"For I am the LORD, your GOD, WHO takes hold of your right hand, and says to you, "Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13
Beneath thy cross;
Remember that thy greatest gain may come
Through greatest loss.
Thy life is nobler for a sacrifice,
And more divine.
Acres of bloom are crushed to make a drop
Of perfume fine.
"Do not worry saying, What shall we eat?" or What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" But seek first the kingdom of GOd..and all these things shall be added to you. Matt. 6:31,33

Dear Praying Friends and Family,
"If HE CARES for the tiny birds and frail flowers, why can't we count on HIM for every aspect of our lives? After all, HE LOVES US SO MUCH that HE sent HIS SON into the world to save us. We are that valuable to HIM!"
-Billy Graham
"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap...yet your heavenly FATHER feeds them." Matt. 6:26
This past Tuesday, I set foot in a college classroom for the first time in around 22 years...and it may be the last time I set foot in a college classroom:). Let's just say my first day of Precalculus didn't go too well. Actually, I did okay in the class itself...but the last few minutes, I started having a difficult time concentrating on what the teacher was teaching. I asked her a question after class, and I knew I was overloaded from chemicals in the carpet, chairs, etc, and it was no use trying to understand the concept. I quickly went by the Math Lab, where John Mac was working to get HB who had anatomy that morning, and I was out of there. We went by Mom and Dad's, and then I started trying to study later that afternoon and evening. I didn't realize how badly I was so overloaded until the next day, and the bottom fell out. I had a horrible time trying to concentrate while I needed to be studying and I was discouraged. How was I ever going to get through this math class when I couldn't attend class without the chemicals making me feel badly for two days? Underneath my doubts and fears, there was an underlying peace that if this was GOD's path for me, HE would indeed make the way. One of the songs that Tony and Taranda Greene used to sing that encouraged my heart so much is "GOD will make a Way for Me." http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=1zo3fJYtS-o&feature=related. This isn't sung by them...but it's beautiful and it's so true in my life and yours over and over and over.
Late that afternoon, GOD used two of my dear sisters in the LORD to encourage my drooping heart, Wanda Adams, and Betty Dean Newman Wanda knew that satan was trying to discourage me and just reminded me that when we step out and do GOD's will, there is going to be a battle. Betty Dean, a college administrator for many years told me that there is a law that the college has to accommodate those with special needs. She told me that she had helped many of her students. One girl she helped thought so much of Betty Dean, she wanted her to walk down the aisle with her like her Mom when she got married and Betty Dean did. I thank the LORD for these two dear women who give so much to encourage and help the younger women behind them in JESUS CHRIST.
Remember also that it is always safe to obey MY voice, even if it seems to call you to paths which look impossible or even crazy." -Hannah Hurnard, Hinds Feet on High Places
"A man is a fool to trust himself! But those who use GOD's wisdom is safe." Pr. 28:26
Wednesday night, I finally got through my homework about 10:00 p.m. after wrestling all day with discouragement from body's reactions to the chemicals in the classroom the day before. John Mac helped me with questions I had when he came in. I sure have come to a much greater appreciation of the ministry that GOD has given him tutoring in the Math Lab at Calhoun and I am so thankful that he can help his Mom. When my kids were coming along in their high school years, Mom was so scattered with allergic reactions and imbalances in my body, I couldn't even begin to think about doing math...that's why this is really an impossible journey the LORD has set before me, and how far HE has brought me to bring me to this point. Actually, so was homeschooling an impossible journey with my "thorn" but GOD did it...HE helped me and made the way. When I lay my head down on the pillow that night, I opened up a little devotion book called JESUS CALLING, by Sarah Young, and indeed, JESUS did call to me from HIS WORD..."For I am the LORD, your GOD who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13. I can't tell you how JESUS shouted to me in the midst of my fear about being able to do this class...and HE brought peace to my soul.
The next morning, it seemed like everything in "my time with JESUS" HE was shouting to me...or maybe whispering, but it seemed to fit just for where I was walking. JESUS reassured me over and over that HE knows all about this path HE has called me to, and HE knows the difficulties and the blessings that lie ahead...and HE is my HELPER and fights for me:
From Charles Spurgeon's Morning and Evening:
, we have an Almighty helper, even Jesus, the Captain of our salvation, who is ever with us, and who assures us that we shall eventually come off more than conquerors through Him. With such assistance the new-born nature is more than a match for its foes. Are you fighting with the adversary to-day? Are Satan, the world, and the flesh, all against you? Be not discouraged nor dismayed. Fight on! For God Himself is with you; Jehovah Nissi is your banner, and Jehovah Rophi is the healer of your wounds. Fear not, you shall overcome, for who can defeat Omnipotence? Fight on, "looking unto Jesus"; and though long and stern be the conflict, sweet will be the victory, and glorious the promised reward.
