Presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell behold You are there; If I take the wings of the morning, And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me." Psalm 139:7-120
Dear Praying Friends and Family,
Our baby girl celebrated her 20th birthday Weds down at the University of Mobile in between a Med Surg Test that morning, and another big test yesterday morning. Her boyfriend gave her a party at a nearby coffee shop which included her friends. Her Dad and I both really appreciated his thoughtfulness towards her to help make her birthday very special. I got to talk to her on "Facetime" on my Iphone and it was such a blessing to be able to see my baby girl on her thankful for my husband's loving generosity to bless me with an Iphone. Can't believe Hannah Beth is 20...all those years of watching her grow up and now she is away at college. Thank you, LORD JESUS for blessing our family with the gift of this precious daughter...may she be yours in every since of the WORD, and love YOU with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength, and fulfill the plans and purposes you have created for her.
My heart is full this week and I pray the LORD will lead me as i share HIS fullness with you. Before I forget, Jordan Johnson, our former pastor's son who fell 26 feet and broke his pelvis, and all kinds of other injuries, graduated from Shepherd's Rehabilitation and went home walking this week, after a doctor told him, he would never walk again. Jordan does need his crutches some, but the LORD has done an amazing job of healing Jordan, inside and out, and i praise GOD for HIS goodness and all that HE is doing in and through Jordan's life. Please continue to remember Jordan, Denise and Br. Aaron, as they adjust to having Jordan back home, and continuing the rehab that he did in the hospital.
Last Sunday, the LORD blessed me to go to the funeral/celebration of Grace Jean Brinkley's life. I say "blessed" because it was one of the most beautiful, uplifting celebrations of a person's life and their LORD i have ever had the privilege of attending. Jean's daughter, Rachel, took guitar lessons from my daughter a couple of years ago and that is how i met Jean. She was ALWAYS very bubbly and enthusiastic, and into a million different things and always serving the LORD. She was always very kind and complimentary of Hannah Beth, and she especially hated Hannah Beth was going off to school and wouldn't be able to teach her daughter anymore. Jean sang at her church, Lindsay Lane Baptist, a large church right down the street from us where many of our friends attend, and I remember her inviting me once to something special they were having. I admired her energy and wished that I could be into a million different things like her. After going to her funeral last Sunday where the church was packed with her friends and family, I wish that I had gotten to know Jean better during the time that her daughter was taking lessons from Hannah Beth...she was such a special person, full of the love of JESUS for HIM and all those around her.
Last Sunday, the LORD blessed me to go to the funeral/celebration of Grace Jean Brinkley's life. I say "blessed" because it was one of the most beautiful, uplifting celebrations of a person's life and their LORD i have ever had the privilege of attending. Jean's daughter, Rachel, took guitar lessons from my daughter a couple of years ago and that is how i met Jean. She was ALWAYS very bubbly and enthusiastic, and into a million different things and always serving the LORD. She was always very kind and complimentary of Hannah Beth, and she especially hated Hannah Beth was going off to school and wouldn't be able to teach her daughter anymore. Jean sang at her church, Lindsay Lane Baptist, a large church right down the street from us where many of our friends attend, and I remember her inviting me once to something special they were having. I admired her energy and wished that I could be into a million different things like her. After going to her funeral last Sunday where the church was packed with her friends and family, I wish that I had gotten to know Jean better during the time that her daughter was taking lessons from Hannah Beth...she was such a special person, full of the love of JESUS for HIM and all those around her.
I had the blessing of sitting with my dear friends Eric and Susan Pugh, and Susan's Mom, Mrs. McDow, on the back row where we were away from the perfumes. The casket was opened up front, and I felt compelled to go up and look inside. You could tell, Jean wasn't there in that empty shell, instead she had a few days before "ascended into Heaven," to be with her LORD. As I looked at her body, it brought tears to my eyes, it hurt to see someone who was so full of life, and in just a few short months, cancer had been the means of ushering her into the LORD's presence.
As I took my seat with my friends, the funeral/celebration began with a video of Jean singing in their church, a few months before in August, the Sunday after she found out she had cancer. She said she had been working out, living the busy life of a homeschool Mom, when all of the sudden a "crisis," came and she was diagnosed with cancer. After she shared on the video, she sang the most beautiful song of praise to the LORD. I can't remember what song it was...i just remember how powerful it was that this dear sister in the LORD was standing before the church singing the praises of the LORD just a few days after she was diagnosed with cancer. Jean's battle with cancer was fierce...most of her FB posts where asking for prayers because of her pain and discomfort, which was constant. Even in the midst of that fierce battle, Br. Dusty, the pastor said he couldn't believe it when he would look out Sunday after Sunday and see Jean and her husband Bill in the congregation. In fact, he said three weeks ago, Jean was on the platform at church. In addition to the video of Jean singing in church, there was also a video of her at her wedding singing to her husband, and a video of her in bed with her two girls, 11 and 14, with matching PJ's, singing together... during Jean's sickness. I'm sure it was a homeschool day Jean didn't feel like doing anything and they made the video singing, "I'm not going to do anything today," or something like that. It was very touching to me. Jean shared her pain and discomfort on FB and asked for prayer many times. I remember her sharing that "Homeschooling wasn't near as much fun when you don't feel good." I sure could relate to her and my heart and my prayers went out to her and up for her. I remember not feeling too good many days during our homeschool times. I tried to encourage Jean some through FB, but I was struggling myself, and wish i could have done more.
