"The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing." Isaiah 51:3
Dana and Zach after he was taken away Friday |
First i want to up date you on my friend Dana and her son Zach that i have asked you to pray for this past Friday. The state has taken Zach away from Dana and her husband at this time. It was devastating to hear the news that Dana's sister posted on Friday afternoon on Bring Zach Home:
Zach has been taken from Dana.
It is evident that was the plan all along and nothing we could have done would have stopped it.
Zach cried and cried into Dad's lap and we whispered prayers into his ear as he left.
Corruption and rule the day.
If there is a positive it is that he is out of foster care. We will pray that God protects Zach until we can get him back. And we will.
Please pray for Dana.
The picture tells it all, and I ask you to continue to pray for my friend Dana and her family during this very difficult time. Dana grew up on the street behind us, in our same church, and she used to come over when the kids were little and play with John Mac and Hannah Beth. In fact, Dana was about the same age as Zach, when she would come over and be such a big help to me....she was one of GOD's angels to help me. I watched Dana grow up, along with her sisters, both of them Crimsonettes at the U of Alabama. I'm sure Dana could have been if she wanted. Dana was a great softball pitcher and she later became a majorette like her sisters at our local high school Her Dad used to diligently work with her in the backyard pitching, as Zach's Dad was doing to get ready for family vacation with their family here in Alabama. Zach was being disrespectful to his Daddy while they were pitching, and his Daddy was spanking him for that. The media blew it all out of proportion and said that he was being spanked for dropping the ball and that is not true.
I don't know where they took Zach because they haven't shared that information. Getting their son back is one major trial. Her husband who was caught on camera spanking their son in the backyard, lost his job as an elected official, had to post a $100,000 dollars bail, and is facing a jury trial for the charges of child abuse brought against him. Talk about life turning upside down in a hurry. In Dana's sorrow for her son, she has not even mentioned the other trials they are facing. Her Mother's heart longs for her son to be back in her loving arms. Please pray diligently for her. She shared on FB that all of this is making her physically sick, yet her hope in GOD, and she is trying to trust HIM that HE is sovereign in these affairs, and clings to the hope that GOD will restore her son to her.
There are several cases in the Bible the LORD keeps bringing to my heart of being unjustly treated and the latest i read this morning was that of the apostle Paul in the book of Acts. He was struck by a high priest, and he said something disrespectful to the high priest. When he realized who he was, he apologized, and he submitted to the governing authorities. Time after time, GOD delivered Paul from impossible circumstances such as when he and Silas were in jail singing and praising GOD. GOD sent an earthquake to deliver them and Paul didn't run. Instead he told the jailer not to be afraid and the jailer came to know CHRIST as his LORD and SAVIOR, along with his family. GOD used Paul right where he was, in the midst of the life threatening circumstances he was in, to the lead the jailer to a saving relationship with CHRIST JESUS. See Acts 16:16-40 for the full story.
The other person that keeps coming to my mind over and over was Joseph in the Old Testament. He was certainly treated unjustly by his brothers when they sold him into slavery, Potiphar's wife falsely accused him of wanting to have sex with her, and Joseph was thus thrown into prison for many years. Of course we know what happened, one day GOD released Joseph from prison by way of Pharaoh having a troublesome dream, and the forgotten Joseph (not forgotten by GOD) was suddenly called up from his prison cell to Pharoah's throne room. His time had come to be released from captivity after many long years of prison and being separated from his family to fulfill the role of being second in command over all of Egypt and delivering the people from the famine that was coming.
The greatest example of someone treated unjustly is that of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. The "mock" trial that He was thrust before in the middle of the night was as unjust as any trial could be for our perfect spotless SAVIOR, yet HIS sacrifice at the hands of this angry mob, who beat him to a pulp and crucified him on a wood tree was all a part of GOD's perfect plan for our redemption and salvation.
