Friday, December 30, 2011

"Through My Eyes" tim tebow's story and some of ours

CHRISTmas Ornament my sis gave me.

"But you shall receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to ME in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." Acts 1:8

"But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from GOD and not from us." II Cor. 4:7

Dear Praying Friends and Family,
   I have never written the Friday email on my IPhone but I am today. I brought our cat,  Peach," up to the vet in Pulaski, about 45 miles from our house and i can expect to wait for a good while.  Last time I was here all day and I promised myself I'd never do that again and well, here I am.  This animal clinic is crazy busy and it's always interesting to see all the different dogs, cats, horses and  people that come here from all walks of life.  Dr. Galbraith is a very kind, handsome vet.  who is able to multitask very well.  It is nothing to be in the room while he's seeing my pet and he's interrupted several times with others needing his help   I've never been here when the waiting room wasn't full and folks are waiting outside and today is no exception.  It is filled with dogs of all shapes and sizes and a few cats in cages outside. While i was waiting to hear from Peach, a son and Mother brought in a lab that had a stroke and it's eyes were all white.   Last time I was here, there were some extenuating circumstances and i was at the clinic literally all day.   Dr. Galbraith was kind and ended up coming out to the car to treat Dixie who was very sick.  I didn't think Dixie would be able to come back from her flair up of an autoimmune disorder but the Lord restored her and she has done remarkably well the past two months..remarkably.  She is back to going on long walks in the field and i am so thankful.  She is ready to go when i'm not.   I hope Peach will do well but she has a large growth on her side and her hair is falling out.  She doesn't seem to feel bad, but she looks please pray for Peach.

    The Lord blessed our Christmas celebration and we ended up eating at my brother Ralph's house instead of our restaurant as i mentioned in last week's email. Ralph and Wendy's  warm and loving hospitality was such a dear blessing to our whole family.  My Mother had an accident early Christmas morning, falling backwards into the bathtub and hitting her head.  Thankfully, after a trip to the emergency room, they thought she would be okay and they sent her home. She and Daddy missed our family gathering but afterwards several of our family went down to be with Mom and Dad.  I felt really bad because Mom and Dad had made the Brunswick Stew, Pecan pie, German chocolate cake, bought the crackers, and cheese, along with the paper products so that our family could have a good Christmas and  they weren't able to be with us.

Mom and Dad's CHRISTmas Tree
    It really touches my heart how my parents and Johnny's mom sacrifice and cook and work so hard so that our Christmas will be special.  Johnny's mom, though she is still grieving over the loss of her husband in Oct and doesn't feel well, managed to make all our family favorite dishes, mine being a salmon loaf and shrimp dish she makes only at Christmas.  Hannah Beth out did herself and used a Paula Dean recipe to make some really pretty and delicious red velvet cake balls to go along with the 5 layer dessert Baba always makes for holidays. I guess the cake balls  were delicious, everyone said they were...i didn't eat any of the cake balls except for a small sampling of the white chocolate on the outside:)
Hannah Beth's Cake Balls

    I made our traditional breakfast casserole for Christmas morning, along with mixed fruit, cinnamon rolls, and our birthday cake for Jesus which was a gluten free chocolate chip cookie that I managed to eat pretty much single handily, though not at one sitting!  I noticed my blue jeans felt a little snug this morning...I'd best lay off those cookies!  Johnny read the CHRISTmas story off his Ipad to us as we ate CHRISTmas breakfast...i made a remark about it, and John Mac said, we're in the technological age Mom, so i followed along using my Iphone to read the Scriptures Johnny was reading to us.
    One of my favorite gifts that we gave the kids this CHRISTmas was Tim Tebow's book, Through His Eyes.

