"Greater love hath no man than this that one lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
A friend shared the email below with me over the weekend, and i wanted to share it with you. It makes you think about what Memorial Day weekend is REALLY about...remembering those who have given their lives so we might be able to worship freely, send emails like this one, go where we want to, and all the things that we often take for granted. We all know these freedoms are under attack through our own government sadly that others have given their lives to win and maintain for us.
The LORD brought a new friend into my life this spring, and her son, Adam, a Marine, was killed by a sniper in Iraq in 2007 serving our country. Sharing her grief has opened my eyes to the great loss that she and others who have given their husbands, wives, sons, daughters, and loved ones feel each and every day, long after we have forgotten. Please take time to remember, Adam's Mom and family, and all those who have given their loved ones that we might be free.
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Adam as a little guy... |
Adam Collins...the face of the cost of our freedom
GOD knows the grief that these families feel for HE gave HIS SON that we might be free from our sins and experience abundant and eternal life forever. JESUS CHRIST laid down HIS life to set us free. May we never, ever forget HIS sacrifice for us and tell others about HIM that they too may share in HIS great salvation.
We sang this beautiful song, "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone," by John Newton, and Chris Tomlin at church yesterday during our service that honored those who had given their lives for us...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8YRapsaRfE. "Amazing Grace," GOD's never ending love that JESUS has for us never gets old to think about, to share, to sing it, and proclaim HIS praises. Thank YOU, JESUS, for giving your life for me that i might be set be free from my sins and enjoy freedom in YOU to love others unconditionally, to forgive those who trespass against me, to be forgiven by YOU and not feel condemned. THANK YOU, JESUS for YOUR GREAT sacrifice! May every day be "Memorial Day," remembering what YOU have done for us. Thank YOU for YOUR "Amazing Grace," each and every day to me...thank YOU, for your GREAT sacrifice. I love you, JESUS...
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Today is Johnny and my 29th wedding anniversary! Praise GOD, for my dear husband who has loved me through thick and thin, and laid down his life for me and our family each and every day. Praise GOD for HIS amazing grace to give us 29 years together. I hope to write more about him and GOD's faithfulness soon...
I love ya'll and pray you have a wonderful Memorial Day remembering those who have given their lives for us.
With all HIS love,
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