Friday, August 27, 2010

"Make My Life a Prayer to You"

"I have been crucified with CHRIST and it is no longer I who live but CHRIST who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the SON of GOD who loved me, and delivered HIMself up for me." Galatians 2:20

"Make My Life a Prayer to You" by Melody Green

Make my life a prayer to You

I wanna do what YOU want me to

No empty words and no white lies

No token prayers no compromise

I wanna shine the light You gave

Thru Your Son You sent to save us

From ourselves and our despair

It comforts me to know You're really there


Well I wanna thank YOU now

For being patient with me

Oh it's so hard to see

When my eyes are on me

I guess I'll have to trust

And just believe what You say

Oh You're coming again

Coming to take me away

I wanna die and let You give

Your life to me so I might live

And share the hope You gave to me

The love that set me free

I wanna tell the world out there

You're not some fable or fairy tale

That I've made up inside my head

You're God the Son and You've risen from the dead

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

I'm having a hard time knowing where to start this week. It seems like a lifetime has passed since i last wrote you...and it sort of has. In the past couple of weeks, I have experienced the depths of despair with the relinquishing of our daughter going away to college, the sweet fellowship of dear old friends and making new ones, the sufficient grace that only GOD can give when you leave your baby at college 5 hours away, the peace to rejoin FBC Athens for the third time in our lives, the joy of seeing and hearing my dear former pastor who married us, preach in a country church revival in Pulaski, Tn, the relief of a great report on a stress test for my husband, enjoying a full moon on the front porch with my husband and the sweet blessings of rekindling our relationship in ways you can only do when you have an "empty nest," and the anguish and sorrow of sitting in a doctor's office with a dear friend when she was told it looks like she has a brain tumor that has spread from other parts of her body. We're celebrating my Mom's 80th birthday tomorrow, with my 48th right around the corner. So, i wasn't exaggerating when I said it seems like a lifetime since i last wrote you.

I will tell you this, your prayers for me and my family have been answered this week. Johnny and I, and John Mac have experienced GOD's grace through your love and kindness and the strength of the LORD. Hannah Beth loves college...just check out her latest status on FB...

Hannah Beth Evans late night work out with friends. I love college.

The neat thing is i love her college too, i just wish it wasn't so far away:). Hannah Beth is going to The University of Mobile, not to be confused with the University of South Alabama which is also in Mobile where my niece graduated from a couple of years ago. HB and i both declared she would never go to school in Mobile after attending my niece's graduation...we lived to eat those words. On the U of M's FB page it says, " The University of Mobile is a Christian university located in Mobile, Alabama, named in "America's Best Christian Colleges" and "America's 100 Best College Buys."

Last Thursday evening after we arrived in Mobile to move Hannah Beth in the next day, we met our dear friends the Hembree's, and Hannah Beth's new roommates parents, the Hetrick's for supper at Outback. I'm sure i made a great first impression as i dashed by Carley's (HB's roommate) parent's as i met them to run inside the restaurant and escape the mosquito truck passing by. We had a wonderful time getting to know them better once we were inside with food in front of us. Carley and her parents are from Atmore, Al where her Dad is captain over the prison guards. Her brother is a prison guard and her Mother is the nurse for the prison. They were like us, having a hard time letting their little girl go off to college. The Hembree's met us there also...a special blessing from the LORD. GOD used our friendship with the Hembree's in a big way to get Hannah Beth to Mobile to college. I was so thankful Linda called us the morning we left to see if we could meet them for supper that made the trip down there a lot easier to know we'd be seeing special friends that evening. Linda Hembree graduated from the University of Mobile and her son Josh is a junior there, and her daughter Emilee is a freshman this year. Linda has returned this year to work on another degree in marriage and family counseling.

After a wonderful evening of fellowship, we moved HB in bright and early the next morning. We sure were thankful to have our niece, Corinne, go down with us to help move Hannah Beth in her dorm. She's the one hugging HB in the picture. Corinne was home on a short break from her studies at Indiana University and what a dear blessing she was to all of us. When we arrived at the dorm, there was a lot of hustle and bustle going on with girls moving in. We met the gal that was over HB's dorm and was so impressed with her...Megan Hunter. Immediately we had a group of students volunteer to help move in HB's stuff. Wow, that was impressive. It didn't take anytime at all to unload her car and ours when you have an army of students helping you.