It was so good i finished reading it last night after starting it CHRISTmas night when i got home from Johnny's Mom's.  It's the kind of book that is hard to put down.  In case you have been under a rock and don't know who Tim Tebow is...he was the quarterback at the University of Florida, where they won two national championships while he played.  He won the Heisman Trophy and was nominated for it, three times.   Now he is the quarterback for the Denver Broncos where they recently had a string of comeback wins while Tim was starting quarterback.  Most importantly Tim loves JESUS with all his heart, and has a passion for sharing CHRIST with others. At the University of Florida, Tim became known for wearing the eye black under his eyes during football games with Scripture references written in it just so he could reach more people for JESUS.  After their national championship game his senior year in which he wrote John 3:16 in his eye black, over 90 million people "Googled," the verse to see what it said...
     "For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:13

Isn't it  amazing that 90 million people are unfamiliar with John 3:16?  The things we take for granted in our CHRISTian circles...the world doesn't know and CHRIST has left us here to share HIM with them.

    Tim Tebow is taking that mandate seriously, "to go ye into all the world and make disciples, teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you," as JESUS told us to do in Matthew 28:19.  The autobiography about his story is just another way for Tim to tell the story of JESUS to as many people as he possible can.  
     Tim was born the last of five kids to his missionary parents in the Philippines.  His Daddy was preaching in a remote village in the Philippines when the JESUS film was played on a large, homemade screen hanging between two coconut trees.  HE became heavily burdened about the millions of babies being aborted in America.  Thru his tears over the gigantic loss of human life, he began to pray, "FATHER, if you want another preacher in this world, you give him to me.  You give me Timmy, and I will raise him to be a preacher."  "Timmy," had not been born yet, nor conceived, but GOD knew all about "Timmy" and the plans that he had for Tim Tebow to preach and share JESUS with all the nations and that he does.  Before "Timmy" was born, however, Satan tried to snuff this one that GOD was raising up to preach through an abortion.  Tim's Mother had a great deal of pain and bleeding and many complications.  They went to the best doctor in their area of the Philippines and she told her that she was going to have to have an abortion or lose her life.  They were in shock, but they said an indescribable peace came over her.  GOD's peace is what sustained her through the pain, bleeding, and uncertainty of the next eight months of pregnancy and miraculously, Timothy, which means, "honoring GOD,"  Tebow was born.  The doctors said he was a miracle baby with only a small part of the placenta attached that was enough to provide nourishment for him all those months.  The first week he was born, he lost weight and had to remain in the hospital. His parents asked their friends and family in America to pray that Timmy would grow "big and strong"...guess their prayers were answered.  He's big and he's strong.
      Monday night as i read the book, it was raining outside, and cold.  But i was so inspired reading about Tim's family, and how committed his Mom and Dad are to the LORD.  They homeschooled their kids and it was a blessing to me to read how some of the same things we did with our kids, like putting Scripture to songs to help them memorize GOD's WORD, and using placemat's at the table with the Presidents on them, or countries or other things were ways the Tebow's learned too.  I had the privilege of seeing and hearing Tim's Mom speak at a Ladies Conference this past spring and she was very attractive and you could tell she really loved the LORD.  She shared about teaching the kids how to memorize Scripture through putting little tunes to the WORDs.  We did that too, and we can still sing some of those Scriptures we learned when the kids were little.   The book inspired me on all fronts to be a better CHRISTian...i wrote on my FB wall after reading Monday Night...

     Inspired to walk closer to JESUS, pray more, be a better parent, love more, encourage others, persevere through the tough times, work harder, and many other things after reading from Tim Tebow's book, "Through My Eyes," this cold, rainy night. I highly recommend the book...

   And I do highly recommend the book.   Tim telling his story and GOD's faithfulness in his family and his life, inspires me that we all have a story to tell of GOD's faithfulness, of HIS salvation, and what HE has done for each one of us.  
    As i am writing, my friend Wanda, just sent me her CHRISTmas letter through email.  Yes, it's after CHRISTmas, but she doesn't have time to sit down and reflect about GOD's goodness in her family's life before CHRISTmas, so one of her yearly traditions that is very meaningful to her, is to take time to sit down after CHRISTmas and write about GOD's faithfulness this past year.  She takes her calendar and it helps her to remember all the events and places and things the LORD enable them to do and be together with her husband, children, and's GOD's story, Through Her Eyes.  