Oftentimes we forget in the midst of the crucible that GOD is sovereign, HE is in control, working out HIS plan of salvation, redemption and deliverance for our lives. Just now i am reminded of Queen Esther, and Ruth, and the prostitute who hid the Jewish spies, and in turn, Rahab's life was spared and she is in the lineage of JESUS, along with Ruth. GOD is still in the delivering and saving business and HE has not forgot my precious friend Dana, her husband, nor her boys. HE has asked all of us to trust HIS heart where we can't trace HIS hand. HE is working out HIS plan through these circumstances that HE is "engineering" as Oswald Chambers shares, as painful as they may be.
"All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness." Hebrews 12:11
When i read the words that Dana's sister shared that Zach had been taken away from Dana, i was stunned like everyone else. I had heard this was a very real possibility, but was praying the LORD would deliver Zach back to her. Later on, Friday afternoon, I wrote Dana the words below in response to hers:
Dana Grammer Sanchez
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Zach and his baby brother |
Mitzi Fowler Evans
Dear Precious Dana, the LORD JESUS knows your loving heart to pour out your life for your boys. HE is not asleep, nor slumbers, but is quietly caring out HIS plan behind the scenes. He loves you and could have moved the authorities to return Zach back to your loving arms today but for some reason HE didn't. We offer to HIM the sacrifice of praise for HIS love, HIS ways that are higher than ours, and HIS grace that is more than sufficient to meet Zach's needs and all of yours. We thank HIM for the victory that is ours in CHRIST JESUS and that HE always leads us in triumph! It wasn't the outcome we had hoped and prayed for but God's will will be done. LORD help Dana to trust in you with all of her heart and not lean on her own understanding...thank you, LORD JESUS YOU are all powerful, all knowing, and you truly work all things together for good to those who love YOU including these circumstances. I love you sweet Dana....
GOD does have a plan, a plan for good and not for evil and HE asks us to trust HIM and obey in times of our heart's deepest distress. The LORD brought to my mind the Greene's song, "When GOD Has Another Plan," as i was thinking about Dana. Many of you recall my friend Tony Greene who died almost three years ago after a long fight with kidney disease. Tony, Taranda's wife, donated her kidney for Tony, and we all thought Tony was going to be okay. He began to have some complications several months down the road, and died suddenly a little over a year after transplant. We were all shocked and stunned. Tony and Taranda were singing this song, "When GOD Has Another Plan," and it became the number 1 southern gospel song the month Tony went to be with JESUS. Taranda, Tony's wife, sings this beautiful song and reminds us through the story of Joseph that GOD indeed often has another plan for our lives than the one we envision. HE asks us to trust HIM as HIS plan unfolds in our lives and the lives of those around us. Watch and listen to Taranda sing this beautiful and most encouraging song, "When GOD Has Another Plan" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBEwYQFjD-I.
Thank you so much for praying for my friend Dana and her dear family and please continue. I don't know what the next step is as far as trying to get Zach back but the biggest thing we can do is to be faithful to pray for our brothers and sisters in CHRIST JESUS. GOD is strengthening her and her family, to go through this wearisome desert. HE will give them the grace they need for each minute, every hour that drags by, and each day, and HE will somehow turn their weeping into joy.
For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joycometh in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Our family had the wonderful blessing of going on our longest ever vacation, six days, this past week, and GOD was so ever faithful to supply all of our needs in CHRIST JESUS. Whenever you travel with me, there are specific needs for my environment to be one that i can stay in...and the house we stayed in in Gulf Shores was really good for me. I had my own loft upstairs, and slept out under the stars for most of the vacation to the sound of the ocean waves....what a wonderful place to reflect on the Majesty and the Glory of our Creator.
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My view from my "bedroom" each morning |
My bedroom... such a wonderful window to GOD's creation! |
Where we stayed was part of a Bird Sanctuary and Wildlife Refuge...there were tons of great blue herons, sea gulls, pelicans, and i'm not sure what all other kinds of birds there were flying around. There were some the tamest foxes i've ever seen living in the neighbor's garage. One night we came back to the house, and two foxes meandered across the road. After they left, the neighbor's two cats came out of the bushes. The neighbor later told me that her cats and the foxes get along!
Great Blue Heron on the Beach |
It was such a special blessing to all be together as a family before our son starts medical school in just a few days.