At her Celebration, her former youth pastor, Jeff Noblitt, who led her to the LORD, shared about Jean coming to know CHRIST in high school and after that, Jean was always sharing CHRIST with those HE brought into her life. Another pastor at Isom's Chapel Methodist Church, Eddie Gooch, shared that Jean Brinkley had led him to CHRIST when he was in college. Jean worked at a waterslide in the Shoals area, and when folks would be waiting to go down the slide, Jean would share CHRIST with them. Eddie shared that her boss told him that one day Jean led three people to CHRIST at the waterslide! Eddie was waiting one day to get on the waterslide and mentioned something about the music, which was CHRISTian music, was different than what he was used to hearing. Jean turned that conversation into an opportunity to share CHRIST with him, and a few weeks later she invited him to an event at UNA, through the Campus Ministry there. Eddie went to that even and afterwards, Jean led Eddie Gooch to CHRIST. Somewhere along the way, the LORD called Eddie Gooch to be a pastor and GOD has used Eddie to touch countless lives for CHRIST through his ministry. My friend, Wanda, had called me earlier that day, and told me there was an article in the paper that Eddie Gooch had written sharing that Jean had led Eddie to CHRIST...i was amazed. Eddie also shared the song, "Blessings,"http://www. 4mmgV6mPvb0 by Laura Story as he described Jean's battle with cancer and it was so appropriate for this dear precious saint to comfort the friends and family she left behind.
"What if YOUR blessings come through raindrops,
What if YOUR healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know YOU'RE near
What if trials of this life are your mercies in disguise?"
....."The pain reminds us that this is not our home...."
Pastor Eddie Gooch shared that Jean preached her own funeral and it was true...those videos, of her singing Praises to her GOD in the midst of great trial were such a powerful testimony of her love for CHRIST and HIS life inside of her that even cancer could not squelch.
I was deeply moved by the funeral/celebration of JEAN...JESUS CHRIST was exalted in every way, and what HE had done in and through the life of this homeschool, wife, servant in so many ways, and friend and daughter who meant so much to so many people. I came home, i wish my homegoing would be celebrated like Jean's. GOD used her to bring so much glory to HIMself and touch so many people for HIM through Jean's faithful witness of HIM. I was inspired to want to be faithful like Jean to love others with CHRIST's love and share HIS love with those around me.
This morning in my "One Year Book of CHRISTian History," I read about another man whom GOD used mightily and recognized the brevity of this life. His name was Richard Baxter and he was born in England in 1615. His Daddy was converted to CHRIST about the time of his son's birth and Richard followed the faith of his Father. He was a gifted intellectual, who also "had a pastor's heart for souls which led to an almost complete conversion of his six-hundred member congregation and a veritable social transformation of the town itself." The congregation reached out to the community at large..."Day and night they thirsted after the salvation of their neighbors," according to Baxter. This sure reminds me of Jean Brinkley and the testimony i heard of her life at her funeral/celebration. The book also went on to say, of Richard Baxter that he had always preached "as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to dying men." Richard Baxter once wrote: "Our lives a candle in a broken lantern, which a blast of wind may soon blow out." Richard Baxter's candle burned brightly until December 8, 1691, when the gentle breath of GOD blew out his temporal light and he entered into HIS everlasting arms."
Jean Brinkley's candle "blew out," last Thursday, Dec, 2, 2011 at the age of 44 here on earth, but she is shining brightly in heaven where she entered into our SAVIOR's everlasting arms and her "spirit returned to GOD who gave it." Ecc. 12:7. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD." II Cor. 5:8.
Comforting verses i read this morning from Daily Light about death which is going to come to all of us unless JESUS comes back, include:
The spirit returns to GOD WHO gave it.
The Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.—“But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand.”—“The first man Adam became a living being.”—The spirit of man goes upward.
The Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.—“But it is the spirit in man, the breath of the Almighty, that makes him understand.”—“The first man Adam became a living being.”—The spirit of man goes upward.
While we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord…. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.—My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better.—But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep.
