Frankie our "crossing guard" with June Grantham |
"AH LORD GOD! Behold , thou hast made the heaven and the earth by THY great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for THEE!" Jeremiah 32:17
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
This week, we had Vacation Bible School at our church and it was an amazing week for me. It wasn't amazing because i felt so wonderful, i didn't, or did a great job nursing, i didn't, but it was amazing just the way the LORD brought it all together and used common folks like me filled with HIS power to do extra ordinary work for HIM. There was nothing "out of the ordinary," except for the fact that GOD works through the common, the weak, and the crippled, and HIS grace is sufficient and HIS power is made perfect in our weakness, and "Little is much, when GOD is in it!"
27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not —to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.I Cor. 1:27-29
27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not —to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.I Cor. 1:27-29
A few weeks ago in church, they shared at the end of the service that they needed help with VBS and one of the needs they listed was a nurse for VBS. I really felt tugged to volunteer for that even though we have the school nurse for the city schools in our church, an emergency room nurse in our church, and at least two other nurses who are currently working at Dr.'s offices. I am by far the least qualified to be the nurse, but it seems that's who GOD delights in using, the weakest, so HE gets the glory. When i asked Br. David if anyone had volunteered yet, he said no, so i told him i would like to and he seemed happy about that....i told him there was one little stipulation and that was i needed to be outside most of the time. He said that would be okay, i could set up my little station outside and he suggested i do it beside "Frankie" so i could watch "Frankie," while i was being the nurse. I said sure...that would be fine.
"Frankie," is a man in our church who probably has cerebral palsy. I'm not sure, i've never heard his official diagnosis, i just know "Frankie," has always been a part of First Baptist Church as long as we've been going there, off and on for almost 30 years. "Frankie" has always sat up front, and he told me this week, it's because his granddaddy told him to when he first started going to church a long time ago. "Frankie," is around 73, and he is confined to a wheelchair. In his younger days, he walked with a limp, wore overalls, rode his three wheeled bicycle around town, and ALWAYS helped the children cross the street at Vacation Bible School, by holding up a wooden, red "STOP" sign while they crossed the street safely. Though "Frankie," is no longer able to do that, the kind men in our church continue to pick him up at the nursing home now, and bring "Frankie," so he can watch the children, eat snacks, and be a part of Vacation Bible School, still standing post at the crosswalk like he has for the past umpteen years, though he has to sit now.
Monday morning when i got to VBS, there was "Frankie," sitting by himself across the street. I began setting up my card table, and little nurse's table by him in the shade. It wasn't long before Audry and Denise, a mother and daughter joined me there with Frankie. Audry and Denise ride the church bus and they have some challenges too. We were a good fit for one another...we all had challenges and were not able to keep up with everyone else, like Josh in "The Crippled Lamb," but GOD had us in just the right place to serve him and bring glory to HIM.
I was still setting up my table Monday and about to put up my tattered poster i had made for Backyard Bible Club, that says,"First Aid JESUS SAVES on it." I was apologizing for how it looked and was planning to make another one but hadn't had been able to yet, when Denise said the split in it reminded her of the veil that was torn in two at the temple when JESUS died on the Cross. When she said that i thought no way am i making another sign...this one has meaning. That was the first of many TRUTH's i was amazed that came out of Denise's mouth this week. As we sat there and talked, Denise who is 23, told me that she sings, "You are My Sunshine" to her Mom every night when she goes to bed and tucks her in and kisses her on the cheek. I asked Denise to sing it for me, and she did, just like she did at night, singing it to her Mom, and then kissed her on the cheek. It was the sweetest thing, and melted my heart.
There were several moments like that during the week when Denise would just be there to minister to her Mom's needs. All of the sudden it was as if Denise would realize her Mom was sad or not feeling well, and she would go to her and hug her, and pat her, and love her. You know they may be challenged in some areas, but in other areas, the ones that really count, they are light years ahead of most of us...
Sweet Denise and her Mother, Audry |
There were several moments like that during the week when Denise would just be there to minister to her Mom's needs. All of the sudden it was as if Denise would realize her Mom was sad or not feeling well, and she would go to her and hug her, and pat her, and love her. You know they may be challenged in some areas, but in other areas, the ones that really count, they are light years ahead of most of us...
As the morning went on, Audry and Denise volunteered to help the kids cross the street, and did a great job. We got pretty warm so we decided to move across the street in the doorway of the church where it was much cooler and we were comfortable there most of the week.
Audry helping the children cross the street |
On Wednesday, i felt lead to "expand" my nursing station. I had already been putting out "Chick" tracts, all week on my card table for the kids to come by and pick up, but on Weds. i took my rod and reel, my tackle box, and a great big stuffed catfish. Above the table i had a poster i had made a couple of years ago that said, "Follow Me and i will make you fishers of men." Matt. 4:19. I made a sign that said "Free Tracts, Take One," and that day the kids really started picking up the tracts. I had ordered a sample pack, along with one tract in particular GOD really used in my life to convict me growing up called, "This Was Your Life." You can read that powerful little tract here I was really thankful the LORD allowed the tracts to get here on Monday because i ordered them last week and didn't pay the extra shipping to have them shipped faster. The LORD got them here in plenty of time to get them out to the kids and their parents. Please pray the LORD will use the little tracts to speak to the hearts of those who read them, and many will come to know CHRIST through them.