With Carley's parent's working to move her in, and get her all set up, and Corinne and us helping HB, by lunchtime, the girls looked like they had been living there forever. Johnny made a Walmart run to get necessities for both girls. There room turned out real cozy...i think they got runner up in a contest for the rooms being decorated the best. We saw our former pastor, Br. David Jones in the parking lot helping his girls get moved in. Our kids were friends when they were little and now GOD has brought them back into our lives again. Two of his girls are attending the University of Mobile. Their oldest daughter just graduated from there.

After we got the girls moved in, we enjoyed a delicious lunch in the cafeteria. I guess it was delicious to me cause i was really hungry! It was neat seeing the parents and kids eating together. After lunch, there was a dorm meeting for the students and a parent meeting for us. I kind of got sleepy during the financial part of that meeting, i sure hope Johnny was listening:). The meeting really made me feel better about leaving her there as they shared their vision and desire to help our children grow closer to GOD, and mature them as adults and CHRISTians to be used for GOD to reach the world for CHRIST. The more i learn about the University of Mobile, the more i like it. I know it's not perfect, for sinners live there, just as they do at my house. But i am thankful for the vision and the passion of it's leaders to train young people to love CHRIST and make HIM known to those around them.

As soon as the meeting was over, we met HB at the bookstore where we bought her books for the semester. She and Corinne already had the books together when we got there, so after picking out a couple of t shirts, i got one that says, "University of Mobile Mom" we were ready to check out.

We met HB back at her dorm room where it was time to say goodbye. Carley's parents had already left and they already had their tearful departure. HB cried a little, and i did. It was hard to walk away, but we no sooner had gotten in the car to leave ourselves when Carley and Hannah Beth were headed to her car to go somewhere...beginning their new adventure together.

Hannah Beth and Corinne

Emily Hembree, HB, Carley, Corinne
I'm so glad Corinne was with us...she made the ride home such a blessing...GOD's grace to us. GOD is doing a great work in my niece's life at the Indiana University where she is growing in CHRIST leaps and bounds. She is involved in the Navigator Ministry and really reaching out to Muslims, homosexuals, and sharing CHRIST and HIS love with them. We talked the first half of the trip, having a sweet time of conversing about the things of the LORD, and the second part we listened to Questions and Answer tapes by Dr. John MacArthur. You can download those free, and all of Dr. MacArthur's sermons at When we got home, that was the hard part. Coming home with no Hannah Beth. For me, the first night was the most difficult and i think for Johnny too. He didn't say much, i knew he was hurting just like me...and HB was having the time of her life in Mobile!

Thankfully, GOD's grace has once again proven to be so sufficient. HE has a busy week in store for us, and new adventures for the both of us. You all have been such a blessing to us both, emailing us, calling us, and praying for us to encourage us through this time. It's amazing how GOD began immediately putting a desire in my heart to not only pray for HB while she's away at school, and support her, but the other college students in our church, and those at the U of M. I mentioned this to our pastor's wife, and she said there was a ministry in place at our church for this. Last night i found myself sitting in a support group of Mom's whose kids had just left college! Wow...that was amazing. GOD gave me the desire to pray for the students and here i was in a group of Mom's who felt just like i did. They needed my prayers, as well as our kids...and i need there prayers and support. I was so blessed to glean from the experience of the Mom's there who knew exactly how i was feeling and whose kids have gone down the road a little before us. It's amazing how GOD directs your paths in ways you don't even dream of to bring us where HE is already working. I am so blessed.

Last week, before we took Hannah Beth, i thought i was going to die. Tuesday was a really bad day for me, and I cried buckets of tears. Everytime i tried to talk to HB i broke down crying. After that terribly difficult day, GOD had such a blessing in store for me the next day. HB and I spent almost the entire day together eating breakfast with my folks at Cracker Barrell, washing and vacuuming her car at the car wash, running last minute errands, spending time watching her favorite shows, and later meeting the rest of our family to eat together before she left for school. It was a very special gift from GOD to my heart after having such a terrible day the day before, and the weeks before as i dreaded her leaving so badly.