"From strength to strength go on;
Wrestle, and fight, and pray,
Tread all the powers of darkness down,
Wrestle, and fight, and pray,
Tread all the powers of darkness down,
Author: Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
From Streams in the Desert, GOD reminded me that our greatest gifts come through our greatest trials:
Author: Mrs. Charles E. Cowman
Source: Streams in the Desert
Scripture Reference: Romans 4:18-19
Greatest Gifts Come Through Travail
Source: Streams in the Desert
Scripture Reference: Romans 4:18-19
Greatest Gifts Come Through Travail
"For Abraham, when hope was gone, hoped on in faith. His faith never quailed"
(Rom. 4:18-19).We shall never forget a remark that George Mueller once made to a gentleman who had asked him the best way to have strong faith.
"The only way," replied the patriarch of faith, "to learn strong faith is to endure great trials. I have learned my faith by standing firm amid severe testings." This is very true. The time to trust is when all else fails.
Dear one, you scarcely realize the value of your present opportunity; if you are passing through great afflictions you are in the very soul of the strongest faith, and if you will only let go, He will teach you in these hours the mightiest hold upon His throne which you can ever know.
"Be not afraid, only believe." And if you are afraid, just look up and say, "What time I am afraid I will trust in thee," and you will yet thank God for the school of sorrow which was to you the school of faith. --A. B. Simpson
"Great faith must have great trials."
"God's greatest gifts come through travail. Whether we look into the spiritual or temporal sphere, can we discover anything, any great reform, any beneficent discovery, any soul-awakening revival, which did not come through the toils and tears, the vigils and blood-shedding of men and women whose sufferings were the pangs of its birth? If the temple of God is raised, David must bear sore afflictions; if the Gospel of the grace of God is to be disentangled from Jewish tradition, Paul's life must be one long agony."
"Take heart, O weary, burdened one, bowed downBeneath thy cross;
Remember that thy greatest gain may come
Through greatest loss.
Thy life is nobler for a sacrifice,
And more divine.
Acres of bloom are crushed to make a drop
Of perfume fine.
"Because of storms that lash the ocean waves,
The waters there
Keep purer than if the heavens o'erhead
Were always fair.
The brightest banner of the skies floats not
At noonday warm;
The rainbow traileth after thunder-clouds,
The waters there
Keep purer than if the heavens o'erhead
Were always fair.
The brightest banner of the skies floats not
At noonday warm;
The rainbow traileth after thunder-clouds,
And after storm."
And then this promise from GOD's WORD in Springs in the Valley, Mrs. Charles Cowman:
"Unload on HIM all your cares." I Peter 5:7 (French)
"Hurling all your care upon HIM." I Peter 5:7 (Greek)
I forgot to mention that I woke up during the night Wednesday night with a splitting headache and was throwing up Thursday morning...but with these words from my HELPER in my heart, and feeling better after I ate breakfast, I left early for school. I was headed to the disability office to see how they might could help me. I had my air filter with me and I was planning to use it, but the closer I got to school, and as soon as I walked in the Math and Science building, I realized I couldn't sit through class even with the air filter without it really making me sick again. I sat it down in the Math Lab...and went over to the disability department whereupon an angel from the LORD worked. She didn't question my disability of "Multiple Chemical Sensitivities," she said i wasn't the first one, and she listened and had me fill out some paperwork so they could transfer me into the online course which was full in one and near capacity in the other. I would have signed up to begin with but John Mac thought having a teacher I could converse with would be helpful, and it would, if I could stand the room. Not only did the "angel" work to get me transferred into another class with kindness and understanding,(I had to get a letter from a physician) but she went and got a book to "loan" me for my class. I was just about to go and buy one after I left her office..."All of my help cometh from the LORD." I ask her if she was an angel. She also told me she would let UAH know so that when I went there, I could get their assistance. She referred me to a place where I may can get some financial assistance with my schooling...i was blown away with all of the help that GOD had for me there in the "Special Student Services."