Nursing Station |
Well, in the midst of bringing all the "Fishing Stuff," Weds. I forgot my nursing bag. I didn't even realize it until i was coming back from the FLC from taking "Frankie" over for his snack, and a little boy was there with his teacher's helper waiting for a band-aid. I looked under the table, in my bag. Thankfully, our Minister of Children's wife, was there, and she said her husband had a first aid kit in his office which had plenty of bandaids and other supplies. As i walked back across the street with the "First Aid" kit, Br. David and Jackie Jackson was coming out the door with a little boy who had fallen on a balance beam and hit himself in a very tender place. Rosalyn Freeman, over the VBS, suggested right away that we call Nadine, the school nurse, and i was all for that. While they were trying to get a hold of Nadine, i sat on the bench with the little guy, and started asking him some questions. His teacher went for a cool cloth, and by the time Nadine arrived, she was teaching in another class, he was feeling much better and said he wasn't in any pain. Nadine suggested we put ice on the place, and after we took him to the bridal room for privacy, she called his Mom. Of course, i forgot my ice pack that day too, so i had to go to the FLC to get that...but i stayed with the little guy while Nadine place the ice pack on the outside of his shorts. Since Nadine was done with her teaching duties for the day, and i had Frankie and Denise and Autry outside, i deferred to Nadine to wait for his Mom to come and i said i would come back and check on them. When i came back, there was another little boy who had broken out in hives. In the meantime, the little boy who had gotten hurt on the balance beam Mom came, and they decided to take him to the emergency room just to make sure everything was okay. Thankfully, he was actually hit on the inside of his leg. While Nadine called the little guy who had broke out in hives Mom, I went back out to check on Frankie. I sat down on the cooler and was trying to write up a report about the other little guy getting hurt. I went in to ask Nadine if it was ok, and they said she had gone to the car to get her stethoscope ( i forgot that too that day-it was in my bag!). A little guy had been eating his snack when he started having chest pains and trouble getting deep breaths. Nadine listened to his chest and his lungs were clear she said. She called his Mom on my phone...Nadine had left hers upstairs. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who forgot something that day! I had to go back out and check on my class, and I think the little guy was okay. I honestly don't remember if they took him to the doctor or not. He was part of the preschool program, and i think he just stayed the rest of the day.
Our "Class"-Frankie, Audry, and Denise |
It was very humbling for me to forget my bag that day...real humbling, but i am so thankful the LORD had Nadine there and available to take over the harder cases that i wasn't quiet sure how to deal with. Nadine was so helpful and i learned a lot what i could and couldn't do as a nurse. She always calls the parents to give them a heads up, like she encouraged me to the next day when a little girl got sick at her stomach and had a headache. I really learned a lot from her and the LORD knew i needed her help and HE supplied it. That evening is when i wrote ya'll and ask you to pray that no one else would get hurt the rest of the week, or have chest pains or break out in hives and they didn't. Beyond a couple of kids having headaches and nausea, and a little scrape on a knee, the rest of the week was very calm as far as they nursing went, and i remembered to bring my bag the rest of the week! GOD answered your prayers, thank you so much!
When i forgot my bag, i got to thinking about what it feels like to not be equipped to do your job that GOD gives you. I had set up a table that said, "Follow you and I will make you fishers of men." My main job was to "Be a Fisher of Children," through being available as a nurse to them and i had forgotten my bag, and was not equipped to take care of them. I got to thinking about the verse,
"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;" I Peter 3:15
I felt really badly not to be equipped with even a simple thing as a band aid that morning, but how much worse is it not to be ready and equipped to share the HOPE that lies within us. Sometimes, often times i am too preoccupied with my own concerns that i don't realize the opportunities that GOD has given me to share a word of encouragement, or a cup of cool water (as Autry and Denise shared with Frankie as they went and got drinks for him), or share a listening ear, or a drum for Frankie and the kids to bang on...or show interest in a young person whose Mom is in jail such as the LORD brought me this week. There was the nicest young man who helped in VBS this week. Josh really showed an interest in my fishing stuff, and he organized my tackle box for me. As i talked to him, he told me his Mom was in jail. It's just him and his sister and Dad. He liked to fish and I told him i would take him, but then Johnny said it would be better if a man did that. This morning when i went for a walk, i was talking to one of my neighbors that i met this week that goes to our church, and she said her son had gone fishing just yesterday with Comer Beasley, who teaches Josh's age in SS. I called Mr. Beasley tonight and he said he would be glad to give Josh a call. I spoke with Josh this evening and he told me that he accepted CHRIST, just two weeks ago at Whitesburg Baptist Youth camp. This week, he is going to youth camp with West Highland Baptist. He is a special young man, please remember him and his family in your prayers as you read this.
