her door and sure enough, all her things were gone. I immediately called her and she answered and i asked her if she was on the road back to Mobile. She said "yes," and asked me where i was when she came back in. Through heavy sobs, i told her what i did, and i couldn't even talk. I told her i would call her back when i could talk. I hung up the phone, and i began to text her what a terrible mother i was...when i finished, i couldn't pray, i was beside myself, so i called my friend Wanda and was boohooing to her. Wanda couldn't even understand me i was crying so hard. Believe it or not, i don't usually cry very much. About that time, i turned around and standing in my bedroom door was Hannah Beth. I couldn't believe my eyes, and for a minute wondered if i was dreaming. I wonder if this is what the disciples felt like when they saw JESUS alive after HE had been crucified...i cannot began to imagine their joy at that moment. But i do know the joy that GOD gave me, when my little girl was 30 minutes down the road, of a five hour drive, and she turned around to come back and let her Mother say goodby to her. My weeping was instantly turned into joy...Joy, Joy, Joy! I hugged her so tight, and I couldn't believe that she came back. She sacrificed getting back to school much later because she loved me. It was the best Mother's Day gift i could imagine, and my joy was set in a crown of sorrow. How many times does GOD do that to us... HE turns our weeping into joy if we will but look for HIM in all our circumstances and watch what HE does. It doesn't usually happen as fast it did last Sunday, but it was a great reminder to me of how GOD always keeps HIS promises.
My Weeping was turned to Joy! |
Words I read from Charles Spurgeon in Morning and Evening a couple of days ago were a great encouragement to me about the joy that comes after weeping.
Afterward."—Hebrews 12:11.

I appreciate ya'll remembering our family so much...we are so blessed to have my parents and Johnny's Mom still with us and to be able to celebrate Mother's Day and show them our appreciation to them who poured out their lives for us and continue to. We will never be able to thank them enough for all they have done for us and for their prayers for us.
I have included a song that was sung at our Mother's Day service at our church by one of our sweet young families, the Glaze family. It reminds me of my Mother's love and her faithfulness to pray for me and my job to keep praying for my children no matter how old they are:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSi_WPxqfDc&feature=youtu.be. Thank you, Mother, for praying for me.
I have included a song that was sung at our Mother's Day service at our church by one of our sweet young families, the Glaze family. It reminds me of my Mother's love and her faithfulness to pray for me and my job to keep praying for my children no matter how old they are:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSi_WPxqfDc&feature=youtu.be. Thank you, Mother, for praying for me.
Our dear Mother's, mine on the right and Johnny's on the left |
Mom gave me some money to go and buy something new for church and it touched me so much. Johnny's Mom keeps me clothed in her hand me downs and has since we got married. Before the grandkids came along...i got new stuff:). I am so blessed since i don't like to shop and it's difficult for me with my allergies.
We celebrated my husband's 55th birthday yesterday with his side of the family. My niece, Corinne, just graduated from Indiana University and will begin pharmacy school in Memphis in the fall. She really grew in her relationship with CHRIST through the Navigator ministry while she was there, and invested much of her time witnessing and helping others grow in their relationship with CHRIST. I am so thankful for all that GOD is doing in her life.
Celebrating My Husband's Birthday
On my side of the family, my nephew, Nicholas is graduating from his CHRISTian high school out there in Sugar Land, Texas, and we are so thankful for GOD helping him to reach this milestone in his life. He is planning to attend the University of Houston, i believe, in the fall. Nicholas just received his Eagle Scout, the third in his family to do so...so thankful for GOD's goodness in their lives to help him do this.
Congratulations to both my niece and my nephew and their parents for this milestone the LORD has enabled them to accomplish in their lives! HE has been so very good and so very faithful to our families, and we thank HIM and praise HIM...apart from HIM we can't do anything.
This morning at church during our Graduation Recognition service they played the beautiful song sung "You Raise Me Up," sung by Selah http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DorNUsi5LE&feature=related.
It was a comforting reminder that GOD is the ONE WHO gives us the grace to accomplish anything that we do...we are nothing on our own. It is HIS tender mercies that reminds us that we are weak, and HE is the ONE WHO raises us up when we are dead in our sins, and when we are going through wilderness experiences in our lives.
It was a comforting reminder that GOD is the ONE WHO gives us the grace to accomplish anything that we do...we are nothing on our own. It is HIS tender mercies that reminds us that we are weak, and HE is the ONE WHO raises us up when we are dead in our sins, and when we are going through wilderness experiences in our lives.
If you've never trusted HIM to be your LORD and SAVIOR, i invite you to do that right now, as you read this. Confess your sins of pride, adultry, selfishness, envy, jealousy, hatred, whatever they may be to the LORD, and ask HIM to forgive you, and cleanse you. "If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that HE is LORD, then you will be saved." Romans 10:9. HE loves us so much and HE died so that HE could Raise Us Up to be more than we can be in CHRIST JESUS.
Please remember the family of Noah Crowe in your prayers. Little Noah, 4 years old, won his battle with cancer this past Friday and went to be with his Savior. You can read about his heartrending journey at www.prayfornoah.com.
Thank you for spending this time with me...and letting this addle brain do it's best to share the lessons and blessings the LORD has poured out upon my family these past couple of weeks and letting me share our new kitten with you. Thank you for sharing your joys and sorrows with me and giving me the privilege to pray for you and encourage you in the "wilderness" places the SPIRIT has led you into...whether it's "menopaws," or any number of the places GOD leads us...HE is there to strengthen us with HIS WORD, with HIS presence, with HIS comfort and peace...and then, to keep HIS promises that "Weeping may endure for the night, but joy, joy, joy comes in the morning!" Psalm 30:5
With all HIS love,

"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"JESUS SAVES" Prestonwood Baptist Church
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