“In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” Ecclesiastes 12:7; Genesis 12:7; Job 32:8; 1 Corinthians 15:45; Ecclesiastes 3:21; 2 Corinthians 5:6; 2 Corinthians 5:8; Philippians 1:23; 1 Thessalonians 4:13; 1 Thessalonians 4:14; John 14:2; John 14:3
As I had my time with the LORD yesterday morning, GOD kept reminding me about the brevity of life, and how HE leads and guides our paths:
"'O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!" Psalm 39:4
" So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12
As I sit here and write the LORD reminded me Eph. 5:15-16:
Be very careful then how you live, not as unwise, but as wise making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
I am convicted by these words because i know i don't make the most of every opportunity and i am preoccupied with other things than the Kingdom of GOD and seeing people come to know HIM. So often i am preoccupied with my health issues and other issues that The Adversary keeps me distracted from the most important issues of loving GOD and sharing HIM with others. I read the quote below from Springs in the Valley this morning, reminding me of those who seem as though they may have gone down in defeat, but GOD turns their "defeats" of death into victory through our risen SAVIOR, who rose from the grave after his own death on the Cross to pay for your sins and mine. HIS was a seeming defeat when HE died on that Cross, but GOD knew HE was going to raise HIM from the dead and bring all those HE has chosen to be HIS to CHRIST through HIS death and resurrection.
" The Kingdom of God will be brought in by Christians who, with Paul, can
accept the challenge of the " many adversaries"'that guard the open door, even though they go down to defeat in their generation." Springs in the Valley, Dec.8
The LORD brought to my mind folks like Jim Elliot, who along with 4 other missionaries, was killed by the Auca Indians in his late 20's in 1956. As a result, the whole tribe eventually came to know CHRIST, and thousands were inspired to go and be missionaries to heathen lands because of Jim Elliot and his friends faithfulness to CHRIST. Their death's seemed like defeat in the eyes of the world, but GOD had a great plan to bring the victory and brought many souls to CHRIST through their deaths which ushered them into the Presence of GOD.
Another man who lived, "making the most of every opportunity" was Peter Marshall, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, in the 1940's. GOD brought this man from Scotland, saved him and raised him up to pastor a large church in Atlanta and then pastor one of the most influential churches in Washington, D.C. Peter died at 46, I believe of a heart attack, but his short life had such an impact for our LORD JESUS CHRIST. He wrote:
"It is better to fail at a cause that will ultimately succeed than to succeed at a cause that will ultimately fail." Peter Marshall
It seems sometimes as though our best efforts our failures...but not in GOD's economy. The Cross seemed such a failure to all those looking on that day when our LORD JESUS was crucified for our sins, but GOD knew the Victory that those disciples and for all those down through the ages, who would place their faith and trust in HIM. If you've never done that, i invite you right now to surrender your heart to JESUS and ask HIM to forgive you for your sins. GOD knew the plan and the reason for the agony and suffering that CHRIST faced to bring us eternal life, and HE knows the plans for all the sufferings that we face for our good, for the good of those around us and for HIS glory.
Jean Brinkley's sufferings are so sad for us to see on this side of heaven, but as i heard a song by the McKamey's this week, "The Shepherd's Point of View," it reminds us that GOD has a different perspective of our sufferings than we do.
"For this light and transitory burden of suffering is achieving for us a weight of glory." II Corinthians 4:17
HE is using our sufferings to achieve for us a weight of glory and works HIS purposes for good for all those who are called by HIM. I hope you will take time to listen to this beautiful song watch?v=lydZqcHRYik sung by the McKamey's, one of my favorite southern gospel groups that have really ministered to my heart this week.
You are standing on the mountain holding to the Shepherd's hand,
the valley you just came through, was hard to understand.
Then the Shepherd draws you closer, there's something He wants you to see,
and He points back to the valley and unfolds its mysteries.
As the eagles soar around you and you look back on where you've been
one by one He answers questions, that He did not answer then.
He now shows you the danger, of going your own way,
all the roads you thought were better, would have led your soul astray.
He reminds you of that moment, when you could not make it through,
now you see one set of footprints, where He reached down and carried you.
As your tears fall on His shoulder, and you thank Him for His love,
He says "Child, I knew that one day, you'd see the valley from above."
Things look different on the mountain, from the Shepherd's point of view.
Standing high above the trial, that He brought you safely through.
All the valley's disappointments, will never look the same to you,
for things look different on the mountain, from the Shepherd's point of view.
the valley you just came through, was hard to understand.
Then the Shepherd draws you closer, there's something He wants you to see,
and He points back to the valley and unfolds its mysteries.
As the eagles soar around you and you look back on where you've been
one by one He answers questions, that He did not answer then.
He now shows you the danger, of going your own way,
all the roads you thought were better, would have led your soul astray.
He reminds you of that moment, when you could not make it through,
now you see one set of footprints, where He reached down and carried you.