Thankfully, the rest of the week were no medical emergencies as i shared. On Thursday i brought my mandolin, and Denise had fun playing around with it along with Max, a little Down's syndrome guy. I was so touched by the young lady who brought him each day...she had a 10 month baby, and Max was not even her own son, but she loved him like her own and brought him every day.
I had fun too, getting it out and playing. It was amazing to me the soothing effect it seemed to have on Frankie. Thursday evening they had Family night for VBS, and i had really not had a lot of time to think about if i was going or not. I knew Audry and Denise wanted to but the bus wasn't running, and i just didn't know if i would feel up to it. I didn't...but i called our Children's Minister and he said that they could sing a couple of songs the next day at the closing assembly. I thought about getting Denise to sing "You Are My Sunshine" to her Mom, but the next day, we decided to sing, "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone," and "Jesus Loves Me." Frankie, joined in on "JESUS Loves Me," playing the drum. One hand of his is crooked, so he played with his good hand.
Max playing the mandolin |
When i told them the next day we were going to sing, they were so excited. We practiced several times throughout the morning, and when it came time for the closing assembly we got in the sanctuary early. The other kids came in and filled up the place...there was 351 there on Friday, and they were in "high speed"singing the theme song for "Amazing Wonders." It seemed like VBS on steroids! Br. David told us at church this morning that there were 20-25 decisions made for CHRIST! Now that is an "Amazing Wonder!" Praise GOD from WHOM all blessings flow!
VBS Kids Singing "Amazing Wonders" last day... |
I wished we had come in there all week, but it just didn't dawn on me in the midst of getting "Frankie," out to the bus, and getting the kids across the street safely. When it came time for my "class" to sing, Audry and Denise marched up on the podium and came down a few steps so i could be with them playing the djembe on "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone." I told them to think about the words and sing it as unto the LORD, because we were leading the others to worship the LORD. That's what Br. Ryan teaches us in choir, that we are the lead worshippers, "Don't Just Sing, Lead in Worship!" Audry and Denise did a great job, and the children joined in with us on the chorus..."My chains are gone, i've been set free, My GOD my SAVIOR, has ransomed me, and like a flood, HIS mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace." After that we immediately sang "JESUS Loves Me," while Frankie banged the drum with his good hand. The kids really joined in on that one...
It was a great week for me. I learned a lot from Audry and Denise and Frankie. I learned they have a whole lot of love, and are smart and have spiritual discernment that many who are smart in the things of the world don't have. Frankie told me how much he appreciated me helping him and he wants me to do it next year at VBS. Frankie would talk about JESUS dying for us on the cross, and he had a cross drawn on his Etch a Sketch all week. He told me he really enjoyed watching the children, and it blessed me each time a child would take time to say "Hi" to Frankie. It must bless the LORD every time HE sees us being kind to one another, and to those who are "Crippled Lambs," and can't keep up.
I read that book to them this week, "The Crippled Lamb," and i told them why it was so special to me, and that i was like the lamb in the story, i couldn't keep up with everyone else, but GOD has a special place for those of us who can't keep up with everyone else, like Josh, the lamb in the story of "The Crippled Lamb."
Denise read the devotion from Charles Spurgeon below to us on Weds. morning. That was the morning that got so hectic, when i forgot my nursing bag, when several needed a nurse. Audry and Denise had to look after Frankie, and help the kids across the road without me much of the time. It was so timely because they knew they were serving GOD in VBS exactly where GOD had a place for them...and I knew that GOD had made a special place for me to serve HIM this week at VBS.
"Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called."—1 Corinthians 7:20.

It truly was "Amazing Wonders," for this old gal who would love to be able to go on a "Foreign Mission Trip" someday. But like Josh, "The Crippled Lamb," i can't keep up. But GOD has a special place for HIS little "Crippled Lambs," and this week for me, and Frankie, and Autry, and Denise, it was helping the children cross the street safely, going and getting snacks for Frankie, playing and singing music together, and putting a band aid or two on when i didn't forget my bag.
Thank YOU, JESUS for having a place for me at VBS this week to serve was an "Amazing Wonder," and i thank YOU for providing all my needs in CHRIST JESUS, each and every day. Thank YOU for using Frankie, Autry, and Denise to show me YOUR love in a fresh new way that is not bound by physical limitations here on earth, but in fact, magnified through their weaknesses. "My grace is sufficient for you, for MY power is made perfect in weakness." II Cor. 12:9 You truly do "Amazing Wonders," through our common, weak lives JESUS...thank YOU so much for YOUR love for us. I told my husband when he got in from work Friday afternoon that no one had died on my watch this past week, in nursing or crossing the that was an "Amazing Wonder!"
With all HIS love,
Mitzi, this is a WONDERFUL post. Thank you for sharing - and for being so kind and "tuned in" to God's calling!! God bless you!
Mitzi, this is a WONDERFUL post. Thank you for sharing - and for being so kind and "tuned in" to God's calling!! God bless you!
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