     Week after week, GOD has led me to sit down and write you...and tell you our family's story, along with the story of some of our friend's, and this week, to share with you someone i don't know, but who GOD has used to inspire me through his life.  This year has been "The Best of Times, and the Worst of Times," with John Mac getting engaged to a girl he's liked a long time, but she didn't like him in the same way, Hannah Beth getting accepted into nursing school, I was accepted into nursing school, and John Mac accepted into med school.  It's also been the worst of times, as my FATHER in law died in Oct, one of my dearest friends I've had the privilege to know, lost/won her battle with cancer and many other loved ones left us.  It's also been a particularly difficult second half of the year with my health, and trying to get back on an even keel with all of that...
    "Hitherto has the LORD helped us." I Samuel 7:12...and HE will help us still.

     GOD has been very gracious to our family, and reading the word's of Tim Tebow reminds me that GOD has a plan for all that He allows into our lives, just like his Mom being so sick during her pregnancy with him, has given her a platform to share their story, and share CHRIST with others.  Tim reminds us over and over in the book that GOD has given all of us a platform to share CHRIST, and mine happens to often be through my weakness of health.   I am thankful to be reminded of that platform to share CHRIST's faithfulness in my life, and the life of my family and at the precipice of this New Year the LORD has laid out before us, i want to encourage you my dear friends and family to share CHRIST from the platform that HE has given you.  Tim Tebow knows that football is the platform GOD is using in his life right now to share CHRIST with others, and he is making the most of that platform.  Reading how GOD wired Tim to work hard all of his life to be the best, and gave him parents that had a passion for JESUS and raised him to love CHRIST, and equipped him with the tools he needed to be who he is, inspires me so much.  It reminds me that GOD is indeed sovereign over ever little detail of our lives, and that brings comfort and peace to me.

    If you don't know the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and SAVIOR and haven't made peace with HIM, He invites you to believe that HE sent HIS SON to earth as a little baby, to die on a cross to pay the punishment for all the wrong things that you and i have ever done...all of them.  He asks us to believe in HIM, and to turn away from our sins....   GOD wants to open our blind eyes and let the light of HIS salvation flood our hearts and help us to live abundant lives here on earth and for all eternity. "I came that they might have life and might have it more abundantly." John 10:10
The souls of natural men are so blinded that they see no beauty or excellency in Christ. They do not see his sufficiency. They see no beauty in the work of salvation by him; and as long as they remain thus blind, it is impossible that they should close with Christ. The heart will never be drawn to an unknown Saviour. It is impossible that a man should love that, and freely choose that, and rejoice in that, in which he sees no excellency. But if your eyes were opened to see the excellency of Christ, the work would be done. You would immediately believe on him; and you would find your heart going after him. It would be impossible to keep it back. But take heed that you do not entertain a wrong notion of what it is, spiritually to see Christ. If you do, you may seek that which God never bestows. Do not think that spiritually to see Christ, is to have a vision of him as the prophets had, to see him in some bodily shape, to see the features of his countenance. Do not pray or seek for any such thing as this. But what you are to seek is, that you may have a sight of the glorious excellency of Christ, and of the way of salvation through him, in your heart. This is a spiritual sight of Christ. This is that for which you must cry to God day and night. God is the fountain of spiritual light. He opens the eyes of the blind. He commands the light to shine out of darkness. It is easy with God to enlighten the soul, and fill it with these glorious discoveries, though it is beyond the power of men and angels.
~Jonathan Edwards~

 Tim Tebow's family sure is a picture of that abundant life...a life well lived that GOD desires to honor and to bless.  I hope you can get a copy of the book, and be inspired to love JESUS more, to share HIM with others where ever GOD has given you a platform, and live for HIM.  I ask you to pray for Tim and his family...with him being on the front lines, you know that satan loves to attack.  Johnny asked me to pray for him a few weeks ago, and i really appreciate that. Pray for him as he serves CHRIST and seeks to be a witness for him.