As GOD's CHILDREN, we are HIS dependents. Dependent children...assume-and they have the right to-that their parents will PROVIDE EVERYTHING they need." Billy Graham"Do not worry saying, What shall we eat?" or What shall we drink?" or "What shall we wear?" But seek first the kingdom of GOd..and all these things shall be added to you. Matt. 6:31,33
I am special alright...and so are you, to GOD WHO loves us so much HE sent HIS SON to die on the cross so you and I wouldn't have to spend eternity in hell and enjoy the love of GOD and HIS special favor for HIS children.
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believes in HIM will not perish but have everlasting life. For GOD did not send HIS into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through HIM might be saved." John 3:16,17
I definitely felt HIS favor yesterday morning in that disability office, and my tears, turned to joy... HE turned my "wailing into dancing." Psalm 30:11. I didn't literally dance, but I did hug the ladies neck who worked in the office and was so kind to me and thanked her for her help. I was only too happy to go talk to my teacher and explain to her that I was going to have to take the class online and she too was very kind and offered to help me if I needed anything. I was only too happy to return to my "Homeschool College" and return to being in the classroom with "Troy," at my side.
This morning, I went to see my physician, and she was so gracious and wrote the letter I needed so I was able to get it back to Calhoun. Now I am waiting to hear from the lady in "Special Student Services" Monday and get set up with the online course. In the meantime, I'm studying and working online at home.
You may wonder why I didn't sign up at first, and I told you what John Mac thought was best. I know GOD was using him to direct my path. If I had not gone in the classroom and had the bad experience and learned of the disability services from the teacher there, and from Betty Dean, I wouldn't have gone to that office and received the blessings that I did there. GOD knew what HE was about, and HE knew HE was going to bless me with HIS love and care for me. I was crying that morning when I explained to the lady what was wrong, and I told her it was the chemicals that was doing that to me. JESUS knows all about our struggles and HE cares so very much for you and me...HE sends HIS angels each and every day to help HIS children with HIS tender loving favor.
I missed choir practice Weds night because I was still overloaded with chemicals and felt I need to study. But we are working on this hymn in choir, "No, Not One," and I love these words I sung as a child growing up in the Methodist Church:
"JESUS knows all about our struggles,
HE will guide til the day is done,
"Oh there's not a friend like the lowly JESUS,
No, not one, no, not one."
I know these problems I am sharing are very small compared to those who have lost their loved ones, their homes, everything in storms and floods recently. But it is important to me, and it's important to JESUS. JESUS does know all about our struggles and HE is the one who "engineers our circumstances," as Oswald Chambers says. I am so thankful that GOD knows and HE loves us and HE wants to show us HIS love through our difficult circumstances as we lean on HIM and depend on HIM to help us.
I just kept thinking about the verse all of "my help cometh from the LORD," Psalm 121:2, when I was thinking about what to share this week. I knew the LORD wanted me to see HIS help, experience HIS lovingkindness and share this song based on Psalm 121 with you to encourage your heart as HE has encouraged mine through my struggles http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=I2nQALWDStA. I was playing this on the way to school yesterday to encourage my heart...HE is so faithful. Our choir sang this for our spring concert and it is perfect every day for we need HIS help constantly. JESUS tells us in HIS word that a part from HIM we can't do anything. I thank HIM for putting me in circumstances where HE is showing me once again how very sufficient HIS grace is for me.
Please remember our family in your prayers...Johnny works hard to support our school habits:)...and he doesn't feel the best in the world. GOD has been so gracious to supply our needs through bringing people to eat at our restaurant, and I am thankful for my dear husband's labor for his family. Hannah Beth and me are studying hard...she is waiting to hear if she is accepting into the nursing program at U of Mobile, John Mac is waiting to see how he did on his MCAT test, and me, I'm trying to pass Precalculus...you pray for me...the LORD doesn't have much to work with, but I know this "All of my help cometh from the LORD" and HE is faithful to help me learn and understand....of which I need to go study:).
Please remember my friend Darlene in your prayers. Darlene has cancer...she is feeling good, but got a report from the doctor yesterday that was discouraging. She too is depending on all of her help coming from the LORD...thank you so much for your prayers for her, and for us.
With all HIS love,
P.S. I got to go kayaking for the first time this year last Monday...it was AWESOME, going to my quiet little spot on Big Creek and spending time with the LORD while Troy explored up and down the rocky beach. The rate I'm studying it may be the last time I get to go this year... pray for me!

"If HE cares for the tiny birds and frail flowers,
why can't we count on HIM for every aspect of our lives? After all HE LOVES US SO MUCH that HE sent HIS SON into the world to save us. We are that VALUABLE to HIM." Billy Graham
"For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only SON that whosoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16
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