I read a devotion during that time from Elisabeth Elliot about being in a wilderness. I thought "YES," that is what this feels like...a wilderness experience.

Exodus 13:17-18


There are dry, fruitless, lonely places in each of our lives, where we seem to travel alone, sometimes feeling as though we must surely have lost the way. What am I doing here? How did this happen? Lord, get me out of this!

He does not get us out. Not when we ask for it, at any rate, because it was He all along who brought us to this place. He has been here before--it is no wilderness to Him, and He walks with us. There are things to be seen and learned in these apparent wastelands which cannot be seen and learned in the "city"--in places of comfort, convenience, and company.

God does not intend to make it no wasteland. He intends rather to keep us--to hold us with his strength, to sustain us with his sure words--in a place where there is nothing else we can count on.

"God did not guide them by the road towards the Philistines, although that was the shortest...God made them go round by way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea" (Ex 13:17,18 NEB).

Imagine what Israel and all of us who worship Israel's God would have missed if they had gone by the short route--the thrilling story of the deliverance from Egypt's chariots when the sea was rolled back. Let's not ask for shortcuts. Let's keep alert for the wonders our Guide will show us in the wilderness."

We all have "wastelands," in our lives, those times when we'd just rather skip, and it does seem like we have lost our way. That's where i feel like i have been walking for the past several weeks as i found myself "out of a job," since HB graduated, and we have been looking for the place GOD would have us worship and serve HIM for this next season of our lives. I was not expecting how difficult it would be to face HB going off to school and beginning the new life GOD had for her, while wondering what HE had for me. I have been in a wilderness, a "wasteland." Thankfully, I have not been alone. GOD has been there with me, all along, and HE has used so many of you to be be HIS loving arms and hands and feet to help me and our family through this difficult time.

The friend I mentioned above who didn't get a good report from the doctor is going through a most difficult "wasteland" time. I ask you to earnestly pray for her. Shirley's sister died of cancer two months ago, and Shirley is scared. You may remember Shirley is the mother of my friend Mishel, my friend from California whose husband went AWOL from their family a couple of years ago. Shirley fell out her backdoor steps and broke her hip last year. She got out of the nursing home CHRISTmas Eve, after spending several weeks in rehabilitation. This family has had their share of Wasteland/Wilderness Experiences the past few years, and GOD has been with them every step of the way. I ask you to please remember this dear family as they make decisions concerning Shirley's care in the upcoming days, and as they go through this time with their Mother and Grammie.

The LORD has packed in a lot of blessings, a lot of grace, a lot of sorrow, the past few weeks. One of HIS great blessings has been the reacquainting with the dear pastor's family who loved me and encouraged me so much as i began my journey as a new creation in CHRIST at 19. Br. Mike Dawson, who was the pastor at Central Baptist in Decatur when i came to know the LORD, and his daughter Melodye have been such a dear encouragement to me on FB in recent weeks. One night a few weeks ago, i saw a friend request in my email, and was thrilled to get back in touch with the Dawson family. GOD sent them to be a special blessing during my life in my early walk as a baby CHRISTian, and now during this time of my life. Br. Mike married Johnny and me 27 years ago. His dear wife Jolene played the piano at our wedding. Br. Mike's son, David, lit the candles in our wedding, and Carol his daughter served at my wedding. This family was very, very special to me as they wrapped their arms of love around me as I began a new life 28 years ago. After the LORD saved me at a youth revival at Central Baptist, i left for the University of Montevallo a few short months later. There at Montevallo, GOD surrounded me with more CHRISTians to help me grow me stronger in HIM and give me a vision for what HE wanted to do in and through my life..... to love CHRIST, share HIM with others, and help them grow in their relationship with JESUS. It is was a similar time to what my daughter is experiencing now. The Dawson family will always be very dear and special for the love of CHRIST they shared with me then, and now. I am so thankful for GOD bringing them back into this season of my life.