I am asking you to please pray for him as he transitions to this next season of life the LORD has for him. He and his fiance have been busy moving his things into his apartment in Birmingham, along with my husband, and slowly but surely his room is emptying out here. He is sleeping in Hannah Beth's bed now, while she is away at college. Hannah Beth drove over from nearby Mobile and was able to spend all but one night with us on vacation as she had class on Saturday. When she returned, she brought two friends with her, and we had a great time with them, going out to eat at the Hang Out, going out for yogurt, riding go courts while us old folks, me and Johnny went back to the house (that's the night we saw the foxes). The next day, we had a big breakfast, devotion, and went to hang out at the beach. It was fun laying out together, and playing in the ocean.
The waves about beat me to death though...
That afternoon we went shopping at the outlet mall at Foley and then ate together at Lambert's before Hannah Beth's two friends had to return to Mobile. It was amazing how the male waiters handing out food at Lambert's hoovered over our table during our meal:).
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Eating at Lambert's |
The next morning my son and I went to a state park where we walked down the beach together. It was nothing around except a deserted boat, and campsite, sand dunes, sand, and the ocean.
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Deserted boat on the beach |
It was a special time to get to be with my son who went on an eight mile walk the first day and got sunburned and had to stay in for two days. Believe me, he lathered on the sunscreen next time we went out....he learned a painful lesson.
The amazing thing about this trip is once again the LORD came through so strong for me in my weakness. I continue to struggle with low thyroid and haven't been able to take anything regularly for it. The LORD put it in my mind to try a little iodine, and Thyrotrophin that my doctor has recommended in the past. JESUS enabled me to take it, and be able to be on more of an even keel for our family vacation. I was also struggling with back issues to the point i was afraid to go on vacation. The LORD also helped me with that and i was able to do so many things with my family and serve them cooking and washing and being Mom. I am so grateful to HIM for HIS grace and tender mercies. JESUS never fails...though HE often makes us wait until the eleventh hour. Once again, HIS grace was sufficient and HIS power made perfect in my weakness. When the kids were little, my friend Dana, who was her son's age now, went with us on "vacation" to nearby Joe Wheeler State Park to help me with the kids. I was too sick to go very far. I am thankful the LORD has strengthened me to go many places since that time with my family and HIS grace has been sufficient in my weakness through the years. Some trips have been easier than others, but through it all, GOD has strengthened me and helped me every step of the journey.
I love you all and thank you for your continued prayers for my friend Dana and her family, and for our family. Added today: After talking with Terry last night, I can't fathom the depth of the pain Dana is going through with her family being seemingly torn apart. They love one another so much...their family was all on vacation in Alabama when Zach had to go back to California and was taken away from them and put in foster care. What a sweet, sweet reunion it is going to be when GOD delivers them and brings them all back together. Please, please pray for them and pray they will get to enjoy many, many more special times together as a family.
Hannah Beth will be beginning her senior year in a few weeks in nursing school and she will be beginning a new job there on campus at the coffee shop. Hopefully, she will be able to study when she is not making coffee. She loves to go to Starbucks and study so this sounds perfect for her. As i shared, John Mac starts med school at UAB on July 30 and gets married on Dec. 27. Lots of changes for this young man...and our family. Please pray for him as GOD shapes and molds him to accomplish HIS plans through John Mac's life. Please pray for Johnny and i as we continue to deal with our health issues. I sure would like to be rid of them, but realize that through these trials, GOD continues to teach me HIS great faithfulness in my weakness, and lessons that are helpful to me are GOD's way of bringing help to others who are struggling along the same road as i am. LORD help me be patient with this process, and use me in this place to bring glory and honor to YOU. As you are praying, please remember to pray for the families affected by the shooting in Colorado. I read on Joel Rosenburg's blog there were 33 members of the same church there that night. He is encouraging the pastors of America to fast and pray on Wednesday night for our country.... http://flashtrafficblog.wordpress.com/. Please feel free to forward his blog to your pastor and ask your congregation to join with others in praying for our country.
Thank you all for sharing your prayer request with me...i count it an honor and a privilege to pray for you and your loved ones. JESUS loves you so much, and I do too.
With all HIS love,
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