As your tears fall on His shoulder, and you thank Him for His love,
He says "Child, I knew that one day, you'd see the valley from above."
Things look different on the mountain, from the Shepherd's point of view.
Standing high above the trial, that He brought you safely through.
All the valley's disappointments, will never look the same to you,
for things look different on the mountain, from the Shepherd's point of view.
Jean Brinkley is now standing on the mountain with her SAVIOR, and she sees "The Shepherd's Point of View," for the valley she went through. No longer does she have questions, but i'm sure her dear family struggles with the suffering Jean had to go through and our SHEPHERD's will to take her HOME to be with HIM. One of the preacher's shared at her funeral a beautiful illustration, when the Husbandman plants a seed, and fertilizes it, and waters it, and makes it grow into a most beautiful flower, it's HIS pleasure to pick that flower and take it into HIS house. JESUS picked HIS beautiful flower in Grace Jean Brinkley and brought her home to be with HIM, for HE loves her so much. "I Will Rise, by Chris Tomlin, was a powerful song that was also sung at her service, i think, along with "How Deep the Father's Love for Us,",and "It is Well With My Soul." Jean has risen because JESUS has won the victory on the Cross of Calvary and she had place her faith in HIM and the blood HE shed for her as a teenager. HE called her name to bring her HOME with HIM on Dec. 1, 2011.
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Jean Brinkley with her children, and husband Bill |
Please remember the dear Brinkley family and friends in your prayers as they go through this very difficult time trying to trust "The SHEPHERD's Point of View." I have just finished looking at her FB page, and was so blessed by all the friends and family who posted prayers for her family, and how very much Jean meant to them. Please continue to remember my friend Arthur, and his family, as Darlene, his wife, went home to be with JESUS just a couple of months before Jean. Bill, Jean's husband, was a great encourager to Arthur in his journey with Darlene's cancer, before they found out Jean had cancer. Then, Arthur became the encourager to Bill. Arthur shared with me he went to see Bill and Jean the Sat. night before Jean went to the LORD and encouraged them that GOD is good and i know Arthur meant it. I've seen this humble man be faithful to HIS LORD in life and in the HOMEGOING of Darlene...trusting "The Shepherd's Point of View."
There is a peace that cometh after sorrow,
Of hope surrendered, not of hope fulfilled;
A peace that looketh not upon tomorrow,
But calmly on a tempest that is stilled.
A peace that lives not now in joy's excesses,
Nor in the happy life of love secure;
But in the unerring strength the heart possess,
Of conflicts won while learning to endure.
A peace there is, in sacrifice secluded,
A life subdued, from will and passion free;
'Tis not the peace that over Eden brooded,
But that which triumphed in Gethsemane."
-Streams in the Desert, Dec. 9
I want to invite you to come to FBC Athens this weekend, Sat. night and Sunday night at 6:00 p.m and hear the choir sing and orchestra play "An Athens CHRISTMas,-Coming HOME for CHRISTmas." We practiced last night and it's really going to be a very, very special night of worship and praise to our LORD. Please pray for me that the LORD would strengthen me to play for HIM, and pray that men, women, and children would be drawn to our dear LORD and SAVIOR as we lift HIM up in song and praises to celebrate HIS dear birth.
I love you and thank you so much for your prayers, for spending this time with me and our SAVIOR. "May the LORD bless you and protect you. May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. May the LORD show you HIS favor and give you HIS peace." Numbers 6:24-26. I pray the LORD will help us all to trust "The SHEPERD'S Point of View," and give us HIS peace in the valley.
With all HIS love,
"Those preachers whose voices were clear and mighty for truth during life continue to preach in their graves. Being dead, they yet speak, and whether people put their ears to their tomb or not, they cannot help but hear them. Often the death of a man is a kind of new birth to him, when he himself is gone physically, he spiritually survives, and from his grave there shoots up a tree of life whose leaves heal nations. Oh, worker for God, death cannot touch your sacred mission! Be content to die, because death may be the enlargement of your influence. Good men die as dies the seed, which thereby no longer abides alone. When saints are apparently laid in the earth, they quit the earth, and rise and mount to Heaven's gate and enter into immortality. No, when the sepulcher receives this mortal frame, we will not die, but live."
-Charles Spurgeon

"We're on a pilgrim road. It's rough and steep, and it winds uphill to the very end. We can lift up our eyes and see the unseen: a Celestial City, a light, a welcome, and an ineffable face. And that makes a difference in how we go about aging." Elisabeth Elliot,
"These all...confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland." Hebrews 11:13,14
"Where Joy and Sorrow Meet"
I stopped by your blog today.
Thank you, Ann, i really appreciate it...i hope and pray the LORD used it to bless you, thanks for letting me know you stopped by.
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