GOD recently reminded me of a prayer that we had sung at our wedding 27 years ago... a song that I first heard sang by a friend I met at the University of Montevallo. Mel sang it so beautifully at our wedding and wrote the words down on a piece of wood for a wedding gift. I wish i could find that gift. "Make My Life A Prayer to You," is a prayer that GOD has answered and continues to answer in our lives. It was written by Melody Green and sung by her deceased husband, Keith Green. Keith was a powerful CHRISTian singer in early eighties when Johnny and I were born again. He and two of his small children were killed in a plane crash when Keith was only 28 years old. GOD has used the powerful and intimate love songs that Keith and his wife wrote to JESUS to inspire and motive a generation of CHRISTians to be "bananas for JESUS!" I pray you will use this song as a prayer of surrender to our LORD JESUS as you listen: "Make My Life a Prayer to You"

During this "wasteland" time in my life, GOD has led me to recommit myself to HIM for this upcoming season in my life, and continue to "Make My Life a Prayer to HIM." I have had to relinquish my daughter, and the blessing of having her buzzing in and out each day, and trust HIM for what HE has in store for her during these important college years, to continue to shape and mold her for WHO HE has created her to be in HIM, and accomplish HIS plans and purposes for her life.

The prayer of Betty Scot Stam, missionary to China who was beheaded, wrote:

"I surrender all my plans, purposes, desires, hopes, myself, my life, my all to GOD to be HIS forever. I ask HIM to work out HIS whole will in my life at any cost."

Just as I prayed that as a young bride, eager to serve the LORD on the Foreign Mission Field, I pray it now, as an "empty nester," surrending my whole life to CHRIST, to be used for HIS honor and glory in whatever way HE sees fit, in life or in death, in this next season of my life.

You all are on this journey with me, and I pray that the LORD will lead you to "Make My Life a Prayer to YOU," and surrender all your plans and purposes, desires, hopes...your all to be GOD's and HIS forever. Even if we loose our life in this world, we shall gain it all in the next, when we lay down our lives for the LORD JESUS CHRIST:

"Then HE said to them all: "If anyone would come after ME, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow ME. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for ME will save it. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or foreit his very self." Luke 9:23-25

I love you and thank ya'll for your prayers which have lifted and sustained us greatly. GOD has heard your cries for us, and lifted us out of the mirey pit of depression. Thank you! Thank you for your prayers for HB...she is loving college. This evening she is going to "Dinner on the Run" tonight as part of a tour of the churches around Mobile to help the students get acquainted with the different churches. Tomorrow she is planning on participating in "Project Serve," where the students go to different locations of the city and serve different needy groups. You can learn about the different campus activites by going to U of M's FB' page . Use this as a guide to help you pray for HB and the students at the University of Mobile and the staff there. Pray the LORD will do a mighty work in the teacher's, the staff, the students, and HE will manifest HIMself to them in such a powerful way through the classes, the worship services, the opportunities to serve and fellowship, in their speech, thoughts and all that goes on...that HE will be lifted up, glorified, and draw them to HIMself.

HE desires to draw each of us to HIM, and love us, and bear much fruit through our lives. I'm excited what GOD is going to do in our family through HB going to the U of M. I'm excited how GOD is seeking and reaching out to each one of us where HE has us to love HIM, and know HIS intimate love for each one of us through a personal relationship with HIS SON JESUS CHRIST. If you don't know HIM, surrender your heart and life today, and repent of your sins. HE wants to make your life a prayer to HIM and HE wants us to experience the fullness of HIS love for us. I love you all and thank you for being JESUS with loving arms, and caring hearts to love us and care for us so very tenderly during this wilderness experience in our lives. You are HIS grace to us...and we thank GOD for you.

With all HIS love,


"I wanna die and let You give Your life to me so I might live and share the hope YOU gave to me, the love that set me free."
           Melody Green, "Make My Life a Prayer to You."

"When they were young we talked with the children about the Lord. As they got older and left home, we talked with the Lord about the children."

-from Br. Mike Dawson, on the secret of raising a great family

"If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your FATHER in heaven give good things to them that ask HIM?" Matthew 7:11 Pray for our country





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