   As i was thinking about what song to use, the HOLY SPIRIT brought  "Lifesong,"  by Casting Crowns to my mind.  What a great song to go with the message of Tim Tebow's book..."Let my Lifesong sing to YOU." Tim Tebow's "Lifesong," is singing to the your life and my life?   Is HE pleased with what HE sees in your life and mine? Are we living to the best of our ability to bring glory and honor to our LORD JESUS? Convicting questions to me.  I know that I am challenged by Tim's book to trust in the GOD WHO has a plan and story for all of our lives to bring glory to HIM, to  love JESUS more, love others more, share JESUS more, and be a more godly person in every since of the WORD...and to work out harder with my weights:).    I know i fall far short but i do want HIM to use my life to inspire others, the way HE uses your life and others life to inspire me through this journey called life to live for JESUS and be all that HE wants to be through me.

My brother Joe, and brother Ralph at our restaurant
    We sure have enjoyed getting together with our families this week and I am so thankful for the godly inspiration they have all been in my life.  My brother Tracy and his family drove from LSU and from Texas to be with us, and we look forward to all getting together tonight at our restaurant.  My sis and her husband are on their way over from Mississippi and will be staying with us a couple of days.  
My brother Ralph, nephew Lee, brother Tracy, nephew Nicholas, Hannah Beth

My nephew Drew, my sis, Jill
Please pray for my Mother who is really struggling with her health, mainly depression.  She has struggled with it for years, and really struggled with it for the past several months.  My Mom and Dad celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary tomorrow and how I praise GOD for HIS faithfulness to our family.   What an example my Daddy has been caring for my Mom.... he is a picture of CHRIST laying down HIS life for HIS Bride, the Church. 
My Mom and Dad

    Pray for my brother and his family as they head back to Texas today (Friday), and please remember my cat, Peaches. The vet was very gracious and took Peach right on back, and she has cancer.  I am really sorry, though i am not surprised.  He gave me some medicine to help keep her comfortable for the time being...although she doesn't seem uncomfortable yet, i know that it will only be a matter of time before she is, and i can't bear the thought of her suffering.  Also, their is a family in our community who tragically lost their son earlier this week, after he was burning leaves with his family and caught on fire on CHRISTmas eve.  The young man was 19, and my heart has been hurting for them so much.  His mother and I played a lot of ball against each other when i was in high school, and i just keep thinking, that's just like our family. Thank you for remembering that family in your prayers...the young man's funeral was today.  We never know how long we have to "Let My LifeSong sing..." to HIM.  LORD JESUS teach us to number our days, and "Let My LifeSong Sing to YOU," today, and everyday.

                                                            With all HIS love and
                                                               Happy New Year,

   Some truths about CHRISTian love i read earlier in the week that really spoke to me.  This love characterizes Tim Tebow's life, and my Dad's love for HIS bride.  Thank you for sharing the love of CHRIST with me and our family over and over and over....Be sure and click on "CHRISTian Love," to get the full sermon. It is powerful and convicting.

The Definition of Christian Love

Christian love will show itself in the general spirit and demeanor of a believer. It will make him kind, unselfish, good-natured, good-tempered, and considerate for others. It will make him gentle, affable, and courteous, in all the daily relations of private life. It will make him thoughtful for others' comfort, tender for others' feelings, and more anxious to give pleasure than to receive. True love never envies others when they prosper, nor rejoices in the calamities of others when they are in trouble. At all times, it will believe, and hope, and try to put a good construction on others' actions. And even at the worst, it will be full of pity, mercy, and compassion.
~ J.C. Ryle
  Tract: Christian Love

     "Be imitators of GOD, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as CHRIST loved us and gave HIMself for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to GOD." Ephesians 5:1-2

   " We will be known forever by the tracks we leave." 

Sent from my iPhone

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